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  1. I have been playing the Halo series since the original one for the X-Box, and have also played countless shooters. From the Game-cube to the PS3, I've seen them all. Age-wise, I'm approaching the end to my video game career- college is all too realistically close, and money is starting to become thin for frivolous purchases. Halo 4 is going to be one of my last purchases, and I would love to see near every idea proposed on these forums to go into this game- An epic forge, bots, countless vehicles: Halo 4 should be "ballz to the wallz" crazy. What does the rest of the fanbase think? I understand some few are conservatives, wanting to see Halo 4 restricted and unrefined, but I honestly think that would be an enormous waste.
  2. Okay so if you guys haven't noticed, ALOT of people converted back to halo 3 after the release of Reach. Before the release of reach however there were alot of complaints on things that people hated about halo 3, like.....the idea you can hit and kill someone with a melee after their shields are down just halfway......you wanted bloom..enable to separate the "noobs" from the supposed "pros"......and you wanted abilities, like jetpack, or armorlock, or even invisibility as examples. Each time after though, you complained alot more about the wishes you were granted, and in the end, lot of the community resorted back to the more classic halo ways of halo 3. I'm pointing out that for one, alot of you want the whole "shoot-beatdown" thing back now. Alot of you don't want bloom anymore. And alot of you don't want AAs. Making it closer to Halo 3 and the other halo games before it. I'm here to say that, you don't know what you want it seems. Bungie, when making reach, listened to the community alot more than they did with the previous halos, and in return, the community is leaving to play it's predecessors. The community seems to be wanting Halo to play more like old times. Does the Halo community actually know what it really wants? I mean it seems the more leash you give a dog, the more it pulls you. I'm here to ask, what do you actually think Halo 4 needs? I mean, just because you want it to be a sandbox game, doesn't mean it will turn out so great, there are plenty of sandbox games that haven't even got near a tenth of what halo 1-2-3 has brung in. It seems the Halo community always wants more, like a black hole. I would like to ask you today, what do you think the halo 4 actually needs?
  3. Hillo people! It's Azaxx! Anyway I decided my recent maps have been bad so I went to the Island for meditation...jks But I did built my first great assault-like infection map! The map for Team/FFA slayer has the following weapons- 2 Sniper Rifles, 2 DMR's, 2 Needlers, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Magnums, 2 Plasma Pistols and 1 Rocket Launcher. Plus can be played on Infection. The are plenty of spawns across the map to avoid spawn camping. Here are some screen shots. Top view of the map: The red base: The blue base: Behind blue base, across the map: And for infection: Anyways, I have not put this on my File-Share because there isn't any room, but if there is enough demand I will put it up for you guys As always please leave your thoughts for improvements below!
  4. There are alot of topics on what you want in halo 4 but i havent seen one about what you dont want in halo 4. theres a couple things i dont want in halo 4 which is: The ranking system from reach because it took absoluty no skill The dmr from reach i dont know wjy they would change it there was nothing wrong with the br although they might have wanted to change some things up. Please post the things you dont want in halo 4.
