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  1. Hi my name is Chase and I am the creator of the Facebook page Halo Custom Lobbies, http://www.facebook.com/HaloCustomLobbies. I am recruiting players for custom lobby events with maps and game types suggested by the players. Although the problem is that my page does not have enough supporters but as soon as I have at least 20 likes I will hold the first custom lobby. The purpose of this page is to bring back those large open lobbies from Halo 3 and Halo: Reach with community made maps. So like my page, suggest maps and game types, weather it be yours or another's, and above all have FUN!!!
  2. Hi there, love playing Halo 4 custom or war games but too old to talk about Ben 10 or whatever crap is the in thing with 12yo's today? I have a few friends all over 25 who play for fun but like to win. We aren't big on talking but still want more players of a decent age who know when to run around lone wolf style and when to stand together and shoot the crap out of the enemy as a team. Ideally NZ or Au players due to time zones, and a sense of humour and good connection essential. Don't need to commit to certain times or anything as most of us can't either due to kids and jobs and life, etc. Gamertag is Lijii, send a request and mention this forum.
  3. The Republic of Halo is a militarized Halo 4 clan, with currently around 50 members we are active at nearly all times of day. Any age from 11 up are liable to join, and any rank is allowed. We are serious but we also like to relax and just have fun with other players with a similar interest in halo & clans. We have members spread all around the world from the Netherlands to Mexico. We only ask you speak a basic level of english so we are able to communicate with you There is alot more you can learn about the clan on our online headquarters: www.republicofhalo.weebly.com
  4. The Halo4 Forge is by all means an improvement over the previous Forges, but there is still room for improvement. I have started this post to list my own suggestions, and I encourage others to reply with his or her own suggestions and wishes. *Interlocking objects: Similar to locking individual objects, a new tool would allow forgers to link objects. This would allow multiple objects to be moved, duplicated or locked as a group. *Sphere object shape: *Multi-leveled forging: Forge should have a novice/beginner setup (such as it is currently) and an advanced/Experienced setting with much more complicated tools and functions for advanced users. *Man Cannons: Make one man cannon, but add a dial tool for adjusting the power more dynamically. *Inversion: A tool option that allows the user to mirror certain objects such as the ramped platform, buildings, etc. This would help forgers create much better symmetrical maps. *Skins/object color: Ability to add skins/textures to objects. There could be a distribution collection and a way for players to upload custom made textures. *Improve the magnet system to be more dynamic, or perhaps allow users to add magnet markers to objects. *Phased Doors: This object would allow forgers to add a door opening (variable sizes) cut into objects, such as blocks and coliseum walls/windows. *Elevator lifts *Light bridges: Similar to one sided shields, add light bridges to bridges/platforms. Perhaps it would be similar to setting length/width as it is with kill zones, etc? *Locking axis: Ability to lock certain aspects of the rotation axis to isolate specific object movements. *More buildings and expanded object inventory.
  5. Just wanted to play custom games with someone my gt is ToWhite4You msg me for invite. Most likely playing - demo derby - infection - races Or any map u have
  6. So, my brother had this idea for a game type. He calls it Numbers. The gist of it is this: Everyone starts on individual teams, but not free for all. you need to have the teams When you kill someone, they join your team, like infection. If they are on your team and another team kills them they switch to that team. Keep going until all players are on one team, The game ends. the winner is the person who's starting team has all the players on it. (you'd have to make a note of this.) Game can also end by time limit, team with most players wins. So, what do you think? sound fun? or too complicated?
  7. Team Rage has just opened a new site, the site doesn't even have members that i can think of... SMH but ohh well the clan will all be members on the new site soon, We are a competitive clan in Halo 4, we participate in MLG matches, Clan battles, forge, swat and all other matchmaking game types. When the clan we big in halo 3 we exceeded over 1,000 members and 8 divisions, we would like to reach that again. If you are the kind of competitive player that is fit for this please visit www.raginglive.webs.com. Thanks you,
  8. So I was making the map in Forge with my friend and it requires a specific game type to work with the whole thing properly. But sadly, Halo 4 lacks the awesome gametypes that they had in reach. My Personal favorites that are no longer with us are Infection and Race. I do realize that this is most likely temporary but I would like to know when 343 Industries are going to update the game types for Custom Games at least. And yes, I do know that Flood is basically Infection. But you can ONLY be a Flood which is disappointing.
