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  1. Hi, Welcome to my media post area. Where I'll be posting up new Video from my YouTube Page to here. I all ways wanted to create a YouTube channel to share my adventures with funny moments, scared, Epic game plays with every one. I play a variety of games and titles that i like but typically in the FPS genre. Video games have been a huge part of my life. I hope you enjoy the content. Thank You Be sure to get connected. ♦ Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sniperclysm ♦ Subscribe On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtCunUUoM-ePTd0XJ0VYlcg _____________________________________________ This is a really old halo 4 clip that i found. Sorry for the quality, I did had a potato PC back then. Clip from Jan 23, 2014. This happen like 5 times to me. I was doing the story mission on blood gulch map (Episode 3 - Chapter 5). I don't no if Bungie was playing a joke, Easter egg or glitch but this was one of the best moments of my gaming life. Did this happen to any one?
  2. Hi every one, new to the forums. I'm Matt AKA Sniperclysm. I'm 33 years old and love all kinds of vast variety of PC video game. Been playing video game since i was 7 years old on consuls to the PC. I play Counter strike:Go, Doom, Battlefield games and star wars battlefront games as-well. Been a long time since i play halo. I played a lot of halo 2 back in the day and i truly miss it. I hope in the future that halo will be on PC one day. I love PC's and building them. I like Chines food & BBQ stuff. I'm into Lord of the rings and star trek: next gen Anime Fan: Dragonball Z, Cowboy bebop, Naruto, Bleach, Tri-gun & more. Movie's/Shows: Star Wars, Star Gate SG1/Atlantis, Dr.Who, The Avengers, Fast in the Furious Movies, Dead Pool, Riddick Movies. For fun and as a hobby i create Epic video game footage on my YouTube channel. I have funny and epic moment videos & Pubg chicken dinner wins. Trying my best on getting subscribers & people to comment on the videos & giving me some ideas. I love to hear from you all and hope you enjoy the videos. My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtCunUUoM-ePTd0XJ0VYlcg My Twitter: https://twitter.com/sniperclysm
  3. Hello everyone, it is I, TDM (also most commonly known as The Dumb Marine). While I have been taking absence for a while, like I always do, I have still been slightly active on Discord, showing tidbits of something I've been hard at work on for over a year... Disclaimer: Everything you are about to witness in this thread is still in development and subject to change! Remember this going forward. Secondary Disclaimer: Modding your copy of Super Smash Bros Brawl is voiding the warranty of your game and console, and while I doubt anyone doesn't have any kind of warranty anymore, I wouldn't say go and totally do this at home. I also don't condone piracy, as I do this with a legitimate copy of the game. Index: 1. Project Details 2. Early Dev 3. Images / Concepts 4. Ideas 5. Other Stuff Project Details: Anyone who has been paying attention over the past couple of months may have seen me posting some stuff on Discord about our lovely man in sage: the Master Chief, but he isn't in a shooting gallery, or a battlefield...well, not the battlefield we're used to. You see, he has been making his way over to the 2.5D fighting dimension of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Project M for quite a long time now. The current gameplan is to make a unique moveset and identity for Chief within the Smash Bros environment, but currently it comes at the cost of Snake getting kicked to the curb...sorry, not sorry, he comes back in Ultimate so it's fine. This project will come with quite a lot of stuff, being a complete overhaul of any, and all Metal Gear Solid assets, being stickers, music, trophies, models, stages, etc, with the end goal to put the Halo universe into the big world of Smash. Early Dev: As you can imagine, not every project starts in a super pristine condition. There is either that very beginning stage where everyone is learning what to do, or alternatively, the one guy working on it at the time was trying to figure out what he was doing while making sure he didn't break the game. Below I'm going to post some very old screenshots I had of in-progress work from 2014. Below you are going to see some old assets, utilizing