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Everything posted by SixWaysToSunday

  1. Your right, sprint is designed to be a defensive ability, atleast in other games. The problem is, other games dont have shields or a long time-to-kill like Halo and thats why sprint needs to change. You dont see players sprinting across the open in CoD and only noobs do it in BF3, yet that occurs all day long Reach and kinda ruins the feel of a shooter: "why am I shooting at you if Im not going to kill you?" So Im proposing to make sprint an offensive ability, were someone cant sprint across a map without you sprinting after their ass to get the kill.
  2. why thank you! I was hoping people would agree with me and MAYBE get the attention fo 343i.
  3. If you want a universal tie-in, consider this. Halo4 MM is based on Spartan IVs, some of whom were designed as fetuses to be perfect soldiers. They are the pinnacle of "super solider," better than Spartan IIs on every level AND they have new armor even more advanced than the MJOLNIR worn by out favorite protagonist. They have been trained since birth to be deadly weapons and all power suits like the MJOLNIR is powered by fusion cores that make moving the armor like moving feathers. So combining the extreme conditioning they have along with stim-pack from the suits, I expect them to be able to sprint many miles while keeping great accuracy. On a gameplay note, I think its unbalanced that someone who wins a firefight is basically screwed if they have to fight again in a few seconds. Atleast in previous halos it was possible to back down, but in Reach you can disengage without the dude sprinting at you and finding you. I totally agree, we should be able to sprint in all directions to fully utilize the ability. Im amazed people are actually agreeing with me lol and just ignore chicken343, its his problem if hes not going to be constructive.
  4. Im okay with where it is now, hopefully it will be further refined by release date as the shoulders seem a bit weirdly proportioned to me. But hes Chief, I'll love him anyway!
  5. Ive been busy for awhile and unable to post at all while this idea has been percolating in my head. So it appears that sprint is back in Halo4 and theres been a general outcry in the waypoint forums (not sure if it was here as well) and I rather agree with them. Sprint was not a halo mechanic and it really changed the game in a negative fashion. BUT instead of just complaining about it I think theres a way to make sprint "halo" and really make it a core part of the series. First off, I dont understand WHY we need sprinting. Its main function is to allow people to move around a map faster, but in the previous halo games I never found myself wanting to be somewhere faster, the movement speed seemed perfect in relation to the map and spawns. Second, the way Reach did sprint is completely wrong IMO. That game map sprint a defensive ability, and even worse only gave it to some players. A two-fold negative effect that slows down the game and effectively breaks maps. So to make sprint "halo": >Sprint is given to ALL PLAYERS as an inherent spartan trait. Like jumping. >Sprint is unlimited. >>You can shoot while sprinting.<< Now I can see what your all thinking: "WHOA WHOA WHOA, BACK IT UP SIXWAYS UNLIMITED SPRINT IS OP AND BEING ABLE TO SHOOT??? WRONG! IT'LL BREAK HALO! GTFO!" And I can see where your coming from. SO: 1. Everyone needs to be able to sprint. You simply cannot create maps for both sprinting and non-sprinting players. Reach shows this as power positions, map control, and just basic 1v1s are ruined by sprinting away. 2. Limited sprint is gaming break for Halo. Period. "No Sixways your just a stupid bad player!" No, thats not looking at the scenarios correctly. What happens when you have a firefight with the enemy team? Your clip is low, your shields are low (if not gone), and your AA is depleted. This creates an off balance where new players to the fight, or respawning enemies have every advantage on you. You cant straight up battle them, you cant sprint into retreat, and you sometimes dont have enough ammo in the clip to even finish them off. This means your really screwed and all you can do is toss grenades to maybe weaken their shields to clean them up. Not alot of choices. Unlimited sprint changes this and takes one of those disadvantages away. Now you can always have the option to back down from fights you dont feel confident about. Also, its incredibly frustrating to get a far spawn from the action and have to walk back cuz your sprint ran out (something I encounter everytime I play hemorrhage). After playing alot of BF3, not being able to move at high speeds really slows the game down and makes dying seem a far worse penalty. 3. Sprint in Reach is a defensive ability. Defensive abilities in gaming should be extremely limited because they slow down the game in every instance. But being able to shoot while sprinting actually gives players an incentive to be aggressive, which stimulates gameplay and causes players to put their skills and abilities on the line. This changes sprint from being an ability used to run away or get to a power weapon into an weapon for storming the enemies base, which is what most game mechanics SHOULD do. >"But that unbalances the game, why would anybody NOT be sprinting?" Very true! So to balance out sprinting and normal walking, the crosshairs should expand so your shot becomes more inaccurate while sprinting. I DO NOT MEAN BLOOM! This creates a good trade off between the 2 forms of transportation; for long shots walking is the better idea as accuracy is needed, for close range battles, both opponents should be sprinting and strafing to outskill the other. Thats my pitch! If your still reading please comment about why this is such a horrible, horrendous idea so I can defend myself I truly feel that Halo doesnt really need sprint in the first place, but if its going to be in the game it needs to be fitted for the demands of halo.
