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  1. Alright 343, first things first, I think halo 4 rocks. And that's from someone who was very skeptical before playing. The only problem I have is the map sizes, they're all huge! Don't get me wrong, most are great for big team, and there are a few exceptions (haven, abandon to a degree) but overall the maps are way too big for 4v4. I'm a big swat fan and all we really need is two or three simple, uncluttered, concise maps like haven. There's no way that I'm the only one who thinks this too, I've only once seen haven come up as an option and not seen it selected. Maybe I'm wrong, throw in a reply if you agree or disagree. Anyway, overall good job, but some simple small maps would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I don't know about you guys but I would very much like to see sandbox from halo 3 comeback and I just wanted to know what you guys also think about that! Also list a few maps you guys want back really bad.
  3. I for one was very disappointed by the lack of large maps in halo 4, true we have a lot of BTB maps but they are all fairly small and incapable of supporting heavy vehicle combat. What i would like to see in halo 5 is the introduction of a 16 v 16 heavy combat playlist which would pit teams against each other on very large maps loaded with air and ground vehicles. I would like to see the following vehicles in halo 5: -Warthog -Guass hog -Rocket hog -mortar hog -mongoose -Scorpion -Mantis -Falcon -Hornet -Wraith -Spectre -Banshee -Chopper -Ghost -Possibly even pelicans and spirits With this massive pallet of vehicles we should also get some new anti vehicle weapons here are some ideas: -Rocket launcher -Anti armor/air rockets (tracks ground and air targets, low splash damage) -Anti personnel rockets (no tracking, high splash damage) -Spartan Laser (how could anyone forget:) -Heavy Railgun (The most powerful weapon in the game, hold 2 rounds, has 2x and 10x scope, one hit kill on literally anything, pelicans included) -Plasma Launcher (practically the same as the one from reach but with better tracking and more damage) -Anti armor incendiary rounds (can be placed on map and are weapon specific, deal 2x the damage to vehicles) -Gauss turret (like the one on the warthog except in "shade turret" format -Rocket turret (like the ones on the mammoth in halo 4) -Oh and possibly mines as well (they could fit into a grenade slot on your HUD) These are just some cool ideas i had, feel free to critic them or add some ideas of your own
  4. Here are a few examples of why I hate Halo 4 down to my very soul, I love the series but just what 343i has done to this most recent installment is for lack of a better word an "Abomination". *NOTE* Don't think of this post as hatered towards the series, I love the series, but the recent installment has dissapointed me and makes me regret buying the Limited Edition and ever getting my hopes up that it would be a game that you can have fun in. OverPowered Weapons- For one the plethora of needlessly overpowered weapons, for example the Binary Rifle (Basically a hand held Gauss Cannon with a scope that leads to camping, weapon hoarding, spawn camping, and is just a horrible excuse for a "Weapon", it should be instead named the "Rape-Machine"), the Incineration Cannon (Offspring of a Rocket Launcher, a Shotgun, and a cluster bomb leading to excessive "Cross-Mapping" and is also a great "Bunker buster" as you have a chance to dodge a rocket or use cover to avoid it but "Oh No" the Incineration Cannon doesn't give a care in the world about cover going over it and in some cases through it.), the suppressor (A SAW in any battle within 6 feet, not really that bad but still an issue as anyone who goes around a corner and someone camping with this tool will decimate you 9 times out of 10), the lightrifle (Which makes both the DMR and Battle Rifle obsolete, same issue as with the DMR 4 shots = instant death without any time to react or return fire with the chance of surviving), Sticky Grenades (Really not a huge problem until you can now SPAWN WITH THEM, which is total bull anyways as 85% of the time everyone spawns with stickys in addition to the Explosives Support Perk and the other perk which allows you to carry 3 grenades which leads to no one using guns in CQC anymore its just a flurry of sticky missles being hailed at eachother which makes the winning of the game based on who can camp with the Boltshot and throw the most stickys instead of things like "Skill", "Tactics", and "Teamwork" very underused), Beam Rifle (Offspring of a Sniper Rifle and a DMR which allows for amazing hipfire kills very easily and extremely fast leading to snapshots galore), the DMR (Doesn't sound very overpowered does it? 4 shots kills you fast enough to where you have no time to react isn't overpowered at all [sarcasm]), and last but not nearly the least the unmistakable unthinkably overpowered weapon widely known as the Boltshot (I call it the "No-Skill Insta-Kill as it requres 0 skill and only 2 tactics in addition to you being able to SPAWN WITH SUCH AN OVERPOWERED WEAPON, camp in a corner and wait for someone to walk by and ruin his day with a crossbreed shotgun instant killing machine or they could rush a person with it and with a small amount of hope the defender may kill the Boltshotter but it is in vain as it just incinerates his body instantly with very little chance of success.) Lag- Next on the list of things that make Halo 4 the most poorly designed and executed gane I have played thus far, the LAG and don't respond with something along the lines of. "Oh no your just butthurt because you suck and your connection is crap!" I've heard this all before frankly I don't care if you don't lag if you don't lucky you don't brag about it but for many people with good connections it ruins everything in terms of trying to have fun, the various occurences of lag are as