  5. Hello to everyone. This is Chaos Cycle! A friend and I create a map that follows an unconventional approach towards combat: Its an aerial based combat map. Done in Forge World. It covers almost all the map above the ocean. Everywhere else is guarded by soft kill zones. There are two bases, one blue and one red. Red base is in the hanger located in the side of the mountain. There have been a few modifications done to it, as I'm sure you will notice immediately. In it are 2 Falcons, 3 Banshees, 4 plasma turrets, 1 sniper rifle, 2 spartan lasers, 2 grenade launchers, and 2 health kits. Blue base is located directly across the map. It is modeled after an air born helicarrier (think Shield Helicarrier from Marvel comics). Its weaponry and vehicles are exactly the same as red base with the exception that instead of plasma turrets there are 3 machine gun turrets. Underneath Blue base are a few man cannons for added visual effect. And, if you accidently fly into them they will force you toward the water below. There is also a small landing pad located on the side of the mountain on the main island. Follow the structured path and you will find a grenade launcher and the only missile launcher in the map. But, be careful, everywhere on the island has a soft kill zone excluding the landing pad, walk way leading from the pad, and various outer regions of the island. The idea here was to place a risk on obtaining the most helpful weapon in the map. If you lose your ship you would need your team to evac you from the spot, also, you will have to contend with snipers. As for the smaller, pillar shaped island next to red base, there is a soft kill zone encompassing the entire island. We wanted to deter from camping as much as possible. So, don't even bother with it. The emphasis on this map was team work. Everyone will have to do their part to ensure their teams victory. It is a Big Team map, so 8 on 8 is ideal. As of right now we only have it for Red versus Blue matchmaking. If it is received well, we will most definitely make it compatible with other types of matchmaking. It has been tested, but, only with two on two. It was still enjoyable, but like I stated, 8 on 8 is what its ideal for. I do not have any pictures of the map to post, but if you feel like trying it out, you can find it in my Reach Fileshare under the map named Air Strike. http://www.bungie.ne...r=Chaos%20Cycle I hope you try it, like it, and show it to your friends. Thanks to all of you.
  6. This is an adaptation of Halo 3's Guardian created for some friends who missed playing Rockets on the original. The map is not intended to be a direct copy, but a modern take on one of the funnest and most enjoyed maps of Halo 3. The weapons are as close to the original as possible, most of the key elements have been recreated and the layout will be familiar as you move around. This map currently supports Team Slayer, FFA and KOTH. This is the first time I have offered it for public down load.This map has been enjoyed by all who have played it and I hope you enjoy it as well. Map "Guardian Station" http://www.bungie.ne...=Absolute%20Dog Screen Shots
  7. This variation of Plateau Mountains has everything you are looking for in a Big Team map. It was my first BTB creation and has been the most played BTB map I have ever made. Set in Reach's highest playable terrain this map is so long from end to end, longer than Hemmorage, that you are hard pressed to snipe from it's furthest reaches. Featuring numerous structures, a double decker bridge with a three story mid section, trilling man cannons across an expansive gorge and a variety of vehicles, this well laid out map will offer you countless hours of BTB fun. This map supports Big Team Batttle, BTB CTF, BTB KOTH, BTB Assault and BTB Snipers. With well over a hundred games played on it, this is the first time I have made the map available for public download. Map "Plateau Mountains 2.0" http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/filedetails.aspx?fid=26760063&player=Absolute+Dog Screen Shots
  8. One of my first Created maps for Halo Reach THE DRONE LINK TO MAP: http://goo.gl/MZ382 SCREENSHOTS Profile Shot Overhead Top floor Bottom floor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP CAPACITY AND GAMETYPE SUPPORT MAX PLAYERS:4 GAMETYPES: All Slayer Gametypes (Free For All, Team 2v2, SWAT) WEAPONS:Assualt Rifles, DMRs, Shotguns, Plasma Repeaters, Needlers, Needler Rifles, Grenade Launcher, Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Rocket Launcher (Well hidden), Plasma Launcher (Well hidden) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description First map Ive ever made for Halo Multiplayer, created as a small arena like stage, with a well open top floor with total safety from falls, perfect for no hold back fighting, also a small barrierless bottom floor with access to the melee weapons where one wrong step could is send you swimming All the weapons in the stage is spread out even and symmetrically, starting spawns are placed on the edge of the cross, for teams Red on the North and South, Blue: West and East (see Overhead screenshot for the locations) The Power Weapons: Grenade Lanucher is set in the middle of the stage, the Rocket Launcher and Plasma Launcher are in the stage, but are extermely hidden. Like I said, this was my first map made, so please let me know what you think of it and please give feedback Thank you and good night (Coming soon, Map: Post-Waterfall)
