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  1. Should 343 scrap the old Halo Reach pallete and start fresh, or keep it and add other pieces? I think it was okay to hold on to for Halo 4, but if 343 repeated this again the second time around, I feel like it would be bad for Halo 5. Those pieces are well dated, and I'm sick of seeing them. Tell me what you think.
  2. I was browsing the submissions and I noticed that there was no Halo 4 submissions... Are you accepting them? I also want to know how to get a link to download maps for Halo 4, so I could start posting my own submissions.
  3. Mine, personally, would be Invasion. What's yours?
  4. i have decided to start posting any new maps i make in this here topic, instead of filling up the forge zone with 1 separate map maps posted before this topic starlight damnation info when i have to upload new maps, i will remove the oldest ones by the earliest date contact me if the map you want to get is not there submit all feedback by a pm and mention "{map name} feedback" in the subject please dont reply to this topic as it can help keep flood down and save valuable posting room information of how new maps are posted new maps this update: 3 map 1: halo store map 2: inner pillar of autumn (1st half) map 3: inner poa (2nd half) info about the next update a btb space map speed training maybe a few others not listed
  5. I want your opinion. 343 removed Firefight, which was a major disappointment to the fans, do you think they will remove Forge in Halo 5 also? This has probably already been discussed somewhere, but oh well. Here's a new topic about it. Maybe they will think it's "Too hard" and will remove it from Halo 5 and 6. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. What do you think? Will they remove it? Or not?
  6. If you have any really good 2v2 film clips that you would like to offer for a chance to end up in a video announcement on THFE, please submit them via Private Message (PM) to me, Absolute Dog. Clips must be short film sequences of amazing team work, great shooting sequences or anything that would provide a good perspective of two players working together. Please submit all clips by this Friday, November 22nd, by 10:00 am EST via the PM system on this site to Absolute Dog. All clips must be from Halo 4......tea bagging is optional!
  7. This is Firefight Versus. It is a 3v3 gametype I designed as an upgrade to Halo Reach's ability have PvP in Firefight. I designed this During my Playlist Menu Idea Topic: https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst230565_A-Playlist-Example-For-Halo-5.aspx This is a more detailed explanation on it. I hope to explain it's rules and customization abilities are here. This isn't as simple as a trio of Storm Elites being actual players. The Elites can command groups where to go, both Spartans and Elite can call in support troops when on Sprees. the higher the spree, the better the support group. They would be: Spree Medal Spartan/ Covenant Elites Reward Killing Spree AR Marine Squad (4) Killing Frenzy BR Marine Squad (4) Running Riot CQC Marine Squad (4) Rampage Sniper Marine Squad (4) Untouchable Explosives Marine Squad (3) Invincible Assault Spartans (AR/BR/DMR)(3) Inconceivable Specialist Spartans (Camo/Shotguns/Snipers)(3) Unfrigginbelievable Explosives Spartans (Rocket Launchers)(2) Storm Elites Reward Killing Spree PP Grunt Squad (5) Killing Frenzy Needler Grunt Squad (5) Running Riot Carbine/ Shielded Jackal Squad (2 of each) Rampage Sniper Jackals (4) Untouchable Specialist Elites(4) Invincible Hunters (2) Inconceivable Promethean Knights Scattershots/ LRs(3) Unfrigginbelievable Promethean Knights (Binary R. Inc. Cannons)(2) Now, obviously, those last ones are not gonna happen alot, but with this new method in which you earn sprees, they will show a bit more. Spree's require 10 enemy kills for the Storm Elites and 20 for Spartans (Spartans require more because they have more potential kills) in Firefight Versus. Players are worth two kills to that count. Now sprees are a collective multiplier for the whole team and all the players on the team contribute to it, and the player who earned the current spree is a VIP. A player earns and "holds" the spree by killing the enemy that earned the Spree Medal. If that player is killed, the Spree is reset. in other word, its like a relay. you want the player who is in least danger to be carrying your Spree. For example. The game starts. The 3 Spartans are killing foes, their kills are all adding to the spree count. one player gets ten kills, one teammate gets 9, but the last teammate gets the 20th kill. He holds the Spree. If he dies, the