follows, Teleportation (Of me and enemies) spawning under the map and (Committing Suicide), inability to spawn (the game just says "Time to spawn/respawn 0 seconds" for about 1 minute and by that time I'm getting spawn camped by grenades and power weapons), Black Screen Of Death (Because Halo can't have Dedicated servers "OH NO" that be to nice, but no black screens of death routinely happen because the games host or a large amount of players quit (Oh this whole "Drop-In Drop-Out system" is all well and good WHEN IT WORKS because nearly every single time someone quits and I'm playing guess what happens? Black screen of death, some last 5-10 seconds while some last up to 5 minutes leading to me having to "Dashboard-It" just so I can continue playing. This lag I know comes from the fact that Halo "Must" have player host based servers so when that host has a crap connection it leads to everyone in the server getting brought down to his/her level. Were Halo to get some dedicated servers that lag would be DRAMATICALLY reduced. If you don't believe me on this whole "Lag" situation go to YouTube and look it up, you'll see people with perfectly normal connections teleporting all over the place and getting owned. Hackers/Hacking- Now, lets move on to one of the more touchy subjects that people love to start needless flame wars over. Oh yes Im talking about the one thing gamers hate more than lag, Hackers. Now, I could go on a rant on how hackers are obviously bad, ruin the game, and cause people like me regret every buying Halo 4, but I feel this is a pointless venture as someone (Likely many) Halo fanatics will begin posting their opinions on this page about how there isn't any hackers, you just suck at Halo, their just better than you so you have to say they hack. I have heard and seen this before as well and if you think people don't hack Halo than your probably one of them, if you think someone getting temp-banned for 1 or 2 days for hacking is good enough your wrong. So I will restrain myself from doing so and just list as many of the hacks I have seen off the top of my head with some minor comments throughout. Hacking needs to be delt with much more aggressively than it has before because whatever they are doing to hinder the problem isn't doing enough. I have seen countless times examples of "Near fully-Auto DMRs/Pistols", "Weapons with seemingly bottomless clips" (Namely Overpowered weapons such as the Binary rifle, Incineration Cannon, etc...), Active Teleport anywhere in the map, Vehicle jacking beyond the player height limit, Aimbot (VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM, really if you don't fix this 343i there is something very very wrong with your decision making process), the ability for bullets to "No-Clip" through the map, and seemingly infinite health and grenades. These are just a few of the many hacks I have seen throughout the various maps leading to death, again, and again, and again. Maps- How about now I make note of how the current maps in Halo 4 (Including the Crimson DLC) are terrible. Some are good, some are O.K. and many more are just awful. "Haven" for example, one of 343i's poster maps is in the top 3 worst maps of all time on my list. First of all one side spawns at the bottom of a ramp allowing the opposing team to send all of their grenades flying like mortars in and around their position making it difficult to move outside your safe zone, by this time the enemy team has more than likely already rushed over the minor crevice and is on top of the ramp with their advantage of altitude over the enemy team and slaughters them. In some cases the situations can be switched with the side that spawns on the ramp rushing to the top of the ramp uses the fact that the lip of the ramp covers their head almost completely allowing them to fire away and decimate the enemy team with DMR's and Battle Rifles with little chance of retaliation. 3rd possible case that happens at the beginning of the game, both teams rush to the middle but the team that spawns at the ramp gets their first because of their close proximity uses the middle cover and decimates the coverless opposing team. Any of these ways the teams get virtually slaughtered with one side losing little and the other losing everything due to the unbalancedness of the map. secondly this map is a prime location for Boltshot campers due to its large number of sharp inescapable corners leading to death after death, especially at the ends of the man cannons which in addition to Active Camouflage can render the person who lands off of the ground dead without any chance of survival. Another example of an unbalanced map is "Abandon" in which one team spawns above ground and has the advantage of making it to the middle first giving them the advantage of being above ground and they almost in all cases decimate the opposing team which has to rush up from their poorly defended and nearly useless cover coated spawn and pray that they can get some kills before death. Lets make an example of a horrible "Crimson DLC" map, this map is a glorious waste of money, Oh sure they look impressive but in use they are all disgustingly unbalanced. Take for example "Harvest" on the SWAT game type. In this it is just a rush to the top of one of the many excessively tall rocks to get Cross-Map headshots instantly with amazing cover leading to a monotonous game of "Spawn-Die" with little chance of retaliation. There are several more maps I could go on about but this paragraph is getting a bit lengthy so I'll stop this note of unbalanced and horribly designed maps here, the maps may look amazing but looks mean nothing when you are getting spawn killed over and over by enemies. Spartan Ops- Lets get off this topic of "War games" problems for a moment and move on to a different game mode "Spartan Ops" Oh don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy spartan ops but the fact that each chapter can