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  1. Hey Guys! I've run into one annoyance in halo 4's forge and custom gaming. Its not custom games anymore!!! Half of the options are already chosen for you, remember in Halo 3 and Reach how it was possible to edit EVERYTHING, thats how we ended up with so many crazy mini games like Speed Halo, but 343i has gone and messed it all up, now we can't choose many things in our custom game options, namely in the flood gametype. I was trying to do a "Flood Survival" gametype in which players must search for weapons on the battlefield but my weapons do not spawn and I can not find the option to make them spawn anywhere! Also the flood loadouts are uncustomizable, it is impossible to give a zombie a gravhammer, which means no speed halo, and also many mini games like duck hunt are now impossible, if there is a way to make these things happen please let me know, otherwise I would like to know why they aren't there anymore, 343i has ruined infection for me. As a side note, does anybody know how to contact 343i directly?
  2. Hello! I like to make map, but I never quite have enough players to play them. So... anyone intrested to kick some in custom games? Oh! And my gamertag is J00N4 (Os are zeros).
  3. It would be a great idea to do ones of the following: 1) Add the option to turn the sound effects/etc off in forge; giving us the option to listen to our own music on our hardrive. 2) Give us the option to play the halo soundtrack in forge instead of going insane listening to your monitor for hours on end. 3) BETTER YET, put an item in forge (that you can only play one of) and have it trigger the Halo soundtrack (player's choice in track) to play for all players in the game. How cool would it be listening to some epic game music from the campaign when you're fending off other players in custom flood gametypes!? This could (and would) be annoying for some players; this could be countered by again, giving us control over music volume in the game options.
  4. I'm looking for a clan for Halo 4. I'd like it to be organized, with a ranking system if possible. I'd like people to forge with, because all of the clan's I participated in Reach were chaotic, unorganized, and almost nobody wanted to forge. I do have a busy schedule, so I won't be on 24/7, but I'll try and log on for an hour or two if I can manage. I'm 14, with decent internet connection. I'm normally pretty calm, except when I rage, but when I do, I make sure and mute my microphone. If anyone is wanting me, either post on this forum, or better yet send a message to my gamertag: TheGingaNinja34 Thanks, and see you on the far side.
  5. Dgnified Gaming What's up guys, are you looking for a clan who is competitive and has fun at the same time. If you are this is the best clan for you. We are a group of people who are very good at the game in different ways. Only being 11 days old this clan has many things to offer. We have a ranking system, 8 divisions, and we are working on a machinima. Our ranking system is very easy to follow. To rank up you need to show that you have skill. To show us that you have skill you need to participate in our soon to be weekly tournament. Our tounament will be on clan maps that we have forged with our forging divison. Our 8 divisions are for fun. When you join the clan you pick a division. A division shows what your type of gamestyle you play. Whether it is close quarters or long range. As I said before we have 8 divisions, so check them all out before you choose what division you want to be under. Even if you are not a positive k/d player we will still accept you with open arms. Better then accepting you we will help you become better at the game with the help of our boot camp division.To learn more about this clan check us out at our website. www.dignified-gaming.webs.com( Sorry guys I do not know how to put in a link) Also do not for get the .webs part of the addres. Our website has the list of the rules, ranks, and divisions. Before saying that we are not a good clan check us out. Another way to contact me is on x-box live. GT: Nubey Tooby( No I do not Noob Toob)
  6. i have a very annoying problem that when i attempt to play my custom built map on custom games my character instantly dies (average lifetime says 0.04 seconds). this is extremely irritating. i have tried moving deleting and changing all spawn points. all settings on the game, and everything else i can think of. it only happens on my map and not on forge. any help would be much appreciated. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ahr0Q76mXea7EZsenUyBh8UgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20121119102522AAou3zr
  7. Are user submitted forge maps ever going to be integrated into matchmaking? If so, does anyone have any idea 1) How one would submit a map, 2) When submitted maps would be available and 3) If maps could be used in all of the gametypes?
  8. you know the dynamic lighting? you know how it makes the objects cast shadows? yeah its a good feature right? but when you go into player mode... and go inside a bunker while the real time shadows is in use... have you noticed your player GLOWING!!!! also since the dynamic lighting is in forge now i felt this topic would be in the forge sections.... if not... how do i delete it?
