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  1. Just got done playing a nice game of firefight and thought how interesting it would be to pick up the energy shield the jackals yield. I mean it could be pretty useful, i like the idea. Any one else agree or disagree? -Master
  2. Im curious to see what clans are still out their and are still going strong even after a bunch of them fell apart after Reach. I was just wondering what clans, are available and worth joining, please let me know. (Well organized clans are the most appreciated.) Thanks!, Master
  3. About time. After years of work this is one of my greatest projects come to fruition. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it. For those of you who doubt the legitimacy of this trick, please watch the explanation videos: -Mator
  4. Hey guys there's this Halo movie made by fans (but they're REALLY good) and the movie was supposed to be released in 2011 Fall but I heard that it hasn't been released yet because Microsoft wanted all the money they can get out of Halo (same reason as the official movie was canceled). Check out the youtube channel of Halo: Faith with behind the scenes video: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFaithOfficial/feed Here's a petition. I guess it's suppose to help make the movie release on youtube. Just enter the info to the left. http://343i.org/bu NOTE: I have nothing to do with the petition or making of the movie. Just a fan who wants to see this Halo movie in action! Oh and chekc out the soundtrack and other stuff around youtube. It's not on the channel, you'll just have to look for "Halo Faith Soundtrack", a playlist should come up.
  5. We are looking for dedicated, and loyal people to join. We're an MLG/Slayer clan and we are just getting going, we have about 6 players but this clan doesn't look for numbers just skill. Members "MUST" have mics! We play everyday on Halo: Reach, and Halo 3 from 6:00 pm GMT-5 to 10:00 pm. A change of colors, emblem, and service tag are required. If you aren't familiar with MLG don't fret! We will train you to snipe better, make head shots second nature, keep K/D up, and place grenades like gods! Depending on what Game-modes you play will determine what team you place. We will do clan battles and try to sign up for some Game-battles when I deem you are ready to compete . As far as clan rules go you must join party's when invited, respect your higher ups, and be a team player! .We use a custom, medieval ranking system(below) because it differentiates from a military system and uses systems from games like: Dragon age: Origins, DA2, Skyrim, The witcher, and other great fantasy/medieval games. RANKING SYSTEM BELOW. 1.King/Queen 2.Knight Of The Round. (Gamertag must be changed to something like, LOG Gawain, LOG Galahad, LOG Gareth, etc) 3.Crown prince 4.Prince, Princess 5.Royal, Dukes, Earls, Barons, etc 6.Duke,Duches 7.Marquess,marquesses 8. Earl/Countess 9.Viscount,Viscountess 10.Knight of the Garter. It is considered higher than a baron but can be held by higher ranks. 11.Baron/Baroness 12.Captain (of the guard) 13.Baronet 14.Knight 15.Gentlemen/Wealthy people 16.Foot soldier 17.Peasant We have a clan website here: http://clanlog.enjin.com/ Must sign up on the website to officialize yourself. I hope this thread appealed to you and if you would like to join message me at HFT Chaos.
  6. Alot of Reach, my characters armor will lag out, and I will be set to the defualt spartan (all grey, defualt armor, septagon emblem, no service tag) and when it does that, I can't earn credits and sometimes the Reach servers will be unavialable. PLEASE HELP!
  7. **DISCLAIMER** This article contains SPOILERS of the Halo: Reach campaign. If you have not finished the Reach campaign, I suggest leaving now, unless you don't care. Thanks. Imagine if in Halo: 4 there could be space battles. Yeah, like in the Halo: Reach mission "Long Night of Solace" where you drive the Sabre space ships. Think of it, like that, but in multiplayer. Okay now, don't say that wouldn't be cool. It may not be as cool as being on the ground in action. But!.. It would add to the crazy-cool variety of Halo, and the outer-Earth expression. Am I right? List of Some of Things That Space Battles Would Be Cool/Useful For: Machinima's People who like space battles Actual further use of the Sabre ships Gametype/map creativity Funner battles Role players, maybe There are a lot more, that was just a list of "some" of the things it would be cool/useful for. If you have any ideas of why it would be cool, post it in the comment section. Also, if you have any reasons why it would be bad, I'm accepting those too. Thanks. -Pwnage
  8. Should Master Chief drop his gun just because Call of Duty lets users use guns? Should Master Chief, a friggin’ Super Soldier, lose his ability to sprint just because Call of Duty lets users sprint? And most importantly, should every aspect of a Call of Duty game be shunned from use by other game developers just because Activison decided to use an idea first? The answer to all of these questions is no, by the way. Even though Halo and Call of Duty are very different, they have the same background: Shooting. And there is no way for both of these games to be polar opposites and still be known as “shooters”. They both have to have some similar ideas just to spark interest in its audience. Halo is a game that is evolving, not a game that is copying another game. This was simply to stop people from starting threads about how Halo is supposedly becoming Call of Duty, because clearly, it's not!