be easily finished on heroic in just around 10-15 minutes with very generic "Go here, pick this up, drop off over here, then go kill this group of people, then hold out against their reinforcements." this gets monotonous and boring amazingly quickly, Firefight In Halo: Reach didn't get this boring this fast. Spartan Ops really needs to be expanded in a more exotic way doing more things that are a challenge and fun to do as most things that happened in season one that looked very impressive was almost always in an uninteractive cutscene. Here's and idea on a cool mission idea: Fly a pelican "Litearally fly it, that would make it more fun" Infiltrate a covenant cruiser, battle-cruiser, frigate. etc... and you have to fight your way through waves of the ships inhabitants to get to the ships captain and subdue him "Likely an elite" and have to drag him to your pelican and then fly away as the infinity nukes the ship from orbit leading to an epic and fun escape and infiltration mission. Also you never see yhe Infinity use it's massive array of firepower on really anything which makes it just a "Dog with all bark and no bite" show off the ships abilities 343i, you made it, show it off make it look good don't make it just some floating paperweight that doesn't help really at all. In addition to the monotonous gameplay, when attempting to play with your friends over xbox live it is heavily difficult to play because the once again lag which is the fault of not having dedicated servers and everyone being forced to run off of one persons connection forcing me to play online with people I don't know who just rush in, take your kills, run you over with vehicles, and troll you in addition to still lagging albeit not as much or alone which isn't very fun when in the missions it always talks about "Team" Crimson, a 1 man team is kind of difficult to believe, you are a Spartan IV not Master Chief. Also why does every time you get extracted in spartan ops you never actually get in the vehicle to leave you just stand next to it and it flys off without you? it's a little complaint but you cant just code an extra 5 seconds of gameplay to actually see your characters walk or jump in? That just seems like lazyness to me. Spawning- How about "Spawning"? which does coincide with maps but I feel it deserves it's own "Mini" paragraph. Spawning has always been a problem I've seen in Halo Multiplayer but in Halo 4 it takes the cake of just unplayability. for example In a dominion match, why would it spawn me inside an enemy owned and occupied base with no chance of survival? Why would I spawn directly in front of the enemy and get immediately assassinated in Slayer? Why when I spawn in Big Team Battle my face gets torn off by the sniper bullet of some player the second I spawn? Why I ask must enemies spawn on your side of the map at the beginning of the map and kill you instantly? please if you could explain why this is necessary please go ahead I'd love to hear it, because it isn't getting any better, the more I play the worse it gets. Forge- Forge, theres a game type many wouldn't complain about but the problems I have for forge are minor in the least and can very easily be corrected should 343i take some initiative. I would like for the build limit for all objects to be increased the needs I have require a much larger variety of resources, Reach had a perfect amount of things to forge with for my various projects but the amount of materials in Halo 4 seems to be lacking to a serious extent restricting me to small pointless maps. In addition to this, it would be nice if there was a map dedicated to Forge like "Forge world" from reach it was monotonous but it was perfect for almost anything you wanted to build, the possibilities were limitless but in Halo 4 the possibilities are very limited by the low amount of resources I am able to use. Weapons and vehicles- Not merely just "Weapons" I am covering in this paragraph, I am asking why. Why does the "UNSC Infinity" have such a "Large and Expansive" armory that holds not only weapons from the UNSC but the Covenant and Forerunners but in such an armory not a single SMG is held? Flamethrower? No missle pods? You would think they might have some spikers? some needle rifles? they had the DMR from reach but not the Needle rifle? No grenade launcher? it may be obsolete now but no plasma rifles? or plasma repeaters? no plasma launchers? Im getting at there were all these great weapons from past games and you advertise how large the armory of the infinity is yet you don't even have an SMG? Really? Come on, the SMG is a great weapon and just adds diversity to the inadequate variety weaponry in Halo 4. The Infinity being bigger than some cities houses thousands of people, and thousands of vehicles in their garage bay and in this garage is strictly pelicans, mongooses, warthogs, and scorpions? No Hornets? Vultures? Grizzleys? No transport warthog? No Falcon? my favorite aerial vehicle the Falcon is not in the infinity? 343i you have set in the lore of the Infinity that it is such a superstructure that houses so many weapons and vehicles but in reality your variety is very little in both vehicles and weaponry, I am not saying you don't have many vehicles or weapons, I'm saying the variety of choices is limited. A majority of the new weapons in Halo 4 are all Power weapons and of the vehicles returning the choices are little especially since you can only fly a Pelican once in the entire game. Also why is it no longer possible to dual-wield weapons? Spartan Palmer can in a cutscene but I cant? Really? Don't say that "Dual-Weilding is unfair and unbalanced" Because almost everything you have done with war games makes it unfair and unbalanced to everyone who trys to play for the fun of it. Armor Customization- I believe this is the last major complaint in this long list, Armor Customization. It seems like something 343i has already done but Reach