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  1. Could It Be Possible That We Are Getting A Forge World For Halo 4? Halo4Follower got tipped to go back and look at the images from the Valentines Day Waypoint Bulletin because there were some questionable images. He came out with a video analyzing these images so take a look below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRB5YK25Rt8&list=UUwMAJtC80nEI9hrxG8eUUUw&index=2 Video By: Halo4Follower What do you think about these images? In my personal opinion I think it could be possible that they would give us a forge world spin off of some sort. They have been very responsive to the community about a lot of other very specific aspects. In particular this image Picture By: Halo Waypoint This looks like Montana and Alaska from forge world but if you look closely it looks redefined in a Halo 4 sort of way. And in reach new forge environment became available with some DLC as well. Could this be 343 hinting at a new forge world in the upcoming DLC? Leave your thoughts in the comments below This post has been promoted to an article
  2. So 343 has finally uploaded their own file share system to Halo Way-point. who else is excited about this? I know i kinda am. I enjoy forging maps an sharing them with people who want to test them out with me in the custom lobby. so If that's you an you want to test or forge with me let me know an ill give it the old college try. (well without the college part cuz i F'n Hate school!) lol any ways People if you want to test my maps let me know an if you want some one to forge with also hit me up. or if you got some maps you want people to try gimme a holler. Im outs
  3. To the Halo Forge Epidemic: I have made a map that I am proud of, but is not quite the pinnacle of designs or aesthetics, just a gameplay-focused map. The map is called Satellite and is based on Impact. "...A team of scientists are sent to investigate a strange rock surrounded by otherworldly satellites..." It is on my File Share, Gamertag: USMuscleCars and the map name is Satellite. Thank you for your consideation.
  4. Currently on my File Share http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/ixwantxdaxgold/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Map Name: Guardian File Share Gamertag: iXwantXdaXgold Canvas Map: Ravine Last Updated: Feb 17 2013 Tags: Guardian Supported Game Types: Team Infinity Slayer Best Game Types: Team Infinity Slayer Intended Team Size: 4v4 Initial Ordnance: Shotgun, Gravity Hammer, Sniper Rifle, Overshield (all set at a balanced 3.5 minute respawn) Weapons on Map: Personal Classes Only Powerups on Map: Overshield (1) Supported Vehicles: None Budget: 9220 Screenshots: Below. Map Walkthrough/Flythrough: My video converter is broken so apologies for the direct recording of the screen some of the areas appear much darker than they are in reality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqweN9YazVc&feature=youtu.be Map Description: The most accurate remake yet of the popular Halo 3 map Guardian. All Original spawns, trick jumps, etc. included. You will not be disappointed Additional Info: The map has been tested numerous times through custom games and I have ensured that the map is indeed “water tight”. No frame rate issues Kill/Soft Kill areas have made any area of the map that is unintended for gameplay impossible to reach. Spawn points are perfectly placed to the identical spots from the original map in halo 3. That includes Initial spawns and Standard ones. There have been no glitches recorded by any anyone who has played the map thus far. The only glitch that had been present was the 2 fusion coils that are set in the “blue room” would explode but no damage was caused, however they work on every other part of the map. These had then been replaces by wall mounted trip mines. This had seemed to solve the problem being as I couldn't do that map without explosives in that area as they are pretty much a tactical part of gameplay on the original map. One important thing to note is that, just by coincidence, the dynamic lighting does work properly but if even one piece from the forge palette (weapons can still be spawned) is placed on the map, it seems to malfunction. I have tried my best to limit the pieces and I really do feel like nothing else can be/has to be done. Again, there are NO current glitches. The map has been tested on many occasions with the suggested 4v4 and overall seems to have a nice flow and good balance to the gameplay. From what I’ve seen so far neither team seems to have an advantage over the other. All man cannons have been ensured to work properly whether you are walking or sprinting into them. There are no trait zones present. I hope you enjoy the map and it would be awesome to see it make it into matchmaking. I’ve been creating maps ever since halo 3 but never really posted them, it was more of a hobby for local customs. When halo 4 came out I wanted to play guardian because it has always been my overall favourite map. However when I went to download practically every one off the file search, ultimately I was disappointed because certain aspects were incomplete/incorrect. So I decided to create my own. I was determined to make the best remake out there. After about 5 iterations, I feel like I have done that. I hope everyone feels the same way Enjoy!