at the time what I thought was the best direction to go in, using the Master Chief from Halo 4, with stances from Halo 4's multiplayer as portraits and also basing my recolors off of the normal colors in-game, or as I liked it better, Red vs. Blue. Default/Sage: Caboose/Blue: Tucker/Aqua: Grif/Orange/Yellow/Gold: Sarge/Red: Texas/Steel: Church/Cobalt: Of course, I have made some decent progress from these, and I hope you all will enjoy what I've had up my sleeves for quite some time. Images / Concepts: Over time, stuff had really changed. The first thing to go was the art direction I had been moving in. I looked back on Halo 3 and really fell in love with its design once again, which immediately made me think...I should move in Halo 3's direction! So I did. So, with this humble new beginning came the first ever, proper rendered image of the Master Chief...prepare yourself, these babies are HUGE. Now of course, anyone looking at this might say, "hey TDM, I'm sorry to break it to you, but that looks horrible!" and I couldn't agree with you more, but, on the bright side that was just an early concept thrown in there and, spoiler alert, it all kind of went full circle. For me the first task was making these armors fit into the Smash art style without looking too cartoony or anything, which is where the first few concepts for that came in. Concept #1 Concept #2 (Getting closer...) Concept #3 (Warmer...) Concept #4 (That's more like it!) Some of you are likely wondering...what is Chief wearing the Mark V helmet for? Wasn't he in Mark VI during Halo 3? Well, yes, he was. However I really loved the Mark V's design in Halo 3, so that's what I stuck with after painting it accordingly. However, over time more things started to come into the loop. I will show these things down below...now! Armor for you, and you! Some experimental poses followed soon after: Eventually though, they came full circle at the end of the day, and around this time once I had it decided I had finalized some of the armor sets, too. Once I had some of the very important stuff all said and done though I figured it was time for some extra, bonus stuff...which is when I started making various trophies. Description: "A soldier with remarkable luck and leadership traits who can eliminate just about any living creature with any weapon at his disposal. He has saved the human race three times from the Covenant, who have tried to activate the Halo rings. He has also defeated the Flood Parasite multiple times, earning him the legendary status of being deemed a Hyper Lethal Vector, wiping out entire armies." Description: "The CQB Armor is also very well known by it's longer name, the Close Quarters Battle Armor (CQB).It is specialized infantry armor compatible both with GEN1 Mark V and GEN1 Mark VI armor systems.The armor's main focus upon being developed was survivability in close combat, specifically by researching methods of improved joint mobility and K dispersal." Description: "The Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor/Rvariant, most commonly known as Recon Armor is a variant of the GEN1 Mark V and GEN1 Mark VI. The entire purpose of the Recon line of suits was to enhance stealth capabilities of the armor with little or no loss of endurance. It is also extremely illusive, many Spartans having to complete a series of detailed and difficult tasks to obtain the set." [No Image] Description: "Dubbed by many Spartan operatives as the only weapon you could ever need, the M6D Magnum is notorious for its infamous three headshot kill. While it is deemed highly effective against other Spartan operatives, it doesn't seem to have any advantages over the Sangheili Elites, whom are your equal on the battlefield. May the shieldless be wary." Last but not least, a little something I have as well that I likely showed off some time ago. Of course I was going to have a stage...but it changes scenery randomly upon being loaded in. Oh, but that's right! I can't forget two very old concepts. For a short duration of the project, I was working on making project based costumes, such as silly endorsements for soda. These are extremely bad and really not polished, as they were just concept material! Now that we finally have all that out of the way... Ideas: [Will leave this intentionally blank- post your ideas below and post them here.] Other Stuff: [Nothing to show...yet.]