  9. I really need help. I dont know how to say/ Create custom game types. Can someone please break it down for me???
  10. Hi guys and girls, ladies and sirs, dinosaurs and ponies, and all manner of FORGERS. I'm looking at breaking in to the Forge scene, having never, ever actually pressed that option, and I was wondering; What do you wish you had've done first? What do you wish you had've known sooner? What tools/templates have worked best for you, and what should I avoid or not bother with? What did you imagine YOUR first map/game type to look like, and how did that turn out for you? Any other tips or tricks that you can compress and digest would be greatly appreciated!
  11. Classic Slayer Playlist was done by me for Forum Dinosaur, so i thought i'd give it a shot for you guys to try it out. i'm hosting it today for anyone to try it out. let me know by sending me the friend request or post a post on this thread to join in. if you want to try it, let me know. i'm happy to host it for Community members. EDIT: Playdate: Classic Slayer - December 16th - 17th. 16th starts at 6:00 AM and ends at 17th 1:00 PM. Map: Haven Information: Assault Rifle and Magnum. classic slayer game for fun. the game will be playing as long here are players. if the owner, (me) decide to take break, i will let everyone know. it's only fair Score: 1000. Rounds: 2. can be modified to 3 or more as the players vote for round number.
  12. CUSTOM MATERIAL UPDATE 11/29/12 @ 11:36 PM CST Added Map: - Sirius : This map is built to pay homage to a once great map, Ascension. This is not Ascension, and it isn't intended to be exactly like Ascension. However, it is built remniscent of the H2 map with the familiar layout with a stellar spin. My disclaimer is as follows, regarding this map. I do not consider myself a master forger, forge sculptor, remaker of maps, or anything like that. It is best to enjoy this map simply for what it has in itself. '-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-, Game Variants: - Swat BRs - Swat DMRs - Swat Magnums - Swat Shotties - Swat Deluxe (BRs, DMRs, and Magnums, no initial secondary) Map Variants : - Tungsten : I boxed in the erosion base to make it just a little more narrow, then added building blocks, pipes, bunkers, and other structures to make an urban combat style map. Suited for non-objective game types like slayer, team slayer, swat, etc. - Interstitial : This map happened by accident. I was trying to enclose the circular base in Impact when I got knocked above the ceiling bars with the grid. I found that I was unable to escape this area, so I floored it in, set up spawn points, threw a few guns in there, and made it extremely tight quarters with many narrow spaces. Great up-close and in-your-face map; will be hell for eight players. Suited for non-objective game types like slayer, team slayer, swat, etc. - Aluminum : Built inside the Impact round base (closed in), it is a radially symmetric map that spans from floor to ceiling. The underlevel of the map is floored in. If you are interested, you are welcome to them. Just add me up (GT: MegaLowVoltage) and download from my fileshare in H4. Let me know what you think if you try them out. I'll continue forging and changing up the game, so you can be sure I will add more content later. New content will be posted as an edit to the OP along with an updated date and time. New content will be described at the top in bold. This post will be updated when that time comes. Happy gaming!
  13. Hey Guys! I've run into one annoyance in halo 4's forge and custom gaming. Its not custom games anymore!!! Half of the options are already chosen for you, remember in Halo 3 and Reach how it was possible to edit EVERYTHING, thats how we ended up with so many crazy mini games like Speed Halo, but 343i has gone and messed it all up, now we can't choose many things in our custom game options, namely in the flood gametype. I was trying to do a "Flood Survival" gametype in which players must search for weapons on the battlefield but my weapons do not spawn and I can not find the option to make them spawn anywhere! Also the flood loadouts are uncustomizable, it is impossible to give a zombie a gravhammer, which means no speed halo, and also many mini games like duck hunt are now impossible, if there is a way to make these things happen please let me know, otherwise I would like to know why they aren't there anymore, 343i has ruined infection for me. As a side note, does anybody know how to contact 343i directly?