  5. To put it simply, im looking for people who play custom games in h4, preferably flood. If you still play please please send me a message/friend request. My gamertag is Thirteen Sloths, il probably be changing it to something less *** soon but when I do il just post it. Also feel free to leave your gamertag if you do play.
  6. Currently on my File Share http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/ixwantxdaxgold/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Map Name: Guardian File Share Gamertag: iXwantXdaXgold Canvas Map: Ravine Last Updated: Feb 17 2013 Tags: Guardian Supported Game Types: Team Infinity Slayer Best Game Types: Team Infinity Slayer Intended Team Size: 4v4 Initial Ordnance: Shotgun, Gravity Hammer, Sniper Rifle, Overshield (all set at a balanced 3.5 minute respawn) Weapons on Map: Personal Classes Only Powerups on Map: Overshield (1) Supported Vehicles: None Budget: 9220 Screenshots: Below. Map Walkthrough/Flythrough: My video converter is broken so apologies for the direct recording of the screen some of the areas appear much darker than they are in reality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqweN9YazVc&feature=youtu.be Map Description: The most accurate remake yet of the popular Halo 3 map Guardian. All Original spawns, trick jumps, etc. included. You will not be disappointed Additional Info: The map has been tested numerous times through custom games and I have ensured that the map is indeed “water tight”. No frame rate issues Kill/Soft Kill areas have made any area of the map that is unintended for gameplay impossible to reach. Spawn points are perfectly placed to the identical spots from the original map in halo 3. That includes Initial spawns and Standard ones. There have been no glitches recorded by any anyone who has played the map thus far. The only glitch that had been present was the 2 fusion coils that are set in the “blue room” would explode but no damage was caused, however they work on every other part of the map. These had then been replaces by wall mounted trip mines. This had seemed to solve the problem being as I couldn't do that map without explosives in that area as they are pretty much a tactical part of gameplay on the original map. One important thing to note is that, just by coincidence, the dynamic lighting does work properly but if even one piece from the forge palette (weapons can still be spawned) is placed on the map, it seems to malfunction. I have tried my best to limit the pieces and I really do feel like nothing else can be/has to be done. Again, there are NO current glitches. The map has been tested on many occasions with the suggested 4v4 and overall seems to have a nice flow and good balance to the gameplay. From what I’ve seen so far neither team seems to have an advantage over the other. All man cannons have been ensured to work properly whether you are walking or sprinting into them. There are no trait zones present. I hope you enjoy the map and it would be awesome to see it make it into matchmaking. I’ve been creating maps ever since halo 3 but never really posted them, it was more of a hobby for local customs. When halo 4 came out I wanted to play guardian because it has always been my overall favourite map. However when I went to download practically every one off the file search, ultimately I was disappointed because certain aspects were incomplete/incorrect. So I decided to create my own. I was determined to make the best remake out there. After about 5 iterations, I feel like I have done that. I hope everyone feels the same way Enjoy! Images
  7. 343 I seriously hope you review these Halo 4 is probably the biggest game of your career and I love it. You've done great, BUT your forge world and custom games are a bit lacking. You had a lot to do to get the game done I totally understand, but you plan on having 3 DLC, if one of them had a more open ended larger forge world with more room to build is be ecstatic, yours are good but many agree with out a larger more open canvas for us to work on we are limited. And a lot of other users have posted similar topics. And maybe you could edit the custom games so we can edit it more especially weapon spawning on flood and just more game types in general would he awesome. Many agree that the custom games when you have a good gaming community on a nice custom map are one of the highlights and most fun parts of halo
  8. Crow


    Hello peoples. I need Halo 4 friends that forge cool maps, like to use their headset and get drunk on a regular basis. thank you.
  9. Hello all. I am looking for player to test 4v4 infinity slayer forge map. It is almost finished, I just need ideas on where to place initial spawns and ordnance drops. Also, I want an actual test to see how I can further improve the map before I submit it. Thank You for reading this. To contact me via XBL my GT is SludgingSnipe.