  4. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 98. Last week's poll had us asking ourselves which Alpha-Nine member we liked most. This included all past and present members of the fireteam. There was a lot of competition, but Spartan Buck ultimately came out on top. Interesting to see who people voted for and why. Click here to view Site Poll 97, and here for the Twitter responses. What's your favourite Halo novel/comic? This was one of the first poll ideas I originally thought of, but wasn't going to do this one because I thought most people wouldn't have read any novels or comics pertaining to Halo. Looks like many people are well-educated with the lore and have read a lot material, especially with those on Twitter, so I've had a change of heart. The external media is what really defines Halo. The way I see it, the games are only a small add-on. Regardless of how good they all are, I'm sure there are some pieces that are more favoured than others when it comes down to person choice. Which novel, graphic novel or comic did you like most and why? There are many to choose from, and I can imagine it'll be a tough choice for those of you who have read a lot, so if you want you may list one novel and one comic/graphic novel. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  5. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 96. Twitter tore last week's poll apart, and there were some strong thoughts on the future of the Reclaimer Saga here on the site too. Many thought it won't all be about John, and will move on to someone else in the same saga. Others thought he's too valuable for MS to let him be killed off. Click here to view the last poll, 95. Who would replace John-117? This poll was inspired by last week's. Now Halo will either die with John, or continue to live with someone else (or other people) representing it. As iconic as the Master Chief is, unfortunately Spartans do die. Now assuming Halo continues to live without him, who would be his replacement? Spartan Buck? Could Locke come back in? How about another Spartan-II? There are many possibilities. It may even be someone completely new. Again, this is assuming Halo continues to live after Chief dies. Anyone specific you all have in mind? Or, would it not follow a single person? Would the future of Halo be a series of spin-off games, with someone different each time? That may be unlikely, because it probably wouldn't sell too well to newcomers. Thing is, there may always be an icon. Chief has been that icon for a long time, but if Halo is to survive without him, who'll take his place? Would it even be an individual, or a group of people who have their own series? Imagine if Alpha-Nine had their own series of games, for example. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  6. What do you predict Halo will be like in the near future? Curiosity poll, feel free to explain your choice below as well.
  7. Hello there, Where can I buy Halo Reach for PC, please? Have a good day!
  8. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 90. Last week we talked about your favourite Covenant species. Unsurprisingly, Elites came out on top. People love their honour-based warrior culture, and they are certainly the most respectable out of the species when it comes to fighting the Covenant. Click here to view the last poll, 89. Which Elite do you like most? With Elites winning the spotlight last week, I figured this'll be a Sangheili-appreciate week for the community. Many of these can be inspiring. The eat, breath, and speak honour. Many Arbiters were brave, and there were many "heretics" heroic enough to defy the Covenant's false foundation. There are many Sangheili out there, from Rtas 'Vadum to Let 'Volir, but which Elite do you like most? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  9. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 89. Last week we talked about which alien races we'll be seeing in Halo Infinite, and there were many great responses. We had members wanting to see something new, or a species we've previously encountered in past games. One thing was certain though, the Covenant is gone and there shouldn't be any more factions, at least nothing big enough to be seen in the games. Click here to view the last poll, 88. What's your favourite Covenant species? Be it the masterminds we know as the Prophets, or the warriors that led for so long which we call the Elites, the Covenant has had many species. Some may appear more effective than others, but we know they all have their strengths and weaknesses. The Covenant's clearly the most impressive empire to have ever existed after the Forerunners were wiped out, and one reason for that is its policy of absorbing species. All started with the Prophets and Elites, then along the way they picked up the Hunters, Grunts, and others. With an ancient history and one hell of a roster, the Covenant has been comprised of various species. Which do you like most? I know there are many Elite fans out there, but you find the same with Brutes, Jackals, and other species. What's your favourite Covenant species? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  10. Sure this is down to opinion, but which Halo Soundtrack do you believe is the best? I only recently began paying more attention to the music in each different game, and there's some nostalgia behind them all. Some of them are powerful, well-composed pieces that really define Halo, and war all together. Please vote for your favourite album in the poll. Also feel free to share your thoughts on each track and any favourites you have. Thank you. Edit: I am referring to the full albums, not an individual track.
  11. This is a huge debate in my school. I am the biggest Halo fan in my school and most of friends play CoD. They think BOII will be better than Halo 4, but I disagree.
