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  1. Sorry if this has been asked before or been addressed. Are there any plans for campaign matchmaking like Bungie did in Halo Reach? It just made things so convenient if you wanted to play campaign with a bunch of other people at whatever time you wanted. Really great for a guy like me who either has friends that don't have a 360, or the ones that do are really busy and only available at times I'm not available. And yeah, you can go online to some forums and post that you want to start a campaign up, you might get lucky and there will actually be people who want to play at that time that just so happen to be browsing the forums at that time as well, but typically what happens is, you get responses 2-3 hours later (from people who want to play).
  2. Game play wise Halo 4 is awesome. The story sucks. The lack of variety in enemies makes for a dull experience. It would have been better off if Master Chief had died at the end of Halo 3. So I finally got my copy of Halo 4 and I have now beaten the campaign. I have not played Spartan ops yet, but let me put it this way: As long as it's something that doesn't directly include the Master Chief then it could be worth something. Main story: Somehow a forerunner has survived millennia imprisoned inside a forerunner shield world. So the only surviving forerunner is evil. They saved the evil guy... After the rings were fired killing all life, after countless ages he tricks you into releasing him. ...from inside his own cell, he tricks you into releasing him, by manipulating his prison... Did I mention he knows magic? Or the force, because he does force grip you. Oh! I know! How about the part where you NEVER fight him? Or the part where he personally does nothing more than force grip you? At the end you do 3 quick time moves to plant a grenade on his chest and Cortana saves you from him AND kills him. And then she saves you from a nuclear explosion from the warhead you detonated... WITH YOUR HAND. No, you didn't even lose a pinky. BTW, no, I can't explain how Cortana had the ability to save the chief. She just DOES. Well they did it. Chief is now the second coming of Christ himself. You find what remains of a Forerunner's memory stored in a computer and she admits to having sown the seeds to Humanities rebirth. Ok, that I can deal with. Wait... 343, what are you doing? Stop. Stooooooooooop! She continues "Yes, I laid the ground work for your being. You, your armor and your AI companion. I arranged it so you would be here to defeat this threat." W.T.L.F. So the forerunners had the power to set things in motion to create ONE individual over numerous millennia, insuring he gets augmented into an experimental warrior, gets experimental armor, and an experimental AI. Not only that, but battle off the covenant and defeat the flood AGAIN since they couldn't do it right the first time, only to end up at this world to defeat this Forerunner that doesn't know what time is. Yet they couldn't put a round between this evil forerunner's eyes? Oh and Lasky? You know how forward unto Dawn ended with him as a grizzled captain who says "We're going to get chief"? Yeah, no. He's a young hopeful officer on a ship that ends up in the area because they found some coordinates from a forerunner site. Oh, and you know how at the very end of the last episode the Infinity has a bunch of smaller support craft with it when they go to jump to get the chief? You know, like real battle groups to protect big important ships? Turns out the ships weren't going to the same place because the Infinity WAS THE ONLY SHIP THAT SHOWED UP. Oh, and the guy that actually is the Captain? Says "screw you chief, you're crazy. I'm going home." Like the chief didn't just save the human race four years earlier. Not to mention the Infinity, the BIGGEST ship ever built by mankind to this point, crash lands on a planet and within a day, after no serious repairs, takes off for space again... This is why it would have been better off if Chief had died. There is no way that man would fade quietly into the night. He has nothing but fighting. But there gets to be a point where upping the ante just makes it that less real. He has changed from being a soldier doing what he can to save mankind into Hercules... He has no one to settle down with and raise a child with, and hell if they keep what the books say he's sterile. Even if they dont keep that, there's NO WAY they can logically have Cortana be the mother of his child. If he survived Halo 3 he should have, at best, made kick ass appearances throughout and moved on, but not been the main character. There are other Spartan twos. Share the love. How about the fact that besides hunters (only 4 in the campaign) there are 3 kinds of covenant and 3 kinds of forerunner lackeys? Grunts, Jackals, Elites. Knights, Dog things, watchers. ...That got boring. The game looks great, plays great, but the plot holes are so big that they are in fact black holes. Didn't you know 4 years in cryo sleep magically upgrades your armor? The content from their miniseries, which was awesome, doesn't match up with what went on in the game. It's not that it breaks the halo universe, it's that it breaks logic. There is some serious potential from 343, but I feel that everyone BESIDES the Halo 4 campaign story team could come up with some awesome stuff. Otherwise RIP Chief
  3. The method in which you use to get inside is applicable to the other ones on Shutdown. This is a minor bug/glitch and was posted for the sake of recording it as such. "Flood was here" LOL got to love the Bungie.net community
  4. Can someone help me with the legendary campaign please i would appreciate it. GT: flamster81 message me
  5. overpowers


    Looking for some people to do campaign with on legendary hit me up GT- OverPowers
  6. For some odd reason i cant play the campaign. I have installed disc 2. All i can do is watch the Prologue. Its SuPER annoying because i was so excited to play it. PLEASE HELP ME.
