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  1. Please fix these things: Force even team numbers on objective type games. - no one wants to play CTF 5 on 2 Flag sometimes drops through the bottom or floor or ground. Weapons instantly disappear sometimes after a death. - I get it that the weapons can't stay on the map the entire game, but honestly I would have a sniper, get sniped in the base and e respawn and the sniper has already disappeared. This happens constantly and is really frustrating when it happens with ordinance weapons and power weapons. Forge Community maps online are sluggish and do not allow for accurate gameplay. - It is probably due to he large canvas type map and the information within it that slows it down. Having players create maps and have them online is awesome, but not when it's to sluggish to drop heads. - also Shutout is BOMB! Lockout is my favorite map of all time and I am jacked to see it back in action, so I want it fixed to not be sluggish. ......Anyone else feel free to add onto the list.
  2. The new forge maps are not smooth online. The maps are to large and become choppy. Shutout (Lockout) is one of the best maps in halo history and I would love to play it everyday online, all game types. But the maps ever need to be made permanently and not on a large canvas.
  3. Mantis22222

    20121114 130501

    To bud add me Mantis22222 and recommend this map to me I wanna play this map and I can help fix the little details.
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