  9. More Halo 4 Info and Master Chief Photos! At first I didn't like His armor, cause I felt like it didint resemble Master Chief right. But the more I see it, the moreI start to like it. My favorite Picture of him is the first one. For some reason it reminds me of Halo 2. lol Also, 343i said their still trying different colors and changing his armor a little more.. https://encrypted-tb...-6xN1sEzjagUcXx https://encrypted-tb...0BTOdHp2dGzAnLw Halo 4 Info: Info quoted from The Halo Waypoint Weekly Bulletin: 2.15.12 "While it’s exciting to get a glimpse of the Halo 4 Master Chief in toy form, nothing will compare to when you finally see him in-game. I’ll never forget the exact moment his design started coming together; when inspecting the smaller details of his armor, such as the scarring on his chest piece, suddenly gave insight into the depth of his character; when suddenly… the Master Chief was the Master Chief. " "One of the Master Chief’s most notable physical characteristics is that he’s wearing 800 pounds of tank and jet fighter. So we pulled that design into the armor and HUD. When you play Halo 4, it’s important you understand that you’re more than just a gun on the screen. To give you that feeling, we have represented that weight with player physics, without interrupting crosshair and shooting accuracy." "A big focus on the Chief’s armor was his physicality and putting the player in those mighty shoes. Getting that weight across in the design had us looking at a lot of contemporary military vehicles, and we pushed detail and form into the armor that implied that history. This is the bleeding edge of military technology." A Spartan tossing his chest plate should feel like an anvil dropping…. A Spartan sprinting across concrete should be a stealthy whisper…. Putting on your helmet should feel like powering up an F-15E…. These are the sorts of experiences we want to give the players. "
  10. Reach has a real shortage of good small-scale maps. While maps like Countdown, Zealot, or Powerhouse can feel exciting and lively if they appear in matchmaking, if you prefer to play custom games and don't have a lot of friends on Reach or are playing a local game of splitscreen, they can feel oversized and - worse - empty. As someone who for a very long time didn't have access to the internet, this is an issue particularly close to me. It's all very well turning movement speed up, setting low respawn times and increasing damage, but there comes a point where it simply has to be admitted that what's really needed are small, fast-paced maps suitable for just two or even three players to have a game of Slayer or Oddball and actually enjoy it. Without further ado, I therefore present to you two such maps of my own creation: 'Rapids' and 'Entrenched'. Rapids Rapids is a re-imagining of one of my first maps, 'Duel'. It features an open central courtyard ringed with a covered path on three sides and direct access from the fourth, with rooftop access from both bases as well as a combination of open sightlines and powerful weapons. Both bases feature a DMR and Plasma Pistol, as well as providing an overlook of the central area and quick rooftop access to one another, as long as the player is a good jumper. Plasma Batteries provide an incentive not to spend too much time in one place, as a single well-placed grenade can provide beautiful views of the respawn screen. Rocks around the outside of the map can be accessed, but soft kill zones ensure that it's not at the expense of the action. Lastly, the cetral courtyard features a single obelisk for cover, while the tunnel to the East has shield doors at both ends to make up for being filled with explosives, making camping a big risk even for the alert player. Rapids is set up for all game types except Race and Invasion, although it does support Invasion Skirmish. It also works with both team games and free-for-alls with up to eight players, although I would recommend no more than four for ideal game conditions. An overhead view shows the map's outline. The Shotgun on the centre platform can be accessed via the Gravity Lift to the East! The view from Red Base. The tunnel to the right houses a Grenade Launcher, but beware the explosives inside - one brave grenade and you'll be wishing you'd kept on the move! The Man Cannon at the corner of the map allows fast access to the upper catwalk through a one-way shield, allowing for a fast escape or a surprise attack! Entrenched Entrenched is very loosely inspired by both Halo 3's 'Narrows' and the design philosophy of Halo 2's 'Midship'. Attention to aesthetics has been made with the appearance of the bases at either