  10. Alright, so by now everyone pretty much knows that 343 completely screwed up the flood mode in Halo 4. Flood, as it stands, is pretty much dead. The only hope is that 343 will fix their mistakes in an update. And since there isn't any reason to think that they can actually spot their own mistakes, the community will have to do it for them. This thread is for the issues with Flood that need to be fixed in an update. I'll list all the issues I've noticed, but PLEASE point out anything that I've missed. 1) Forced Human Color The putrid green armor color that every human is forced to wear may not break Flood games, but they are hard as hell to look at. Leaving aside the issue of why anyone would choose that particular color, why force our skins in the first place? Did 343 never see a game of infection in the past Halos? Infection was one of the few gametypes to actually let players use their chosen armor colors. What has 343 gained by taking that away? There should be the option to allow players to use their chosen colors and the option to CHOOSE a color to be forced on the players 2) Cannot Place Weapons on Map I honestly can't fathom how this happened. Why in God's name can't we place weapons on the map? My only guess is that 343 was just to lazy to actually add the option to turn off weapon spawns to the custom game interface and just left it set to "off" behind the scenes. Sure, we can use ordinance to get around this. But that clutters the HUD with white markers, and in some games, it might be important for the humans to not know which weapons are where. 3) Flood Cannot use Anything but the Energy Sword Once again, how did this happen? Its as if no one at 343 had ever played a custom game before. Limiting the Flood to the sword prevents most, if not all, of the minigames that were made in the past Halo games, as well as preventing any new minigames that might have been made with the new weapons and armor abilities. Not to mention that since the sword has a ridiculous lunge range, it might have been useful in many situations to equip the flood with gravity hammers instead. This absolutely crushes the versatility of Halo custom games. 4) Alpha Zombie Traits Disappear upon Death Now I know 343 never played a custom game. Or at least not Fat Kid. Because that's how I figured this one out - as soon as the humans killed the Fat Kid, he spawned as a regular, weak zombie, unable to do anything. The gametype was completely broken. And don't think this is a problem for just one specific scenario. There are plenty of times when giving certain traits exclusively to the one or two Alpha Zombies is the difference between overwhelming humans or making the infected team too weak to do anything. Now, I'd actually suggest that instead of completely changing the Alpha Zombie traits back to the way they were, 343 should make this a changeable option in the menu. Alpha Zombie traits could disappear "Never," "Upon Death," "Upon Converting X Zombies," or "After X Minutes." But my God, at least allow us the first option. 5) Flood Loadouts Cannot be Customized How can 343 be so arrogant as to think that their arbitrary choice of Flood loadouts will perfectly suit every single Flood game variant? Could they not think of a situation in which a player might want the Flood to have access to Promethean Vision but not the Boost Pack? What if someone wanted to give the Flood jetpacks? I don't think any more needs to be said. 343 really shot custom games in the foot with this one.That's all I've been able to find so far. Once again, please add anything that I've missed. And even if you don't have anything constructive to say, please post to say that you think that the above problems need to be corrected. 343 won't acknowledge these issues unless enough people are speaking out about them. Added From Thread 6) Sprinting Cannot be Changed Obviously, speed is a crucial factor in Infection. The inability to tweak, enable, or disable sprinting for both humans and Flood will be a thorn in the side of many Forgers. 7) Game does not End when the Flood or the Humans Run out of Lives 8 Cannot Remove the Waypoint for the Last Man Standing There are a lot of Infection gametypes that rely on the humans' ability to hide. Now, the Last Man in those gametypes has basically no chance.
