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  1. Team Rage has just opened a new site, the site doesn't even have members that i can think of... SMH but ohh well the clan will all be members on the new site soon, We are a competitive clan in Halo 4, we participate in MLG matches, Clan battles, forge, swat and all other matchmaking game types. When the clan we big in halo 3 we exceeded over 1,000 members and 8 divisions, we would like to reach that again. If you are the kind of competitive player that is fit for this please visit www.raginglive.webs.com. Thanks you,
  2. Hope you will like my creation, please as much feedback as possible, i really want to improve myself with forging. Map Name: WEEKEND Game types: Slayer, FFA, Capture the flag, KOTH Gamertag: ONE1MAN (Go to file browser and search for my gamertag to download).
  3. I am looking to run some 4v4 or more clan battles this week. We are a fun clan to battle and are just looking to have some friendly competition. Currently we are 20-1 in Halo 4 and 314-44 in Halo since Halo 3. All our clan battle records can be found on our website and any other information you want. Message Jamgel23 if you are interested. Thanks http://frozenshadows.weebly.com
  4. There are a number of settings that can be found for mlg at the moment. there is no "official" mlg settings, but the settings I have uploaded in my fileshare are the ones that are being tested, to my knowledge. Competitive Lockout, Lotus, Station, Haven v5 and more can be downloaded through my fileshare with respective game types, also in the fileshare. *GT = Dark Restraint (note: none of these maps nor settings were created, edited, or originally uploaded by me.) Have fun with customs
  5. Need a hard worker, excellent in learning or calling out area's in a map, looking to excel in the MLG and being know by many gamers in the world??. I'm your guy. I've had many own community that I've created called TheEpiks. Long story short I was very serious and commited but others wasn't. Had to close it down and now looking to join a successful team. I know the ropes for joining and running a clan/community. If anything please feel free to invite me or add me my GT* is iiiiCASTIELiiii and see for yourself. See you guys and girls on the next pelican out.
  6. This is a recruitment message for the clan SIN or Safety In Numbers. We are looking for dedicated recruits, for a more layed back, but very organized clan. The clan is simple, we ask that you do talk to the clan, and we all get along. Just a few requirements however. 1) Have a mic. 2) Be mature. 3) Sorry kids, but no "Squeakers" 4) be at least an SR30 (Which shouldn't be much as of today November 29). 5) Please have a good KD, sorry, if you are super negative we can not allow you. But please still inquire, some people have a bad KD and are still amazing at the game. Here real soon we will be starting GameBattles, MLG games, and tournaments. This will be when we get more members and can start branching off. We at the moment do have within SIN tournaments, members only. These are hosted by the Founder and Leader xSIN KAMENx. If you have any questions however, will ask that you message myself "SIN Ghodai" or have anything to inquire or say about the clan. As always posting in the topic forum, or leaving a private message to me is fine. Again, we are Strength In Numbers. -SIN Ghodai
  7. here is all maps and info from a MLG player on my twitter ... your welcome halo 4 fans add UmaraiL and we'll talk on Xbox if you want to join my clan and follow me if you wish i appreciate it join the stealth ******** today @StealthBastards
  8. any british members add UmaraiL and we'll talk on xbox and anyone who wants a clan but cant start it up or only has a couple of members we can make you a team leader and your recruits can stay in your squad remember add UmaraiL and we'll talk on xbox mate
  9. Currently theres no 1v1 map in Halo 4. Haven is small enough, but it really just can't be used for 1v1s for a couple of reasons. I suggest in the next map pack they include a 1v1 map. A guardian remake would definately be there best option I think. With normal power ups/weapons it's a great map, but MLG Guardian map is the best 1v1 map in the history. The invis,snipe, and mauler are all placed evenly to the millisecond. Not to mention, a totally even map on both spawning sides dispite it being unsemetricle. That's why everyone lives guardian so much and that is why I really think the need to add guardian in a map pack. All of the halo 3 fans will definately buy it just for guardian.
  10. Kinda dumb they took snipes off. The playlist i only liked playing.
  11. These are the Haven MLG call outs from MLG Dallas plus a couple others that I felt were important. Please let me know what you think, I appreciate it!