end, and the floor of the main deck is inspired by the bridges of Halo: CE, allowing players to see who is above or below them directly. Teams start out at either end of the main deck, protected by a cover on the opposite side of which is located a Health Kit and a Needle Rifle. The centre of this deck features a Concussion Rifle, although the central path is flanked by tunnels which can only be attacked via the ends and which each feature an Assault Rifle. The 'spine' of the lower deck features a Shotgun and is protected from the flanks by metal 'ribs', although gaps in the floor to either side mean access is risky at best. The flanks themselves provide access to the top of the main deck's tunnels, which feature Plasma Grenades but are very exposed to fire. Entrenched works with all game types except Race, Invasion, or Invasion Slayer, and is more fun if played with teams in symmetrical gametypes. Although ideal with four to six players it supports up to eight, and is also set up to accomodate free-for-all gametypes. An overhead views reveals a transparent floor to the main deck - use this to spot players above or below you! The map isn't very long from end to end - try sprinting along the flanks on the lower level or riding the man cannons to the top deck in order to catch your opponents off guard! The Needler spawns at either end of the 'ribs' are protected from direct fire by shields, but a well placed 'Nade can flush a player out and into the comforting arms of the nearby Shotgun! Download Links 'Rapids' can be downloaded here. 'Entrenched' can be downloaded here. 'Red's Slayer' can be downloaded here, and is a suggested custom gametype which features reduced melee damage and slightly tweaked movement and health properties. Feedback I really do appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have. If there's something which strikes you about a map - aesthetics, weapon placement, sightlines, team balance, objective placement or even something as detailed as item respawn timers - whether for the better or the worse, please let me know!
  11. I have gone through these ideas with my friends over Xbox live they agree that these would be awesome in halo 4 forge. 1.) remove the budget idea and replace it with memory for exampled it would say how many MB aloud to be used on that map and it would count down to 0 when it reaches 0 you cannot place anything on that map. 2.) to have the ability to change the texture of a map so instead of having just a snow world you could change it to sand grass snow ect. or just put them all in 1 map. 3.) to be able to forge bigger vehicles like the scarab. 4.) like in halo reach you can change part of an objects colour but in halo 4 you should be able to change the material an object is made out of. 5.) change of weather on a map or/and day and night cycle. 6.) the ability to create the size of a block. 7.) like in halo 3 you can make it so only the leader can forge well i think in halo 4 you should be able to pick who is aloud to forge in your game. 8.) the ability to change the game type in forge like in halo 3. 9.)more options before you start up forge. 10.)space forge e.g. were you can build stuff in space. I hope my ideas help you with some part of halo forge after all forge is what makes halo fun for years.
  12. This map is forerunner themed and has special fx, (for those who dont like fx sorry) this is the whole island view. The map is made for team slayer and CTF, 6-16 players. View of red base: and the almighty blue base oh and a tower for good looks the map has other forerunnerish features but i didnt want to clog the whole page with pictures. Anyway the map isnt on my file share but can be played customs when im on. Hope you like it community...
  13. The Aztecs built their capital city on a lake. That city was known as Tenochtitlan. They had temples to worship their Gods, and practiced human sacrifice. They would go to war, capture their enemies, and cut their hearts out on an alter in their temples. My map takes all of this into account. It is built on a lake and in the center of it is a pyramid built in the manner that they did (little different) featuring a temple on the top. This map is compatible with all forms of slayer, king of the hill, oddball, stockpile, headhunter, and capture the flag. It supports BTB as well as FFA. It is both functional and aesthetic. At the top of the pyramid, there is a temple with an alter and an energy sword inside it. The alter features an instant kill zone, to symbolize the human sacrifice. To download this map, click the link below. I hope you and your friends enjoy it. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=26538373&player=AAN2
  14. Hey guys! I opened this topic for you. Just tell me what is your favourite racetrack on Halo: Reach. You can also post your own racetrack!
  15. Alright we all. Know the epicness that is the commentator of halo mulitplayer...double kill, killing spree etc uk ... Du u guys want the voice to stay? Or du u guys have any requests for a new voice instead? Let me know!