  11. Could It Be Possible That We Are Getting A Forge World For Halo 4? Halo4Follower got tipped to go back and look at the images from the Valentines Day Waypoint Bulletin because there were some questionable images. He came out with a video analyzing these images so take a look below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRB5YK25Rt8&list=UUwMAJtC80nEI9hrxG8eUUUw&index=2 Video By: Halo4Follower What do you think about these images? In my personal opinion I think it could be possible that they would give us a forge world spin off of some sort. They have been very responsive to the community about a lot of other very specific aspects. In particular this image Picture By: Halo Waypoint This looks like Montana and Alaska from forge world but if you look closely it looks redefined in a Halo 4 sort of way. And in reach new forge environment became available with some DLC as well. Could this be 343 hinting at a new forge world in the upcoming DLC? Leave your thoughts in the comments below View full article
  12. Okay, so there are some things i liked about halo 4, and some things that they made even worse than reach. Vehicles: They are too week. Vehicles are what make halo stand out among the other shooters. There fun and are necessary for when you want to mix it up for a while. The counter argument that people will abuse vehicle use is useless and unfounded, as well as counter productive to the halo series to not have or have weaker vehicles. What's with magically punching a vehicle and having parts from random pieces break off? It's unrealistic and doesn't make you feel any better about defeating a vehicle because its too easy. In reach, killing a wraith was a skill, here no one cares. Plus, you should be able to hijack a vehicle by breaking only the cockpit protector and killing the occupant. This will keep the balance of the one who got there first has an easier time staying alive, while the new occupant is easier to kill. You should be rewarded for doing something hard, not a watered down you get nothing for doing something boring It degrades the experience and will give cod and battle field more players- bad biusiness. However, the grenade thing was a good idea. I also think that instead of busting the tank if you have no grenades when you hop onto the back, you should be able to climb up onto the gun and cause damage to that. if you hop onto the side, it should take just a bit longer to get to the front How to fix it: patch the punching crap, I consider it a glitch and it was annoying enough in Reach Fire arms: Nice job! I love the amping up of the covenant weapons and making them farther, faster, more accurate, and more painfull. I don't need to comment on the foruners as everyone likes them. Forge: Bad job, discraseful and shameful job. The maps are smaller, and they should have kept the tin cups old traits because it slowed some objects when dropped from the sky, so you could bury them in the ground and have the only succesful drop pods that didn't kill you and without the other tacky, second-rate solutions. Marketing scam in dominion: I don't apretiate being lied to about dominion, I only bought halo 4 before hearing critics because there was a comercial with the buildings actually building form the ground and they mentioned strategy, which seems to be abandoned and watered down to just plain shoot'em up with a slight twist. Vehicle selection: Lazy half-*** job guys, bravo. Cut the crap and add all past vehicles into the forge and make the hornet control like the pelican and have faster ascent/decent and straif. There was also hype about being able to fly serefs, pelicans, and scarebs in forge and custom games. you guys disapointed us by being so failure-oreinted. Campaigne: Great job with few issues. cortana's death was un-emotional, thus defeating the purpose of killing her off, though if she survived again I would have been iritated also, because it would defeate the pourpose of her death being an issues. As a side note, I would like to note that the cut scene with the scientists was the sadest part because it was more emotional, and you could feel so bad for them. I was glad they were killed because now they don't have to suffer emotionally their whole life, making me feel like it was justified. diadact ship: epic diadact last fight, but dum ending. the fight was epic, but the nuke didn't make any sence. It didn't even detonate when triggered, and chief got teliported after it should have exploded. it was also unnecesary as the the ship was no longer a threat even though it was still firing. It would have only been firing on the same city it already composed, and the composer could have been taken by the unsc and been usede as a political weapon against the covanent. plus, the fact that the librarian is still alive could have been exploited in that she would inherit control of the ship (as long as she didn't murder him, of course). Earth assault: the covanent could have destroyed the earth, but were probably told to leave as the diadact had an ego the size of a planet, thus making sense, but i would like to note that earth is no longer the strongest planet, siince it has already been over runned, and humanity also