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  1. Halo 5 Armour: Suggestions Hey everyone, i'd like to take a moment to propose some ideas and concepts for some halo 5 armour. Firstly i'd like to show everyone some concepts i have designed myself. (More may be added to the post) I am hoping to one day make it in the gaming industry and a pitcher and designer, what this armour originally was was armour that i am making for my own FPS game Pitch. Seeing as i am still in collage and maybe quite far from pitching a game, i may as well see if these armour are good enough for Halo. Interceptor: I drew this helmet freehand, The fashion i was trying to project with this helmet is Brutal, Heavily Armoured, Sleek and Technical. The purpose of wearers of this helmet would be to intercept enemies from primary objectives. This would be done in an all risk full brutality firefight. The heavy design and lack of a visor suggests a very technical nature of this gear. Ranger (Original name) Fine Liner Free Drawing: Fully Rendered: This helmet is by far one of my favorite concepts, sadly currently sharing the name of a current halo 4 helmet measures will have to be ensured to change this. This helmet is designed for rogue scouts that patrol of recon an area. The visor clearly shown wraps around the front and side of the helmet, giving well over 180 degrees puerperal vision. Another matter i would like to address is how th armour affects us. Halo armour has always just made our Spartans look pretty, i think it is time they got giving a use. Armour pieces should now be given designated statistics. My suggestion to these are as follows: Mobility / Weight: Damage Resistance: (Maybe more) These statistics show that armour should affect the player in terms of battle and mobility. It would create interesting ways in which players can play the game. Players should also have the ability to have a transparent visor, removed helmet, or removed armour pieces. Upon shooting places that armour was removed the player will take much more damage. Another suggestion i would like to make is to make sure that all armour is achievable. I loved the armour in Halo 4, but some armours are just too hard to get or completely unachievable. Examples: Stances: (Breach, Believe and Standoff) are all far too hard to get! They should be made much easier and should suit a play style instead of getting kills with a bunch of weapons. I have seen one person with Breach and one with believe. Standoff is just ridiculous, No gametypes have fuel rod cannons, beam rifles or gravity hammers even spawn! Sorry 343, but thats Crazy! Assault stance is achievable, but still far to hard. Armour: Vanguard, Protector (Skin), Commando, are just out of the question ridiculous. I have never seen anyone with these armours. And disappointingly there are my favorites. They would take bare months to achieve. A set of armour that requires a designated goal should only take a bare maximum of 8 Solid gameplay hours to achieve. (If i could make a suggestion, It shouldn't require the "Master" level on a commendation. I feel that the level master is very fair, but you shouldn't be required to reach it for all armours. Visors: Verdant was very hard to get and far too enduring. I feel if it was lowed by at least half it would be fair. I forget the name of it but the red visor requiring avenger medals is very hard. The message i am trying to get across here (And i definitely don't blame 343, it was their first game and they wouldn't have known how it would go down) but now they know (: so c'mon 343! One last thing that isn't entirely relevant. I Don't think all specializations should be available for unlock straight away, some should be restricted until you have done more, per say, completed a number of specializations. I hope you enjoyed my ideas. Thank you for reading! (:
  2. Hello, I am knew to 343i. I am hoping this will be a great place to network with fellow Haloians. I am in the process of trying to invigorate the Halo community here in New Jersey and surrounding areas, through hosting events that will bring local and regional players together to commune, play and compete. Hope to get a chance to meet everyone in the near future! Thanks, -Johnny Hitbox Arena Director
  3. Hosting a custom games lobby Emile A129 HI everyone I'm new to posting one of these topics and I not quite sure but I'm going to try and do it how I saw the pros do it. Anyway July 14 Monday I'm going to host a custom games lobby in Halo4 at 4pm est time. Open to game type suggestions and maps i just wanna have fun and i want to do it with the people of the community. It will be a fun chance for us all to get to play with each other some more in a more relaxed environment no real competitive play but the spirit is appreciative to a degree. Or whatever go crazy but in all things lets be respectful people and have fun and share some laughs keep an open mind and post if you wanna join. Some gametypes going to be played are Prop Hunt Duck Hunt Freeze Tag Speed Run Race Basket Ball Football and many many more Time running from 6:00 pm est - 11:00 pm est Vote fore the first three game types and event starting time.
