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  1. Hello Everyone I recently just joined the forums to ask a question about Halo 2 for PC. I recently bought the game and was unable to join the online servers. So my question is.. Are they even still online and functioning? ~CrayCray
  2. Halo's sales are down. People who grew up with 1, 2, and 3, and maybe even a little Reach(?), ask yourselves, "How would you feel if Halo started to play more like a story-based—fast-paced, Mass Effect with an MMO aspect to amp up our Halo Culture?" Watch the Video "Call me back, and Let me know if we can make it happen! Ghost Mop
  3. I dont know any better way to reach you 343 so plz check those videos out, they describe perfectly how we, the fans see Halo. (links below)(all copyrights reserved, disclaimer) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuE_LzbFMvUk (to 343)If you can respond to me so i can know i have reached out to you guys. (to fans)What do you guys have to say about this? Share your thoughts after watching the videos.
  4. Welcome one and all to the SoJ recruitment page. We take our teachings from the UNSC but we use them in our own way. We welcome human and elites alike (we arent racist hue hue).So thats the introduction lets get down to business. Branches (Divisions, teams) Army, the army are your average foot soldiers, but with a bad attitude and kick ass trigger finger. In the army we have three sub-classes, MP, EoD and vehicular specialist. Mp is the military police when you are needed you use your shotgun and DMR to protect the games highest rank (unless you guys are having fun in custom games). EoD is the Eplosixes expert using heavy weapons to thier advantage to turn the tides of battle in our favour. Vehicular specialist or VS squad is a group very self explanatory they use vehicles to pick up troops, splatter enemies and help fortify bases Marines, these men are raid specialists eight man teams form in this branch these teams are used to raid and help allies. Rangers, the ranger subclass need to know how to climb mountains to get a good eye on the battlefield these soldiers use precision weapons to thier advantage. Brachers, these men fight thier way to the entrance of bases using shotguns and energy swords to dispatch their foes these men also breach bases in advance so the leaders can enter safely. Leadership, these men are leaders in training use thier whit to make plans to take bases or to help the RIDA (you will find out about RIDA once you join) these men also take over training sessions when the trainers have to go. Airforce, airforce use flight to thier advantage, taking control of the sky is a big part of raids. Pilot, using flight to pickup or kill these men will be trained to best dodge explosives and other abstract things Gunners, gunners will have jetpacks and know how to hell jump using the falcon turrets to help get troops past enemy lines. Engineer, these men call out flight using vehicles to pilots and then either help in the sky or take the battle to the ground. We also have a few branches you need to be hand chosen to join i will list them below Gādo, this isnt a branch but i will explain the Gādo only come into use if a RIDA joins they turn into security at that point keeping an eye out for enemies foriegn and domestic. Shadow hunters, we use these men to gather information using contacts to thier advantage Berserkers, are non cannon spartans with only four month conscription theyre not spartans but trained as they where obviously not fully or i might break one of UNSC's many rules Ghosts, only the knowledge that they exist isnt classified RIDA, we are the leaders of the clan we will have RIDA in our service tag to show we lead Before you can join any branch you need to be a recruit, not being a full member of the clan yet we put you through training to see where you will be most best suited. then comes alignment where we put you through spartan level training to weed out the ones not dedicated. We then recommend a branch for you to join but you can go against our recommended choice if you dont feel we chose right (kinda like divergent sorry im excited). If you want to join please contact these gamertags Tom20Cole 1st in command SoulSniperS059 2nd in command TheNnjaway 3rd in command If you have trouble with that contact either Our silver tag account: SoJ Clan Our E-mail: [email protected] Thank you for reading this See you on the battlefield soldier My bad sorry if you want to become allies please contact the same gamertags ECT.
  5. From the album: more sketches

    Randomly drew this a couple days ago thought it would be nice to share it with you all.
  6. the halo crossed swords clan is in search for new members for more information go to, http://halocrossedswords.ihostinghq.com/ or contact me on xbox , my gamertag is halo devil02
  7. Most would agree that Halo 5 is a success. It has had better feedback than Halo 4 did, and 343 improved on everything. It's not often you hear a complaint about Halo 5, and when you do it's nothing major. With all that, there's always room for improvement. For me, there are two features I want: - A UNSC Aircraft We've had the Hornet in Halo 3 and the Falcon in Halo: Reach, but since then we've had no UNSC aircraft for use in-game. Now they've introduced the Phaeton, which is great, but there's only Forerunner and Covenant aircraft available to us. The Hornet and Falcon are most likely decommissioned, they're out of date. A new UNSC Aircraft is needed, we all know it. - Firefight We need more PvE combat, and it's definitely Firefight. Spartan Ops served as a replacement in Halo 4, but most thought Classic Firefight was irreplaceable. Surviving endless waves of Covenant with limited lives was great back in ODST. If 343 bring this back, I'm sure many will be pleased. Now, what would you like to see in Halo 6? Do you agree/disagree with my thoughts? Is there anything you'd like 343 Industries to remove in Halo 6? Share your thoughts below. Thanks for reading.