  7. I'm not sure if this belongs in the campaign forum or not but I'll post it here anyways. WARNING: SPOILERS ARE IN THE NEXT READING, IT'S HIGHLY SUGGESTED YOU BEAT THE GAME BEFORE READING It seems like the master chief didn't act like master chief at all in this campaign. He's usually the soldier that's willing to risk anything, which he did. However, it seems like he was really different in this game. I usually see chief as the prime source of bad assery and mystery. In this game, he almost appeared to be a little bit of a wimp, not completely of course he was still really bad ass but still, you can't say you didnt notice. I understand that they were trying to show his human side, but at the end (SPOILER) he has that sentimental part over cortana. You can't really match the master chief with a sentimental moment. If not almost everything in the game were changed the personality change might have been eased in but it almost seemed like we got a new character and we obviously got new enemies. He dealt with things differently than he normally would and he seemed a little too attached with cortana in the end, he blew off Johnson's death in halo 3 who was a much more enjoyable soldier and character than cortana but she really impacted him. Of course that's my opinion but I still think it was a little out of place. With the fact that more spartans were shown in the game made the build up of chief's character kind of die down. It used to be cool being humanity's last hope and the only spartan around but the fact that more were introduced really ruined that felling for me. Don't get me wrong, I overall really liked the campaign I just didnt feel like it was a appropriate ending to the series I've loved since I was 5. Yes, I did see the cinematic after the credits, but it still didnt tie it in correctly.
  8. Hey can someone help with the legendary campaign because i cannot find anyone who will help me with it and i would really appreciate someone who would help me complete it. Gamertag: Flamster81 if you want to help me ~thank you
  9. So what were your thoughts on Halo 4s campaign, id like to know cause i havent seen many reactions from people And I'd like to know what others thought about it... I thought it was great for the way they portray John and Cortanas relationship throughout and it really played on my emotions also. So tell me what ya thought. side note: Whenever i turn the game on That beginning music always makes me think deeply about the Campaign... over and over... First forum post on any website ever... YAY....
  10. I'm not sure if this belongs in the campaign forum or not but I'll post it here anyways. WARNING: SPOILERS ARE IN THE NEXT READING, IT'S HIGHLY SUGGESTED YOU BEAT THE GAME BEFORE READING It seems like the master chief didn't act like master chief at all in this campaign. He's usually the soldier that's willing to risk anything, which he did. However, it seems like he was really different in this game. I usually see chief as the prime source of bad assery and mystery. In this game, he almost appeared to be a little bit of a wimp, not completely of course he was still really bad ass but still, you can't say you didnt notice. I understand that they were trying to show his human side, but at the end (SPOILER) he has that sentimental part over cortana. You can't really match the master chief with a sentimental moment. If not almost everything in the game were changed the personality change might have been eased in but it almost seemed like we got a new character and we obviously got new enemies. He dealt with things differently than he normally would and he seemed a little too attached with cortana in the end, he blew off Johnson's death in halo 3 who was a much more enjoyable soldier and character than cortana but she really impacted him. Of course that's my opinion but I still think it was a little out of place. With the fact that more spartans were shown in the game made the build up of chief's character kind of die down. It used to be cool being humanity's last hope and the only spartan around but the fact that more were introduced really ruined that felling for me. Don't get me wrong, I overall really liked the campaign I just didnt feel like it was a appropriate ending to the series I've loved since I was 5. Yes, I did see the cinematic after the credits, but it still didnt tie it in correctly.
