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  1. in my halo waypoint career on my xbox and computer i noticed my milestones keep being reset to earlier sets when i know I've achieved much higher milestones and when i unlocked the classifieds for halo 4 the xp earned was not credited to my halo 4 game, what is going on?
  2. coreyvel

    Clip help

    Just had a quick question, I had a dazzle but sold because it was overall ****ty, but is there anyway i can get clips from my Halo 4 theater and transfer them to my computer for editing purposes?
  3. Ok, I know you probably get a million posts like this, but can someone please help me? Yesterday my match ended, and it said "This account has been temporarily banned from earning XP. http://halo4.com/ban" If you go that website, it's a forum thread that's 32 pages of people with my problem and not a single administrator reply. I know this might sound like an excuse, but I was talking with my friends on Skype, and they both have internet so bad they cannot play with each other. i didn't really feel like playing, but i just let my spartan sit there hosting the game so they could play with each other. I was just doing stuff on my laptop talking to them and then i saw that message pop up. No one seems to know how long the ban lasts. Can someone at least tell me that much?
  4. So last week i was finishing the campaign on heroic for halo4 and I'd found the last of 7 terminals yet i didn't recieve the achievement, I contacted microsoft and they said they couldn't do anything, so I'm now like wow thanks alot 343 for screwing me like a steam train. Anyone else had this or similar issues talk to me
  5. Hey people, I am looking for a competitive Halo 4 team and I need some help. I really don't know where to look or who to ask so, ya. My search has lead me hear. Any advice??
  6. Hi, I am in the middle of going through Halo 4 solo on legendary. Made it as far as Shutdown so far, doing a mission a day to save my sanity. Anyway I wanted to play some more today when, upon logging in, it appeared my Halo 4 had done a hard reset. All my mp stuff was gone and I got all the intro messages as if I just bought the game. My rank was still there though and as soon as I leveled up somehow I unlocked everything again. However I did not have the same luck with the campaign. For some reason in the mission selection everything was gone, but my current mission (Midnight on easy) still had a saved checkpoint. I therefore decided to load it up and do a speedrun in the hope that completing the final mission would unlock everything again. That's when I found this: I have already considered a corrupted save, but nope everything's fine. I tried moving the save files between storage devices but no change. So I wanted to ask, has anyone else experience this? Is there anyway to fix it? Does this mean I have to replay the entire campaign on legendary again? Hoping someone on here can help.
  7. Dear 434 industries, thank you for all your handwork and everything that you guys did to make Halo as successful as it is now. However, I have a request that me and a few 10 others and maybe even more people really would like to have. We were all extremely excited last year from hearing that Halo 4 was going to come out this year after Halo Reach and the anniversary came out. We are all veteran players who owned and played Halo since it came out in 2001. All of us pre ordered Halo 4 in limited edition, and two of us bought the Halo 4 Xbox. However despite all the excitement and expectations, our positive feeling fell to rock bottom when we realized that our games came in Chinese voices. Including all the books and special stuff that came along with it. Halo Reach at-least had the book in English! We are international students living in Taiwan from the U.S. We tried to preorder that game in completely English, but apparently it came in English text and Chinese voices. Which SUCKS!! We are making a request for all the gamers and Halo fans out there who would like to enjoy the game in the ORIGINAL VOICE. Even multiplier is not in English! Please try and make a downloadable English language voice pack for people who needs them. WE WILL BE WILLING TO PAY MICROSOFT POINTS IF IT TAKES! Please help our wish to come true, we can't resist the game in Chinese, it's torture. Master Chief sounds like a robot and Cortana sounds like a little girl. Worse, the War Games voices are extremely lame! Running Riot got translated into, KILL KILL KILL in Chinese For all gamers and Halo fans out there, please help me let 343 hear our voice and help us make this request come true! Please Sincerely, ~ Lolb4udie Edit: I have created a Halo Waypoint page, please support us! https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postsm1756781_English-Language-Pack-Request.aspx#post1756781
  8. I need a clan, I am tired of playing with the random Halo 4 people who don't know how to play as a team, and have no mic. I am looking for organized clan with ranks, I like the idea of ranking up. I am looking for an established clan on Halo 4, so at least 30-40 people or more. I am looking for a clan that can make me a better player, and in turn I will do my best to make it a better clan. If anyone knows of a clan like this or is part of one let me know. Thanks
  9. I was looking at how many people i have killed with a DMR in my commendations and it only says 3 enemy spartans killed with DMR, even though I repeatedly get many more kills with it in games, is this a bug, does it not count for multiplayer?