  12. These are the Haven MLG call outs from MLG Dallas plus a couple others that I felt were important. Please let me know what you think, I appreciate it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGFaN2AbG0c&feature=plcp
  13. hello this is the recruitment form for the stealth ********. this is the clan twitter @@StealthBastards follow if you want i suggest it as events will be posted there its also going to be my YouTube channels twitter. We are competitive and will do MLG but you don't need to be pro to join we will even train you on our maps designed to hone your skills, we are very good at stealth and ambushing so objective based games are our speciality. we do custom games when we have free time and we will use player made maps and gamemodes. upon joining you will be assigned a clan tag which will be SB and the number member you are, however you may earn a specialization tag themed to your skills in games with us your armor is to be steel and gold we have some rules as-well: - NO Racism - NO Hacking - NO Preaching Religion - NO Disrespect - NO Arguing - Must use clan tag and colors while in clan games - must earn specialization clan tag e.g SBLW we currently have 4 fireteams each holds 8 members; a captain, a driver, a sniper, a objective man and 4 soldiers we will choose if you are a sniper driver etc according to your skill I Umarail am the leader of Gold Team AI Stickyim IA is the leader of red team XI swishboy IX is the leader of the blue team Sebthemonkey47 is the leader of the green team add or message my gamertag: UmaraiL tweet me or post on this thread to ask to join so we can assign a tag and team - UmaraiL
  14. Does anybody know when 343 industries will add the MLG and Team Doubles playlists. In my opinion Halo 4 will be more fun if those two game types are added. I believe that MLG is the best game type and needs to be added because, people all start to communicate and improve their skill and that makes the game more competitive and fun. f you have the MLG game types and maps let me know where to get them please.
  15. Hello guys, I am a veteran of Halo, been playing since 2002 Combat Evolved. I really got into forge in Halo 3, and I've been making tons of maps since then. Most of them are not on my file share. But here are two forge maps I have made recently for Halo 4. You can download them from my file share. I'll post more as I make them. Gamertag: Baby Nades Map Names: Colossus, Primal Both maps are set for team slayer only and both are 2-8 players. Here are the photos of each map, I took these photos with my iPhone, so please pardon the image quality. PRIMAL: COLOSSUS: The images do not do these maps justice in my opinion, especially Primal, but I hope they give you guys a good idea of the basic layout. Primal is made for MLG gameplay, and Colossus is made for competitive multiplayer. Thanks for looking. Regards, Corey
  16. As you may have heard, the CSR (Competitive Skill Ranking) System is set to drop early 2013. But 343 is undecided about weather or not to give you a fresh start and start at skill level 1, or put skill ranks in based on what you already have done. 343 says they are tracking your skill rank right now, but just haven't implemented the skill system in yet so you can't see it. Personally, I think keeping the skill ranks instead of resetting it is a terrible idea. First off we don't know what playlists are competitive and which are social. Next, all playlists have Join in Progress. If the Skill system if based off if you win or lose (which it better be) than having people joining and quiting your match could completely mess up your skill rank. And last of all, the game is defiantly not developed enough to start tracking skill. As the game stands now, there are many problems that could interfere with your wins and loses. None of this would really matter, except your skill can get very hard to change if you get incosietant with your wins and loses. Let's say you win a few here, the lose a few there, and overall are just unpredictable winning/losing games. If that has happened then the skill rank can seem to be really hard to move up or down in either direction. A more explained look at the system can be found here: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?postid=14414600 In short, it basically states that inconsistansy = slow rank movement up and down, and vise versa. And since I'm sure most off you had been playing with randoms you probably have already been very inconsistent, and a fresh start would be a much better option for you in that. I'm not for sure saying that's how the CSR system will work, but they are sticking to something very similiar to the old trueskill system. Other concearns I have that we should tell 343 to do is tell them that they shouldn't make your skill rank only visible on Halo Waypoint, which is currently what they plan on doing. They should also keep it win/lose based and not personal stat based system. This is because Halo is a very team based game, and personal stats can't detect your callouts, teamwork, etc. I made this thread so we can make sure 343 makes a great system, because honestly the fate of the Halo series depends on it.