  16. Personally, i think they should. If you think about it, armor abilities are just improved equipment. Active camo=Active camo. kinda obvious. Jet pack=portable grav lift Drop shield=bubble shield armor lock=deployable cover (Now it sucks. Thanks 343!) Active camo=radar jammer Armor lock=invincibility Regenerator=drop shield The only things left out are Auto turret, flare, and trip mine. Personally, I could not live without at the very least: Sprint, Active camo, jet pack, evade, drop shield and hologram. Maybe armor lock for vehicles. Derp face
  17. Dome is a map I made that is both an Aesthetic and Fun Map to play on. It is Fairly Large, yet very easy to navigate through. It greatly support's Big Team Battle, and if not enough, then Team Slayer is playable too. Send back your feedback, and in time, this Greatly Crafted map might be in Matchmaking one day! Link for Download: http://www.bungie.ne...B%20L337Destryr Weapon List: 2 Snipers (One on each side, Blue base's is near gravity lift. Red base's is on the Sniper Tower) 1 Sword(In middle, to give a chance for both teams) 1 shotgun (Red team side in purple tunnel) 2 needlers (Blue side, middle of 3 story building. Red side, in Red base smaller house) 1 spiker (Red side, bottom of 3 story building) 1 Grenade launcher (Red side, Top of 3 story building) 3 Health Stations (Located evenly across the map. On Bridge behind teleporter, and on both base's towers) 1 Plasma launcher (Blue side, Top of 3 story building) 1 Plasma Rifle (Located on Bridge, behind Teleporter) 2 Needle Rifle ( Located near teleporter, and small Blue base house) Magnums and DMRs (located all over the map) This map is amazing for Big Team Battle. But is good enough for Team Slayer if needed. Jet Packs are recommended, but they are not needed. Hope you guys enjoy, Tell me your Feedback! Sincerely, TheL337destroyer
  18. I thought I would share some ideas I had for the upcoming Halo 4 forge system. I thought of these while playing on Reach's Forge World with some friends. They can be seen below: 1. Time/Weather effects (i.e Nighttime setting or Snow/Thunder effects) 2. Customizable/Placeable signs 3. A "Create-An-Object" feature that would allow one to basically "create" their own pieces and save them in their own category. 4. Breakable windows and operable door systems So, you all saw my ideas on what I would like to see in H4's forge. So I ask, what do you all want to see? Leave some comments and/or responses...well, you all know where, I hope. Oh, before I go, I just want to put this out there. I am the founder/co-leader of a clan on Halo: Reach. I say this because we continue onward and have high hopes of carrying on into Halo 4. If anyone is interested in joining up, go ahead and message DKO Fancy or DKO Xephler (myself). We have a forums page, which I will not list due to the "No Advertising any 3rd-Party Product" rule. PM me for it if you want to take a look We have a decent member count and we're always looking for new members. With its own ranking structure, constant updates, and a flawless winning streak, DKO is proud to accept any willing member that simply wants in. Thanks everyone, and we hope to see you all on the battlefield.
  19. 1st Map: The UNSC's base is on the island and is under construction. The Covenant think it's a good time to attack. So they plan one, a vicious attack on the UNSC troopers. UNSC, hold out before the Covenant do any damage to the base. This base is our only hope. Now save it. (Covenant need that Island to get to Tempest, (UNSC's most nearest station) and take over. UNSC must defend the island so the Covenant don't break in, and find Halo's Control Room). http://www.bungie.ne...aTiNuM%205kiLLz View of Map Covenant Defense Covenant Vehicles and Spawning Bridge & Small Loadout Building on Mountain UNSC Vehicle Spawn & Some Spawn Points Construction Site for UNSC Base Defense in front of Vehicle Spawn More Zoomed in on Construction Site 2nd Map: Overview of Map Armed Gun on Mountain Range Vehicle & Spawn Points for Covenant Bridge in front of Tunnel Tunnel (UNSC Vehicle and Spawn Zone) Satellite Dish Forerunner Structure "We failed Covenant, but we will avenge our death. We have the rest of this island to hold out. And it is already built. We will defeat anyone who comes through that tunnel. We are... the Covenant...." "UNSC, we need more land, get into the tunnel and fight your way to victory, we NEED that land to have more defensive systems up and ready. Now get inside quickly, or we'll be doomed." http://www.bungie.ne...aTiNuM%205kiLLz DOWNLOAD PLEASE. Took a long time to make these maps. So please enjoy, and hopefully these will be used in YOUR Machinima!
