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  1. I am Pvt. Rugs from the Dropshock Brigade and I am looking for another community or clan to have a 4v4, or 5v5 against. We wish to have this match in the later days of January and will go over further details when accepted. Our website can be found here. We are very professional and manage ourselves well. Please be sure to post back here with your website information if you accept or contact me on Dropshock Brigades website. If you are looking for easier contact my profile on DSB can be found here: Pvt. Rugs
  2. is anyone from 343 monitoring the halo:reach forums because heaps of people are saying they are having server issues and have done since 343 took over the servers and put the title update out. i feel a bit betrayed as i still have my original xbox that i bought with halo: combat evolved, then played halo 2 obsessively online, then bought the xbox360 halo 3 pack then odst then halo wars and then reach which i used to play everyday with my mates from all over the world. haven't got the anniversary yet because i dont know if i even want to if this is going to carry on might just have to start playing battlefield 3 instead. because there's no issues there. im paying to play the game so do something about it.
  3. Personally, i think they should. If you think about it, armor abilities are just improved equipment. Active camo=Active camo. kinda obvious. Jet pack=portable grav lift Drop shield=bubble shield armor lock=deployable cover (Now it sucks. Thanks 343!) Active camo=radar jammer Armor lock=invincibility Regenerator=drop shield The only things left out are Auto turret, flare, and trip mine. Personally, I could not live without at the very least: Sprint, Active camo, jet pack, evade, drop shield and hologram. Maybe armor lock for vehicles. Derp face
  4. As with the Reach forum, this is the official Technical Help thread for all things regarding the CEA edition of Halo as well as the original Combat Evolved. Same rules apply as the Reach forum one. Ask your tech questions, and myself or others will do our best to answer them. Ready set go!!!!!
  5. Alright, the last time i wrote the other post, I was pissed off due to personal reasons. Here is WHAT i really think we should do. ...Fine. I was really pissed off when I wrote that other one, so why don't we consider this? Armor lock nerf=good 75% bloom=I can adapt, but can you consider this? 50% bloom? Bleedthrough=No, just no. At least not this much. I don't want to be able to pump two shots into my enemy then punch him, and he immediately dies. 3 shot pistol SOUNDS perfect, but we have to remember that in Halo 1, or CE, there were TWO head shot weapons. It was also harder to get kills. Now there are rifles The pistol should be worse than the Dmr/nr, yet better than the AR. No sword block=WTF? It's as simple as kubgd, switch weapons and shoot once. Guaranteed kill. Sword block wasn't even an issue. It's rarely seen. I know it's supposed to be a power weapon, but come on, sword block occurs once every 10 games, and the person who sword blocks usually dies anyways. (Excluding infection) 4 shot headshot weapons.=Fail. The NR is now OP because of it's auto fire. Also, the game goes too fast with the rate of fire being too high and the AR killing super quickly. Active camo was fine just the way it is. If you want to screw around with armor abilities screw around with armor lock. Armor lock=Why don't you make armor lock repel POWER weapons and vehicles, but be susceptible to regular weapons. That way everyone is happy. I think that's it. But please, just at least make the update optional. I hate having to switch playlists. BTB, since the update, is usually down 1,000-2,000 players. Also, try to make it more fun. Also, take away base recoon
  6. Dome is a map I made that is both an Aesthetic and Fun Map to play on. It is Fairly Large, yet very easy to navigate through. It greatly support's Big Team Battle, and if not enough, then Team Slayer is playable too. Send back your feedback, and in time, this Greatly Crafted map might be in Matchmaking one day! Link for Download: http://www.bungie.ne...B%20L337Destryr Weapon List: 2 Snipers (One on each side, Blue base's is near gravity lift. Red base's is on the Sniper Tower) 1 Sword(In middle, to give a chance for both teams) 1 shotgun (Red team side in purple tunnel) 2 needlers (Blue side, middle of 3 story building. Red side, in Red base smaller house) 1 spiker (Red side, bottom of 3 story building) 1 Grenade launcher (Red side, Top of 3 story building) 3 Health Stations (Located evenly across the map. On Bridge behind teleporter, and on both base's towers) 1 Plasma launcher (Blue side, Top of 3 story building) 1 Plasma Rifle (Located on Bridge, behind Teleporter) 2 Needle Rifle ( Located near teleporter, and small Blue base house) Magnums and DMRs (located all over the map) This map is amazing for Big Team Battle. But is good enough for Team Slayer if needed. Jet Packs are recommended, but they are not needed. Hope you guys enjoy, Tell me your Feedback! Sincerely, TheL337destroyer
  7. When 343 took over halo they said they wouldn't mess with the bungie playlists, so i was expecting a seperate playlist for the beta which happened at first and now half the bungie playlist have been destroyed by tu slayer etc... It's not hard to have a playlist with the original gametypes and rules and have a seperate with the new rules, but you can play either with/without extra maps (puts you into game with other people with same map packs). I enjoy the anniversary maps but i'm fed up of being in gametypes where the pistol is superpowered, I hope 343 read this and use this idea cus it would make it alot better for everyone.