  9. I've been huge on forge since it was introduced in Halo 3. The idea of having the community creating maps was as still is one of the most exciting aspects to this game. What bothers me, though, is that forge only seems to have gotten worse as the games went on. I dont think Reach was as bad as people make it out to be, but there more a lot more annoying features than Halo 3. H3 was amazing in general just because of its simplicity. Obviously there were kinks in it that could have been fixed, but I digress. When I popped in Halo 4, the first thing I did after beating the campaign was goto forge to try and start making some infection maps (infection being another thing I think has been ruined). Immediately I realized that there is no possible way to make a fun infection map...let alone any custom game maps. That maps are way way way too small to be creative and the forge items blow. Im not gonna continue to ramble on about this topic because Im sure most of you all feel the same way, but do you guys think theres a chance they give us free big ass forge map and fix some of the settings? I know the map packs have already been announced and there wasnt anything included...but maybe 343 will pull a cold storage type ordeal and just throw something at us? Thought on this?
  10. Hiya, not a lot of my mates are that into halo so I was thinking leave your gamer tag on the post and add each other so massive games can be played on custom games or online? My gamer tag is MaSturalex117.
  11. I enjoy forging and hosting customs and I was just quivvering in anticipation for what 343i would do with the next installment of it. And I can't say I'm to disappointed. Yes, there is no Infection, Race, or object fine tuning... but I don't believe there is anything missing that can't be added through a simple patch or included in the coming Title Update. I like how for each map there is a selection of map specific objects that can give your map it's own "flavor", so to speak. For instance, the massive silos or buildings within the Impact forge palette (which is deceptively big) can add a nice touch to spice up the otherwise rocky background but don't seem to be meant for full attention grabbing use. Oh and the DELETE options! Oh wow this thing... is going to be so very, very handy. Delete all and Delete by Palette. You know when you're forging and a friend shows up, they say they won't touch anything but they always spawn a weapon? Well, if you are still in the first stage of making a map, you can just delete the palette of weapons so you don't have to search for it... and that alone is going to save me alot of time. Next up on my list was the Gravity Wells. It took me by surprise when I found them and I think I can say this now, I think that their full usage is going to be constantly expanding with the ingenuity of the communities forgers (plus you can stack them for more effect). I can't imagine what will be built a couple months down the line aside from the expected very cool low gravity CQB maps. I can't wait! Something I thought was quite amusing was the fact that if you shoot crates enough now, they kinda disappear in a blue "data release" burst such as some of the promethians do in campaign. Small touch, but could be applied into puzzle games, or an actual Jenga if someone had a mind to it. Also, more localized lighting. It doesn't bleed as bad as reach did, and the fact you get twice as many lights makes it so you could use them for reasons other than, "This is blue side, that is red." The flashing lights also got updated for the better, I think. Since they are flashing lights, I'm glad the flashing speed got turned up a bit so they give a sense of urgency as to why they might be flashing in the first place (small things count). Now to small things missing, I don't understand why the rock arch was taken out... or there isn't as much scenery (eg. radios, more traffic cones, etc) But things like these are so trivial, I don't think that they can overshadow what 343i has done with this game. And I think they have done a beautiful job. Even with what I stated above, I can't fully enjoy custom games without Infection. Don't get me wrong, I love playing SWAT on custom maps... but I'll have a half dozen remade Reach maps, awating the day that they release the Infection and Race gametypes. Idea Time! --- --What about the idea of while in Forge, holding a bumper to be able to rotate the held object exactly one direction, because with building blocks, the coordinates don't always match up so that you can slope it appropriately. --I know it's been suggested before, but passenger hogs would be an amazing addition to the forge palette. Bungie got so close to it for Reach, but didn't quite get there. It would be great for machinimas, or even if you wanted to mount up and bum-rush the enemy flag-base. (I won't mention Pelicans, because I think the gears might already be turning on those -- I'm going to second xMonark's post about more vehicles (found here http://www.343indust...icles-in-forge/) and also make a note about MrCoolChild's vehicle skins (found here http://www.343indust...-vehicle-skins/) and both of those are phenomenal ideas) I'd love to hear what people found in forge that wasn't immediately apparent, hit me up. glhf ~Eggo
  12. I can't seem to find a bug submission section so hopefully this will do, though frankly it seems a bit silly creating a post solely for this. The piece 'BLOCK, 3x3, FLAT' has the 'magnets' located in the wrong place, they are not centred correctly on one side making them pretty much useless. They are out by .1 units. Also whilst I'm here: 'This is a place to discuss and share your ideas of the new and vastly improved Halo 4 forge.' Hilarious. 10/10. Well done.