Spree is reset, if any of the other two die, it is safe. if a different player gets the next Spree medal, he can choose to carry it or let the current holder keep it, but once he decides, the team cannot decide to "baton pass again". Kills while in this decision mode will not count to your Spree, so it is wise to choose quickly, this stops abusing the rules to never drop the Spree. This promotes ALOT of teamwork to get the higher rewards. In Custom Firefight, you can edit the support drops, change from troops to weapons, or even the actual troops, and there would be more options than what I posted plus all the other usual firefight options. Also, you can apply skulls to BOTH teams and they can have different skull sets between the two. There is also a setting for a randomized skull or skulls. reset or Personal loadouts can be chosen from, depending on the variant. Different maps could have different support troops on playlists (forerunner maps could have more Promethean support troops). Both teams start with a 15 life pool. If one player kills three players without dying gives the team a bonus life, and a killing spree earns them one. and every second Spree Medal adds an extra life to the current amount. To add an extra competitive edge, the team with the most points at the end of a round (5 Waves) earns a bonus life, giving scoring in this mode a purpose beyond time expire/ game completion. There is a max pool of 24 lives. The game lasts 25 minutes on playlists, or a full set (but this can be edited on customs) if neither team depletes the opposing team to 0 lives and finishes the team in final stand, the team with the highest score wins, If somehow this is a exact tie, it's just that, a tie (Spartan/Covenant Elite Players are worth more points than Storm Elite players, as are their support troops, to balance scoring). Firefight Versus works in Waves, Rounds and Sets like the other Firefight mode, but as stated above, only the team with the highest score earns the bonus lives (A tie in score results in a bonus life given to both teams). Anything Bolded can be edited in custom mode. Custom Edit Options I can think of beside the universal ones like move speed and over-shield. feel free to add your own thoughts. all options Bolded here can have a different setting for each team. Spree Holder Traits: Standard mode specific Player trait alter option. Custom Skull/Power Up Traits: Now there are up to a 100 custom skulls/power ups, and can be saved to a "library" to "call-up" in other variants (Custom Games/Firefight and the Skulls can be used in Campaign for fun factor). You can name the skulls/power ups, set score multipliers, alter individual weapon damage rates and I would love to hear what you guys can come up with. Score Rewarder: This rewards a team with a editable reward. This essentially replaces ordinance, and is unique to Firefight, as in only in Firefight. The player can set it to any combination of 3 choices, like ordinance, between weapons, squads, AAs, power-ups an lives bonus. up to ten instances of these can be applied. Spree Rewards: This can be changed to the same stuff mentioned as Score Rewards. Objective Mode: This was kind of implemented in Reach, but never really tried often I find. In Firefight Versus, multiple Gametypes are now able to be thrown into a Firefight mix, such as CTF, Stockpile, Invasion, Dominion, KOTH and all that good stuff. This could end up with some REALLY awesome Gametypes. Wave, Round and Set Duration/Population: Edit whether the Waves, Round or Set is timed, and if players earn bonuses for killing all its enemies within said limit. also alter the amount of enemies in a wave, Waves in a Round and Rounds in a Set. Custom Hazards: Choose the enemies from Drop Pod Hazards, Hazard Vehicles etc. Anything you guys can think off? Now I come to Firefight Map Editor. And I say "Editor" not "Forge" for a reason. I personally believe that a Firefight Map Full System would be to complicated to make and implement without having lots of glitches, faulty AI, faulty walk-path programming and general flaws. I propose a series of default Sandboxes and the original maps are available for EDIT. Not fully fledged construction. Movable Spawns (AI and Player), pre-built structures with AI movement Scripts, Gravity Lifts and Man Cannons, Teleporters, Objectives, Ammo dumps, Support Drops Areas and others. I feel this would be easier to implement, and a working "Editor" would be better than a faulty "Forge". What do you all think? I Honestly believe this to be my best idea ever as a concept for a Halo game. I would Love all the support we need to get this in a Halo Game, If not 5, then 6.