  4. Map Name: GoldenEye Facility File Share Gamertag: Salsasandro Canvas Map: Impact Last Updated: April, 22th, 2013 Tags: goldeneye, facility, felicity, perfectdark, new, classic Supported Game types: CTF, Dominion, Extraction, Flood, KotH, Infinity Slayer Best Gametypes: Flood Infinity Slayer Intended Team Size(s): 4 to 8 Players Initial Ordnance: 2 Jetpack 60 resupply Time Random Ordnance: Hidden: 4 Concussion Rifle / Gravity Hammer / Energy Sword 2 Plasma Pistol / Boltshot / DMR / Light Rifle / Plasma Grenade (x2) 2 Sticky Detonator / Battle Rifle / Saw / Pulse Grenade (x2) 2 Magnum / Plasma Pistol / Sticky Detonator /Battle Rifle 2 Magnum / Boltshot / Sticky Detonator / Assault Rifle 2 Shotgun / Assault Rifle 1 Scattershot / Assault Rifle Only reachable with Jetpack: 2 Damage Boost / Speed Boost / Overshield Objective Ordnance: 4 Battle Rifle / Pulse Grenade (x2) / Beam Rifle 2 Assault Rifle / Battle Rifle / DMR / Rocket Launcher / Sniper Rifle 2 Shotgun / Saw 2 Jetpack / Regenaration Field / Promethean Vision / Autosentry 4 Damage Boost / Speed Boost / Overshield (only reachable with Jetpack) Weapons on Map: 6 Base Turrets (for Dominion GameType) Armor Abilities: 2 Jetpack (Initial Ordnance) 2 Jetpack (inObjective Ordnance) Power ups: 2 Damage Boost / Speed Boost / Overshield (see: Random Ordnance) 4 Damege Boost / Speed Boost / Overshield (see: Objective Ordnance) Supported Vehicles: None Budget: 9975 / 10000 Screenshots: Download link: https://www.halowayp...le&startIndex=0 Video Flythrough, Overview Link: without Map Trait Zones: None Map Description: A remake of the classic Multiplayer map Felicity from the GoldenEye Level: Facility. With new aesthetics. It’s a mix of the Games; GoldenEye, Perfect Dark and Perfect Dark Zero. Features of course the Toilet room with the airshaft. Also the wardrobe with a little recreation area, the pin board and at last the Silo section. Additional Info: I chused Impact because its the only map who has Silos. I found also that the Station corridor fits perfectly for the purpose in that region between the two Silo rooms even if the entrance to them are not the same like in the original map. (diagonal opposite) I made the roof of the map with glass pieces to keep it more brighter, since impact is a very dark map in close rooms. I run out of money and couldn’t close the roof everywhere completely , but it doesn’t matter. I put several instant kill and one soft kill Zones over the two inverted Silos only for the Food Mode since the Flood Players cant reach that location without Jetpacks. I build this map first for Aesthetic purposes. Its not been designed to be a balanced CTF or Dominion Map since the original shape of the Level doesn’t allow it, but i had a lot of fun to build it anyway. Enjoy ^.^
  5. I'm gonna throw this thread out there as a bit of a teaser as well as an invitation to anyone out there that still loves to play there daily Halo, but doesn't have many people left on their friend's list that plays Halo. I'm making a gaming community called "Project Ascension" with a strong emphasis on Halo. The community will deal work with our members to grow and expand for every type of gamer, from the casual Halo player, to the elite players. We are set up to have a war-simulation event (And no, not a LARP) in which all our participating members form into teams and work to gain domination of a risk type board, with each territory being represented by an actual in-game map. Alongside this, you can expect us to have a handful of gamenights each week ranging from any of the Halos, to other amazing multiplayer games. On top of the Campaign war simulations, and gamenights, we will also hold Tournaments, and days were we get together to simply work on achievements to help our members get that next step closer to 100% their games. Now that I'm done with the very rough explanation of what Project Ascension is, let me try provide some quick guidelines to the community: 1.) We don't have an age range, We have met plenty of 14 year olds that have it much more together than some guys and gals in college. We do however work to limit drama on the community to as small as we can. 2.) No, we do not require any changes to your gamertags, profiles, statuses, or anything like that. It's dumb, and a waste of your time to do it, and a waste of my time to even think of asking you to do it. 3.) We are an open community, if you are part of another community, we don't mind. We are just restarting and we understand that other larger communities have a lot to offer as well. We do appreciate monogamous members, but it's not like we are gonna chain you to the community. 4.) No, we don't demand that you attend every thing we do. We do appreciate members conveying that they wanna join an event, but unless you convey you want to join in, you don't need to feel pressure to join. Project Ascension already has pretty much everything we need to start up on a moment's notice, but due to our admins either being in college final's month, busy with a wedding around the corner, as well as other things in life demanding our attention, we won't be officially starting up for about a month and a half, late May to early June to help remove the chronological math from that. With all of that said, myself, and the other admins do find ourselves enough spare time to jump on our xbox often enough to forge some fun maps, do matchmaking, and keep up with anyone that wants to join with us for some fun times. If you feel like you wanna just jump on Halo and play with some decent guys feel free to send a friend request to gamertag: Salvanous.