  17. Hello everyone I have started a new Halo 4 Clan called GenXsiS. I am looking for extremely dedicated members that are online daily and have an extraordinary talent in the game. Messaged me on XBL @ IIMalefic
  18. Howdy everyone! It's hard to believe that Halo 4 is just DAYS away from its release. That being said, I’m very proud to announce our upcoming project, “Halo 4 Commentary”. Here is some background information. The H4C (Halo 4 Commentary) Crew consists of four friends who have grown up playing the Halo series together. We’re all currently attending the University of Texas A&M in College Station, Texas. During the last couple of months, we have been working hard on launching a YouTube channel/Live stream strictly aimed to provide competitive gameplay with informative and entertaining commentary. We have dedicated an entire room to the project. In this room, deemed “The Halo Lair”, we have 4 Xboxes accompanied with reduce lag monitors in order to produce the highest quality videos. Being from a college town, there are going to be a lot of in person/live tournaments in the coming months. During the days of Halo 3, we all wished there was a YouTube channel or some sort of video series that showed local competitive tournaments. Our goal is to capture the competitive aspect of Halo 4 not only with online ranked gameplay, but also with in person gameplay. Hopefully, the Halo 4 ranking system brings back the built-in competitive feel, if not there is always GameBattles! In order for this to be a success, we need your support. Please subscribe to our YouTube and Own3d.TV channel, as well as spread the word to your friends! We have invested a lot of money and efforts so we hope you guys enjoy! A special thanks from the H4C Crew! YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/Halo4Commentary Own3d.TV Channel: www.own3d.tv/Halo4Commentary EDIT: Just found out the offical competitive system for Halo 4! It seems promising although it won't be here till next year. https://forums.halow...-Announced.aspx EDIT: http://imgur.com/a/eiLp2- Progress pictures(Unfinished) - We are about 60% done, due to shipping errors we have been delayed but it should be finished before the release.
  19. Hey guys! I just wanna point out a great youtube channel that just POURS out halo 4 content and news. Its great! It will also feature the very first halo 4 montage ever on november the first! Go subscribe cause its epic. http://www.youtube.com/user/BravoMLG SpelWerdzRit P.S. This is not my channel. P.S.S. Hi Bravo! (or at least I hope so) o/
  20. Hey all Halo gamer's and Xbox Live players you all need to check out BravoMLG on youtube and stay tune for all his amazing Halo 4 videos. He is definitely my most favorite commentator! His channel on youtube is BravoMLG everyone go subscribe to him you won't regret it! Everyone go check out his Huge Halo 4 Giveaway video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKF9Qf1I1zM&list=UUq7AJTe2LVeTN_vanfZ5bkw&index=1&feature=plcp
  21. Looking to get a Halo 4 team together to play mlg in Raleigh, NC. Serious gamers only. Looking for the best! Gamer tag: X06DEATH
  22. This thread is for the upcoming Halo 4 MLG tournament in Dallas this November 2nd through the 4th. You can discuss the upcoming event here, and post any comments or feelings about it. To avoid any confusion, yes it is before the actual release date which is November 6th. Obviously there isn't a favorite team yet to win yet, but the crowd favorite is sure to be Instinct; consisting of Roy, Lunchbox, Ogre 2, and IGotUrPistola. The following links will allow you to find out more about the tournament. More links may be added at a later time to make information more easily available, such as direct links to the current stream. If you are to lazy to click the links I will have all the basic Info in the next post General Tournament Info: http://www.majorleag...ent-information Broadcast Schedule: http://www.majorleag...adcast-schedule Prize Info: http://www.majorleag...vent_127_prizes Spectator Pass Purchase, Note that this does not allow you to compete : http://store.majorle...ll-championship The Commentators will be be Bravo, ElamiteWarrior and U4ix. I will be keeping everybody updated on the event all Saturday and Sunday as the event truly unfolds, I will be commenting here on this thread and also tweeting,@GeneralPWNFACE, about it both of those days. Friday I won't be able to due to work constraints, and if I am capable to keep this thread updated on Friday, it would not be all that frequent because Friday night will only be Pro Scrimmaging, to adjust to the game and to learn the maps in the game. I'm sure other people will be more than willing to keep people updated on Friday anyway Hopefully this tournament will be a great one and will keep Halo on the Pro Circuit for a long time to come The Broadcast Schedule Friday, November 2 – 5:00pm – Midnight CST (Broadcast): First Look Game Analysis - Bravo, Elamite and pro players will provide an in-depth first look at the game including a Pro analysis of new weapons, gametypes, maps, and features. Interviews – Bravo and Elamite interview top competitors and personalities attending MLG Dallas to get their first thoughts on the new game, and to divulge how they prepared for the tournament. Scrimmages - Top teams will face off as they warm-up and formulate strategies for the first time in Halo 4. The broadcast will showcase Pro Scrimmages, Show-Matches, and Exhibition. 