  20. The following post was something I posted about an upgrade to Halo: Reach forge, but since I'm 100% positive that it won't happen, I've decided to make this about Halo 4. I've also made some edits. Please comment and give your opinion Among the items I would like featured in Halo 4 are-trees/shrubbery, skins for vehicles( like desert camo for a vehicle on a desert map, or winterized camo for a vehicle on a snow map.) forklifts/trucks(which were featured in the campaign of Reach),pelicans/phantoms,the ability to forge firefight maps and to forge on the existing ones, additional special fx, maybe optional precipitation, the use of music forge bubbles(which have the same characteristics of a special fx bubble, but will allow you to play music from any Halo OST), more money, more of each object,more kill boundaries, a mirror option to get the same exact object but reversed so you can make better symmetrical maps, and finally- an undo feature that you can use that reverts any mistakes to their previous state(this helps on those painstaking accidental deletions.) I posted this on Bungie.net back in June, so I thought that I might as well bring it here. I understand that the possibility of 343i putting any of these things in Halo 4 is slim, but I still respect the fact that they've listened to the people who play Halo: Reach and fixed some of the things that have been annoying everyone. P.S. I swear to Buddha I better be in the right forum this time.
  21. Well, I'm not exactly new to forge, so here are a couple of my maps that I've done. First one is called Head to Head. It's a map designed to look cool. I got the idea from a couple of "Ship" maps like UNSC Albatross and such. Basically, it's two ships in atmosphere (above the gulch) who have engaged in combat. The ships feature an armory, a vehicle bay, and two side mounted MAC guns (gauss hogs) that are accessed by teleporters located inside the ships. The Red Team ship looks different from the Blue Team ship. I created this map in about a week, back while I was still new to forge. Check it out: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=16084025&player=AAN2 Second one is called Valley Siege. I created this one while coming up with the second ship for Head to Head. I thought I wouldn't have enough money to do two ships, so I created one ship and one base. Does the ship look familiar? Yep, that's the same ship for Red Team in Head to Head, just with more weapons in the armory and more vehicles in the bay. Both the base and the ship have Mac Guns (gauss hogs). Check it out: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=16084030&player=AAN2 This third map was my first clan meet map, and one of the best I've made so far. All the spawns are centralized because the map was created for aesthetic purposes rather than actual play. The map includes two armories which are accessed by teleporters. One near the initial spawn, and one that you have to use one of the falcons to fly through located in the giant ring floating in the sky. There are also vehicles located in the second armory with a teleporter that will take the vehicles to the island for some good ol' fashioned motor mayhem. Check it out: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=23747075&player=AAN2 This last map I created in 10 minutes or so for Team SWAT. It's called Epic SWAT and I'm still adjusting it. It's COMPLETELY symmetrical and has some decent cover. Check it out: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=18009667&player=AAN2 That's the maps I have in my file share at the moment. I am still working on a few that should be pretty good. Please check out the maps rather than judging them based on the screenshots alone
  22. What halo games do you and did you expect more from and expect from? I have created this topic to ask you what you think of what bungie and 343 industries have done in the past games and what you think they will do in the future halo games. Do you think that they will do better then there past or that 343 industries shouldn't have taken over. This is what I thought of there past 5 games: Halo 3- Bungie has done an amazing job on halo 3 and even today in 2012 people that have the newer games like reach and anaversary are still playing. Halo odst- halo odst had a good campaign story a little glitchy though. They had an awesome idea when they brought in firefight and I didn't expect much more from a half priced game other than online firefight. Halo reach- halo reach was a