  6. Why is there a need to give the new Halo a title? All other Halos before, except Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 3: ODST, didn't have one and looked fine. I think it would look better without a title. So there's not exploit or hint. Keep the continuity of the what the game hides. Titles for titles are only good for a story that branches off into a different story. Like, if there's going to be a Halo 4: whatever that played the roll of whoever. I would rather see that with a title than the next expansion fo the actually story. What do YOU think?
  7. TL;DR - In think that the new forerunner weapons in Halo 4 weren't interesting and were just laser/energy versions of the human weapons. The incineration cannon was interesting and the scattershot was different but I hope that Halo 5 can offer some new, creative and iconic weapons. So yeah. I didn't like the forerunner weapons in Halo 4. Some of them were fun to use like the incineration cannon but none of them turned out to be iconic like the needler. My hope is that we get a lot of new creative and iconic weapons in Halo 5. I'm not saying it's easy to come up with iconic weapons I'm just saying 343 shouldn't hire any more designers who worked on the TRON movie. Most of the forerunner weapons are essentially laser gun versions of the human weapons. This in my eyes is lazy. To be honest the names for these weapons are pretty bad too (boltshot, scattershot....???!!). Halo Reach, the last game that Bungie worked on, had some nice examples of creative weapons. The grenade launcher (pro pipe), plasma launcher, the DMR (sem-auto rifle isn't necessarily inventive, but it was for Halo and developing 'bloom' was for sure a challenge), and the needle rifle. I love how the needle rifle richoches off of almost everything. The grenade launcher from Reach being by far the most creative edition of the game. It's like Bungie took the noob tube from CoD and made it into a viable thing to use in multiplayer that is actually fair and versatile. Truly brilliant m8. What do you guys think? Here are some of my ideas for what could have been interesting weapons: 1. Some version of an EMP type weapon/launcher. Kind of does something similar to a pulse grenade except more easy to use and powerful. How about an automaic weapon that shoots rounds which easily deplete shields? Plasma weapons sort of already do this but it could be a power weapon that is similar to this from crysis: http://crysis.wikia.com/wiki/K-Volt I can see a weapon like this being huge in competitive play. One guy in the front pushing forward and spraying out shield depleting blasts while the rest of the team picks the enemy off from behind him/her. 2. Damage over time weapons. Come on, we're talking about forerunners here I'm sure they can do better than laser/heat-based weapons. How about biological weapons that kill you over time? I feel it would be super cool to have some sort of forerunner sub-machine gun, like the supressor but more accurate, which shoots out rounds that go straight into the opponents health. It would be a power weapon of course. But instead of making it sound like a gun the rounds would have to look, feel and fire a lot more interestingly. I know that's vague but....yeah. So when you hear this gun basically you run or kill the guy weilding it from a distance. It would be very distinct. 3. Some sort of a gun that moves physical objects. Ok we have the gravity hammer, what's the next step? How about some sort of a device which can latch onto a vehicle or object and the player can use the analog buttons to toss it into something, or hit a button to push the object forward. Some sort of a splatter machine. If you tried to move a player, instead of being able to throw the player like a ragdoll (would be super annoying) it would just deplete some/all of the player's shields instead. The amount of time that would be allocated to you in order to move the object between picking it up and letting it go would be very short. Just a second or a second and a half. So you could latch onto something and toss it right after. Would make it less over-powered that way. 4. A complete killing machine. The incerineration cannon is powerful, same with the binary rifle. However neither of these weapons quite live up to what I imagined forerunner weapons to be like. I don't think anything 343i created came close. I believe it would have been possible and it is possible to implement a forerunner power weapon that is rare to find on maps, hard to use but totally iconic and satisfying to get kills with. Something OP but with very limited use. It would shoot out multiple flying arcs of energy....That crack and richoche on surfaces. Basically a gun that could shoot lightning out of it, forerunner style. The lightning would kill anyone in impact but it would be quite hard to control when fired in a general direction. The bolt of lightning would last about 1-1.5 seconds allowing the player to subtley drag it to his target. the lightning would arc off of the target and damage other things, without killing them. So basically a spartan laser that shoots out an uncontrolled lightning blast instead of a focused beam with a small splash damage radius...or A HUGE splash damage radius. Obviously it wouldn't be EXACTLY lightning but the blast would just look like it. I'm totally going to draw a picture of this and post it later.