  10. I JUST completed the campaign on Legendary (it was amazing!) however there is a major problem. I was awarded the commendation and armor for completing it on Legendary but I was not given the achievements for completing the campaign at all and it locked all of the mission from 6 on down and said I never finished them. Does anyone know how I can fix this without replaying the entire campaign? The game will also reset my curret armor, emblem, loadouts, and sometimes lock them again when I sign in. What the hell is going on???!!! bump
  11. What is up with the servers being down on halo 4 today? I have been online most of the day trying to find a fix to this problem and so for i have gone no were, today this started at 11am and it placed most peaple in something called the defualt playlist with 60k peaple in it, as the day went on it went down to 600 peaple and im one of them, my nat is open and my network is good so im not sure why im stuck in the server? can anyone help or add more info to this problem?
  12. I couldn't pre order and all my friends brag about having it...
  13. I need to get the campaign done on Legendary to get the Mark VI armor from halo 3. I really want the armor myself and with 4 people on Legendary it should go easier than doing it by yourself. If you're interested, please send me a message to my gamertag. My gamertag is: SizzleMyWizzle Note: I will probably only do the first four missions for the day. But if we do good, I may continue. (Please HAVE a mic)
  14. Halo 4 was a good game, but there are a few problems that have been overlooked. Flood gave many Halo players what they want, the ability to play as a flood. I enjoyed the gametype at first but after going into forge and creating a new map to test out a new infection gametype I encountered a major problem. I could no longer customize the flood gametype to the extent I have been able to customize infection to in the past. My idea was ruined and a couple hours were wasted because of it. I post this forum with the hope that 343i could add back the original infection gametype, allowing you to change flood weapons and give them grenades. Think back to Halo 3 when forge started and new infection gametypes were made, now we can no longer play Duck Hunt, Garbage Man, (Halo), Cat & Mouse, Cops & Robbers, Ghost Busters and more. Custom games won't be what they used to be. To members of the Halo community, please help me spread the word to return custom games to their former glory. And to 343i, please review gametypes and return the old features we all loved so much.
  15. So I made a map, designed for CTF. I have the flag stands down and each are set to defender and attacking team. However, when I go to start the game in a custom match, it says the map doesn't support CTF. Explanations or help would be appreciated.
  16. I played and won 20 games in WAR GAMES and never got any achievement for my hard work and what I rightfully earned! I appologise for the same post but I felt it was in the wrong place anyways so can anyone resolve this issue and give my achievement? Thanks much appreciated
  17. Can some1 please help I bought the limited addition halo 4 just 2 get this armor and I downloaded it and its not in my spartan armor selection. Every time I rank up it says I unlock my deadeye helmet and all my raptor armor but when I check its not ther. SOME1 PLEASE HELP!!!!