  8. Ive noticed recently that in the playlists "team slayer" and "BTB" that you cannot have more than 2 local players. But in team squad and anniversary BTB you can have 4. What is up with this? I wanted to play BTB when 3 of my friends were at my house so we could pwn noobs is some falcons but couldnt, and had to settle for Anniversary BTB where there are no falcons.
  9. Hey Everyone, and Welcome to 'The Official Halo 4 Armor Thread'! This forum talks everything related to armor speculation and ideas for Halo 4. This includes the any Leaked Images, and Ideas for the Unlocking System, Spartan Armor, Elite Armor, ect. Leaked Pictures: *None Yet* Unlocking System: Guys I think that Armor should be in unlockable through the style of Halo 3. There were so many different ways to unlock some. Whether it was ranking up, skulls, or achievements.. You could still unlock some armor. Unlike Reach, where you are actually forced to play till you rank up, then earn enough credits till you can by a certain armor piece. Spartan Armor: For types of Armor, I say mix old and new together so Everyone's Happy. For instance, for Halo 4 they need to bring back some armor from Halo CEA, Halo 3 and Reach. In other words, they must bring back the "Fan-Favorites". One's like Mark V, Mark VI, Recon, Hayabusa, and Commando must make a return. Simply because, they are probably the 5 Most Favorite armor's of all the Halo Titles. And well, they just looked Flat-out Awesome! Elite Armor: For Elites, I prefer Halo 3 because you have a much better choice of Customization. As compared to Reach, where you are limited to pre-set types of armor. For looks, I think they need to make the Elites look like Halo 3. Why? Well because they actually look "Mean". In Reach they just look a little Bobble-Headed and Cartoonish to me. Excellent Ideas: As for my Personal Favorites, I would like to see these Helmets make a Return: Halo 3 - Recon Hayabusa Mark V (From Halo: CEA) Mark VI Sequrity CQB Halo: Reach - Commando ODST I put ALOT of work into this thread, so please feel free to comment with your Opinions and Ideas. And don't forget to Vote! Thanks for Reading!
  10. I am only a Brigadier right now so I don't know and Halopedia isn't helping at all. I want to know how many Mk. VI armor permutations are available in Reach. Right now, the only item I may purchase is the helmet. I want to know if there are shoulders and a torso piece as well. :crazy:
  11. I have an original xbox halo combat evolved game with a round white sticker that says "microsoft company store pruchase not to be sold" and uner it it say "purchased by _____ (employee Number)
  12. Ok, so 343i once said they MIGHT be adding 'weapon modifactions'. Let me geuss, the first thing that pops straight in your mind is "Halo is NOT cod!" And yes, that is true. But Franky once STATED(in my own words) That all the things cod can do, Halo can do better. So, What do you guys think? I would like to actually have more than one type of Magnum in Halo 4. Along with Weapon modifications. Not exactly atachments but.. 'perks' Like how the ODST magnum is A M6-C/SOCOM. M6-C is the Halo 2 Magnum. Halo 4 should actually be more... Updated then previous titles. Would you like to see a BR with different scopes etc.? I am on either side. But agree with me here. All weapons will eventually get boring. Imagine having a Firing switch. Semi, Auto,Burst. Imagine,Dream! Tell me what YOU, the fans think. I would be on either playing field. Tell me!
  13. Halo 4 information gathered up from frank o'conor interviews http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=CA#/watch?v=ICDnykh71PM . Notice at the beginning he says ai's are like a voice of god guide and narator. He also says theirs is a ai named bb in glasslands and we will be hearing more about him in halo4. Also it says that they are not done with the covnent and we will be hearing more about there story in halo 5 possibly. Grave minds are minds that form when enough flood mass gets together. He says that 1 of the noble team could have of survived possibly jun because in reach it did not show him die maybe he could be in halo 4 hostage on the planet. Says chief is one of the last remaining spartain 2s. If anyone was wondering about the so called jet pack in the halo 4 trailer, it is not a jet pack it is a 0 gravity pack said frank o'conor. So that means that there might not be any armor abilities we will have to wait and see some gameplay?