  13. What game type and maps that you think should be remade in halo 4?
  14. I forge on a weekly basis when I play halo, but I was wondering why dont we have the insane gametype from reach. That was a pretty cool gametype especially halo ball. I have many ideas for sports gametypes and maps if we can only throw the halo 4 grifball into a goal. Ive already created a working copy of football in halo 4, but now im trying to create baseball, handball or anything else. Forging would be 100x better if we can reallly throw the ball into a goal or have it hit into a goal with the hammer just saying.
  15. Ok so ill break it down by section: Campaign: Ive always loved Halo's campaigns, but in every game the mulitplayer overshadows it. To me, not this time. Halo 4's campaign to me was amazing, I loved every bit of it. I didnt have any problems with it except for the fact is was only 7 hours (but thats average I guess) and a lackluster ending (which I'm sure will be solved with 5 and 6, so that part is kind of irrelevant). The story behind it was fantastic, and emotion was displayed like never before in Halo. I'm not gonna give any spoilers but for those who played it youll know what Im talking about. In the end, I give the campaign a 9.5/10 Multiplayer: Sucks. I might be one of the very few who thinks this but i hate the mulitplayer. I hate the fact that the maps are pretty tiny. I've always been a big team slayer guy, and it says a lot when Ragnarok is the biggest map, considering it was a medium sized map at best in Halo 3. What pisses me off though, is that is previous Halo's, there was like a 1-2 minute window from the start of the game to the point you actually started firing at your enemy, depending on the map you play on. Halo 4 youre put right into the action. And I know a lot of people like that, but its very frustrating to me. I do like the ordinance drops and have faith they can take it further in the next games, but at the same time i still wish they would have certain weapons spawn at specific points. I believe 343 can fix this in either DLC's or worse case, wait until 5 or 6. Theyre going in the right direction, but I personally believe they screwed up on multiplayer. I give it a 4.5/10. Forge: I shouldnt have to say much as I havent found one good forum about forging. Its awful, and thats putting it nicely. Our creativity has been taken away by giving us 3 tiny maps to work with. I feel like they tried too hard to make the maps look good to realize that they didnt really give us much to work with. The good news is, this is probably the easiest problem for them to fix. App some maps the DLC or heck even come out with a new DLC specifically for forging. Me personally, I loved sandbox and forge world, but would also like to see either sandtrap, avalanche, or standoff recreated. Forging in Halo 4 gets a 3/10 I havent go a chance to play custom games or spartan ops yet with be being in school and what not. Ive heard spartan ops is amazing and I believe it. However, i have played "Flood", its good, but i would have much rather preferred they stick to regular infection. In the end I give Halo 4 a 7/10. The campaign saved it and they have a lot of work to do. The good news is, this was just their first game. If 343 is anything like Bungie theyll love this criticism as theyll do anything they can to fix the problems in further games. As for me, Ill probably stick to Halo Reachs multiplayer and Halo 3 custom games for now...
  16. Right, I've been playing halo ever since the release of Halo 3, and the maps for forge have never been great. Until Halo: Reach's "Forge World". And basically the maps on Halo 4 are shabby to say the absolute least! And yes i do know that Bungie owned Halo: Reach, so if not Forge World, please bring out a massive new map, built with forge in mind. Just an open map which is perfect for building anything! I've also noticed that the maps on Halo 4 don't have a very high border, so height is an issue for most maps. So again, please bring out a map made for forge! And another thing, why on earth don't you get any Human aircraft? in the campaign you are accessed to The Pelican, which is an amazing new feature in Halo, so why not use it for online game play? where it is used and cherished most?! So please, give everyone what they deserve, Bring back Forge World. Sincerely, Players of Halo.