5:00pm – 5:15pm Event Welcome 5:15pm – 5:30pm Dr Pepper Pregame Show – Halo 4 5:30pm – 6:00pm Free For All – Showcasing new Weapons in Halo 4 6:00pm – 6:25pm Free For All – Round 1 [Featuring past FFA Champs and top performers] 6:25pm – 6:45pm Free For All – Round 1 [Featuring past FFA Champs and top performers] 6:45pm – 7:00pm Free For All Final 7:00pm – 8:00pm MLG Classic Rematch* – 2009 Str8 Rippin vs. Triggers Down [T2, Elamite, Legit, Snipedown vs. SK, Pistola, Heinz, Hysteria] 8:00pm – 9:00pm MLG Classic Rematch* – TBD vs. TBD 9:00pm – 10:00pm Fun with the new Gametypes 10:00pm -11:00pm Saturday Preview – MLG game variants featuring two top teams *Awaiting Confirmation Saturday, November 3 – 10:00am – 10:00pm CST (Broadcast): non-stop tournament play 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Winners Round 1 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Losers Round 1 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Winners Round 2 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Losers Round 2 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM Losers Round 3 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Winners Round 3 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM Losers Round 4 8:30 PM - 9:15 PM Winners Round 4 9:15 PM - 10:00 PM Losers Round 5 Sunday, November 4 – 10:00am – 7:00pm CST (Broadcast): non-stop tournament play 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Losers Round 6 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM Winners Round 5 / Losers Round 7 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM Winners Round 5 / Losers Round 8 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM Winners Round 6 / Losers Round 9 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM Winners Round 6 / Losers Round 10 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Winners Round 7 / Losers Round 11 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM Winners Round 7 / Losers Round 12 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM Winners Final / Losers Round 13 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Losers Final 4:45 PM - 7:00 PM Final
  23. We are now having MLG tryouts so if you want send me a friend request and you can tryout for the team and this team is part of the UNSC. What the UNSC offers Friendship To become better at Halo To be a Pro MLG Player To be a better Team Player To be a better leader ​So join today by sending me a friend request or message me. Are Theme Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znye1DGK3YE&feature=BFa&list=PL34AB2FEA56C7BAA7
  24. ok time to clear the air of this hate of a different way to play a game. Hello i am Sjet501st "main account on XB"i am a well known HLG player of the Past HLG Next Gen, HLG shadow sages, and HLG ODST. Known gamer tags have been HLG ODST, Ruby Panda, HLG M@st3r Ch13f. the reason of HLG true meaning and why people do it: HLG was not reacted to be a trolling theme or for boosting or for low ranks HLG was made to counter the the players or "MLG PRO" enjoy doing that is get to lvl 50 in halo 3 or inheritor for halo reach then sell their accounts to have a game payment like real major league gamer. their view of game. now HLG is made for those who want to lay back, we play the game to see other ways of a game there have been fads of SLG or suicide league gamer who just keeping killing them self to troll their own team, or SLG or swimmers league gaming where they do the black ops swimming to troll yet again. HLG is to make the human mind of how to find a person its a way to make people seek the target in a hit and run way u see in gorilla warfare. we don't seek fame or the way of money or MP in any fashion we only show that people can not think out of the box. yes many places are out of maps outside the boarders yet the other half are just congers, lips or a simple jet pack. now for the videos people make yes i enjoyed making them, and the messages i get is the thing that we enjoy and it shows people can take a game to the point of threats of bans, hacking, threats to real life being. these are the people to watch for. and at the same time it also shows the main focus of people who do look in all areas think where a person can and will try to get to. now for those who hate us we can understand that u are someone who was hide or lost their cool and made message rants. or u see us as map hackers and i can admit a few of are that yet the methods that are used are impressiveness for example halo 2 guardian above left elbow lift with just a grenade and brute shot people where able to reach the top of the tree and then walk completely around and fall into a slit way above the map. yet its with this in a way we find what others miss or never expect the avg player to do not like your cod map breaks that use glitches or mods. now if u have any questions or like to make your own statements i gladly give u the best answer i can do. and if you are just a troll seeking a way to provoke this long history of gamers i do not care for i have respect for people and their can do what they please.