  8. So I was looking to create a new game type for me to play with a few friends, and had an idea that required the grifball game type. I set everything up, bases spawns and grif goals, but I want more than one grif ball to spawn. When I set up two capture plates and tag them as, "grif_spawn" only one ball shows up. So I tried what I had to do when setting up a CTF game and only one flag was appearing, and sign in another player, but still just the one ball. Any help?
  9. Anyone got any forge build ideas? It sounds a bit cheesy but I was wondering if you had any ideas on what to build and maybe you could join me. If you would like to, my GT is WardoMichael thanks, WardoMichael
  10. I want to prevent players from killing each other for 10 seconds on game start. how do I do that?
  11. Ok so we skipped a week and now it's time for a late Wrapup: Primary Announcement: I've made the first tags the prefixes for these threads as a little extra pizzazzzzzzz COMMUNITY EVENTS There are ideas in the works so don't worry too much. We just want them to be as good as possible for you guys to enjoy and not have repeats of that time where it was just me, Boss, and JL playing Reach campaign talking about RP for 2 hours. Member Created Events Bnus' Totally Boss Halo 3 Playdate Member of the Month, Bnus, teams up with D-38 Boss, who has an almost perfect attendance record for Events, to bring you a night full of Halo 3 fun. Read the details including time and RSVPing by clicking the emblem above. Halo 4's Birthday Playdate New blood UNSC Spartan II collaborated with Beckoningzebra on this one to bring everyone to Halo 4 for its anniversary! Make it if you can, it's bound to be a good time! Related: Populate Halo 4 Day Here's a video by our good friend Brett supporting the idea of bringing players back to Halo 4 so this should be extra incentive to join UNSC Spartan II and BZ in their Event and have some good old fashion Halo 4 fun! We still want your ideas so post them here. FEATURED INTERVIEWS DocSpartanO07 - One of our finest and most vigilant Community Moderators. A senior member who reminds me of what this forum is all about and where it's come from. FORGE Forging The Future The future of Machinima has arrived! Here is a huge project started by our Art Department's Gryffin in association with THFE and ourselves. He's got a lot of members voice acting for him and we're backing this Machinima 100%. It's about 5 Spartans that get sent to Earth to find Monitors that landed there after Requiem exploded. There is lots of work being put into this project by many members of the site and we should see S1E1 here at some point! 343 Industries Community Forge Project By this point you should know what the CFP is and if you don't then read about it here. Post some ideas for our community in the CFP Idea Discussion thread here. You will partake in the Community Forge Project... Sand/Snow in Halo 4 Forge Talented Forger RegrettedKarma came across some awesome content by the OnlineKnights that shows you how you can make it look like there's snow of sand on your map in Halo 4's Forge. Very interesting stuff and just another example of how limitless Halo 4's Forge is. Check out his post and the video by the OnlineKnights by clicking the image. Isn't that a nice image of Forged snow? Featured Map Nuclear Bombs in Halo 4 Here's a really unique idea for a map. It's based on a timer and after that timer is up a big flash appears on screen and everyone dies.. Which explains the name. It's really fun and has potential for a lot of mini games. This map was made by the member JooJoona and is better explained by him in his map submission thread. GAMING NEWS Meet Xbox One So if you haven't seen it yet I suggest you click the picture and check it out. It's a very cool video by Microsoft showing off the Kinect 2 features the Xbox One has and flaunts the Xbox One's agile ability to switch and snap functions with just your voice. Halo: Spartan Assault: Coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One Great news! A lot of Halo fans have been waiting for this and it's been confirmed that this holiday season, Halo: Spartan Assault will be available for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Prepare to drop. (BZ! Xbox One: Invitation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1mfIg1I3zE If you own a tv for anything other than video games then you have to have seen this already but in case you didn't here's the video provided by Choot 'em. I'm a fan! Leave Choot comments and likes. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge Round 5 The Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge is a long lasting forum game here and it's fifth round has seen its death and is trying to make a revival thanks to haloman2. It's a fun game if you love riddles and puzzles and above is a picture of the very exclusive Award you get if you win the Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge! MEMBER OF THE MONTH What? Bnus gets a section of the Wrapup to himself again? This can't be right.. But wait it is! It is exactly right and it has never been MORE right! Bnus is our newest Member of the Month! Find his MoM Post by clicking his profile pic there. Announcement here. Another one bites the dust. Now scroll back up and read it all over again. This post has been promoted to an article