  14. Okay so my favorite game type is BTB because of Utopie, spire, trident, boneyard, etc. But I've only been playing one map for like 6 games straight, and its my least favorite, Hemmorrhage! Its not that amazing, people need to stop picking it!
  15. 343 please stop. The title update sucks. No bloom? Seriously? Bleed throught damage? No sword block? WTF? Why? Why would you screw up the perfect game. Though I agree armor lock needs to be nerfed, everything else sucks. Why would 343 screw up a perfect game? Why would you do that? If any 343 staff is reading this, REMOVE THE TITLE UPDATE. Notice how every title updated gametype subsequently loses the majority of it's population. Why? Because it ruins the game. TU Beta has about 300 players because no one wants to play it. Because it sucks. 343 please stop screwing up Halo. You're making it suck. Keep this topic alive. --Bungie was sooooo much better. If you want to prove me wrong remove the title update. The sword is too overpowered w/out sword block. No bloom means noobs can beat pros every time. Hint: Hold the trigger down for a needle rifle. Instant ownage. Camo is awesome and does not need to be shorted. Only noobs use armor lock. 'nuff said. Bleed through? Really? So the sniper is now a one shot for the body? WHy would you ruin Halo 343? WHY? Maybe they'll see this and realize how much of a screw up they are.
  16. Post your signatures in the comments below and you could win a 2day xbox live pass. I will judge based on: relevance to halo awesomness creativity colorful You can score up to 5 stars in each category. You have until January 21 2012 to submit. Winners will be announced and awarded on January 31 2012. Be sure to invite your friends
  17. Hello Halo world! i am here from the clan "Beyond The Reach" we need new members and we need them ASAP. If you can help us with this clan we would really appreciate it. If you want to join add Dr MuffGarbage or SlothKing16. we are looking for competitive players that want to be put in the MLG ranks. if you are interested message or add us on Xbox live. Also like us on Facebook!! @ http://www.facebook.com/...he-Reach/161738440607219
  18. To whom it may concern, There has been much talk about implementing a ranking system into the MLG playlist over on the MLG forums. I was wondering if 343 could make this happen. Any sort of ranking system at all would be helpful. I would even settle for the Arena ranking system. The same ranking system as the Arena, but with MLG gametypes and maps. This would benefit everybody who plays Halo because it gives people a reason not to quit, it gives people a reason to play and it lets you play against and play with players of your skill type. This is what made Halo 2 and Halo 3 fun to play for myself and I'm sure numerous other Halo players. I know I'm not the only one who wants to see Reach do well in 2012. Let's see if making a ranking system in the MLG playlist can give Reach what it needs to survive 2012. Thanks.
  19. Just kinda curious on what age groups think the best halo's are, i have been playing halo for 6 years and i played h2, h3, and reach and i think halo 3 was the best, what about you?
  20. Just a place to submit some of your fan made halo concept art.
  21. What do you think Halo 4 music should sound like
  23. hey guys just wanted to start a halo wars clan for covenant players also, anyone interested in a halo reach forge session?
  24. One of the best things about Halo is the strong online community. You can make it even stronger by checking some other Halo online communities. I'm not saying that the 343i.org aren't great, but there are other awesome sites where you can meet other cool Halo fans and have a lot of fun. I wrote a blog post on my personal website about 5 of my favorites to get you started. What is your favorite Halo community site?
  25. Halo Games Problems We all love the halo games, but we also all know that games can't be perfect. If you have a glitch or bug that's been annoying you then post it here. I personally have one and couldn't find a place to post it. You don't have to read this next part because it is my personal expierience but feel free to leave a post. So, on saturday night-sunday morning (12/3-12/4), i was in the Reach forge working my butt off to make a Pillar of Autumn map. I finished the map at around 2:00. The next day while I was in a forge game looking at another person's map (also in forge) i clicked on save map instead of save as new map and apparently it 'overwrote' my previous save of the POA. Now, whenever i go to Pillar of Autumn in the menu of maps it changes to ODST DROPSHIP FRIGATE ( the name of the other map). So, in short my Pillar of Autumn map is lost. Also, whenever i go over to it, the description has changed to 'A blank canvas recommended for forge editing only' from the description i made which is 'This legendary ship manned by Cpt. Keyes is re-created. Map by RC1207RC'. One other weird thing is that when i look at it in the menu it says 'created by RC1207RC' but when i go to file options it says created by (person who created ODST DROPSHIP FRIGATE's gamertag). Please help me 343i! You may comment now people of the world.
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