  8. Redcoat The game: After a bloody and gruesome civil war in the US, a rag-tag group of rebellious militia known as Redcoats retreated underground, ruining most of the landscapes above. Many years later we ascend from the darkness only to find the New World a mystic and rustic paradise, but what lies beneath this paradise is humanity's own perdition as Wildlife, Machines, and Psychotic Bandits from the Old World remain in the scattered and destroyed society, you, as a member of the Redcoats, must explore and advance in this frightening heaven and decide for yourself whether the world above is truly better in our hands, or the hands of mother nature. We are looking for people that will help put the game together, Application 1. Position (design, music, etc) 2. Past experience 3. What can you bring to the table? 4. When are you most readily available? 5. Any questions? For any additional information contact Edward Kenway or Yoshi1176
  9. Hey guys my name is Nogradea but just call me matt, I have been playing Halo since Halo 3 because I have just got in to video game in 2011 but I grow bigger every day to be the master of the Halo universe. My Favourite halo has got to be Halo reach because of all the ranks system and the credits Because I like to collect and achieve the best of the best. I'm stuck on halo reach at the moment Because I have to wait till my birthday to buy halo 4 or the other ones to master that game. I did have Halo reach but that was 2012 when I met this awesome person who helped he get throw the Halo universe to get to this point his name is Khamal Thomas/DestroyerBFG/Khamal1221 and I wouldn't be playing halo with out him but sadly it ended we part-ways so ye. I'm an a road to inheritor on halo reach and I need some people to help me and rank me up Legit. I don't cheat on halo and other games I don't get the point in doing it but ye. I'm a forge master and like forging on halo iv been doing it lost and made epic maps for the community like Fat lady Cops and robbers on my other account but I lost it, before my name was Ifrex/Proifrex Gamerz Thanks for reading vote if you thought it was interesting. Thanks
  10. I have just made my first week on halo and found it interesting to look at like the noble team its all new to me but im still on to that road to inheritor and now a Captain just got past warrant office it was a pain. Just some update about me.
  11. Hey guys Check out my new video Also I'd like Halo 4 to move away from CoD. Keep it new and interesting, but don't make it into a game franchise that is already dying. The main problem was the bad menu interface and people constantly quitting and joining matches. I think during a match, no one should be allowed to join or leave. Keep the menu like the one in reach, maybe add something interesting, but keep it simple and effective at carrying parties around the game.
  12. Hello.. I'm actually quite new to this sort of site,but I do adore the Halo series and found this.. I'm quite entertained with this place I like it. Not to be that person but I really new so please be kind and help me out now and then. Thanks!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=vIu85WQTPRc All I have to say is HOLLY F***BALLS!!