  12. Ok so we skipped a week and now it's time for a late Wrapup: Primary Announcement: I've made the first tags the prefixes for these threads as a little extra pizzazzzzzzz COMMUNITY EVENTS There are ideas in the works so don't worry too much. We just want them to be as good as possible for you guys to enjoy and not have repeats of that time where it was just me, Boss, and JL playing Reach campaign talking about RP for 2 hours. Member Created Events Bnus' Totally Boss Halo 3 Playdate Member of the Month, Bnus, teams up with D-38 Boss, who has an almost perfect attendance record for Events, to bring you a night full of Halo 3 fun. Read the details including time and RSVPing by clicking the emblem above. Halo 4's Birthday Playdate New blood UNSC Spartan II collaborated with Beckoningzebra on this one to bring everyone to Halo 4 for its anniversary! Make it if you can, it's bound to be a good time! Related: Populate Halo 4 Day Here's a video by our good friend Brett supporting the idea of bringing players back to Halo 4 so this should be extra incentive to join UNSC Spartan II and BZ in their Event and have some good old fashion Halo 4 fun! We still want your ideas so post them here. FEATURED INTERVIEWS DocSpartanO07 - One of our finest and most vigilant Community Moderators. A senior member who reminds me of what this forum is all about and where it's come from. FORGE Forging The Future The future of Machinima has arrived! Here is a huge project started by our Art Department's Gryffin in association with THFE and ourselves. He's got a lot of members voice acting for him and we're backing this Machinima 100%. It's about 5 Spartans that get sent to Earth to find Monitors that landed there after Requiem exploded. There is lots of work being put into this project by many members of the site and we should see S1E1 here at some point! 343 Industries Community Forge Project By this point you should know what the CFP is and if you don't then read about it here. Post some ideas for our community in the CFP Idea Discussion thread here. You will partake in the Community Forge Project... Sand/Snow in Halo 4 Forge Talented Forger RegrettedKarma came across some awesome content by the OnlineKnights that shows you how you can make it look like there's snow of sand on your map in Halo 4's Forge. Very interesting stuff and just another example of how limitless Halo 4's Forge is. Check out his post and the video by the OnlineKnights by clicking the image. Isn't that a nice image of Forged snow? Featured Map Nuclear Bombs in Halo 4 Here's a really unique idea for a map. It's based on a timer and after that timer is up a big flash appears on screen and everyone dies.. Which explains the name. It's really fun and has potential for a lot of mini games. This map was made by the member JooJoona and is better explained by him in his map submission thread. GAMING NEWS Meet Xbox One So if you haven't seen it yet I suggest you click the picture and check it out. It's a very cool video by Microsoft showing off the Kinect 2 features the Xbox One has and flaunts the Xbox One's agile ability to switch and snap functions with just your voice. Halo: Spartan Assault: Coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One Great news! A lot of Halo fans have been waiting for this and it's been confirmed that this holiday season, Halo: Spartan Assault will be available for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Prepare to drop. ( Xbox One: Invitation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1mfIg1I3zE If you own a tv for anything other than video games then you have to have seen this already but in case you didn't here's the video provided by Choot 'em. I'm a fan! Leave Choot comments and likes. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge Round 5 The Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge is a long lasting forum game here and it's fifth round has seen its death and is trying to make a revival thanks to haloman2. It's a fun game if you love riddles and puzzles and above is a picture of the very exclusive Award you get if you win the Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge! MEMBER OF THE MONTH What? Bnus gets a section of the Wrapup to himself again? This can't be right.. But wait it is! It is exactly right and it has never been MORE right! Bnus is our newest Member of the Month! Find his MoM Post by clicking his profile pic there. Announcement here. Another one bites the dust. Now scroll back up and read it all over again. View full article