has other planets, which would be easily upgraded as earth's demand for resources was lessened do to the masecre Elites and covanent: makes sense. the profits obviously want the elites back in to end their alliance, and they only would have to honour them for saving the covenant and put them back into power to reastablish control. The more ***-kissing they do, the more control they have. For the brutes, there is no reason why they shouldn't have been replased shortly after their rise to power, since they failed and were and unstable society. All they were was a tool for the new covanent party anyway, and it was the elites that saved every single one of them, and even though they rebelled and were independant for a while, their future reloyalty was highly likely anyway. They only joined us to save life, but they rebelled because they were replaced. if they were only replaced, they would still have rebeled and not allied themselves with us. Forge nuances- problems and good things: obviously the magnet and quick dupe was a great idea and i'm sure user data is too, once it is understood enought to be used. however, the physics where you put things on normal and they become fixed after a while has prevented many good ideas in forge on reach. We could have easily made psudo destructable ship wars where the buildings stayed on normal physics and when the bariers and explosives would hold them up until destroyed. forge ideas for the future: bbesides needing all the vehicles, as well as fuel rod gun wraiths and fuel rod gun shade turrets and those blue flack turets in fogre, there needs to be a few more options. You need to be able to: glue pieces together so they act as one building (when paired with my persistant normal phisics idea) and beable to de attach after enough force is applied. we need to beable to set some destructible objects to triger events in buildings such as physics change and destruction, and noncolide so parts can fall through them map and get deleted, thus saving data. buildings need to be modable to where they can take damage which would be user specified and the type of weapons efect it diferetntly. there needs to be some sort of shield thing (in halo 5) that can be alloud to cover buidlings, and air locks need to be scripted so efects like from Reach's map anchor can hapen. imagine how epic the experience would be if the environment changed, even just a bit, when damage is dealt. Why the developers need to head my advise: because you need to keep your investment interesting so you get your money back and gain a profit? DUH! halo is already on the downhill slope, so you need to act now. dont save the changes for later, because it may already be to late one example is given by nintendo. The reason why they are failing is because they banned the cod franchise so long that people like me had time to save up for an xbox (finally) thus deleting the interest i had in the wii. I loved the wii more than xbox because i could easily become more coordinated with the game by using my eye hand coordination skills to make me better faster. I was headshotting people with the most inacturate guns accross the map within a few months with the wii, but the xbox anologue stick makes no sense whatsoever and thus needs years to get a fraction as good. plus, the new kids would like the ease of being able to skill up faster. An extra tip for developers: theres no reason you can't change your halo 4 game now and fuel the interest in the series. patches already are constantly addes so i do't know why things cant be addressed, now before your customers jump ship. I had an idea for the connect of how to achieve the wii effect without having to get new controllers, but i don't want to give my idea away. as soon as i can pattendt that idea, I'm going to sell it.
  13. Hi i make a lot of custom maps mainly infection and id like people to play on them and test them out, if you are interested in joining then add me on xbox live. My gamertag is Jeyxtreme and just send me a message whenever you want to play customs! Also i am willing to test any of your customs so yea just give me a shout!
  14. okay, im building maps on forge coz i love the forge (seriously, i'd rather 10 mins on forge then and hour on war games!) and im getting fine details finnished on a new map. anyway, im placing in a "rock 4" to a veichle archway and accidentally zoom right in after placing it, noticing a rather strange dark spot in a small crevice inside the rock. sorta looks like a cave painting of a man running. not sure if im just retarded or if i found an easter egg. if so- sweet- if not, well at least i got a pretty cool map going on! <a href="http://s1180.beta.photobucket.com/user/zwave343/media/IMG_09021.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x416/zwave343/th_IMG_09021.jpg" border="0" alt="halo 4 cave painting photo IMG_09021.jpg"></a>