  12. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 88. Last week we talked about the likelihood of Blue Team being in Halo Infinite. On the whole, the community thinks we will see Blue Team, but whether they'll be playable or not isn't clear to us. Click here to view the last poll, 87. What alien races will be in Halo Infinite? Despite all the talk about Halo Infinite, I am yet to hear discussion about which species will show up. It's almost certain we'll see Sangheili (Elites), but how about the Yanme'e (Drones) or even the Huragok (Engineers)? Cortana broadcasted to pretty much the whole Galaxy, right? We know the Unggoy (Grunts) are siding with her. In this case, where there's no order, all species of Jackal will go to piracy, as they have always done. We shouldn't see them ally themselves with Cortana, but it's not surprising for there to be a few individuals who would join a mercenary group. The Jiralhanae (Brutes) would most likely not be seen, unless some join Cortana. Issue with them is they really are scattered all over the place, so it's unlikely we'll find some major Brute faction, the Banished were the best there'll ever be unless they all unite. Then there are some other minority species, such as the Yonhet and Sharquoi. With Cortana trying to get all buddy-buddy with every race, and many others opposing her, what alien races do you think we'll be seeing in Halo Infinite? A few familiar faces from previous games/media, or even something entirely new? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  13. Hi everyone, Spartan here with site poll #87. Last week I asked which armour unlock system you'd like to see in Halo Infinite, and the consensus came to Reach's system, with aspects of Halo 3/4's unlcok requirements. There were many great posts, and what made them even better was the suggestion of bringing back the Vidmaster challenges. Click here to view the last poll, #86. Will we see Blue Team again in Halo Infinite? To be honest, there's actually no confirmation (yet) that Blue Team will be in Halo Infinite. Did 343 saying that Infinite will focus on Chief, mean Blue Team will also be cut out the picture? Having them in Halo 5 was great, and needed at one point or another, but was that just a one time thing? Blue Team will be essential in the fight against Cortana, whether we see them in the game or they head back to the books is yet to be confirmed. Do you think we'll see them again, or not? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  14. Hi everyone, Spartan here with site poll #86. Last week we compared our favourite matchmaking playlists, and the thread will give you one hell of a throwback. Click here to view the last poll, #85. How do you want the armour-unlock system to work in Halo Infinite? We talked about the REQ system a couple of weeks ago, and one strong point for criticism is how it has completely flawed the armour-unlock system. I personally see Halo 3 as having the best armour-unlock system out of all games. Halo Infinite needs to not only consider realistic designs (no idea what they were thinking in Halo 5 with some helmets), but the means of unlocking each armour piece needs to be seriously reconsidered. What armour-unlock system do you want to see in Halo Infinite? One of the older ones, or something completely new? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  15. Hi everyone, Spartan here with site poll #84. Last week we discussed whether Halo Infinite will be open-world or not, and there were some great points made by community members. Click here to view the last poll, #83. Do you want the REQ system to return? Halo 5's REQ system is controversial, that's for sure. Some love it, some hate it. Frank O'Connor said in an interview at the start of this year that the REQ system is "well-liked", which caused quite a stir considering how many people in the Halo community are opposed to it. The REQ system is something very new to Halo, who could have seen it coming? It's not a very unique idea, but it's something I would have never imagined coming to Halo. The main issue people have is that it can benefit users who have more money to spend on the game. Sure, there's no direct impact on your performance in Arena, but there can be in Warzone. I think the "unbalance" argument for the REQ system isn't a good one, because 343 integrated it really well and fairly. My problem is that it's boring, like really boring. Think Halo Reach's credit system, but you don't necessarily get what you want. I personally believe Halo 5's armour "unlocking" is the worst way in any Halo game out there. What if you just want this one set of armour, but the chances of you getting it depend on an RNG, and how many REQ points (or how much cash) you have to burn. What's your stance on the REQ system? Stances, those are something else you can only get randomly by an "RNG pack"... Let me know whether you want the REQ system to return or not, and why. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  16. is there ever gonna be a game where your actually a Marine. I know strange concepts but I always wanna be a Marine and fight the covenant and actually see things through there eyes and not be the common spartan or heck even be aloud to as well be an ODST.