  13. Map name: Cadaver's Cabin Gamer tag: Rabid Cadaver Description: 1v1 - 4v4 slayer map made on the smallest island on Forge Island. The cabin features very detailed modern architecture with a cylindrical living room and square garage and porch. Two tree houses, one octagon, two story tree house as well as a break away tree house. Mountain range with sniper positions and walk through cave area. Little details like wood columns, the craziest light fixture you'll ever see in forge as well as the over all aesthetics makes this not only enjoyable to play, but will have you saving this map permanently in your file share Map link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/rabid%20cadaver/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=6d3c433c-fe6a-442a-8a56-5571fc32efcd
  14. I have downloaded the Forge Map and the Spartan Ops: Episodes 6-10 multiple times. No matter how many times I have downloaded the content I cannot play them. I have already tried different disks and I get the same results. This is a very annoying and frustrating problem, please help.
  15. Map Name: UNSC Grifball Stadium Gamertag: Rabid Cadaver Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/filebrowser/details/d6e2361e-7573-4483-8998-594189ff10df Description: Olympic influenced grifball stadium with astro turf field as well as press boxes and stands for each team.
  16. Military Base Taken by the floods! Create by The Blackmember! Play with the gametipe 'Nemesis'! Download all these in the file share of PR EL HUEVON PR! For more questions, Just ask! -Please Share these map! -The Blackmember
  17. Every Other Friday Come share and experience top-quality, competitive Halo 4 maps* by Forgers from various Halo communities across the 'net. Maps will be played on default War Games gametypes and settings. Map sizes will be determined by party size (max 14). Customs will run at least two hours or until we run out of maps. PLEASE READ: If you have a map you'd like to test or feature, please post it in this thread along with the preferred gametype. Be sure to include preferred teams size. All party-goers are expected to have all the Halo 4 Forge maps. We request that party goers are at least 17 years of age or older (this is a guideline, see next). Party goers who behave in a disrespectful or disruptive fashion will recieve a request to change their behavior, if they continue they might be booted without warning, nothing personal. If your map is extremely glitchy, laggy, or otherwise of clear sub-par quality, the game may be stopped for another map. Please only share quality maps. We request that you have a mic so you can effectively play competitively and give feedback on maps. If you do not have a mic you may be booted to make room for testers who would like in that can give feedback. There is a good chance the lobby will be recorded and put up on YouTube (see last lobby's vid below) Please be aware that while running a party it is easier to multi-task by viewing text than listen to voice messages. I don't have time to join chat requests or listen to voice messages while running a party. HOW TO JOIN: To join in on the fun, send a text message on LIVE the day of the lobby to: ** AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (the "0" is a zero) and I'll shoot out invites in order received as spots open up in the party. Once I've sent invites to all requests, I will open the party. Feel free at any time to use the chat invite trick: Send me a chat invite, then access my profile via the invite. If the option exists to join I've opened the party and there is room so jump on in. Looking forward to exploring new maps and shooting you in the face, see you there! * Mini games and other "crazy customs" maps occasionally get featured in this lobby. Let me know what you have and I'll let you know if we'll run it. Remember: the key word is "quality", if your map results in a negative experience for our testers, the game may be ended early. ** There will be a lobby set up at HaloCustoms.com, gamers who RSVP there will get first invites Please message me here or on LIVE if you are interested in being part of a map critique and Forge video feature team. Here is the raw footage from previous Forger's Showcase lobbies. Maps, authors and time links are in YouTube description:
