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  1. Have you ever thought to yourself while playing another game "This vehicle would be awesome in Halo!". If so please post what it was and what game it was from. I'll start us off, The Squad Chopper from Crackdown 2.
  2. Hey everybody our clan (HFT) is in need of somebody kind enough to stream/capture our Gameplay and clan battles so we can become more recognized. Any help would be greatly appreciated and we would return the favor as best we can. Thank you to anybody willing to do this for us . Please message me on XBL at: HFT Chaos if your interested . Good Luck Troops!
  3. Hey, My name is x Master Rob x, and my colleagues and I at Superior Masters Productions just created what is hoped to be the first machinima in a series. It's a Halo: Reach machinima called Chimera Team Alpha, and is meant to be sort of a retro buddy-cop take on the Halo universe, with the man-child spartan Crackshot paired with the sardonic elite Niblick, with both of them directed by the gruff Admiral Tyrell. We're new and we're still finding our footing, but we think we have something to contribute to the Halo machinima community. Our pilot episode (Episode 1) can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnHiM0SodB0&list=PL2F9536BB3629B61E&index=1&feature=plpp_video [EDIT: the link to the video has changed as the video has been picked up by the 343iCommunity YouTube channel. Which is awesome.] Thanks, x Master Rob x
  4. Okay so, this might have been mentioned before, but basically, if Halo 4 has these things than we (the Halo Community) can call it a true successor to Halo 3. Plus it would allow Halo to reclaim its pedestal as the most popular and best game of the times. And I truly believe I am talking on behalf of the majority of the Halo fans here. So, to bring Halo back into its glory days when it was THE game everyone played (2005-2009 ish), including these things are a must: 1. Great Maps (The Pit, Lockout, Blood Gulch, Guardian, Sanctuary, Midship, etc look to these for inspiration 343) 2. Ranked playlists vs. Social playlists (from 1 to 50, and make it so that you don't get "rank stuck", plus this is what seperates Halo from other online multiplayer games such as COD in which you have to earn exp to rank up) 3. Great Storymode (make it as epic as Halo 1, 2, 3 which were all worth replaying even now) 4. Classic weapons (BR, No bloom, hitscan such as Halo 2's where you don't have to lead your shots, also include carbine, bring back the Beam Rifle, and dual wielding). Go ahead and including new weapons but please don't make something really tragic such as Focus Rifle. A good example of a great new weapon was the Grenade Launcher, which takes a good deal of skill. 5. Vehicles- in Halo Reach if you didn't notice the vehicles themselves have a certain health, whereas in Halo 2 and 3 YOUR shields represented how much you could take (although after a while if your vehicle is worn it will deplete faster) Also bring back the unlimited shooting for the hog, unlimited gliding for the ghost and banshee, might not seem like a big deal but to some it is. 6. Sword- alright so many people I have heard over the years have mixed opinions on how the sword should work. There are generally 2 sides: Some people think the Halo 2 sword was OP with the unlimited ammo and lunge and think the Halo 3 version was better, and SOME people (including myself) think that the Halo 2 sword was fun to use and made it a worthwhile power weapon. However mostly everyone agrees the Reach version sucks (mainly because you can deflect it). So 343, choose either the Halo 3 version or Halo 2, either one might be favorable. 7. Armor Abilites- PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY AAs in HALO 4 including SPRINT!!! I have talked to many people over the last 1.5 years of Reach and 99% of people say this was the SINGLE BIGGEST FLAW EVER CREATED IN A HALO GAME!! Jetpack-Halo is not meant to be airborne, you want to be airborne get a banshee or something!! Armor Lock- Breeds intolerable behavior such as in Elite Slayer when people go up to you, stick you, than armor lock, plus the AA itself is sooo annoying. Camo- should always remain as a powerup as it was in all the Halos, not a loadout, plus its annoying as hell when your radar is constantly scrambled!! Hologram- a simply retarded and annoying AA that breeds noobish behavior. Evade/Sprint: Okay so some people say that these are the good editions of AAs, however MOST people agree that Sprint makes Halo too much like COD and deviates away from tradition. 8. Jumping/Fall Damage/Movement- please make Halo 4's Master Chief as epic as Halo 2 and 3s where he can jump about 7 feet high and take no fall damage (unless you fall off a cliff, where of course you will die). The movement speed of the Spartan in Reach was way too slow, and Halo 2 and 3's MC could walk fast, this allowed for faster strafing in intense matches and faster gameplay. 9. Classic playlists- (don't forget TS, Doubles, Snipers, Objective, SWAT, MLG, BTB-include these seperate from social playlists) 10. Classic Gameplay- Now I have been hearing that in Halo 4, 343 is talking about possibly having weapons dropped to players in drop pods (such as in Firefight). Now, mostly everyone I know playing Halo would agree that this simply takes away from all the core that is Halo. Halo is meant for players to go after different weapons and control areas of the map with them for as long as possible. This is one of the biggest things that separates Halo from other shooters such as COD, in which you start out with your sniper, shotty, etc. In Halo, weapons were ALWAYS placed strategically on the map, and players would go after them. If I have left out anything significant, please do let me know, but I think I covered pretty much everything. Think about all those great LAN parties you used to have with your friends, and the great moments they created. Think about those great moments on XBL with your friends. If 343 shapes up, than those glorious years can continue. PLEASE HALO FANS, WE AS THE LONG RUNNING COMMUNITY OF THIS GREAT GAME CANNOT LET IT WITHER AWAY AT THE HANDS OF SOME BAD DECISIONS, IT IS OUR DUTY TO INFLUENCE THE DEVELOPERS. HELP SPREAD THE WORD AND INFLUENCE THEM. AND DON'T THINK FOR ONE SECOND THAT YOUR OPINION DOESN'T COUNT. HALO WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE BUILT ON THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY!!!