  25. Name of Map: KillHouse V2.0 Canvas Map: Forge World Link to MAP: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/haloreach/Legit%20dp/fileshare#!/?section=MapVariants&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0 Link to Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=27184480&player=MLG%20Gametypes Recommended Player Count: 10 Game Variant: Objective Gamertag: Legit dp LegitForger Creations This map was made and built in inspiration from TC's Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Any gamer of the series knows this map for its close quarter firefights and those long range Famas shots across the open top of the map to the other side. This map brings that and more. Designed in the mindset of CTF, this map can also be used in TS. The map from its V1.0 has been modified to ease gameplay and eliminate long sight lines. The images you will see will mostly be accurate, but the spawns have been changed. Instead of the ugly forge pieces you see in the images, I have made new objects back in the spawn area to make the area more aesthetically pleasing and nice looking. Unfortunately due to school the updating of these images has been rare. The best way in full aspect is to play it yourself and see the competitive side to it in difficulty. Guns Below: DMR x 6 ST: 30 Seconds Sniper x 2 ST: 60 Needler Rifle x 2 ST: 30 Plasma Pistol x 2 ST: 30 Frag Grenades x 6 ST: 15 Plasma Grenades x 4 ST: 15 KillHouse V2.0 Created by Legit dp Inspiration from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Map KillHouse Map Description The map features an inspired design from TC's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Map KillHouse. The map has been redesigned with competitive gameplay in mind. The map is symmetrical on both ends and features two height variations. The map features two main buildings both with a front patio. Along with a back open loft area, which houses the stairs to the second level. Each main base contains five ways in and out. Two of which on ground floor. The map features two snipers, one grenade launcher, two plasma pistols, two needler rifles, four health packs, and 6 DMRS. The map has a top middle and bottom middle. The top middle portion is attached to the main buildings via the base bridges which protrude out from the second story of the buildings. And a main walkway which spans the whole one side of the map. Featuring an interesting High-Low gradient when looking at the map from front view. Spawning is key in this map and has been placed strategically to allow chances for a player to help teammates or in Capture the Flag put the player in a position to make quick decisive action depending on where the flag is ran. No high point is over powerful in this map because of the pieces of cover and line of sight breakers being used threw out the map, leading to an extremely balanced game. Pictures are below. Here is a above view of the middle of the map. Straight below the view you have (Which can not be seen)is the grenade launcher spawn. Which can be accessed by 2 lifts on either side. Or the top middle bridge itself. We also get our first look at the top middle layout along with the first floor cover pieces. (Left and Right) Here is a view of Red Base. We can see the patio where the Red Team Flag would be located in Capture the Flag. Also we can see the multiple access points located on the left and right of the patio.To the left is the main walkway. A Red light has been placed on the base to solidify the team the Base belongs. No framerate problems with the lights. Same with the Blue Base. Here we have the look at the front of Blue Base. As this can be easily seen the base is completely symmetrical to the Red Base. Here we have the first bottom middle view. Above the view you see is where grenade launcher spawns. (Top Lift) The lifts are located on either side of the walls, though not visible, left and right or the screen. These lifts are one way shields, therefore they make no noise when used. We can also see the line of site breakers in bottom middle. An interesting piece which creates and interesting battle in bottom middle. A health pack is located right behind the view this image gives us. This is also a neutral spawn area. Here is another view of bottom middle, but this time on the opposite side of the map. No lifts are located in this area. And the health pack is behind the view this provides once again. The walkway that spans the whole side of the map is located above this view. This is a neutral spawn area. Here we get a full length view of the Underneath Walkways side of Blue Base. There is a line of sight breaker immediatley ahead and further up. This area has no spawn in it for its lack of protection. Even though this area is commonly avoided by players. Making this a good flanking run on the enemy. Here we have the underneath walkway side of Red Base. We have the same line of sight breakers as on the Blue Base Side. Here is the view of top middle from the top walkway perspective. Here we can see the bridges from each base the feel of the map more effectively. The walkway is the same height as top middle so the image we see is a bird’s view of the area. Below this photo, though not in view, is a neutral spawn area based around a piece of cover. Here is the open side of Blue Base and as we can see there are line of sight breakers so players on the other side of top middle cannot see all the way through. Here is the first look at grenade launcher spawn. And the open side of Blue Base. Here is the inside look at the Red Lobby of Reds Base. A nice ceiling height allowing full jump and close quarter turns around each wall opening to the wider portion of the base. Here we can see Blue Lobby of Blues base. It is the exact same design as Reds Base. I would like to thank all very close friends of mine who helped test the map.I would also like to thank anyone in advanced for submitting feedback to the map. It means a lot.
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