  14. Map creator- VHR JAXZ Map name- Hidden File share holder- VHR JAXZ Game type- Infection Game type is also in the same fileshare. This is my first good Halo 4 flood map. It took me about 30min-1 hour to make, but it's really fun. On the map, you are on a large complex that is designed for research, but when it become abandoned after a flood infestation, you are the only survivors left. This map is designed for up to 16 players, but can be used for as little as 6 people.
  15. Seriously... what is wrong with you? This is one of the easiest things to implement and you didn't do it... even after people have been asking for it since Halo 2. I don't like the controls, I haven't for years and I was really hoping that this would change.
  16. Hey everyone, Lets get a thread going to help people get their maps tested. My one flag ctf map should be ready sometime tomorrow, in the meantime, anyone who wants to be a map tester or have some of their stuff tested, leave your gamer tag here and we can all get together in the future. Gamertag: Inujuk Feel free to add me if you need a tester.
  17. Alright, so by now everyone pretty much knows that 343 completely screwed up the flood mode in Halo 4. Flood, as it stands, is pretty much dead. The only hope is that 343 will fix their mistakes in an update. And since there isn't any reason to think that they can actually spot their own mistakes, the community will have to do it for them. This thread is for the issues with Flood that need to be fixed in an update. I'll list all the issues I've noticed, but PLEASE point out anything that I've missed. 1) Forced Human Color The putrid green armor color that every human is forced to wear may not break Flood games, but they are hard as hell to look at. Leaving aside the issue of why anyone would choose that particular color, why force our skins in the first place? Did 343 never see a game of infection in the past Halos? Infection was one of the few gametypes to actually let players use their chosen armor colors. What has 343 gained by taking that away? There should be the option to allow players to use their chosen colors and the option to CHOOSE a color to be forced on the players 2) Cannot Place Weapons on Map I honestly can't fathom how this happened. Why in God's name can't we place weapons on the map? My only guess is that 343 was just to lazy to actually add the option to turn off weapon spawns to the custom game interface and just left it set to "off" behind the scenes. Sure, we can use ordinance to get around this. But that clutters the HUD with white markers, and in some games, it might be important for the humans to not know which weapons are where. 3) Flood Cannot use Anything but the Energy Sword Once again, how did this happen? Its as if no one at 343 had ever played a custom game before. Limiting the Flood to the sword prevents most, if not all, of the minigames that were made in the past Halo games, as well as preventing any new minigames that might have been made with the new weapons and armor abilities. Not to mention that since the sword has a ridiculous lunge range, it might have been useful in many situations to equip the flood with gravity hammers instead. This absolutely crushes the versatility of Halo custom games. 4) Alpha Zombie Traits Disappear upon Death Now I know 343 never played a custom game. Or at least not Fat Kid. Because that's how I figured this one out - as soon as the humans killed the Fat Kid, he spawned as a regular, weak zombie, unable to do anything. The gametype was completely broken. And don't think this is a problem for just one specific scenario. There are plenty of times when giving certain traits exclusively to the one or two Alpha Zombies is the difference between overwhelming humans or making the infected team too weak to do anything. Now, I'd actually suggest that instead of completely changing the Alpha Zombie traits back to the way they were, 343 should make this a changeable option in the menu. Alpha Zombie traits could disappear "Never," "Upon Death," "Upon Converting X Zombies," or "After X Minutes." But my God, at least allow us the first option. 5) Flood Loadouts Cannot be Customized How can 343 be so arrogant as to think that their arbitrary choice of Flood loadouts will perfectly suit every single Flood game variant? Could they not think of a situation in which a player might want the Flood to have access to Promethean Vision but not the Boost Pack? What if someone wanted to give the Flood jetpacks? I don't think any more needs to be said. 343 really shot custom games in the foot with this one.That's all I've been able to find so far. Once again, please add anything that I've missed. And even if you don't have anything constructive to say, please post to say that you think that the above problems need to be corrected. 343 won't acknowledge these issues unless enough people are speaking out about them. Added From Thread 6) Sprinting Cannot be Changed Obviously, speed is a crucial factor in Infection. The inability to tweak, enable, or disable sprinting for both humans and Flood will be a thorn in the side of many Forgers. 7) Game does not End when the Flood or the Humans Run out of Lives 8 Cannot Remove the Waypoint for the Last Man Standing There are a lot of Infection gametypes that rely on the humans' ability to hide. Now, the Last Man in those gametypes has basically no chance.