  14. 343 industries announced today that it will be partnering with Gallery Books for a multi-year contract to produce more Halo lore. After the announcement Frank O' Conner had this to say of the new deal: “We’ve had the luxury of working with amazing novelists and publishing partners in the past – and we’re excited to continue that tradition and growth with the announcement of our new novel publishing partner, Gallery Books – and we can’t wait to share the worlds and wonders we’ll build together.” Louise Burke, President of Gallery Books, spoke of the partnership as well: “We are thrilled to be working with 343 Industries and Microsoft on these upcoming Halo books, it’s a phenomenal brand that continues to grow and we look forward to continuing the ascent with them.” The first publication is currently set to be released in Fall of 2014. This is very exciting news to all of you Halo lore fans, I'm sure. Be sure to let us know what you think of this deal in the Comment Section below. SOURCE:HALOWAYPOINT
  15. 343 industries announced today that it will be partnering with Gallery Books for a multi-year contract to produce more Halo lore. After the announcement Frank O' Conner had this to say of the new deal: “We’ve had the luxury of working with amazing novelists and publishing partners in the past – and we’re excited to continue that tradition and growth with the announcement of our new novel publishing partner, Gallery Books – and we can’t wait to share the worlds and wonders we’ll build together.” Louise Burke, President of Gallery Books, spoke of the partnership as well: “We are thrilled to be working with 343 Industries and Microsoft on these upcoming Halo books, it’s a phenomenal brand that continues to grow and we look forward to continuing the ascent with them.” The first publication is currently set to be released in Fall of 2014. This is very exciting news to all of you Halo lore fans, I'm sure. Be sure to let us know what you think of this deal in the Comment Section below. SOURCE:HALOWAYPOINT View full article
  16. Hey everyone I'm new to the site but I love halo I've been into it for a while now and I love to keep learning about it. I am so enthusiastic about it that I even want to work for 343 Industries sometime in the future after I get my degree. I just wanted to say hey to the community
  17. Nintendo Direct Packed in A Lot Of Brand New Games For The Year Of 2014 If you are a true fan of the Nintendo Franchise then you already know that 2014 is going to be filled with goodies. Nintendo Direct is an Online Presentation done by Nintendo describing what the upcoming year is going to look like for them. This year they had quite the full sack with lot of toys for all the good little girls and boys. Most of the conference held on Today, December 18th, 2013, had to do with the 3DS. They started the presentation off strong with a glimpse at "Hyrule Warriors", which, however, is not what you think. This is going to be an extention of the "Dynasty Warriors" game franchise not apart of the "Legend Of Zelda" franchise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEYeCFFbHOU There was then talk of the recently announced Kirby: Triple Deluxe and some new game modes that it will include. There will be a four playerfighter mode and a rhythm-based plat former starring King Dedede. Also, Nintendo announced the Yoshi's New Island. This game will be on the 3DS platform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtJyud6dFNM That one will bring some classic feelings back to the Nintendo platform. Speaking of Classic feeling Nintendo is also planning to make a "reboot" of the old Donkey Kong Country games. The newest installment will be called Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DueE8vJXpo8 It will infuse that good old fashioned Donkey Kong feeling with all new ways to experience the fun. You will get the opportunity to play as multiple characters across your tropical journey's. Then lastly in the big announcements, they announced another track and some awesome footage of Mario Kart 8. This time we get some awesome footage from an airport themed map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrKY8cJfXEw And with that we come to a close. Source IGN
  18. Hello and welcome all to the 15th 343i Weekly Community Poll! Last week's question asked you if you preferred the massive beautiful Forge World, or the three flat topped islands that make up Forge Island. I actually thought it would be much closer than this, but here is our winner: On to this week's poll, which stems all the way from Halo 2 and can become an integral piece in the future of Halo: Do you think Arbiter will make his return in Halo 5? Now, don't be too quick to type up your opinion on this, because there's going to be a little bit of a break in the poll for the month of December with Christmas and everything so near. So if you want your vote to count this time, the voting deadline will be set at 10:00AM EST 01/03/14 Wow, it's almost 2014! Just another month and 2013 will be behind us... Thank you all for participating, Merry Christmas, and see ya' right here next month! Have a question, complaint, or suggestion pertaining to the poll? Message me
  19. Nintendo Direct Packed in A Lot Of Brand New Games For The Year Of 2014 If you are a true fan of the Nintendo Franchise then you already know that 2014 is going to be filled with goodies. Nintendo Direct is an Online Presentation done by Nintendo describing what the upcoming year is going to look like for them. This year they had quite the full sack with lot of toys for all the good little girls and boys. Most of the conference held on Today, December 18th, 2013, had to do with the 3DS. They started the presentation off strong with a glimpse at "Hyrule Warriors", which, however, is not what you think. This is going to be an extention of the "Dynasty Warriors" game franchise not apart of the "Legend Of Zelda" franchise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEYeCFFbHOU There was then talk of the recently announced Kirby: Triple Deluxe and some new game modes that it will include. There will be a four playerfighter mode and a rhythm-based plat former starring King Dedede. Also, Nintendo announced the Yoshi's New Island. This game will be on the 3DS platform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtJyud6dFNM That one will bring some classic feelings back to the Nintendo platform. Speaking of Classic feeling Nintendo is also planning to make a "reboot" of the old Donkey Kong Country games. The newest installment will be called Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DueE8vJXpo8 It will infuse that good old fashioned Donkey Kong feeling with all new ways to experience the fun. You will get the opportunity to play as multiple characters across your tropical journey's. Then lastly in the big announcements, they announced another track and some awesome footage of Mario Kart 8. This time we get some awesome footage from an airport themed map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrKY8cJfXEw And with that we come to a close. Source IGN View full article
  20. I was wondering what could happen after Cortana's final events on Halo 4. Supposing that the idea of Cortana not coming back as canon, how would Master Chief get battle assistance, intel on covenant activity, and/or the ability to be able to understand covenant (and forerunner) artifacts? Will he get help from a team, a new companion, or a new AI?