did an amazingly better job than Halo 4 did, Several of the helmets, chestpieces and vambraces have changed and I believe there should still be the same armor choices in reach in Halo 4. For example the EOD helmet was my favorite helmet in Reach but now you changed it to where I just hate it I should have the option to have Reach's version. Also where did the MK. V Helmet go? I know many people that loved that helmet and to just take it away like you did is really really uncool. It was much more creative when you could put health packs, storage, wrist Tac-Pads and the like on your spartan no matter how useless they may have been they were interesting and added more in the line of armor customization.I know many people that miss the loss of the cybernetic replacement arm and the pilot helmet, as with the health packs, tac-pads etc... they may have been useless but they added a new and interesting way to customize your spartan. You replaced all of these things with the stances.....That is so creative (Sarcasm) it is so creative to have 16 people in a match and every single one of them have either the last stand or the assassin stance. If you wanted to make these limited amounts of stances more creative you could have added where you could customize what weapon your spartan holds in the picture based on what commendation they have mastered and they can choose how it looks. But no of course this didn't happen along with a seemingly never ending list of things that could have been done better but were not even touched upon, What 343i did with Forward Unto Dawn was very creative and I enjoyed it, it helped me get ready for the release of Halo 4 I was so excited I preordered the Limited edition and now after all of this... It feels like just a waste of money, I could probably make another 10 paragraph post on 10 different things I hate but this is growing tiresome and I highly doubt anything I have written today will have even the slightest effect on your future decisions in regard to the Halo series. I have been putting off writing this for weeks now because I knew if i did it wouldnt matter and people would just insult me because of their ignorance.   Good luck in your continued efforts to make Halo a game for people who would see it abused.          
  5. I can't stop playing team doubles. Theres one thing that really bothers me, however; the map voting system. I love that you can vote towards the map you want, but there is a feature that should there be a 2-2 tie between two maps, the map towards the left takes precedence over the others every time. Its disappointing cause my map will be for instance rail on the far right, and if the other team votes for either map together, they automatically win. I believe that a simple "if two maps have a tie of two votes, flip a coin for two wins. It only makes sense. I hope others agree with this, perhaps the 343 could consider a change. Just my thoughts.. Brent
  6. Whats going on?! i recently just made a map named Impulse. it is a competitive map that is arena based. its set up for FFA slayer, up to 6v6 Team slayer, and up to 6v6 ctf. Give it a try if you like competitive maps such as simplex or garrotte. gamertag: sunnyd in a jug info: try the map and let me know how it was and if any opinions are in changing it. thanks! sorry i have no pictures. but i promise youll be pleased.
  7. The first one is a CTF map called Gravity, great for 2-8 players. It is small, and contains 2 mongooses, 2 ghost, and 2 banshees. There is an indoor and out door area(the outdoor area having lower gravity). The map is perfectly symmetrical. The second one is made for a custom flood mode in my fileshare called "Gravemind"(in my fileshare). The map is called "Highway to He11 V2". Please give feedback so I can improve these amps and hopefully get them added to mathmaking.
  8. As I look through the competitive community-made forge maps, many of them seem the same to me, or way too similar... Description or your typical community forge map (Competitive)- They are all just one large structure or a few plain buildings, and the maps take place predominantly under a roof and/or boxed in by several walls. Frequently, the whole map is that same white color- the trademark color of the structure pieces. The sight lines are usually short, there are tight corners, and they are typically just DMR/BR shootouts at close and medium range, sometimes with a mongoose or a ghost here and there. They are usually played from 2v2 to 6v6, red vs blue, with several game types. Here are a few of many examples (And note that each of these images comes from a different map)... "Delirium," by Master Sundown "Evacuated," by Junkyard Corgi "MLG Conjunction," by The Sigma AI "Renury," by XreignZ "Structure," by Lx Kill3rMan1ac Is it just me, or do you guys also see the extreme similarities between all of these maps? Not just the way they look, but the way they play also has little variation. Does the community have an appetite for something different... something new in their competitive maps? One of my personal favorites is "TheTrenches" by Mr Pokephile, even though he technically considered it a minigame, it still has that team-based, organized gameplay that makes it seem competitive to me, and certianly more fun than those dull, repetitive DMR or BR close quarter shootout maps. I also created my own map, "Armored Strike," (Posted on 343's "Competitive Map Submissions" forum on 1/29) which is a large vehicle based map that better resembles the natural terrain that the vehicles should actually be fighting on. You will see how it is very different from those shown above. I encourage you guys to check it out (http://www.343indust...armored-strike/), but more importantly I would like to know what you think about my opinion on the repetitive maps. Also, I apologize for the duplicate post on the General Discussion forum; I figured this would be a better forum to post it.