  18. Me and a couple of friends came together to make this request list. This list mainly contains bugs within Halo 4.. We hope that you can fix these bugs As Soon As Possible, Thanks.. Feel free to add any other bugs/requests to the list.. Thanks Again.. REQUEST LIST: Please : add Forge World for Forge nerf the Mantis (make less powerful) fix the hit detection when meleeing fix the hit detection in general lessen/nerf the range of the scoped weapons *FIX MULTIPLAYER GAME LAG *Fix random rank crashes nerf frags (by a little) nerf the magnum *FIX FORGE GENERATING LIGHTING BUG (Switching from Forge Bot to Human makes the game lag while it slowly generates the lighting) Fix gun bounce when shot at (getting shot jerks your gun upwards) Fix the escape assassination bug (Some times whiles assassinating the person turns around and kills you) Add more War Games ****PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD ANY OTHER REQUESTS/NEEDS/BUGS TO THIS LIST, THANKS..****
  19. Hey just wondering if someone (hopefully from 343) could help me with my problem. I have completed every spartan ops mission solo on legendary difficulty to get the challege 'Episode of a Legend' and it's still saying that i haven't completed it and that I dont have that extra 3000 points from it. Just a little fustrating seen as I'm trying my best to 100% every challenge I get set, loving Halo 4 so far and I agree that 343 couldn't have done a better job.
  20. Need help please. I have recieved the Not a Recruit anymore achievement and the Kight in White Assassination achievement but no awards. I notice my award didn't pop after the achievement I went and looked through the xbox guide menu and the awards showed the game and how many were unlocked. Except Halo 4 which showed 0 of 4 unlocked. When I clicked on it, it gave me a message like I haven't recieved any awards from any game. Even the avatar store acted like I didn't reciev any awards. I reset the xbox and it gave everything back to except the Halo 4 awards. I now have the achievement unlocked but not the awards. My son was playing with me on the same consol at the same time and he recieved his award for the Not a Recruit anymore. Somebody please help. I've already talked to Xbox support and they said there was nothing ther can do i have to come here. Any ideas on what to do?
  21. I just beat Halo 4 on legendary solo while offline since my internet was down for a bit and it shows i have the achievements, i invested a solid 15 hours into it, beating it solo and my stupid game says iv'e only beaten three missions on legendary after logging back onto Xbox Live, and it wont give me my Mark IV armour! Such a bummer, and like thats why I did it all in the first place, anyone know how to fix this? let me know! Much appreciation, Anemic Avenger
  22. For some odd reason i cant play the campaign. I have installed disc 2. All i can do is watch the Prologue. Its SuPER annoying because i was so excited to play it. PLEASE HELP ME.
  23. Ok here is what happened. I have a 20gb HD. I downloaded the first Halo4 Disc which is around 7.5gb, so I had around 5-6gb left. I then downloaded the second disc for multiplayer which it said was 1.5gb for spartan ops and 2.0 for war games. Once I did that, I went on to play multiplayer and it loads some of the maps but not all? I heard that the second disc is 8GB and someone told me it might not have downloaded all the maps for me. I deleted everything and downloaded just the second disc and it still says it's 3.5gb for both the multiplayer things and went back to Halo4 and STILL couldn't load most of the maps. Can someone please help me figure this out? I have a 8GB Flash Drive too so if I can't have both on the HD ill just put the first disc on that.
  24. So I get halo 4 home plug in disk 2 download it put in disc one when prompted to and all of a sudden whenever i get to the 343 screen it shuts down and says disk unreadable, I have tried uninstalling all the disk 2 data still no luck. Once every twenty times it works and then as soon as a game ends and the 343 screen shows up it freezes and I get the disk unreadable error. ANYONE PLEASE HELP!
  25. Dear 343 Industries, I recently picked up the legendary edition of Halo 4, which i do note has been amazing so far, but i have experienced one HUGE problem. The reason i bought the limited edition of Halo 4 was for the downloadable content that was included, but to my dismay, the specializations are Gamer tag specific, as one of the main reasons i purchased the limited edition was for me and my brother to both be able to use all of the specializations, this has caused a great deal of trouble. I have been informed that specializations are intended to be player specific; however, this was never noted prior to purchase. If there is anything you can do to resolve this issue, it would be greatly appreciated, as i would like my first 343 experience to be the best it could possibly be. -Thank you, Skyler Smith
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