  21. IGN News I'm sure many remember Microsoft's less-than-flawless reveal of their new console, the Xbox One, a couple months ago, and again at E3. It's apparent lack of core gaming features and iteration of many TV/DVR integration features gave the impression that the X1 was no more of a gaming console than a DVR. Sony fans laughed. Xbox fans cried. And Nintendo fans did whatever Nintendo fans do. The new Xbox was fell drastically in popularity, being outsold in preorders to Sony's PS4 10:1 or more. The main problems included the requirement of daily internet access for the console to keep games up to date and deter hacking. It was announced not backwards compatible with Xbox and Xbox 360 games. The hard drive was internal and rather small in capacity, considering games require installation on the X1, so many complained that running out of storage without means of upgrading the hard drive may be impossible. Microsoft allowed developers to integrate single-use game codes (kind of like the Cerberus service for Mass Effect 2 or Multiplayer for BFBC2) so games could not be resold. And most importantly (to me, anyway) was that the internal hardware was notably inferior to Sony's PS4, and yet cost $100 more. Yes, the Xbox One was falling way short of expectation in more ways than I can remember, and Microsoft's Xbox division took a hit when it's president, Don Mattrick, resigned and was replaced by a person with no gaming background. Personally, I thought this to be the fall of Xbox. But three months later, it may have risen again. A couple days after confirming mandatory internet access intervals, Microsoft rejected their new DRM policy and fell back on one resembling the Xbox 360, which worked fine anyway. Personally, this was a selling point for me because I do not get internet service for about 4 months per year. It was also at this point that Xbox One sales finally started competing with Playstation 4. I figured that Microsoft would stop there, at least until after release, to see consumer response of their still rather lacking console. But (thankfully) they didn't. Not too much later did they announce that the Kinect sensor no longer needed to be active or even plugged in to play. I also noticed that the hard drive could now be accessed externally, which makes me believe, though not confirmed, that the hard drive may be replaceable. Microsoft developers will no longer use single-use codes, so games can be resold, and cool extra features such as in-game DVR recording, cloud-based processing (for those lucky enough to have great internet service), reputation preservation (to save and tranfer each player's hard-earned gamerscore), Second screen integration via Xbox Smartglass application for most mobile devices and Windows 8 OS, Blu-Ray disc drive, and many entertainment center integration features have shined light on the potential of the Xbox One, which began outselling PS4 at most main retailers. As of late, Microsoft has, yet again, updated the hardware of their new console by slightly overclocking the consoles 8 core AMD CPU, improving the base clock speed from 8.00MHz to 8.53MHz. They also upgraded the GPU to accomodate. Unfortunately, the Xbox One is still not backwards compatible, but that is not really Microsoft's fault because they had to change to a core architecture that offers best performance and simplest coding for developers, and Xbox and Xbox 360 games are not compatible with this architecture (they made the right choice changing to an architecture the best suits their future than degrading quality to hold on to the past). The console still requires game installation for reasons unbeknownst to me. Xbox Live is still not free, but I do not think Microsoft is raising the price for the service. The console does need to access the internet at least once before use, probably to register the console and update, etc. The console is also still slightly inferior to PS4 in clock speed and in RAM (Playstation 4's 8GB of DDR5 will offer better loading times and reduced graphical latency than the X1's conventional 8GB DDR3) and is still more expensive, but those who know how business works know that Microsoft follows a 'Closed Console' business model when selling consoles, meaning they actually lose a little money by producing consoles (because there is more than $500 of third-party computer equipment in the Xbox One) and try to make up losses in game sales, which is why games are so expensive, why console exclusives exist, and why used game sales hurt console manufacturers. Considering that Microsoft is also trying to appeal to non-gamers as well with TV integration features, Microsoft has to make up for those few who buy the console without games. Add in the rather advanced Kinect sensor, and $500 does not sound too appalling. Moral of the story: for the best gaming experience, Sony's Playstation 4 is technically the superior console. However, if you like Xbox and are not ready to give up on Xbox exclusives we've grown to love to avoid a poor gaming experience, the new Xbox One, in my opinion, is now a console worth buying. Thanks for putting up with my novel-esque post! P.S.: Excited about Halo 5? Liked the E3 teaser but hate watching it in poor, E3 recording quality? TRY THIS!