  17. The Halo 4/5 art styles are really just different species (or "ethnicities") of alien races being depicted. This is made clear in the Kilo-five trilogy, the appearance of most Elites, Jackals, and Grunts is canon. Some are clearly not, such as the Arbiter's, and this is due to resource limits. The reason both species aren't shows is because of time constraints, and resources. The ultimate solution is to have all species shown, and this may well be possible for Halo 6. If 343 can show all species, or at least the ones that should be there by canon, Halo 6 will be almost perfect already. Of course there are many things that can be improved/developed, but the appearances in-game and in cutscenes are too important to be sacrificed. Halo's most important aspect, in many people's opinions, is its lore. 343 have done an outstanding job with Halo Wars 2. They show both the original species from "Bungie's" Halos, and the "343" species. This is what all future Halo titles need. It makes sense, and breaks no canon or lore. Why would there only be all of one species in a specific military? There would be a mix, like we see in Halo Wars 2. For the Covenant, the only "mix" we see is with grunts, and that's perfectly fine. It could make sense that all of Let Volir's crew was full of were the Halo CE/2/3/Reach species shown. We can safely assume that there were some Halo 4/5 species during the older games as well, just not depicted. The Arbiter, Thel Vadam, certainly needs his real appearance back in all future titles, but all the rest (not previously confirmed Elites) can be mixed. The Kig-Yar have 3 different species confirmed, with names. The Sangheili don't need different species names, they're not that different and wouldn't distinguish each other in that way. They Unggoy, I can't say, would love to see some more differentiation between the Halo 4/5 ones and those prior though. The reason we may see 343 succeed in this area with Halo 6 is because of the time spent on Halo 6's development; clearly a lot longer. It will most likely drop in 2019 or 2020, and will be a huge success in the eyes of it's followers if 343 mix these styles together. They could be working on it right now as you read this. It will revive the dead horse everyone keeps kicking, and grow it from a colt to a stallion. This will be even better than before, because we see things how they really are, with all species (or the ones which are meant to be there canonically) involved. If 343 don't do this, it would be very disappointing, and more hope would be lost. I'm confident they know what to do now, and have known for the past 2 years. Halo Wars 2 has reassured me, and I hope to see both styles in future titles. Bringing back the old and getting rid of the new is not the way to do it. That will only make it worse, it won't make much sense, and completely get rid of newly introduced species (which have canonically been there from the start). We need both, and I put my faith in 343 to not fail us.
  18. Hey guys! so a few months back I had a bet with a friend to recreate the first level of halo CE in game maker 8.1 as we both got an A+ in our school assignments back in the day for game maker and we had a score to settle in this area. In a nutshell I won the bet. I spent 4.5 months trying to faithfully recreate the entire game in 3d in a aging game engine built for 2D games. I hope you guys enjoy it and would love to hear your feedback. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCxdVE5GWeU Download: https://mega.nz/#!cR9xUTgA!CMoQ-Ff3Fgulhs5iBKASm8Q5nHci0zNCexRqmJxPHYw Regards James
  19. So as many of you probably know, with Xbox play anywhere it's now going to be possible to play full versions of future Halo titles on PC. Now why is this so important you may ask? Simply because PCs can effectively stomp console gaming in every shape and form. Now! If Micro$oft holds true to their word then supposedly EVERY Xbox one game will be available on PC as well, thus more profits for Micro$oft from PC gamers! ​I firmly believe Micro$oft will effectively kill Xbox in the long run with this program because what was once an 'Exclusive' game will now be available to all PC gamers everywhere! SO! Why would anyone want a inferior experience on a console when they can get the best possible experience on a reliable PC for a fraction of the cost of a console and upgradeable options in the future. Consoles are a dying breed and Micro$oft should turn their attention to their PC fan base, just look at Halo 5: Forge... sure it doesn't have campaign or a REAL matchmaking system but darn it! It's beautiful on the PC and it's common knowledge that games WILL run better on a gaming PC anyway. Anyway enough about my rant but I'm just about to jump ships once the next Halo game releases on PC. #MakeHaloGreatAgain #Halo6PC Felt like writing more but I'm sleepy so meh.