  6. Thats how I feel, duel wielding would hurt your accuracy, so a SMG is still powerful while a duel SMG would rip up closer enemies. A good trade-off IMO.
  7. I prefer Halo3's to CEs and Reachs because your health would "recharge" without a healthpack. In the 2 health games I always feel the need to get a healthpack when Im weak, rather than Halo3 where I can just play aggressive.
  8. Did you know that the MJOLNIR armor is powered by a fusion reactor core be careful!
  9. What your talking about is more like the active reload mechanic from Gears of War. To tell the truth I like Halo as a simple game so Im not a big fan of adding button combos, to me that would make much more sense in a sequel to Reach (a gameplay sequel not a storyline one).
  10. Twinreaper button combos were completely allowed in MLG, the pros absolutely loved them and any old pro from back then says they want them back. As some verbal proof; the only reason Walshy, one of the most famous pros, ever made the circuit or became so well known was because he could pull off the combos perfectly. Thats one reason why Walshy wasnt nearly as good at Halo3 and never played at the pro level for Reach. If you want more evidence, go to twitch.com on a Reach stream and ask the chat room. That should be enough to confirm this.
  11. Exactly! You put it much more eloquently Rockstar. And then theres the dreaded perma-perma-mute, where it is impossible to unmute somebody!
  12. In Reach when you are muted a certain amount of times, you become automatically muted in every lobby. So nobody can hear you and theres nothing you can do about it. However, players can still turn that mute off to listen to you (kinda like giving you the benefit of the doubt). Its one of the more hidden mechanics of the game which youve encountered without realizing it. What happens is, players without mics or players who just want some quiet mute the people using their mics, which eventually translates into a perma-mute for those mic users. So essentially your mic becomes worthless for no real fault of your own. And that makes people not want to use their mics, which is part of why Reach feels so dead IMO. Hope that helps!
  13. Just want to say this really quick and see if people agree with me: > Perma-mute should NOT be in Halo4. > The Party-up option should RETURN in Halo4. These 2 mechanics have opposite affects on a game. The party-up option makes people want to play together and get to know each other. When I started playing Halo3 I immediately friended 4 guys because I ranked up with them all night. So in my experiences, party-up makes players be more social or atleast use their mics. However, perma-mute has the opposite and negative effect. Instead of giving players a reason to communicate, it tends to punish players who talk alot. I played Reach for a few days by myself and I had a 1 day perma-mute already (I was not cursing or verbally attacking people) and that makes me never turn my mic on in MM. For some reason that 1 day perma-mute killed my enthusiasm in Reach. Thats why I think barely anybody uses their mic in Reach, they got a taste of the perma-mute and it stopped them from just talking. Its late when Im writing this so Im sorry if its alittle convoluted, but the point Im trying to get at: Party-up makes people want to play the game because they can meet others and have fun, perma-mute dissuades mics and socializing because you can lose the ability to communicate for really no reason. So yeah.