  5. Hey everybody! We are clan HFT/Hells Finest Troops and we will be happy for You to join! We are a Multi-game clan, including Halo: Reach, Mortal Kombat, Call of Duty: Black ops, Modern Warfare 3, Soulcaliber V, and Battlefield 3. We are competitive, fun, committed, and a loyal clan. Each clan member is treated with respect and fairness. Any player can join regardless of his/her, age, rank, or voice. Microphones are not required but are preferred by some squad leaders. There is a ranking system for the clan and you will be ranked based on skill and team management, we also have a division that specializes in achievement boosting and daily/weekly challenge completion, for those who cannot seem to unlock that 1 darn achievement. We have an official clan MLG team at MLGpro.com (Only the PRO players in the clan are allowed on our MLG team, there are also tryouts for the team of course) also hosting tournaments for MS points and clan promotions. The game-types we play are: 1) Team Slayer 2)Team SWAT 3)Rumble Pit 4)Big Team Battle 5)Team Objective 6)MLG 7)Living dead In order to join you must prove you are a fun, committed player, and pass the tryouts in any of the above game-types (you will be taken through the trials by any clan General or Spartan present) . The official clan website will be up sometime and we'll hit it off from there! Hope this page appealed to you and if there are any questions, complaints or if you would like to join please message me at my GT: HFT Chaos. Good luck troops!
  6. Interested in joining a clan? Bored of playing by yourself? If not then find something to do. But if so then I have got a clan that is available for you to join. : DJ clan : Dear Players The DJ clan is a simple clan and requires your gamer tag to be changed to DJ Example ?? and two numbers replacing the question marks. A bit about the clan is that it requires NO age limit. Of course if your like 5 or younger then no, but we at least need a mature player who understands the concepts of life. -__- . Anyways, the clan is fun to be in because we can go from playing matchmaking together, mostly infection, to show the clan's teamwork in surviving 3 waves of zombie hordes. Another thing we do is play on Custom Games (what is Fun without that?) . On Custom Games, we pretty much play what ever the people agree on playing. Their are about 15 people in the clan, and yes it is a little because little means more order to keep the clan together and to contact each other easily. If you're interested in joining please contact me at my gamer tag (DJ MiKE 16) and I will introduce you to the clan. Send me a message, or add me, or something please. Well there you have it, the DJ clan, if you don't like it then move on and stop wasting your time. By the way, I am the only one in the clan who is doing anything for the clan, so help would be great. <THANK YOU> ^DJ MiKE 16^ And Don't Forget About MC...sorry if the PIC. didn't show
  7. i personally think that they shud make a couple more sky vehicles, besides just banshees and falcons. Also, i think they shud make a spartan vehicle that is more like a ghost, and u can fire from the driver seat and move really fast I also think that (even tho it sounds rediculous) they shud make not only air and ground vehicles, but water vehicles, like a speed boat or something, or just like a warthog that can drive on land and water. Another good idea is that they make more types of warthogs and falcons, like the ones in the campaign of reach. My last idea is to just have more vehicles in general. I heard somewhere that they are planningon putting pelicans and phantoms If you have a comment on any of these ideas, or your own idea, then plz post it.
  8. Alright guys, this is a little forum game I'd thought I'd post. Basically you just say ANY word of a subject form the Halo universe. It can be anything from Halo, weapons, names, objectives, etc. And the person below you has to say what comes to their mind first then they say a subject from Halo! That simple. EXAMPLE: ME: What does the word "Halo" bring to your mind first? NEXT POSTER: A giant ring. What does the word "Elite" bring to your mind first? NEXT POSTER: *answers then says their word* I'll start us off. "Spartan"
  9. Since 343i have full control over Halo and something lingering in my head since Bungie Day 2010... Do you think that 343i should give the flaming armor to the Halo 3 players and permenately!? :spiteful:
  10. I participated in the Beta back last summer, but I never got a email with a download version of the game. What do I do?