  18. Hey folks! TheBloodbath22 here. October 8th is the deadline for a Ricochet forge contest, and I'm looking to test out my submission before I, well, submit it. So I'll need a few players to check it out with me, see what kinks I can work out, etc. I'm also concerned about its size, since it's supposed to be mid-sized at most, and it sort of walks a thin line, there. So here's a little info: Competitive symmetrical mid-sized arena shaped like an hourglass, supports Ricochet/CTF/Slayer, on canvas Forge Island. An attempt to fuse by-the-numbers design with unique gameplay features. Download Map Here: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/9357bc1d-7908-434b-aa7a-2d5a3bc9ca40 Side Profile: Note!!: Those cannons at the top of the rock 3's at center are delayed spawns to change gameplay. Even later in the game, those exposed ramps that lead up to the bases also receive a cannon each, leading into the goals--once again adjusting gameplay. These absolutely require playtesting. Bases Note!!: Please keep in mind that the rear walls at the sides of the bases have been removed, to allow for easier Ricochet scoring from either side. This is just one of the many things that requires testing! No one makes a perfect map, and I am well ready for constructive, I repeat only constructive feedback. We here all know how much hard work and time we put into our forges, fellow Cartographers. Thank you all so much for your time and attention! I have a mic. So friend me, I'll work out a 4v4 gametime!
  19. So I was thinking about this pretty strongly... should 343i include a free, community made map pack? It would be filled with maps for each game mode, and some extra aesthetically pleasing details. The maps might be made by THFE, or they could be by unassociated map makers. I think this would improve community morale, bring players back to Halo, and be lots of fun. Also, they could add these maps to the official multiplayer playlists or even have one of its own. Obviously it would take place on the four forge maps in Halo 4, and they would be equally varied and distributed. I think this addition would be promising. I know that they do already have community maps in War Games, but I'm asking for a full fledged map pack that is treated as so and even includes achievements. Anyways, guys, your opinions?
  20. Hey guys, RANDPLAYER here. I just recently made a 2v2 map on reach which will be functional with Slayer & KoTH, the map is 95% finished, all that's left is spawning and making sure that spawnkilling ain't possible (or at least very difficult), so I'm reaching out to the community for help. Down below are some screenshots of the map and I would second of all want your opinion(s) if I should modify or remove features of the map. (screenshots are also available on my fileshare) Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/randplayer/haloreach/fileshare -Map features- 1x sniper 1x needler 1x concussion 2x magnums 2x repeaters 2x plasma pistols 2x DMRs 4x assault rifles 2x plasmas 2x frags 2x health 1x overshield Start screen North overview South overview Red spawn Blue spawn Green teleport Orange teleport Forge overview So if anyone is interested in helping me out it would be much appreciated. I will be online and playing starting today (sep. 28, 7am CST - 10pm CST) & (sep. 29, 6am CST - 4pm CST) If you read this post after said time, feel free to send me a message on XBL and I'll be sure to reply as quick as I can. Thanks to any who'd like to help RANDPLAYER out
  21. Hey guys, RANDPLAYER here. I just recently made a 2v2 map on reach which will be functional with Slayer & KoTH, the map is 95% finished, all that's left is spawning and making sure that spawnkilling ain't possible (or at least very difficult), so I'm reaching out to the community for help. Down below are some screenshots of the map and I would second of all want your opinion(s) if I should modify or remove features of the map. (screenshots are also available on my fileshare) Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/randplayer/haloreach/fileshare -Map features- 1x sniper 1x needler 1x concussion 2x magnums 2x repeaters 2x plasma pistols 2x DMRs 4x assault rifles 2x plasmas 2x frags 2x health 1x overshield Start screen North overview South overview Red spawn Blue spawn Green teleport Orange teleport Forge overview So if anyone is interested in helping me out it would be much appreciated. I will be online and playing starting today (sep. 28, 7am CST - 10pm CST) & (sep. 29, 6am CST - 4pm CST) If you read this post after said time, feel free to send me a message on XBL and I'll be sure to reply as quick as I can. Thanks to any who'd like to help RANDPLAYER out
  22. EparcyL 29

    Map Pack FWM

    Hi everyone! I'm here today to show you SK's video which introduce you the French Wheelmen's map pack. This is our map, that FWM's members had created. The link to download the maps are in the description below the video! Hope you'll like it, please give us your feedbacks!