  11. itshenry

    Failed to load

    I've searched all over and have found other people reporting the same issue, but no answer or feedback has been given by 343. When I try to load the second mission it loads to 46% on normal, 4% on legendary and then reverts back to 0 and tells me there was a failure to load and I may be missing downloadable content. Does anyone know what may be wrong? so far I have -deleted the second disks content and cleared cache, then updated the first disk and reinstall the second -tried to play without patching
  12. I've been a Halo fan ever since it came out, it's probably one of the most compelling and amazing stories if you really get into it. Halo 1 (or Anniversary) was an interesting story, Halo 2 was the best story of them all, Halo 3 was great, ODST was just based on the events of 3, and Reach wasn't that good. However the art concept of Reach was amazing and online game play, but the campaign was like any other shooter game... random missions and isn't very deep or compelling. Halo Wars was interesting and did grasp the meaning of Halo in a sense, while Reach didn't. Halo 4 is going to be similar to Reach, and it's not looking very good in certain spots (however game play looks amazing and the art and the graphics are phenomenal). Now many people are like, "Well it's a new story!" and the ORIGINAL fans are not happy about it though. If you actually play the whole series and study it, you won't want it to change. There's still many unanswered questions. Bungie had an idea for the story from beginning to end, then Bungie separated from Microsoft and 343 Industries took over Halo, and now the story is altered in a few major areas. A minor issue that I've heard A LOT of complaints about is how terrible the new armor looks (I can actually agree on this...). Come on 343, why did you make it look like some crazy 1970's version of Halo? That's a disappointment. However, there are parts I am excited about! Like how Cortana is now diminishing and going crazy, what's going to happen? That's something I'm eager to know! One big thing a lot of people are asking about in Halo 4: "What about the Elites?" That's a huge question for this. Is 343 being arrogant and too afraid to follow the series and decide to alter the story more to make Elites enemies again? Or is there something more deep? That's a question to be answered. People loved Elites when they separated from the Covenant in Halo 2. In Halo 3, you could actually customize your Elite in key areas and play as it on ALL game modes (except campaign of course unless you do multiplayer). Then Reach comes along, you can hardly play as an Elite on hardly any game modes, plus you couldn't customize it, only with full body armor. This made a lot of people disappointed. That was Bungies fault though. Now in 4 you cannot play as Elites at all, but now a lot people don't care because they're now used to it. I really don't mind but I really wish we could have more options. My main concern is the campaign, is it the beginning of the end for Halo? Will Halo turn into a basic, pointless shooter game? Or will it keep going and people will still love it? I'm leaving that for you to decide! ****UPDATE: Thanks for all of the replies, I'm now pretty hyped up over Halo 4, I read Halo: Glasslands, and Halo: The Thursday War. It's starting to make sense. Thanks again for the replies and have an Awesome Day! **** ***UPDATE 2: I've played the game and it was amazing, thanks for the replies, have an Awesome Day! ***
  13. Boarding Hunters!! That was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Seriously. Instead of the pain of the little dance you normally do with Hunters to kill them, what about boarding? Only if you have a grenade, though. Simply walk up to the Hunter, "Hold RB to board Hunter", and shove a grenade in its back!
  14. Okay, I would want to start off by stating that the video below has no spoilers, whatsoever. This is just the launch trailer, but I noticed something weird at 00:42-00:43 in the video. Is that an Elephant? I'm not sure what it is, but it looks massive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-GzfNgUVHo&oref=http%3A%2F%2F What do you think it is?