  11. Discuss the two new episodes of Red vs Blue in Halo 4! If you haven't seen them, you can find them in Halo Waypoint.
  12. SPOILER ALERT! This Video reveals info about the beginning and first level of Halo 4. This info is real and straight from the newest Halo novel, Halo: Primordium. Frank O'Conner said in an interview, that the story has already been told through the books, and Halo: Primordium would give some big insight on Halo 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPANfSjrLU4
  13. Can't play three games without running into a full team of max level cheaters whose kd's are all rediculous. Im so tired of not being able to play the playlist I love without these cheating teams. Constantly and I mean like every one shot from the passenger seat of whatever vehicle just for starters. There's gotta be something done about this.
  14. i was doing some talking in the chat above and i have came up to a conclusion that the weird structure in the trailer is something hidden behind a halo ring possibly
  15. i am bored today and lookibg for someone to play with, or people who wanna play in custom games, anyone interested?
  16. Halo reach out was created by awhitehouse06 i am just posting it on here
  17. Is it just a bug bug or is reach full of cheaters. I have recently come across allot of players with a really high rank, but when I look at their playtime it can sometimes say a day or even less and it also says they barely have any kills? I'm really confused any help?
  18. Im feeling like playing slayer or invasion anyone want to join me send me a message
  19. Hello all, Today I decied too play some games of Halo 2 on my PC because I wanted to get some achievements with my Xbox Live account because I used to use a different acoount for my PC to my Xbox. (I dont know why). Anyway, As soon as I hit quick match in the LIVE menu it said that the server timer timed out. Then I went to browse games and waited a while after about 5mins of waiting I gave up, checked my connection, tried again, failed, restarted, failed and now im writing this post. I dont know has anything to do with 343i taking over or something else, if you know anything or just what to add to this topic write into the thing below. SpelWerdzRit
  20. Hey this is A hil13 (GAMERTAG), and i am looking for a small, new, big team battle clan to have a clan war with on custom made maps. If u wish to do this with us please reply, friend me on xbox, and message me on xbox Also, if we can get enough clans, id like to have a small tournement. For any info on what to do for the maps, what kinds of things can be on them, and what to do for the game type, reply to this thread.
  21. I was watching Red vs. Blue the other day and I said to myself "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if in Halo 4 the voice of the commentator person was Sarge." Since Sarge hates Grif he could say something negative towards whoever has the bomb after saying something like that there are two minutes left, if there is a sudden death or something else that is normally said. I think it would also be cool if sometimes Grif said something. Whoever voices Grif in Red vs. Blue could say those occasional things. He could say "Oh Crap!" "Not the face!" "Im too good looking to die!". That would be cool. What do you think?
  22. You know what really grinds my gears? Perks: What ever happen to equality???? -We stray away from mainstream COD for this simple reason. Skill. -Ever heard of somebody being bad at COD? -Look -If your with me please agree, your team should be as strong as your weakest player. -Perks eliminate this simple fact. -Halo 4 <3 -Perks? </3 Not so much. We Will Not Forget
  23. Hey guys ChiefJDUB here joining the site today should have a while ago but was having to much fun killing and getting away with it. LMFAO. Well any ways Im looking for more members to join us in the PHN also looking for a more intellegent and already knowing Co-Clan leader seeing as the first two i had didnt really help with getting clan battles set up and going, recruiting, etc i've been in on this on my own and im looking for help if i have to i might just think about a third in command who ever joins ill be looking over stats K/D and W/L. Come join us post pics and links to your maps or gametypes and lets take over Fan Page: http://www.facebook....ns/228761634655
  24. Halo 4 Videos Having a hard time finding great information about Halo 4? Well all *New* videos will be posted here and labeled, you can submit videos to be added to the list by simply sending me a PM with the link to the video. Disclaimer: I do not take credit to any of the videos posted, all the credit goes to the original creator, these videos are posted to keep the 343i.org community updated with Halo 4 News / Videos. Videos (Top = newest video) The Creative Director's Vision For Halo 4 ! Halo 4 Beta, Character Customization, Analysis of HUD: Anoj Explains Episode 1
  25. I found out a solution. Instead of making everyone else's gaming experience judged on by 1000-2000 people on the forums, why don't you try this. Instead of making the Title update mandatory, why don't you do a test? For a bout a month, make another playlist, that only has no title update. That way there would be a one playlist with title update in every gametype, and one without it. It would include every playlist, but without the title update. Moniter the number of players on each play list. Whichever one gets more players would become the new official title update. Sincerely, A person who represents the majority of the community in the belief that the title update really sucks In case you didn't get my example here's a demonstration. Note: > <--- represents a change in playlist Title update>Anniversary, Coop, Competitive, Community, Crappy TU Beta that is played by 1/1000000 of the community>And so on and so forth No title update>Anniversery, coop, competitive, community, Crappy TU Beta that is ruining Halo and will cause Halo 4 to put you out of business> and so on into the regular categories. OR BETTER YET! Make the title update optional! That way we can prove that no one who matters likes it. The OP has a "Revised" post list in this thread here. He had created another OP rather than update this one or post a revision in here. It was transferred here. Absolute Dog
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