  15. In this thread, I will select the ideas I deem most beneficial for Halo's future and post them here for all to see. Some of these ideas are mine, some aren't. Hopefully this thread will become a convenient place to keep up to date with the best ideas. And so it begins: 1) Hunter gun: Rip the gun off of a Hunter's arm to use like a turret, and voila. (Note: the Hunter gun was buried in H4's code.) 2) Flare gun: Fires one flare that lights enemies on fire. Good for taking down Tank flood forms. (Not a replacement for the Flamethrower) 3) Mini-Scarab: It's exactly what it sounds like. Reminiscent of the spider drones in SW: Attack of the Clones. MP counter to Mantis? 4) Needle Sniper Rifle: A possible replacement for the Beam Rifle, supercombines players with a headshot and takes three body shots to kill. Size of clip/rate of fire: undetermined. 5) Specter 2.0: Driver has a blue gun, turret launches one Plasma Grenade at a time (requires more skill than a Plasma Mortar). Two passengers, moderate boost for splatters. 6) Boltshot 2.0: Fully automatic alternate firing mode instead of overcharge. 15 normal shots, 45 automatic shots. 7) Firefight with the addition of the Flood: Oh yeah. (Most popular request!) 8 ) Fence (Forge object) : The opposite of a shield-door; it blocks players and allows bullets to pass through. (Applications in aesthetics and making maps look much bigger than they actually are) This piece looks much more natural than the glass in Forge, and it does not cause a loss in frame rate. 9) Arby!: You know you want him (winky face) 10) InstaGiB: A mode taken from NOVA 2, a game for iOS; free-for-all game type in which you have sniper rifles with unlimited clips--but you can't scope in. Sure to create some sick montage moments 11) Precipitation Forge FX: Snow, rain, hail; these would be great for Flood maps. 12) Sandbox 2.0: This Halo 3 Forge map was so simple yet so practical. It wouldn't take much time to develop and it has a lot of flat ground for terrain-savvy Forgers. New twist: you can change the environment from sand to snow, moon rock, dirt, or a giant UNSC floor so you don't have to expend your budget on those glitchy wall coliseum floors. I'll update this list every once in a while, so check back to see if your idea is listed. And in the meantime, hopefully this thread isn't removed for redundancy. Just a reminder: this isn't really a thread to post all your ideas on--go to "The Official What You Do and Do Not Want in Halo 5" thread for that. I'll be skimming around and selecting the most promising ideas, as the name of the thread implies. If you have a comment about a specific idea I included, simply type the idea number and list your thoughts. Cheers, and safe!
  16. After playing FPS on PC for years I had problems aiming with the thumbsticks in Halo 4. So I created a little target practice map in the forge mode and thought I'd share a video of said map. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgce1EFgBaE Search for "Target Practice v1" in the map name field or search by author "mac 1080" Waypoint link should be ready later this month when 343 adds the feature
  17. So I built a decent version of lockout/blackout (what ever your preference) its kind of a hybrid from both but definatly a fun and well constructed map. I spent like 10-12hrs on it... so i hope you guys like it. My gamer tag is : Monoxide89 pics: http://www.343indust...halo-4-lockout/ Video: (warning brief language) http://youtu.be/_3IVZd0oEOE hope you guys Enjoy Foundation: http://www.343indust...yay-foundation/ video: http://youtu.be/ElcSAfQ4Zfc
  18. As I look through the competitive community-made forge maps, many of them seem the same to me, or way too similar... Description or your typical community forge map- They are all just one large structure or a few plain buildings, and the maps take place predominantly under a roof and/or boxed in by several walls. Frequently, the whole map is that same white color- the color of the structure pieces. The sight lines are usually short, there are tight corners, and they are typically just DMR/BR shootouts at close and medium range, sometimes with a mongoose or a ghost here and there. They are usually played from 2v2 to 6v6, red vs blue, with several game types. Here are a few of many examples (And note that each of these images comes from a different map)... "Delirium," by Master Sundown "Evacuated," by Junkyard Corgi "MLG Conjunction," by The Sigma AI "Renury," by XreignZ "Structure," by Lx Kill3rMan1ac Is it just me, or do you guys also see the extreme similarities between all of these maps? Not just the way they look, but the way they play also has little variation. Does the community have an appetite for something different... something new in their competitive maps? One of my personal favorites is "TheTrenches" by Mr Pokephile, even though he technically considered it a minigame, it still has that team-based, organized gameplay that makes it seem competitive to me, and certianly more fun than those dull, repetitive DMR or BR close quarter shootout maps. I also created my own map, "Armored Strike," (Posted on 343's "Competitive Map Submissions" forum on 1/29) which is a large vehicle based map that better resembles the natural terrain that the vehicles should actually be fighting on. You will see how it is very different from those shown above. I encourage you guys to check it out (http://www.343indust...armored-strike/), but more importantly I would like to know what you think about my opinion on the repetitive maps.