  8. I don't really understand how the matchmaking system works but for gamemodes like warzone I'm always on the losing team whether the game started or in the middle of the match. I've been playing Halo 5 his whole week and of the 5 days I've been playing I think I have only won 2-3 games. Most of the time I'm at the top of the leaderboards holding my team or in second helping the dude at the top, but I'm always on the losing team no matter what. The only time I do good is when my friends are on Halo but I can't harass them to play warzone (which some dislike) just so I can win a few games. Do I have bad luck or does this happen to other people often too? If anybody would like to play add me Gt: "your pegasus"
  9. Latest blog post from the Archive...enjoy! Halo Combat Evolved released all the way back in 2001 in the U.S. and some time after for the rest of the world. We all know the giant tale behind this release and what it caused in the gaming industry. You don’t need me to tell you that. This is about the Soundtrack and the Sheet Music for it available here on the Halo Archive. Read more below... Halo Sheet Music: Scores of Halo – Halo: Combat Evolved Original Soundtrack Sheet Music
  10. Open Hand | Rare Weapon Showcase | Halo 5: Guardians Right hand of Endurance-of-Will, the Didact's loyal lieutenant. Advanced Boltshot that fires a swarm of tracking bolts with each press of the trigger. Hey guys i just wanted to let you all know that on youtube no one has done a rare weapon showcase for the Open Hand (bolt shot Variant) So i decided to make one my self on my channel as no one has done it yet and its come together really well and my channel btw has just got over 1100 so yeah if you dont want to see what the open hand can do then thats fine! Anyway Thanks heres the link to my video!
  11. Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum. I know this isn't an "official" 343i forum, just a fan made community (correct me if I'm wrong), but I was apparently banned from the official Waypoint forums, and I'm not sure why... I am unable to post anything and unable to make any topics on there, the buttons to create new posts aren't there anymore. When I look at my Waypoint profile (click here to see my profile), it says this: So I took a look at the Halo Waypoint Forum Ban FAQ topic (here) and it says when you get banned: I was never "greeted" with the message they're talking about, and I don't have a message from a moderator saying why I was banned. I also never got an email or anything from them so I really have no clue whatsoever why I was banned, and like I said above, on my Waypoint profile it says I was suspended due to "other" until the year 2552 (Wtf? lol). Anyone here have any experiences like this? Has anyone here ever been unbanned from Waypoint? I would appreciate any advice. I'll stick around here though (I just found this forum). This forum seems a bit more mature and level-headed compared to the people on Waypoint anyways lol. Thanks!
  12. I am looking for three people to play in the Halo 5 last chance qualifier with next Sunday. It is just for fun and isn't meant to be taken seriously. Really just for teh lulz. But hey, then you can say you played in an MLG tournament. And who knows? We could be the next EG and win it, go to regionals, and win the 2 million dollar tournament. I hope this was the right spot to post this. Must have a mic and positive K/D. If interested message me on here or Xbox. Gamertag is Maximum Clutch.
  13. Started in Halo Reach Undefeated in 1v1s Team player but silent Has a mic Never been anywhere on scoreboard but 1st About 2000+ Hate required armor My gt is TwistedXTornado
  14. The paint I used felt too sticky. I was a bit unhappy with the texture. But I was happy when the figure dried. Needler round XD
  15. here, this is an 86 page long thread talking about this issue: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/e0d9938206f04a598ce84f2c8cadce02/topics/warzone-dont-work-south-ameria-africa-australia/06223e76-9c6e-45fe-af01-fb00160803b0/posts?page=86 i will still give my opinion: since the 27th of october, the times i was able to get a match at halo 5 multiplayer´s were few to none, afteer looking unsuccessfully for players (1/4 looking for spartans) for 5 minutes it displays a message saying "unable to match - there may not enough players to support this play list" ITS BEEN MORE THAN A MONTH, PLEASE 343I, PLEASE, WE AT SOUTH AMERICA WANT TO PLAY HALO´S MULTIPLAYER TOO!