  18. Attention All forgers. This is a call for those who enjoy the thrill of making maps and games on Halo Reach. This Clan is based around the Halo Reach forge, but we venture into other game editing systems like Far Cry 2 and Minecraft. All we do all day is Forge Awesome new maps, Test them with each other, and just chill on X-box. We only have around 50 members of all forging levels and skill. Forgers that make Slayer, Infection, Invasion, CTF, HeadHunter, Mini-Games, Mini-Aesthetic... etc. Our main goal is to bring all forgers of every calibur into one community so we can share our knowledge, maps and ideas. We accept all who wish to forge with us, and if you wish to test out your maps please send one of our members a message over X-box live. We hope you all can keep forging until Halo 4 gets here with it's updated and completely awesome forging plate. If you wish to join the clan or just want to test your crazy new map. Send one of our high ranking members a message, so we can get together a custom game. If you want to see our first annual Top Ten maps, watch the video below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK35WBUYpJc&feature=plcp Keep Forging. Contact: Leader: Mankill258 -LiEeXx666 -CANADIAN ECHO
  19. Attention All forgers. This is a call for those who enjoy the thrill of making maps and games on Halo Reach. This Clan is based around the Halo Reach forge, but we venture into other game editing systems like Far Cry 2 and Minecraft. All we do all day is Forge Awesome new maps, Test them with each other, and just chill on X-box. We only have around 50 members of all forging levels and skill. Forgers that make Slayer, Infection, Invasion, CTF, HeadHunter, Mini-Games, Mini-Aesthetic... etc. Our main goal is to bring all forgers of every calibur into one community so we can share our knowledge, maps and ideas. We accept all who wish to forge with us, and if you wish to test out your maps please send one of our members a message over X-box live. We hope you all can keep forging until Halo 4 gets here with it's updated and completly awesome forging plate. If you wish to join the clan or just want to test your crazy new map. send one of our high ranking members a message, so we can get together a custom game. Keep Forging. Members: Leader: Mankill258 -LiEeXx666 -CANADIAN ECHO (ME) -Death by Dogs
  20. lol ive found that swearing is highly untolerated ... oops got my self a warning already so i like to say im an experienced gamer considering i hire out games clock them on higest difficulty (legendary, veteran, insane, imposible) but not LASO or god mode for vanquish sheesh the difficulty is so high its over the top because it changes gamplay to the extreme i also have a positive K/D in multiplayer due to smgs any way i know my stuff have my opinions, dont care for grammar the problem for me is having a good team im not looking to join a clan well maybe but im just sick of getting having a noob team geting ownd by spawn traping inheritors :wallbash: if you know what im talking about you probably know how i feel about them yea like that so any one up for reaching i mean not now but add, M me or sumthing cant wait for halo 4 im preordering the limited edition from mighty ape it looks to me the best deal i realy hope theres smg REEAAALLLLYY apart from that H4 so far so good if you see this and you play custom games please ADD me or mesage me thats as long as you dont play jenga.. eeew likes:dubsep, trance, screamo, post hardcore dislkes:i would tell you if i was sure it wouldnt come under hate speech
  21. Holy crap! I finally found a community forum for 343i. Thank the precursors its not *BLAM!* But anyways guys I just came on the forums to hopefully find some people with knowledge of Halo 4's custom game options. Mainly because, recently I have delved myself back into Halo: Reach for its custom games; and getting in a few enjoyable, laughable and just great games. Although, I did always find Reach's custom games to be a bit less fun. Unlike Halo 3's where I have amassed so many fond memories of playing games like Garbage Man, Speed Halo, Ice Cream Man, and Jenga. The list really doesnt stop there and actually I remember creating some games like Juggerball (you can get the aspect of the gamemode) and Sticky Wars. The thing about my games I created (although somewhat generic) was that they were a lot more creative and they had more options to edit with than in Halo:Reach's. Options like regenerating grenades and scoring settings for objective based gamemodes. (Ex: you only get points by getting kills with an oddball.) All I'm trying to get at is that I'd like to know your thoughts and opinions on what Halo 4 Customs will be all about. And please guys, help a veteran player/fan out and give me some info on the future custom games.