  19. I am almost finished making a new flood map (Just need to make some minor changes but the map is currently playable with very few issues). The map is called Isolation, I will have details below. If you are interested in playing on it go to my file share (its not on my file share yet) or send me a message and ill invite you when I'm playing (GT: WoodChuck5562). Its a dynamic map and there are three parts to it. The map was built on Impact. There is also a game mode that goes with it. Here is information about each peice of the map: 1st- The survivors start in a circular room with flood spawning in an elevator shaft on the side of the room. There are warthogs and mongooses in this room but they will be useless until later. A small hallway leads off from the room and there is a "launcher" at the end of the hallway. When the portal opens after 3 minutes you will be able to launch yourself to the next section of the map. 2nd- There is a small outpost on a large meteor which you are able to move around with low gravity. Once inside the outpost you will be able to grab some shotgun ammo and have the option to take a teleporter to the next section. (you will be able to teleport back this time) 3rd- You will be teleported to a small room in a medium sized satellite. There are two hallways which lead off into different rooms. One hallway is short and leads to a large room and the other ends in a small room with a powerweapon you can pick up. This hallway is long and in the middle of it there is a window you get onto the outside of the satellite on. Ive tested this map several times and if you have enough people it can be fun. Its challenging surviving the first 3 minutes. You will need to work together to be able to do it, but once the portal opens it will be easier to survive but not too easy. It will take some practice to get good at the map. Please leave a comment if you are interested in the map. I also have a gamemode that goes with it: Isolation Flood. Just send me a message on xbox live and I will invite you when im playing on the map. Hope you enjoy it!
  20. Gamertag: SunnyD In A Jug Map Name/Type: Impulse, arena slayer pro style map Player suggested capacity: 6-12 Description: Impulse is a ravine forged map. It is purposed to be a 4v4 team slayer pro or 4v4 capture the flag map. it can hold up to 6v6 amounts on the teams. Spawn points are spread out evenly throughout the map including a team respawn zone that way spawns arent random. Impulse is a completely symmetrical map. it consists of 2 snipers rifles every 120 secs, 1 rocket launcher every 180 secs, a railgun and sticky det every 90 secs. This map is awesome!! Please review and check it out and let me know on xbl or here how you like it! thanks for your time! I apologize for not posting a picture, the map is in my file share and i believe that you will not be disappointed. If you enjoy a good competitive 4v4-6v6 based map including ctf, this is for YOU!!
  21. OK so my Idea today is Forge World Version 2 with Islands, caves, a Canyon, Desert Plains, a Structure, and a teleporter that leads to space. It would also have these vehicles: UNSC: Mongoose, Warthog, Scorpion, Hornet, Pelican (Maximum of 2), Elephant (Maximum of 2), Sabre, and Frigate (Base, Unusable) Covenant Separatists: Ghost, Spectre, AA Wraith, Heretic Banshee, Phantom (Maximum of 1), Shadow (Maximum of 3), Seraph, and Corvette (Base Unusable) Rebels: Ferret (Human Motorcycle), APC (Armored Warthog), Wolverine, Kestrel (Small Space jet) Storm Covenant: Chopper, Prowler, Wraith, Banshee, Spirit (Maximum of 2), Locust (Maximum of 1), Space Banshee, Cruiser (Base, unusable) And also new forge categories: Covenant Structure, Human Structure, and Forerunner Structure
  22. the latest map by panem gaming! its the bridge! gametype: dominion, team slayer, and infection all work with this map. other gametypes are NOT recommended. description: a long, symetric bridge with 2 bases on opposite ends of the map and one in the middle. controlling the center base may be the difference between life and death. recommended players: 10-16 vehicles on map: mantis x2, banshee x2, warthog x4, mongoose x8 NOTE: vehicles and weapons only appear in dominion, as this map was meant for it. find this map on my file share! will be released VERY SOON!