  22. The main problem with the current Halo 4 weapons is that every race seems to have their similar version of each weapon type, like the AR, Supressor, and the Storm Rifle. There needs to be more unique weapons, like the Needler. I have an idea for a good unique weapon. This weapon will probably be best as a Forerunner or Human weapon. Basically, it will be a new type of rocket launcher. It has 3 missiles per mag. In order to fire it, you have to lock on to targets first. They will heat seek any enemy player. You can lock onto vehicles or players by holding RT. It will take about 2 or more seconds to lock on. You fire each missile by tapping RT. You can lock onto up to 3 targets at once. When you lock onto a target, they will be labeled or highlighted. The weapon will be able to lock onto a single target multiple times, too. The lock-on indicator or label over the enemy will have a number next to them showing how many times they are locked on. For example, when using this weapon it might take 1 shot to kill a foot soldier and 2-3 shots to destroy a vehicle. I can lock onto the foot soldier once and the vehicle twice, then tap RT 3 times to launch all the missiles. I can also lock onto a soldier multiple times so the second one will hit them if the first one fails. When you are locked onto an enemy, they would get un-locked after about 20 secs or so, or if they go out of range, or if you switch weapons. If you get locked on, it might be good if a warning sign appears somewhere on the HUD. Please 343i, feel more than free to use this idea in your game.
  23. This is a post to see what kind of vehicals you guys would like to see. Such as new vehicals that you thought of or vehicals that you would like to return in Halo 5. So if you have any ideas for a new vehical, or a returning vehical, the post a reply. (This post is not for conversations)
  24. I'm sure destiny will be one of the best game ever invented, but i was wondering about something that was never even thoight. A "fusion" between Halo Wars and the common halos we know now, such as Halo 4 and in the future Halo Destiny. The idea was to make multiplayer battles starting in one of the two factions: Covenant or Humans. Who starts in the covenant one, is an élite with just a basic equipment and who starts in the cst one is a spartan with basic equipment too (assault rifle and grenades). The covenant faction has a wraith near the spawn point and cst has a scorpion. The first task is to conquest a rebel base near the spawn point of each faction, and when the rebel base is destroyed, one of the players can start to be a commander of the game building a base. As Halo wars, you must upgrade your technology and produce units (guided by AI). For example you can produce marines to help the players who are fighting on the battle field (which must be big). Players can drive all vehicles that commander produces and the commander can upgrade them during the match, for example scorpione could have a second ability and become grizzlys to encrease the power. The commander can use powers too, and can transport players to a determined area of the map when they request it. The covenant faction can produce the leader and use his power on the map. A player can be the commander of only one base, every base has its spawn points and when a player makes the commander he can't use his character (spartan/elite). When a base is destroyed, its commander respawns as a normal player. The game ends when a faction hasn't got any bases for 5 minutes. There could be added new factions, such as floods, and game types you can do only doing the commander or only a spartan/elite. What do you think about this? I know that it will take a long to be realized(years) but i'm sure a new Halo forged like this will be the best strategy/first person shooting game ever done.
  25. I just wanted to ask, what's the bright idea behind smashing the playlists together? Was it really so difficult to keep up on a separate big team playlists? I'm just curious as to the new updates on the Halo 4 frontier as this is a very disappointing game on the multiplayer flip side. I'm not here to start a fight as I am generally curious as to what the meaning is behind this. I understand games have to evolve to keep up with the current gaming demands but we all loved being able to chose between Big Team Slayer and Big Team Objective! I understand that people want to have more variety in their gaming experience but this is why there was a general assortment of playlists, as different as they were. Are you truly making a large portion of us chose between Halo 3, Reach before 4 even comes into play? I call shenanigans! And now with the new DLC, don't get me started on that... Season pass my a$$. Pardon my language Yours faithfully Halo, XxxHarley
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