  22. For forge world I always thought that after a while the monochrome buildings and repetetive terrain theme got boring, even with FX globes. I have found that the grey metalic colour scheme makes it hard to make themed buildings. I think that what they really need to do is to put in a changable theme if they have a forgeworld like map. I always got bored with the basic grey buildings, white cliffs, blue ocean and green grassland. I spent months designing 6 alternitive themes where the structure of blocks and terrain stays the same but ambience such as light, time of day, weather and background noises and the colour/patterns of items, terrain, ocean, sky and background change. There should be three possible variations for each block that you can switch between using the block settings menu. The first variation is the default block but edited slightly to reflect the theme and the second and third variations have the exact same shape and dimensions as the default block but has a theme dependent material and colour as well as unique effects such as cracking, staining and plant growth. This was designed for halo reach but could easily be re-purposed for halo 4 if it has a forge world-esque forge map (I personaly think there will judging on forge worlds popularity but I may be wrong) The 6 themes I worked on are: Desert Arctic Forest Cavern Volcanic Haunted More details on each theme- Desert: Blocks: pretty much the same theme as sandbox, Egyption style carved stone with engravings and sandy/dusty default Terrain: desert-ish coloured sandstone (if that makes any sense) and sand instead of grass. Ocean: either a deep blue oasis or quicksand (clear water in the lagoon) Weather: dusty orange sky with the occasional small sandstorm Ambience: faint scurryingfrom small creatures and distant vulture/buzzard calls Hemmorhage water cave: a small underground spring The colleseum: A chamber similar to the crypt from sandbox Background: Barren desert mountains Trees: Palm trees Arctic: Blocks: ice walls, alaskan/log cabin and snowy/ice encrusted default Terrain: blueish grey stone with snow instead of grass and ice patches over the small streams and pools of water Ocean: Light blue with ice over shallow areas and small non-solid chunks of ice floating around Weather: Bright white sky with light snowfall Ambience: Bright white light with the occasional faint wind Hemmorhage water cave: Frozen over The colleseum: Large Ice cave Background: Snowy mountains Trees: Snow covered pine trees Forest: Blocks: Wooden plank walls/treehouse, Aztec ruins and overgrown/mossy default Terrain:Mossy stone with undergrowth and long grass instead of normal grassland, Alaska and montana are one large fallen tree cracked in half with the roots at alaska and top at montana. pinnacle is one huge dead tree trunk, same with the rock above the hemmorhage water cave and the area below the quarry Ocean: Deep swamp with branches and dead trees sticking up out of (clearer water in lagoon) Weather: Foliage covering the sky and light leaf fall Ambience: Green gloom with shafts of light shining through holes in the canopy and loud bird calls Hemmorhage water cave: hollow tree stump with water dripping through The colleseum: An aztec chamber filled with carvings Background: Massive trees with canopies spreading overhead to block the sky from view Trees: None Cavern: Blocks: Subterrainian ruins, old mineshaft/wooden supports and moss covered default Terrain: A giant underground cavern where the cliffs spread up to the height limit to form a ceiling that extends into the distance as far as you can see. The island is a large shattered column with a large spike hanging from the ceiling where it used to meet and the pinnicle is a massive flat topped stalagmite. Bare dark grey stone with a few mushrooms in the cracks in rocks Ocean: Shallow water is replaced with crumbling ledges and the ocean is replaced by endless drop into darkness. the waterfall drops into the void as well. Weather: a couple of small stones and dust every now and then Ambience: Mist rising from the bottomless hole and fog in the distance to prevent you from seeing too far. Slight rumbling occasionaly and VERY faint wispers/growling coming from the bottomless hole (dont ask, it felt appropriate) Hemmorhage water