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Everything posted by SixWaysToSunday

  1. The God pistol is only in anniversary playlists. Most people actually want the updates from the Beta, notice how Reach's population is GROWING after a year? Even though games like Gears3, Mw3, BF3, Skyward Sword, and Skyrim are still fairly new people are coming back to play. That says alot about 343i.
  2. Man I really thought people would want to comment on this since theres always fight in other threads about bloom.
  3. Totally agree. Reach is a great at customizing except that armor pieces are grouped together and armor unlocks from rank only. Make each piece independent and armor unlock from challenges and the system is perfect.
  4. What if Nyan Cat was a power up!
  5. You should be able to get nutshot kills, with the appropriate "Nut cracker!" medal
  6. Its just too unbalanced for matchmaking >.<
  7. objs are like the one thing he should announce everytime because theres also a msg on the HUD. Just saying its gone is enough.
  8. You guys are missing the point. Its a tool, meaning I dont rely on it but it really helps me perform. Knowing what happened after the game doesnt help as much as knowing right then. Its a way to instantly know why my team is losing and how I can affect the game. As I said in the example before, if 1 guy is doing all of the PTFO I know to make killing him my priority. Plus this would be easy to change, Reach already tracks all of these stats, they would just have to write a simple program to compile the knowledge ingame.
  9. The reason why its such a big deal to me is because I use it to win games. Its like having a screwdriver in other games then coming to Reach and having to play without that tool.
  10. ugh so true lilbeast, they should change the flag speed to normal so people dont have to do that >.>
  11. Epic voice man is beyond epic. He is halo! =P If anything he should announce more events in Halo4
  12. ehhh rockets are really too easy to get kills with. Atleast with the other power weapons you cant 1 hit kill with ease in every situation. There should deffinitly be a medal for suicide-killing an enemy. Like nading yourself to kill the enemy. Not sure what to call it though.
  13. The MLG crowd really really wants this. I spend time on TwitchTV where many Pros constantly stream and they talk about this all the time. They reminisce about Midship in Halo2 and talk about how amazing FFA was. So yeah, this would thrive if it came back.
  14. Maybe for the killing ability, but we also tested it without a player target and it randomly hit around the reticle. If you want to see magnestism at its best use the Halo3 spiker next to someone. You can see how the bullets are grouped inside the reticle next to the target, its pretty cool.
  15. Not on release, they should make a PC version if it turns out to be as popular as we want. One of my favorite things about HaloCE is the multiplayer modding that occurs. Its so much fun to punch tanks across maps, fly with warthogs, only kill with plasma nades, and other crazy scenarios.
  16. I really want armor to be unlock from achievements or accomplishments, like absolute dog was saying. I want my armor to mean something again, to really show what I have done in the course of this game. That means rank should not unlock any pieces because its an obvious stat to find, but instead you should have to do very specific things. Examples: Recon- get 10 kills in a game with the sniper, Operator- get 3 kills with 3 different weapons in a single game, Hayabusa- find and collect all skulls (gotta have my power ranger armor back!), Scout- get 10 assists in one game, EOD- get 1,000 kills with your AR, Mark IV- complete the campaign on heroic, Haunted Helmet- Get 100 steaktaculars, 5 perfections, 3 killionaires, and 20 kills in a slayer game, Mechanical arm- use the health pack 100 times and get 1,000 beatdowns. The idea is all armors are possible for any level or rank of player but their difficulty range from easy to hard. This way, if you see someone with the haunted helmet, you know theyre a scary good player and you should respect them. And it also makes people proud of what theyve done and their armor, earning something is always the best way of making it special. Two other important ideas: -Please bring back the katanna. We need a special way to show off getting all achievements for the game, and the katanna was an excellent way of doing that and looking badass. It promoted players to do their best to earn these achievements, which is always a good thing. -Someone mentioned this in another thread and its an amazing idea (if it was you please claim it), fade and scratches on your armor for how long you have been playing. Looking at the spartan armor in reach, its scratch and faded in places all across it to show age and wear and tear. It would be an amazing idea that this state is only unlockable by winning 1,000 games or by playing 1,000 games or some extension of that. So veteran players have a form of distinguishing themselves from newer players. Plus that is just super stylish!
  17. I totally agree with what your saying. Just to let you known, the AR in Halo3 does have a form of bloom. After firing most of its clip on full auto, it will begin to land most bullets in a ring outside its reticle. I tested this with my friend Heroicmime, we stood outside of the crosshair and manage to damage and almost kill each other. Just letting you know if someone comes at you with that argument. But I completely agree with what your saying and everything youve stated in your post.
  18. This mode requires you to play with someone else. The counter is only for spartans, so you need someone else to kill and play with.
  19. You found one of the gametypes for firefight. In the version, some players are elites attacking with the covenant, and some are the spartans with the human defenders. The spartan counter you saw was the amount of lives left for the defending players. Your job as the elite is to simply kill the spartans until they run out of lives. This was originally in matchmaking but it was quickly discovered that the elites were OP with so much help and it was dropped. I guess its in anniversary. You can still create custom games and play it.
  20. Thats the best one Ive ever seen. As for my experiences, I had an a**hat decide to attempt to betray me with the sniper. Instead i strafed him and fired all of the shoots into the ground a few feet from him. Got him nice and angry. But nobody killed each other =P
  21. I'll send a request as soon I get back online
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