  20. Hello fellow Installation 01 community I'm mason I have a very big request for this epic new game coming out. First to start I'm a huge fan of halo I absolutely love it and care so much about it. I want to say thank you to the developers of Installation 01 for doing this and creating this game. i always really wanted to be a marine in halo not the epic spartans with shields etc. but a standard soldier of the UNSC or a ODST I would love to see this in the game because what not better than having many options to choose from from being a spartan a marine and a ODST. I do understand that matchmaking must be for spartans and stuff but like for like private matches and different game types can allow the Marines or ODST. This would also be a pretty good way to create like short movies and stuff and having like spartans be the heroes and stuff but any way I thought it would be cool hopefully we can see these and if this can happened make the variety of armor like from marines form Halo 1-5 and from halo wars 1-2 from the cutscenes. Now I would to see a flood gameplay survival like kinda like firefight but will the flood and there endless horde and this fights right in with a marine and ODST if the get lets say get killed they get there dead body can get infected and be a flood mutation. Thank you guys and I hope the community can agree that this would be a neat stuff to have
  21. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 56 - 'Top 5 Favorite TV Shows' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. This poll's bought one of the most contested topics in all of Halo, and makes 343 extra loopy... What are your favorite armor permutations in the Halo series? It can range from Master Chief's armor (new or old) in the story to the fishbowl-subwoofer fusion of a helm, Seeker. The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted whenever, maybe. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! SD, out!
  22. Things we do include: Training's, Raids, Meetings, Matchmaking, Custom Games, Custom Tournaments, You name it! We, for our 5th year, are getting back into the Halo: Reach Clan Community. We have been absent for the past few months, but are making a well planned return. To sum up how things work here, we pull you into a game session, give you your uniform and emblem, run you down with rules and regulations, yell at you and make you do things you probably don't want to do, and after completing boot camp you will receive your rank and become one step closer to becoming a welcomed member of our Clan. How to join? Simple, contact I, "TBDL X KNIGHT" on Xbox Live via message (Let me know you are sending a message to join the TBDL Corps) and I will respond to you ASAP. Any questions or concerns can be asked via message or in reply to this post! Thank you for reading this post, look forward to seeing you on either side of the battlefield!
  23. So,theory How do ships in Halo hang in the air? Example; In Amber Clad manages to stay stationary over New Mombasa in Halo 2 with no (obvious) thrusters. I think this can be explained with Slipspace drives. I believe that a 'passive' ability of the Drives could be to anchor a ship in a particular spot, similar to how the Forerunner artifact immobilized Infinity over Requiem. The Drive creates a link into Slipspace that suspends it in a spot. Now, the reason why only certain ships can go into atmosphere while others can not (Halcyon's can't, Charons Can) The immobilization effect only works on the drive itself, not the whole ships, since it is only the drive creating the link. In practice, the whole weight of the ship is held in spot by it's tethers/anchors/mounts to the drives themselves. Obviously a Charon weighs alot less than a Halcyon, so the tethers/anchors/mounts don't need to hold as much weight. Super Halo space aged metals are still limited and so while the do manage to hold the Charon, the weight of a Halcyon is too much. Now, why can Covvie ships hang in the air? It could be that their super Halo space aged metal technology surpasses the UNSC's (access to crazy alloys and Huragoks) and so can hold more weight. It could be their Slipspace drives are more powerful and so able to create a larger field. This was just an idea I had. Obviously, post war UNSC had more tech and so now every ship can do whatever.
  24. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 57 - 'Favorite Halo Armor' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. This week we're gonna bust a move, and get jiggy with it down on the dance-floor... What are your favorite music tracks in Halo? The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted whenever, maybe. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! SD, out!
  25. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 54 - 'Halo Wars 2 Community Reviews' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. This week we hypothesize and dream about stories yet to be told... Where do you want to see the Halo story go from here? What would you like to see in a future game, or ancillary material? A return of the Flood? Precursors? Mendicant Bias? The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted whenever, maybe. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! SD, out!
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