cave: An underground spring The colleseum: Abandoned mine with supports around the edges Background: Continuous misty cavern on the ocean side of the island and cliff leading up to the ceiling on the lagoon side of the island Trees: Stalagmites Volcanic: Blocks: Dark granite like stone, A pale coloured ruins (stands out and fits the theme well for some reason) and Scorched/charred default Terrain: Blackened stone with lots of small cracks in the stone. No vegetation to speak of but small steam vents scattered around Ocean: Shallow water is now heated cracked stone with tiny lava veins in the cracks and the ocean is now lava, yep a sea of lava, I had to fit an old gaming cliche in here somewhere. the waterfall is now made of lava as well. Weather: The sky is a constant red but is usualy obscured by dark swirling clouds of smoke and ash with small fireballs raining down every now and then Ambience: Frequent rumbling with the occasional distant explosion of an eruption Hemmorhage water cave: A large steam vent The colleseum: A large are of ruins with odd symbols around the walls Background: Distant volcanoes and rivers of lava Trees: Steam vent Haunted: Blocks: Gothic mausoleum/crypt style ruins, abandoned/haunted mansion and neglected/overgrown default Terrain: Grey dull stone with dark/dead grass with bones scatered around (rarely) and perhaps the odd gravestone here and there Ocean: Shallow water is murky marsh with long marsh grass and the ocean is now grey and stormy Weather: Always misty with thick fog at about waist height and a constant thunderstorm with short periods of rain every 10-20 minutes. Dark shifting clouds and the occasional lightning bolt with a sharp loud crack of thunder that briefly illuminates the area Ambience: It is always night with a huge full moon and a grey ambient light, frequent howling wind and rare distant screams and howls. very rarely a shape will rise out of the water in random locations briefly before disappearing with a splash Hemmorhage water cave: A small patch of slowly bubbling marsh The colleseum: An ossuary lined with crypt doors some of which are damaged or cracked but not enought to fit even a monitor through Background: Dark mountains with swirling clouds and covered with dead trees and broken pillars/ruins Trees: Twisted and dead
  23. Im curious to see what clans are still out their and are still going strong even after a bunch of them fell apart after Reach. I was just wondering what clans, are available and worth joining, please let me know. (Well organized clans are the most appreciated.) Thanks!, Master
  24. I honestly think that 343 is taking a turn in the wring direction by letting people pick custom loadouts. There will always be that one guy who gets the cheapest combo like br sniper with plasma nades. 343 would probably limit the combinations that you can have but I don't like the idea. Leave your ideas in the reply section below.
  25. Dome is a map I made that is both an Aesthetic and Fun Map to play on. It is Fairly Large, yet very easy to navigate through. It greatly support's Big Team Battle, and if not enough, then Team Slayer is playable too. Send back your feedback, and in time, this Greatly Crafted map might be in Matchmaking one day! Link for Download: http://www.bungie.ne...B%20L337Destryr Weapon List: 2 Snipers (One on each side, Blue base's is near gravity lift. Red base's is on the Sniper Tower) 1 Sword(In middle, to give a chance for both teams) 1 shotgun (Red team side in purple tunnel) 2 needlers (Blue side, middle of 3 story building. Red side, in Red base smaller house) 1 spiker (Red side, bottom of 3 story building) 1 Grenade launcher (Red side, Top of 3 story building) 3 Health Stations (Located evenly across the map. On Bridge behind teleporter, and on both base's towers) 1 Plasma launcher (Blue side, Top of 3 story building) 1 Plasma Rifle (Located on Bridge, behind Teleporter) 2 Needle Rifle ( Located near teleporter, and small Blue base house) Magnums and DMRs (located all over the map) This map is amazing for Big Team Battle. But is good enough for Team Slayer if needed. Jet Packs are recommended, but they are not needed. Hope you guys enjoy, Tell me your Feedback! Sincerely, TheL337destroyer
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