  9. As I look through the competitive community-made forge maps, many of them seem the same to me, or way too similar... Description or your typical community forge map- They are all just one large structure or a few plain buildings, and the maps take place predominantly under a roof and/or boxed in by several walls. Frequently, the whole map is that same white color- the color of the structure pieces. The sight lines are usually short, there are tight corners, and they are typically just DMR/BR shootouts at close and medium range, sometimes with a mongoose or a ghost here and there. They are usually played from 2v2 to 6v6, red vs blue, with several game types. Here are a few of many examples (And note that each of these images comes from a different map)... "Delirium," by Master Sundown "Evacuated," by Junkyard Corgi "MLG Conjunction," by The Sigma AI "Renury," by XreignZ "Structure," by Lx Kill3rMan1ac Is it just me, or do you guys also see the extreme similarities between all of these maps? Not just the way they look, but the way they play also has little variation. Does the community have an appetite for something different... something new in their competitive maps? One of my personal favorites is "TheTrenches" by Mr Pokephile, even though he technically considered it a minigame, it still has that team-based, organized gameplay that makes it seem competitive to me, and certianly more fun than those dull, repetitive DMR or BR close quarter shootout maps. I also created my own map, "Armored Strike," (Posted on 343's "Competitive Map Submissions" forum on 1/29) which is a large vehicle based map that better resembles the natural terrain that the vehicles should actually be fighting on. You will see how it is very different from those shown above. I encourage you guys to check it out (http://www.343indust...armored-strike/), but more importantly I would like to know what you think about my opinion on the repetitive maps.
  10. CGN is a thread and movement dedicated towards bringing the community together through custom games. Many times players want to play a few customs, but without the hassle of setting up an event and such. This thread is to be used as a one stop solution to on the fly matchmaking. We will also feature main events in which you can PM me to add. Next main event: Saturday February 1st, 2013 9:30 EST Gamertag: YamaMX Event: Throwback Night | Various forms of gameplay on classic maps! Customs can be found through two different methods: Using this thread to matchmake for on the fly customs Scheduled events / game nights When attempting to matchmake, please post in the following manner: Gamertag: Your Gamertag Time: Now, 5:00pm EST, etc. Preference: Anything, 1v1, 2v2, FFA, CTF, etc. In an attempt to keep this thread both active and current, please do no post days in advance. Only events should be planned ahead of time, other forms of matchmaking should be the day of. Other uses of this thread can consist of summarizing your experiences. Please do share stories, player feedback, videos and anything else!
  11. In this topic, I'd like to hear your opinions about H4 DLC/Spartan Ops. I know most of the DLC added in Halo games (if not all) were only map packs. I'd like to see, either in DLC or Spartan Ops, the return of Thel' Vadam, AKA the Arbiter. Also, as they have just added Grifball ( ), why not Blargball, adding also playable Sangheili? In Spartan Ops, I think Episode 7 was missing something for some missions. Most of Episode 7's missions were like kill stuff, kill stuff, press a button and kill stuff. So I hope they'll add something jaw-dropping in the next Episodes, as I believe this Season is close to an end. And could be more jaw-dropping than the return of Arby, and maybe a plot-twisting return too, such as Jun's (if he's even alive )? Imagine the situation: Miller: "Crimson, we've received word a Sangheili ally with critical intelligence regarding the Didact's Hand is being targeted for assassination en route to Requiem. We need you to escort his fighter." Me: "...I may now rest in peace..." *finishes episode and goes into multiplayer* Game: "A new feature has been added: you may now play as Elites in matchmaking. Wort wort wort!" Me: "I may now rest in peace twice.... BUT AFTER I PLAY A TRILLION TIMES WITH THIS NEW ELITE FEATURE :DDDD" For DLC, well, I can't say much. Halo DLC is pretty much only map packs and achievements. I haven't seen anything different in any Halo DLC. I hope the maps are really well made, and do not have such big flaws like the one in Complex (if you don't know it, then you probably just bought the game). In addition, of course, with the return of the Arby, they could add Sangheili as a playable race in H4 But this is all dreams, of course. People say Arby will make an appeareance on Spartan Ops, but I don't think it is true :/ What are your opinions and ideas for upcoming DLC/Spartan Ops Missions? P.S.: If you have a proof that Sangheili will be added in MP/any of the things I've said above, please share it with us! You don't want to look like a jerk that goes around and confirms stuff without knowing it, right?