  15. So it has finally been confirmed that Assassinations, The Covenant and Grifball are coming back. Here is the exact confirmation from Frank O'Connor on the Halo Waypoint Bulletin for this Week: I'll say what I think he means below. 1. Will assassinations return and if yes, will we have more unique weapon moves, for example the Energy Sword in Halo: Reach? –D4RKNESS 360 Short version, yes. Assassinations are altered, but they’re back. The weapon question isn’t something we’re going to answer today. 2. Will there be any Covenant presence in Campaign or Multiplayer? Be it weaponry, equipment, architecture, etc. –Lloyd Jo en es Yes. The Covenant will definitely return, albeit in a completely (graphically, politically and sonically) overhauled form, but they may be the least of your problems. 3. Will Halo 4 include Gravity Hammers and Energy Swords (or adequate replacements) for Grifball? –Kalbelgarion It will be (more or less) possible to play Grifball in Halo 4. 1. I think assasinations are coming back, but differently. For instance, I think we'll be seeing some neck-snaps, knife-stabs, and certain gun-assassinations. 2. I think this means that the Covenant are coming back to try and find forerunner artifacts. Their leaders might be dead, but they might have a new prophet. Anyway, I think when Frank said "but they may be the least of your problems".... He meant that they are aren't going to be the only enemy we face. Could we be facing Forerunner's instead? Most likely.. Maybe even Flood. Does this mean we'll also be seeing Elite's again? Because even though they aren't part of the Covenant anymore.. Our good 'ol friend The Arbiter, might come to help Chief. I mean come on, what would a Halo Game without Dinosau-, I mean Elites, be like. 3. Now after reading this over a few times, I think Frank is trying to say that we 'll be able to play Grifball. But we'll have to make a custom map in forge, along with a game-type for it. And yes, Forge has already been confirmed in Halo 4. Look it up.
  16. WARNING: PARTS OF THIS ARTICLE CONTAIN REVEALED CAMPAIGN SPOILERS! For quite a while people have been theorizing on why the prometehans are changing color and I have come to a conclusion. Lets start with the theories we have already heard of: 1.The Prometheans are orange in daylight, blue at nightime: This theory was brought to the table due the the only situations we see blue knights are in the dark and the orange knights in the light. 2. Classification of power: Some people thought that blue prometheans were somehow a stronger varient of the orange one relating to the elites and their colors structure. 3.Orange knights are controled be the Didact where the blue knights by cortana: The biggest reasons why this was thought of is that cortana is supposed to go rampant and is convienent on how the knights are blue. There are a few more lesser theories but these three are the most popular at the moment. Now I will explain my theory on how it came to me....(this theory was brought together from Information from Glasslands, Gamtrailers Halo 4, Cryptum, Primordium, and other press realeases in the last week) Watching the Gametrailers Halo 4 episode that came out last thursday on the 21 of september, Frank O'Conner goes into some detail on Chief meeting Prometheans on Requiem, Their role there, and the New Enemy (not suprising) The Didact. Frankie goes on to talk about how your first interactions are with the knights and the new covenant. They are fighting eachother making it clear that the prometheans do not want this new covenant (Storm) to interfere with what they want. Frankie has also told us in other interviews that this new faction of covenant, The Storm (or theorized The Servants of Abiding Truth) Is at Requim due to their Religion that see the forerunners as their Gods and have information on a living god on the planet and will do anything to get to him. If this is the case then why would the Prometheans be fighting the Storm? Just wait it will become clear in a second. Back to our gametrailers interview Frankie goes on, he says that your first encounter with the prometheans seems familiar like a defense AI system with no other real goals or intentions from them. However before he anounces the Didacts involvment within halo he says something very very important. He says that there is a specific moment in the campaign where you can see that shift in the Prometheans to a defensive group to something more. you see the prometheans as if they have organization of a higher archy. This is also when he anounces the didact. We see the prometheans as blue before the didact is awaken because they have been in a defensive state over the didact for 100,000 years. The blue is more of a calmer state in color giving us that same look of any other forerunner structure we've seen in the past halo games. Once we run into the Didact that means he now takes control over the prometheans and gives them drive, purpose and objectives making them alot more of an active construct making them Orange instead of blue. I mean think about it 3rd mission Forerunner(their blue), Infinity mission (their orange) Over all My theory: The Prometheans are blue Before the Didact hasn't taken control over his prometheans yet, then the Prometheans turns Orange after because he has then taken control of them giving them purpose. Give me your thoughts or flaws with this theory