  17. There is clearly a lack of game-types in halo 4 here you can discuss the game-types they should bring back. Two of those would be swat and grifball which they are adding.
  18. I had this idea of having the skins for some vehicles be changeable. An example would be how in Halo 3 on Avalanche, the UNSC vehicles where snow/arctic themed. This,I think, would be very cool to be able to change the skins to the mongoose, warthog, scorpion, falcon, and any other new Halo 4 vehicles kind of like how you could choose the object colors in Halo Reach. Some skins could be default, forest, desert, arctic/snow, or odst themed (black). So what do you think?
  19. I was going through all of the maps in forge and I noticed that the area included no forge world. I kind of expected for it to not be in the game however, I would still really like to add one if possible. The one in reach was perfect for me and it gave me A LOT of space to build. Some of the most creative things I've ever done has come out of that map. Halo 4 added a bunch of new and interesting things to the forge mode in the game. There's so many awesome things to try plus they brought in some of the great stuff from halo reach. So if you combine in some of the two's greatest features you'd have amazing forge creations popping out everywhere. The problem with some of the maps in the game is that they're too small. The map erosion, for example, Has a great little hangar to forge in, however it runs out of space really quickly. All I know is, is that when I get bored of the campaign and matchmaking I turn to forge and I cant paint a big picture without a big canvas.
  20. A friend and i were messing around in forge world on the map that has the grifball court. We placed a teleporter into one of the rooms and realized that we became tiny spartans
  21. Hello there from Halo4Customs. I am new here and I have a great opportunity for all of you to join a community on Facebook dedicated to Custom Games and Custom Forge maps. If you guys want a good and new community that is all about custom games, stop by and check out the new Halo 4 Customs page on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/H4Customs This page will be a hub for organizing custom games so that you can get your fix of Infection, Dead Space, Warthogs, and all other Custom games. Please like and hang out to get some great custom games going. Are you tired of making an awesome map in Forge, only for no one to see it? Then like this Facebook page! There will be Bi-Weekly featured maps once things get rolling. That's right. Your map can potentially be featured on our facebook page for all to see.
  22. Hey guys. I've just made a map on Halo 4 Forge on the map Erosion. It's called "Mech Wars". Basically it's two teams (Red and Blue) battling each other in Mantises. If you have any suggestions are anything, feel free to message me. Also I am working on the Elevator for the Mechs at the moment, so please, no comments asking me to fix it. Thanks guys Cazmo1995
  23. I read the newest bulletin board and in the Forge section I saw the list of vehicles included in Forge. Mongoose Warthog, Default Warthog, Gauss Warthog, Rocket Scorpion Mantis Ghost Wraith Banshee Shade Turret It came to my attention that there is not a single UNSC airborne vehicle on that list. Does this mean that there won't be any in the game? Not even the Hornet? I'm not very updated on this, please tell me if I'm wrong or if there's going to be any UNSC airborne vehicles in War Games but not in Forge. Thanks.
  24. Firstly, before you get the wrong idea this is not a complaint - I am enjoying the game. However there are quite a startling number of issues which frankly could and should be implemented better. Simple things which it just baffles me were not considered... hence I feel the need to rant about these for a bit. The forge map ‘Ravine’ for starters. Very nice map, looked full of potential and pretty damn big... then I discover the ceiling is set half way up the geometry. I had plans for a towering sky base with... I don’t know, dragons and the like. Now however my aerial domain resembles a hobbit hut... I wasn’t expecting to be able to reach the very top of that massive tower but to not even be able to scale half those rocks is just bizarre. If you get up close to them, shortly before dying a horrible Guardians based death you’ll find they have decent textures and collision... so why make them out of bounds? It’s a forge map for us to do with as we please. Don’t be like Apple and enforce pointless rules on usage. In Halo 2 you could climb on top of some ridiculously high cranes for basically no reason at all... now with an amazing editing tool at our disposal we can barely make it 20ft off the ground... Then I notice that the, admittedly limited, selection of rocky scenery is cut even shorter on this map with the regular crowd being completely absent. So on a map primary made, covered with, populated and staffed by rocks you didn’t think it might be important to give us some... rocks? Curious. I then turned my attention to Erosion with the intention of building a nice flood map down in that disturbingly radium coloured water. Again I’m limited by the kill box but I make the best of the situation. Now this is a map that has so many lights on it