  12. The new forge maps are not smooth online. The maps are to large and become choppy. Shutout (Lockout) is one of the best maps in halo history and I would love to play it everyday online, all game types. But the maps ever need to be made permanently and not on a large canvas.
  13. Sunday 20th jast miniute game night before release on 21 to participate in the halo 4rgers clan beta testing send me a message saying invite to Deni snipeS or to join clan send message saying clan join oh and over and out BRO HOOF /)
  14. I have an idea for a real type of escape map, u and others start at one point and race every thing u have to get to the end, with every passing second the map becomes unstable and inevitably kills every one, all u have to do to win is get the Oddball. just looking for feed back on this idea.... who might be interested?
  15. This thread is not to show my hatred toward Halo 4, it is to show what I dislike about Halo 4. I love Halo 4, but there are some things that I dislike about the game. This is completely opinion based and if you disagree with me, that is fine. 1. Ranked playlist - As most of you know, there is not a true skill rank system. That means that you can do bad the whole game and still rank up. This is alright, however, there should be a split between playlists; a social playlist, and a ranked playlist. The social playlist being for players who just want to have fun. Ranked playlist for people who want to compete competitively with each other. There would be different ranks for the the two playlists. I feel that this will comfort the players' gaming style. 2. The maps - I feel that Halo 4 has had a major let down for the maps. Especially for the 4v4 maps. There is only five maps, but only two of which i feel comfortable playing on; Adrift and Haven. Complex is just a DMR camp fest, Abandon is a tower of power map, and Solace is just too open. I feel that the community forged maps should come back into gametypes, much like Halo: Reach. 3. Weapon Balance - For me, there is not much diversity between the weapons used. The main weapon used is obviously the DMR. The reason being is for the lack of weapon balancing. It has the fastest killing time for anyone loadout weapon except the assault rifle at close range. It can practically snipe someone from across the map. It also has insanely good accuracy due to its easy to use reticle. It eliminates the use of the other loadout weapons. I have now stated what I dislike about Halo 4. The list could go on for hours, but these are my main concerns. In the replies to this thread, please tell me, what are your dislikes for Halo 4?
  16. Hi my name is Chase and I am the creator of the Facebook page Halo Custom Lobbies, http://www.facebook.com/HaloCustomLobbies. I am recruiting players for custom lobby events with maps and game types suggested by the players. Although the problem is that my page does not have enough supporters but as soon as I have at least 20 likes I will hold the first custom lobby. The purpose of this page is to bring back those large open lobbies from Halo 3 and Halo: Reach with community made maps. So like my page, suggest maps and game types, weather it be yours or another's, and above all have FUN!!!
  17. Hey there everyone, i wanted to start this topic so that if anyone who needed a map tested could come here and see if it works well get feedback ideas and other thoughts, i will be testing with everyone i am currently working for a bachelors for game are design so i could help alot with maps and how smooth they work. SO WHOS WANTS TO TEST SOME MAPS!??!?!?!?!?! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET A MAP TESTED PLEASE PLACE YOUR GAMERTAG BELOW WITH A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE MAP THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TESTED -gamertag: ElJefeWay Id like my map tested. Gamertag:ElJefeWay Description: a big team slayer map , no special game types just big team slayer and ffa. Its a map made in impact with atroid fields for banshee warfare, it has 3 banshees, gauss hog, ghost and mongooses. i would like to test the gameplay of it with the smoothness of the transitions between random drops and intial drops tested i will be on here all day
  18. Since this seems like an official site of 343i (apart from waypoint), I thought I would just ask, I know it's the lead up to christmas and all, but what is the news on how the playlists are being affected and when the full playlists will be implemented? I've heard that they will be up in time, but has any sort of a timescale been set to do this? I don't think it's just me who wants to know this, i'm sure other community members are keen to find out when that little bit of something extra in matchmaking is going to be added, making this already awesome game, perfect (popular classic gametypes, map rotation etc.). I also think that there has been a lot of input from the community about this sort of stuff and yeah, it's a great game and I realise it hasn't been out for long, but I can't help but wonder if 343i will take up the role that bungie left with as much enthusiasm towards the concerns of the community as bungie originally did. Anyone hear what i'm saying?
  19. Why is it that the Most Downloaded and Most Recommended still isn't working? I have not been able to look at any cool maps and it is kinda depressing because then I can't find any good custom stuff to do with friends unless I look them up on Youtube or something.