  14. It was a glitch in Halo2 were pressing the buttons "B" "X" and "R" in that order gave you an advantage. There are a few others that did different things, but since I havent played Halo2 multiplayer I wouldnt know =/
  15. Did you know that all Spartan-IIs were kidnap from their parents? They were replaced with clones, many of whom died at a young age.
  16. Wow I was about to write a long rant about how 343i was making the completely wrong decision until I read your post Father. You make alot of sense!
  17. Just so you know, thats how halo3 was designed to play. Most people would argue that its better to have the AR+Melee than the double melee as this is a FPS and not a FPM.
  18. Wow nice spot! +1 internet swag So its between 11/7/12 and 12/12/12!
  19. I wasnt trying to talk about ODST as I havent played it, but saying Bungie did their best in reach is really not true. If they had put so much effort into it, Im certain AAs would be completely different, bloom would have been atleast 85%, sprint would be different or gone, movement speed wouldnt have changed, they would have made more maps, and ranks probably would have been in the game in some form. There is a long long list of mechanics and changes that are simply not fun and if they had listened or maybe tested better they would have realized that. /end rant
  20. Ehhh Im on the fence. Id rather it had more curves as I dont like boxy weapons. But if it performs as well as the BR of old, I'll get over it pretty quickly
  21. I would love CoD if they would put love and effort into it! Its such a good idea and can really create great scenarios that are fun to play. But because IW are cash cows and treyarch doesnt get enough time CoD is much much worse than it really should be. Since I see its potential of being one of the best games ever, I hate whats being done to it. And Ive got HUGE beef with IW, they can choke and die for all I care. Halos not as popular because, well, Reach wasnt a good game. Bungie didnt really care about what they created, vanilla reach is very bland and frustrating. They were actually forced to make ODST and Reach because of a deal they signed with Microsoft, otherwise they had planned to finish with halo3. I think Halo's strength is simplicity. Sometimes I dont want to take the time to customize my weapons like other games, I just want to search into MM and see who has the best accuracy or strafe. If halo4 can keep that sense of simplicity then it will successful again (god I wish so!).
  22. Remember back when Reach was coming out and we first heard of armor abilities and bloom? Everyone I knew was really excited about the new additions and how Halo would become much more strategic and fun. People in general were really positive and could only imagine good things happening because we trusted bungie. Nobody saw how Reach would cause Halo to fall from glory, it really came as a shock to the gaming community. Then bungie refused to update or change their game when everyone screamed for it. Bungie effectively destroyed the trust we had in the developers in one fell swoop. Now we have a new developer and they are changing Halo again. While theyve done a decent job so far, theyre asking the community to trust them and not many people want to. Thats why theres so much negativity and hatred already, everyone wants Halo to be fun and competitive again, alot of people want Halo2 or 3 back. And instead of seeing only the old brought back, controversial mechanics are being added and to top it off, theres no beta. People can see the nightmare happening again, but this time worst because of no public testing. IMO, thats why the community at large is reacting in this fashion. Even the return of a hitscan BR and other great changes arent enough to earn back our trust.
  23. How dare you bring a mature mindset to the internet!
  24. Did not know that, I havent read the forerunner books yet. I kinda wish we had the SPI armor in a campaign level or maybe another ODST style game that focused on real S-IIIs.
  25. Since the S-III program was 30+ years later (not sure exactly how long), medical techniques and technology had significantly improved. This allowed the military to draw on a bigger gene pool, cheaper and more effective training, better equipment, better surgeries, and better drugs. Basically, they could make better soldiers cheaper and faster than halsey's program. Spartan-IIIs were much younger upon graduation, but they had already been through puberty. They were 14 and 15 year olds with the bodies of adults and the training of complete warriors. The only reason the program had a lower budget than its predecessor was because they used the SPI armor.
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