  16. At the end of my greatest warzone game ever. The game threw me into some lobby then it spazzed out. I obtained no xp, no rewards to commendations I know I completed, and no req points. Worst of all I lost the cinema clip to the game. A 700-100 comeback and win. I am wondering if there is a way to access the game and obtain the rewards I earned.
  17. Reach Security Force Recruitment Center Follow the steps below to join: 1.Add me on xbox 360:YouTube Xe Sexy 2.Send me a message saying you want to join 3.You must have a mic or be able to hear me through your TV What to expect: 1.Everybody to be active 2.No disrespect 3.People listening 4.Disciplined members 5.Hardcore training 6.Raids every weekend 7.Training during the week 8.Big team battle when it is a free day 9.Days off are usually monday 10.Stay in the emblem that you are given 11.Follow orders
  18. They don't seem to be the in-fashion thing nowadays, usually when a new game comes out (Halo 5 guardians this time) there's usually torrents of content made within days, but that doesn't appear to have happened this time (as far as I can tell). Is there a different kind of player who Halo appeals to now? Or are we all just tired of the usual over-used storylines which youtube has been filled with ever since the release of Halo reach? ...that reminds me of something (I didn't come here intending to self advertise), but I did a video about a month ago which satirizes over used Halo Reach machinima cliches. I won't go into detail, but the short version of the name is AoRoAS69RECT... bet you'll never work out what that acronym is for. You can take a gander at it if you're interested: https://youtu.be/EPA6u65lZ3o But anyway,back to the point. When's the last time you've seen one of these video game movies? Do you think they've become more or less common? And do you think there's any reasons for any change? I don't know very many Halo fans to be honest so please share your thoughts...
  19. Was anyone kinda shocked when they seen the crew for blue team? I mean these are Spartans that Cheif knows not some pick up team but people he grew with. I read some of the books and was thrilled to see Kelly is back R.I.P Sam but wow this was a huge reel in for me. I just want to know is 343i going to include some of Chief's past in this game will we really get an inside peek at behind the Spartans II program and how they manged to find each other
  20. Help please I can't access online because thes messy has come up all but one time I have opened the game. Does anyone know how to fix this problem
  21. Hi everyone. I'm a animator and illustrator. I have a youtube channel where I post my animations and sped up Let's Draw's of various video game/cartoon/movie characters. In my most recent vid, I draw Master Chief! Hope you enjoy it, share it around if you do please, and thanks for watching!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSjC4jMaeRM
  22. The Knights of Valhalla clan is a military based clan operating uniquely on Halo 5. We are a serious, disciplined and tactical group separated into 4 divisions. The "Special Forces" (Infantry), the "Armor Corps" (Land vehicle experts), the "Air Forces", "C-SOR" (Commando Special Operations Regiment). To know more go to our website or message on of our recruitment officials on Xbox LIVE. Website: - knightsofvalhallaclan.weebly.com Recruitment Official: - Wolf Bane P90
  23. Competitive esports clan. Msg chugach68 on xbl for details
  24. The Awoken Clan is a competitive and Recreational Halo gaming clan. We have been operational for over 5 years now!!! Furthermore, we currently practice in Halo 3, Halo CE Anniversary, Halo Reach, and Halo 4 on the Xbox 360. However, on Nov.11 all of our members will move onto the Xbox One, following this all of our practices and clan events will take place in Halo MCC. Are clan is run by a military based ranking and order system therefore, when we give orders you are expected to follow, failing to comply will result in punishment or termination. Moreover, even though or clan is run by a military style ranking system all members do have the right to voice their opinions in clan meetings, on forums. Our members tend to play long ours with each other and practice for at least an hour almost every other day of not every day meaning, we recruit more so of personality rather than skill. Skill can always be improved but to change who someone one is cannot always be one. Do apply you must meet the following requirements: -Must have an Xbox One/be getting one -Must have Halo MCC -Must love Halo! -Must be willing to learn and be capable of receiving and following orders -Must be able to follow ranking system -Must listen to higher ranks -Must want to improve and help other to improve -Must play recreational and sometimes competitively -Must live in a Pacific time zone, Mountain time zone, or Eastern time zone (or as long as your within 3 hours of the pacific time) -Must participate in all clan events and play frequently -Cannot be in any other clans -Must speak English (does not matter if it’s your second language as long as you can talk and listen) -Must be 13 or older -Must be friendly If you have any other questions and/or want to join the Awoken Clan and be part of a fun and competitive clan please either contact Awoken Anarchy, Awoken Wrath, or Awoken Epidemic. Or you can apply on our website at www.awokenclan.weebly.com So you on the battlefield Spartans!
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