  17. I have noticed that there has been no sightings of: Easter Eggs(A fun addition for all halo fan alike) Glitches (HUGE part of the community) RvB References (Y U NO Add Footage?) Nostalgia (HUGE references to past games)\ ​First off, these make up an entire eighth of the Halo fans. Without all of this nostalgia, 343i Would not have the support they need. NOTE: This is subject to change. To prove how large the Glitching community is, go to http://www.cmneir.com/ . Sincerely,
  18. Go here for the article/video: http://www.ign.com/a...m_medium=social "Five years ago, John-117 whispered in the depths of space to reassure a lonely AI construct before once again falling into cryo-sleep. The ending of Halo 3 brought a long, legendary story to a close, the gunshots of war fading as human and Covenant shook hands and parted ways. Now we're just weeks away from continuing the story of Master Chief in 343 Industries' Halo 4. With a new campaign, new multiplayer modes, and the same ol' hero, we return to the Halo universe with Chief in the spotlight. And it's about time. We're more excited about Halo this time around for a couple of reasons. First, the newly assembled crew at 343 Industries seems to get what a Halo campaign is. It's about sandbox encounters -- not the paint-by-numbers themed levels that Reach included -- and it's about Master Chief and Cortana. The visuals are downright amazing. In fact, it's crazy to think that Halo 3 and Halo 4 are separated by five years and yet they run on the same system with the same underlying technology. Halo 4 looks that good. Take a look at our campaign preview video."
  19. Starting a video series on Halo CEA called the Halo Campaign Experience. I try to everyday upload a video of my campaign of Halo CEA up to Halo 4's release! Check out the series below! This post will be updated as more videos come out. Halo CEA Pillar of Autumn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l5D_3GJe1w&feature=plcp
  20. Hello everyone! Today I'm posting a topic about Skulls. I for one have been excited for them ever since I saw the Halo 4 achievement list. The topics up for discussion are: How do you feel about Skulls returning? Are you worried that they will work like in Halo:Reach? What effects do you think the skulls will have, or do you believe they will be the same as in Halo 3? Also, feel free to post any skull ideas if you want This is just for fun, but it's always nice to see ingenuity.
  21. If you play "The Package" I noticed Jorge does not come with you;He walks off with Halsey (His mom) and after you leave Halsey's lab it caves in... Anyone know what happens to him?
  22. What characters are expected in halo 4 besides cheif, cortana and the covenant. Will the spartans trapped in onyx with halsey be seen? Or maybe jun from reach? Opinions?
  23. Anyone else think it would be pretty cool if Halo 4 had custom campaigns instead of just custom multiplayers? Say you want to play campaign, but want to customize certain things. You ask what kind of things, well for example the difficulty. Already possible you say, not quite... I mean as in this.. 1/10 would be Easy, 11/21 normal and so on, but you could pick say....14 as the dificulty, and if there is skulls you could pick what covonent they effect and don't. I want a fun campaign that changes even after I beat it. Not the same old stuff. So after beating campaign on legendary I would love to be able to customize it further then that for more or less fun. Prefferably more. Or even to challenge my skills as a spartan further. I just think that would be pretty cool if this were in the game for customs. NOT REGULAR CAMPAIGN. Of course, whether it would go towards achievements would be a thing to think about. Heck they could even make achieves for beating it on say difficulty 32 out of whatever. SENSE IT IS ALREADY COMPLETE, IT COULD BE ONE AWESOME UPDATE!
  24. New details from 343i point towards a new Halo 4 theme coming out October 2nd for 240ms. Will you be getting it? I have a few leftover points so I'll get it. Details are below! Halo 4: Infinity Campaign Theme You will soon be able to customize your Xbox 360 Dashboard with the above Halo 4 Campaign-themed images, should you so desire. The Halo 4: Infinity Campaign theme will run you 240 Microsoft Points and is slated to release on October 2. There are more Halo 4 avatar goodies coming (perhaps even some Promethean ones…) so keep an eye on Halo Waypoint for details that will be coming in a semi-soonish manner. Source: http://blogs.halo.xb...tin-92612-.aspx View full article
  25. A video showing off some parts of what it seems 2 campaign missions - this was shown after the embargo but this is clearer audio and less background and music noise. Help brysi by subscribing and watching his videos! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ3246_MYzA&feature=player_embedded#![/media] View full article
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