  23. As I look through the competitive community-made forge maps, many of them seem the same to me, or way too similar... Description or your typical community forge map (Competitive)- They are all just one large structure or a few plain buildings, and the maps take place predominantly under a roof and/or boxed in by several walls. Frequently, the whole map is that same white color- the trademark color of the structure pieces. The sight lines are usually short, there are tight corners, and they are typically just DMR/BR shootouts at close and medium range, sometimes with a mongoose or a ghost here and there. They are usually played from 2v2 to 6v6, red vs blue, with several game types. Here are a few of many examples (And note that each of these images comes from a different map)... "Delirium," by Master Sundown "Evacuated," by Junkyard Corgi "MLG Conjunction," by The Sigma AI "Renury," by XreignZ "Structure," by Lx Kill3rMan1ac Is it just me, or do you guys also see the extreme similarities between all of these maps? Not just the way they look, but the way they play also has little variation. Does the community have an appetite for something different... something new in their competitive maps? One of my personal favorites is "TheTrenches" by Mr Pokephile, even though he technically considered it a minigame, it still has that team-based, organized gameplay that makes it seem competitive to me, and certianly more fun than those dull, repetitive DMR or BR close quarter shootout maps. I also created my own map, "Armored Strike," (Posted on 343's "Competitive Map Submissions" forum on 1/29) which is a large vehicle based map that better resembles the natural terrain that the vehicles should actually be fighting on. You will see how it is very different from those shown above. I encourage you guys to check it out (http://www.343indust...armored-strike/), but more importantly I would like to know what you think about my opinion on the repetitive maps. Also, I apologize for the duplicate post on the General Discussion forum; I figured this would be a better forum to post it.
  24. I wanted to do this project on Halo Reach, but Halo 4 was released one week later, so my idea is to make a pinball machine. People will be fighting inside this machine, while the pinball, being a kill ball, wreaks it's vengeance upon all who enter it's domain. Things required- ( 1. A kill ball. ) ( 2. Various gravity cannons that will allow the kill ball to move around well. ) (3. It has to be on a 30 degree slope to allow the ball to fall, but enough to walk on.) (4. Some kind of reactables to give the game some moving features, like maybe the kill ball could hit a landmine to activate a fusion coil launcher.) (5. It needs to have color, to keep it from looking bland.) I would like to be working on this preferably during the week (Monday-Thursday) between the times of 4:30pm and 10:30pm EST (which is actually 1:30pm-7:30pm for people on the west coast.) If you have creative ideas, would like to help me build it, or want to test it when it's done, message me on XBL to GT (Chaos GoD X), and I will try and get you in on the action. All people will be credited for their input in this project, and featured on my YouTube channel once the map is complete. All that is required is that you have a working mic. I hope to be in contact with some of you soon. 1.111
  25. HALO 4 SUNDAY CUSTOM MAPS GAME-DAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "FFA SLAYER ONLY" 16 PPL ADD GT: PURIENCE HALO 4 CUSTOM GAME-DAY SUNDAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "Only FFA SLAYER" 16 Players "Come early to get in" Add GT: Purience "Will Send a reminder message on XBOX LIVE a few hours before gametime "Online Matchmaking is terrible" "Now this is a playlist" 3x3 and 4x4 MAPS Breach (FFA) Lagoon (FFA) King's Throne (BTB) Talisman (BTB) Skyward (BTB) Crucifix (FFA) Cavern (KING) Puncture (BTB) Static (MLG) Electrify (FFA) Shadow (BTB) Propulsion (BTB) 5x5 and 6x6 MAPS Hangtime (BTB) Guardian (CTF) Blitzkrieg (FFA) Flying Waterworld Deathmatch (FFA) Battle Arena (BTB) Symmetria (FFA) ALG Epitaph (BTB) 7x7 and 8x8 MAPS Space Rock Deathmatch (FFA) Channel (CTF) Office (Flood) Transverse (BTB) G.I. Joe Deathmatch (BTB) BumperCars (FFA) Artisan (BTB) Dr Doom Deathmatch (FFA) Behemoth (CTF) Assassination "Only" 0 Gravity Arena (FFA) Duck Hunt (Flood) Cobra Deathmatch (BTB) Haunted Mansion(Flood) Basketball (Oddball) Castle Wars (CTF) Underground Cave Deathmatch (FFA) Tunnels (Flood) Crash-Up Derby (FFA) Graveyard Deathmatch (FFA) Hulk (Flood) Lockout (FFA) Lockout (FFA) "Fists" Griffbowl (Griff) The Prison (FFA) Nether Den (Flood) Sinister Deathmatch (FFA) Presented by HALOHAPPYHOUR.COM (Usually Following Game Day) Hosted by Purience & Monkiman300 Breaking News / Live Interviews / Forge Discussion / and more Listen @ http://www.blogtalkr...halo-happy-hour
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