very good game I think it's future will be very similar to halo 3. Halo reach is holding the record out of the halo games for biggest forging map. The campaign was good I missed master chief though. Halo anaversary- was a ok game I was expecting alot more. I was disappointed because really the only good thing they added was the option to switch graphics. Halo 4- halo 4 has a lot of expectation manly because it's a new company but so far I'm liking the thing they have done. Personally I'm pumped that chief is back new weppons vehicles and more. I have got some realy usefull information http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=CA#/watch?v=ICDnykh71PM . Notice at the beginning he says ai's are like a voice of god guide and narator. He also says theirs is a ai named bb in glasslands and we will be hearing more about him in halo4. Also it says that they are not done with the covnent and we will be hearing more about there story in halo 5 possibly. Grave minds are minds that form when enough flood mass gets together. He says that 1 of the noble team could have of survived possibly jun because in reach it did not show him die maybe he could be in halo 4 hostage on the planet. Says chief is one of the last remaining spartain 2s. 343 industries has changed master chiefs armor they took the cod piece a.k.a. The space diaper and replaced it with a hard black plating you can see the change in this link http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=CA#/profile?user=Halo4Follower . We will be able to predict that some of the halo 4 multiplayer maps will be from halo maps in the pasted this is possible to predict because of halos history . We know for a fact they bring back maps here are a couple of examples Reflection from halo reach was a remake and was broughten back from halo 2s version ivroy tower, Pinicle from halo reach was a remake of the map ascension and hemorrhage was broughten back from halo two except it was called blood gulch. Here is the video link I got this information from http://m.youtube.com...h?v=MFDEMHl0e-M . Here is the halo 4 trailer brought to you by ign. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=CA#/watch?v=Y9iQiHNXgMU Most people thought the weapon master chief is holding is a pistol, well it is not it might be a new hand gun. Do you think this gun will make the game better post your answer below? If anyone was wondering about the so called jet pack in the halo 4 trailer, it is not a jet pack it is a 0 gravity pack said frank o'conor. So that means that there might not be any armor abilities we will have to wait and see some gameplay?
  23. Have you ever played a prank on someone on Halo? Or have you had a prank be played on you? If you have, share what happened below! I'll start: Funniest thing EVER. XD When I was 10 years old I started a custom game lobby on Halo 2 on the map Warlock- (Snowy version of Blackout) ok before I actually tell the story I'm gonna tell everyone in case they didn't play Halo 2 that in the center top of the map there was a glass tile that you could see through the ceiling into the floor below. I started up a lobby and within minutes I was able to have a completely full game of people. (All which were older than me XD) Despite me being either 9 or 10, -I cant remember- I convinced everyone that if everyone stood in a circle around the glass tile that it would break if we all shot it at the same time. ...but only with Rocket Launchers. XD I got EVERYONE. EVERYONE. -to stand in a circle all on top of the tile hoping to see the glass shatter beneath their feet. I stood on top of them all, counted to 3, and right before I said 2 I jumped off of them, in mid-air stuck the middle guy with a sticky grenade, and when I said 3 I got a Killionaire! The rest of the game was filled with the gametype change from 'Slayer' to 'Lets kill RANMAN'. XDDDD
  24. After having some time to play around with the January playlist changes, I wrote up a little article of my thoughts. Overall, I think the changes were very positive, specifically the introduction of Squad DLC. You can read it here. Thanks for reading! Please post your thoughts either here or in Jester's January Play List thread. Thank you - Absolute Dog
  25. I think halo 4 should have first person driving. There are few things stranger to me then going from first to third person. Plus maybe they could let you shoot a gun through a warthog windsheild or over mongoose bars.
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