by default it has to do a bit of calculation whenever you switch to player mode and yet we still have the four light limit from the original forge. Clearly the engine can handle more. I had planned for a dark setting that relied on ambient light and limited promethean vision to kill the flood yet again basic filters have not been implemented. I notice you still have the one that makes everything painfully bright, unplayably... inverse and just generally weird... all I’m asking for is a very basic brightness, contrast, hue and saturation control. To be honest it could even just use presets like day, evening, night and it would be fine. Currently of the half dozen filters we have maybe two are usable at best. Frankly they remind me of all those pointless visualisations that come bundled with any media player nowadays... you know the one that has exploding cubes that seem to bear no resemblance to the music or the one that flashes the word ‘BADGER’ every time a bass drum is struck... the sort of thing that makes you question what kind of medication the developer was on at the time. Now the snaps and quick duplication are brilliant additions, would be made even better if the ‘magnets’ had actually been put in logical places on more than half the items but oh well, it suffices. The coordinate system however is painful. The issue from the original forge is back with a vengeance I see... the lack of a local rotation axis. When you rotate using snaps on one axis you move the other so it spins off axis. Seriously... a local and/or world coordinate system is just fundamental. All round the position system needs a major accuracy boost... that one decimal place often seems to make the difference of a foot or so when all you want is a minor nudge. Anyway, once I had a vaguely functional map I turned my attention to the gametype. To my dismay I am entirely unable to customise the flood loadouts, the Spartans seem to get additional loadout options I didn’t enable on some gametypes and try as I might there is no option to spawn as an acid spewing dragon... sorry thought I might be losing people. I seem to recall a zombies gametype a while back aptly named ‘Ghostbusters’ in which the zombies could fly and the Spartans had to shoot them down with lasers. Unless I have missed something very obvious in the menu however the flood seem to always get the same boring old abilities. Then I notice that, unless I am very much mistake, it doesn’t seem possible to have weapons spawn on a flood gametype. Perhaps I need to specify this somewhere - I hope that is the case but I have tried enabling weapons in the options and giving the items a ‘FLOOD’ tag under the settings in forge and yet no joy. Ability packs can be picked up and mounted gun turrets appear but a basic pistol does not... very limiting. Next I decided to have a play with one of my favourite maps from matchmaking... Exile. Now I really didn’t think I could improve it any but thought it might make for a fun vehicle map for an upcoming LAN party. A few jumps here, some basic walls to block off buildings and a decent scattering of vehicles could be interesting. Then I find that you can’t place any structure items at all on maps other than the forge specific ones. I appreciate they are high budget maps with a lot of flashy stuff going on but all I wanted was a couple walls. It seems almost obtuse to even let us edit these maps in forge if we can’t actually... edit these maps in forge. What’s next? Ah yes... King of the Hill. I had some major problems setting up a custom map for this as it seems that a vehicle set as a ‘stationary’ hill just doesn’t work. I just wanted a single warthog as the hill but instead I have to set it to cycle and get pointless messages about the hill moving every minute. Not the end of the world but clearly not working as intended. Then I thought I’d try making a golf ball the hill (because invariably after a few drinks and a dozen serious games at a LAN chasing a giant golf ball is the only course of action left)... it works, sort of. Since there is no spherical shape for the hill, the options are a rounded box or a cylinder... and both of them rotate with the hill rather than staying oriented to the level as makes sense. The result is a rather ugly spinning blue box. This is not the primary issue however... that lies in the fact that the ball just... vanishes after a bit. So I am left with no option but to have it respawn rather than stay in play indefinitely. Kind of defeats the point in having a ball in the game but oh well... I was expecting some major improvements to the editing system but it seems as if the whole thing has just been cut and pasted from Reach with a handful of new assets and some minor interface and tool changes. It seems there are dozens of things which either have not been thought of (unlikely) or just not bothered with (more likely). What baffles me most however are the prescriptive rules and zealous doctrine regarding how you think we should have fun. If I want to fly up to the rocks on Ravine and build a little fort why should I be stopped just because a developer decided it should be out of bounds? If I want flying zombies why stop me? If I want to turn into a triple headed acid spitting dragon...
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