  20. The Halo4 Forge is by all means an improvement over the previous Forges, but there is still room for improvement. I have started this post to list my own suggestions, and I encourage others to reply with his or her own suggestions and wishes. *Interlocking objects: Similar to locking individual objects, a new tool would allow forgers to link objects. This would allow multiple objects to be moved, duplicated or locked as a group. *Sphere object shape: *Multi-leveled forging: Forge should have a novice/beginner setup (such as it is currently) and an advanced/Experienced setting with much more complicated tools and functions for advanced users. *Man Cannons: Make one man cannon, but add a dial tool for adjusting the power more dynamically. *Inversion: A tool option that allows the user to mirror certain objects such as the ramped platform, buildings, etc. This would help forgers create much better symmetrical maps. *Skins/object color: Ability to add skins/textures to objects. There could be a distribution collection and a way for players to upload custom made textures. *Improve the magnet system to be more dynamic, or perhaps allow users to add magnet markers to objects. *Phased Doors: This object would allow forgers to add a door opening (variable sizes) cut into objects, such as blocks and coliseum walls/windows. *Elevator lifts *Light bridges: Similar to one sided shields, add light bridges to bridges/platforms. Perhaps it would be similar to setting length/width as it is with kill zones, etc? *Locking axis: Ability to lock certain aspects of the rotation axis to isolate specific object movements. *More buildings and expanded object inventory.
  21. So what are everones thoughts on the Crimson Map Pack, now that its out? Personaly I just don't feel like the players should have had to pay for it at all, subsiquent maps, maybe. But I think there are very few maps per game type in the core verision and that being charged to have a few more, which in most games would have been ecpected at launch is a bit ridiculous, even if it is only ten dollars. So I'm just wondering am I alone in thinking this, or do you guys who have payed for the pack think that it was worth it/fair?
  22. Ok so im new to this Forum and i'm starting this petition to let 343 know that we (the community) want a Forge world in Halo 4!I I was throwing around some ideas on how they could make a new Forge World, like having allot of different Forging environments into one single map like in Reach, or maybe just remake the old Forge World and put it in Halo 4 as a free downloadable piece of content, just like what Bungie did with the map Chill out in Halo Combat Evolved turning it into Cold Storage in Halo 3. Getting back to business here, all I ask of the Community is to say down in the Comments that you want Forge World back! Don't be afraid to comment either cause there are many Gamers out there that want the good ol' Forge world, and share this Thread so it can be the most popular thing on the Forums! I know its allot to ask but if we can get enough people then we will get what we receive. Please comment idea's too on what 343 can do. Thank You for your time, Love you 343! p.s...... we want Falcons/Hornets back too........
  23. Halo 4: Custom Game Nights! Introduction: Hey guys! It's Raxs Slayer here! I have been forging long and hard (No it's not funny!) and i have been producing amazing community maps for me and my friends and all of the community to enjoy, and now for the first time on Halo 4, i have decided to organize a massive public play day! (Update: 1st January 2013) Hey guys, If you missed out Game nights don't worry about it! You will still be able to add me and join in a game night on any random weekend! Thanks guys! Anyone is welcome, the general times are going to be as follows: - Christmas holidays: 18th December - 21st December _ Pre-Play days! For the community to add me and my friends and get to know each other! and play a couple of small games at random whenever we can. - Christmas Time! Here i will allow the community to just enjoy Christmas! December 22nd - 26th. - Official Play Day: From the 26th until the new year! Every day all day, is a chance to tag along in one of my big community plays! I will be on most of the day, and a lot during the evening, until 11PM on most days (UK Timezone) For America: I will be on most of the day, and a lot during the evening, until 6PM on most days (US Timezone) About the Maps: I have successfully created about 9 maps, they are as follows (In order of creation) -Eviction: Small Erosion based map, completely synthetic, asymmetrical map. Is great for Free-For-All gametypes like regicide. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (8.2) - Appearance: (9.1) - Compatibility: (9.4) - Balance: (8.2) -Refuge: Large symmetrical map, for all game types, based on Impact. Brilliant for all scenarios and players. Vehicles included. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (9.4) - Appearance: (9.6) - Compatibility: (10.0) - Balance: (9.3) -Cordinant, a massive dominion specific map with 3 large bases, and optimized ordinance drops. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (7.9) - Appearance: (9.2) - Compatibility: (1.0) - Balance: (8.9) -Autumn: An aesthetic map based on the pillar or autumn's interior from halo Combat evolved. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (7.6) - Appearance: (9.8 ) - Compatibility: (5.2) - Balance: (4.2) -Vanquish: A Flood specific map based in a gloomy cave, all Spartans are equip with custom loadouts for epic gameplay values. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (8.9) - Appearance: (9.9) - Compatibility: (1.0) - Balance: (- -) -Vansion: A Tiny impact based map for close quarters and epic mayhem! Great for 2 V 2 for 4 player free for all. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (9.8 ) - Appearance: (9.8 ) - Compatibility: (3.0) - Balance: (10.0) -Conservatory, a beautiful aesthetic map, great for team games like capture the flag and team slayer! (Symmetrical) General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (9.2) - Appearance: (9.8 ) - Compatibility: (6.0) - Balance: (10.0) -Excavation, Currently a favorite, this epic halo reach quarry remake satisfies all big team battle lovers with amazing aesthetics and optimum gameplay, this map truly is a crowd pleaser with it's heavy ordinance and vehicle gameplay, maxed out budget and more bases, weapons and abilities you could ever hope to use! General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (10.0) - Appearance: (10.0) - Compatibility: (3.0) - Balance: (7.7) -Holdout: This very recent map is a desirably fun, and possibly the most fun map i have made, it a gloomy dark map where the survivors will spawn in a house, with barricaded windows and custom classes, they must fight for ordinance and against the flood as they try to break into the house! General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (10.0) - Appearance: (10.0) - Compatibility: (1.0) - Balance: (- -) (Newer Maps) Currently being Tweaked. -Compact: Awesome Interactions, great for team games of any description, this map a huge crowd pleaser with it's unique layout and transport. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (9.8 ) - Appearance: (10.0) - Compatibility: (10.0) - Balance: (9.8 ) -Contact: This map is a full blooded rumble pit, with awesome close quarters action. Great for any number of players. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (9.8 ) - Appearance: (10.0) - Compatibility: (1.0) - Balance: (10.0) -Longfall: This has to be one of the funnest maps. Man cannons everywhere, plenty of ordinance, and lots of action. General Map rating: (Out of ten) - Gameplay: (10.0) - Appearance: (10.0) - Compatibility: (- -) Being developed. - Balance: (8.1) (This Brand new map does not appear on the poster below) -Citadel: This epic Big team map is by far one of the best looking, best playing and funnest maps I've ever made. It's guaranteed a massive crowd pleaser with all of it's vehicles, structures and weapons. This map is the grand finale! General Map rating: (Out of ten) *HIGHEST RATED MAP!* - Gameplay: (10.0) - Appearance: (10.0) - Compatibility: (10.0) - Balance: (9.8 ) Guidelines and Rules: Every successful game night isn't complete with some kind and honest gamers. I wish to bring everyone together, make new friends, and have truly tremendous time! So i am going to lay down some ground rules: - First off, "Respect" I encourage everyone to be nice, not bully, teabag only out of pure comedy, and not to wind people up! - Next Up, "Try not to Swear" It would be really nice if we could control our language, i don't want anyone to feel intimidated, uncomfortable, or awkward, If you do swear i'm not going to 'make you sit of the naughty step'. just try to control yourself - Next up, "Try not to rage" nothing says "AWKWARD!" Like someone getting their rage on. We are all cool, trying to have a good time, don't be competitive, just have a nice time and it shouldn't happen, we all get annoyed sometimes, but why should you when we are just having fun! - Please "Criticize" I know it sounds weird but your opinions count! Only you guys can show me what could be better about my maps! - Finally, "Don't exploit!" If you find problems, glitches or issues with my map, don't exploit them! Tell me and i'll fix them within 12 hours. To Wrap up: While you wait please go ahead and add me on Xbox live! My GT is (With caps and spaces) "RAXS SLAYER". Please feel free to bring a microphone, we will all be in a party, having a laugh and commentating. If you like, you can use a capture card to record our gameplay, and if you like i will take in the footage, process it, and upload it to my channel! Thank you so much for reading! Happy Gaming! -Raxs Slayer / Chris
  24. Larger maps have their place, don't get me wrong, but many of my fondest memories of the halo multiplayer experience occurred in maps that are 5 or 6 times smaller than some of the halo 4 maps. As halo has evolved so too has the size of the playable space in multiplayer increased. I understand that some of this is an intentional shift away from the more intimate 2v2 split screen experience to the more inclusive 8v8 online experience, and that this shift requires a larger playground - and as I said I'm certainly not knocking big maps. I love vehicular combat as much as the next guy. But I would love a map as small as Longest, or Prisoner or Chill Out and sadly these are seemingly going extinct. I made an account just to write this post, because it's important to me. So if it's important to you, leave a comment and let 343 hear you. Bring back those tight spaces we all loved so much.
  25. I know people normally complain about ragnarok being played to much, but lately I have noticed a significant increase in the amount of times exile is being voted in bts. It's like every time i get thrown in to a match it's on exile. The game needs more maps I know but until then i think there should be more balance in the choices (maybe 343 should throw erosion into the vote), I don't know if it's just me but ragnarok hardly even comes up for vote anymore.
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