  23. Space Station: Name Pending Overview: Semi-Competitive 4v4, 6v6 Theme: Space Station, with a ship being built or destroyed attached. Focal Features: Zero gravity area similar to Condemned or Anchor 9 between parts of the ship and the station. Gametypes: Dominion, (with size, most likely also CTF, Extraction, possibly an assault variant) Alright, let's get cracking. Feel free to post some generic layouts that you are thinking of. Here is a link to Google Sketchup (download the free, no limits on use or time one http://www.sketchup.com/download/) which we can use once the layout is agreed upon. Here Is my inital thoughts:
  24. The 343Industries Community Forum Forge Project Have you ever gotten into a game of matchmaking or a custom game and go, “I would have done this map/gametype differently?” Have you ever wished for more maps in any of the Halo games? Have you tried making maps that just don’t quite work? Have you made a map but have never been able to test it? Have you ever looked for some tips on how to forge a gametype, a certain size map, or just learn to forge in general? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, do not dismay; you have come to the right place. I am pleased to introduce the Community Forge Project (CFP), an ongoing project dedicated to making maps, by and for the community. Over the next couple of months, many members will have time off from school and other commitments and will want to play in many playdates and show-off their maps. This is the perfect time to build a large playlist of community made maps, which can be used in playdates regularly. With the forums as a base point for collaboration, the community can design multiple maps for various gametypes and share ideas on the general map themes, flow, and expected play styles it will adhere to. For instance: The community can get together and share ideas for a competitive map. These ideas include general themes, location, and the focused gametypes. Using programs such as Google Sketch-Up, the forum can create the generic layout of the map. After collaboration of the generic design of the map, and discussion of possible problems and ways to deal with them, members can get together to forge the map. After the base of the map is constructed and tweaked to fit, testing by the community will commence. And, as I like to say, “test the problems out of it.” The point of the tests is to pinpoint problems and correct them. After a map is deemed complete, it will be officially added into the CFP Mappack. By the end of this summer, there should be a considerable amount of maps in almost every category of gametypes, and the maps can be showcased in playdates or released at playdates throughout the summer. With many design programs being free and easy info sharing, it would be easy for members could partake in various projects at once. This is a fairly new addition to any Halo forum, and aims to attract and find many aspiring forgers. In addition, Forge mentoring would be very easy, and like any project using multiple forgers, maps are shared and people learn their forging strengths, weaknesses, and get decent tips. I hope you will consider joining the community’s forge project over the next couple of months. The Community Forge Project will begin towards the end of May, allowing for members to finish strong on finals and prepare some ideas. I will be happy to answer any questions here. Official CFP gamertag: CFP343i Links to the Official Community Forge Project threads and projects underway: "Space Station" http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28872-cfp-space-station-discussion/ Idea Discussion: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28761-community-forge-project-idea-discussion/
  25. Please fix these things: Force even team numbers on objective type games. - no one wants to play CTF 5 on 2 Flag sometimes drops through the bottom or floor or ground. Weapons instantly disappear sometimes after a death. - I get it that the weapons can't stay on the map the entire game, but honestly I would have a sniper, get sniped in the base and e respawn and the sniper has already disappeared. This happens constantly and is really frustrating when it happens with ordinance weapons and power weapons. Forge Community maps online are sluggish and do not allow for accurate gameplay. - It is probably due to he large canvas type map and the information within it that slows it down. Having players create maps and have them online is awesome, but not when it's to sluggish to drop heads. - also Shutout is BOMB! Lockout is my favorite map of all time and I am jacked to see it back in action, so I want it fixed to not be sluggish. ......Anyone else feel free to add onto the list.
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