  9. jasonb10

    halo 4 beta?

    Does anyone know if there will be a Halo 4 beta?
  10. I logged in recently and once I started halo reach, I received two messages. The first saying my account was banned from earning credits and the second saying my entire console was banned as well. I can still play matchmaking games, I just don't earn credits. I really want to earn credits, i'm finally on vacation and I can finally reach a higher rank. Please Help. :S
  11. All, I'm sure by looking at that topic one of two things is in your head. 1)What's FraggedNation? 2)Sounds fun...What's the catch? Well, FraggedNation is a competitive gaming site which is home to several games across all major platforms. The one major thing that sets FraggedNation out above all other competitive gaming sites is the ladders aren't setup by someone that might never play the game or have only played it once. Our public ladders are there for the gamers by the gamers which means if you don't like something we'll change it. Another thing that sets us apart for the others is the fact that all members are allowed to set up their own ladders and tournaments. So if you don't like what you see make it your own! Enough about FraggedNation for now. This Community Game Night will take place on May 19th, 2012 from 9p to 1a EST. Join the staff of Halo Combat Evolved/Custom Edition as we frag it out with both members and non-members. We will be in the FraggedNation Official Server and will also be streaming. More information on streaming in a latter post. IP Addresses of the servers: (Halo Custom Edition) & (Halo Combat Evolved) So, join and check out FraggedNation. You won't regret that you did. -King Thomas 92
  12. This question has probably been posted on numerous occasions, but with new Halo 4 information being released and my recent privation of forum activity (mostly due to the fact that I no longer get internet service at my home anymore) has lead me to ask a rather concerning question -- will Halo 4 launch multiple title editions (i.e. Collector's, Limited, or Legendary) as Bungie had for most of its Halos? Many developers do not to lower production cost and whatnot, but as an avid Halo fan, I would be willing to pay an extra $10-$20 for a limited edition copy of Halo 4 (so long as adequate extras are included) and I am sure many others would as well. Thanks in advance for any relevant info posted on this topic. Leave it to 343i and the Halo community to build the friendliest and most knowledgeable forum of any video game community ever conceived.
  13. Hey everybody our clan (HFT) is in need of somebody kind enough to stream/capture our Gameplay and clan battles so we can become more recognized. Any help would be greatly appreciated and we would return the favor as best we can. Thank you to anybody willing to do this for us . Please message me on XBL at: HFT Chaos if your interested . Good Luck Troops!
  14. Hey everyone we're having a clan tournament Saturday May 12th 5:00 PM GMT-6:00. All players encouraged to join! There will be no prizes for winning as this is just to get the word of our clan out there, show people we are skilled, and have a fun community day(MS points will be offered in future tourney's)! SINGLE ELIMINATION! Game-Type: 4v4 Slayer DMR's: Bloom is 50%. Loadout =DMR, Pistol, 2 Frag Grenades on maps: Countdown, Asylum, and Sanctuary. \ Please RSVP by messaging me on xbox live @ HFT Chaos. Please leave Team Name, Captain and Members Gamertags. Hope to have you join it'll be a blast! Good Luck Troops!
  15. IF u want a lot of info about halo 4 go to www.facebook.com/UNSCDF117 :right: ALSO Right what u want in halo 4 and we can disscus about it because i have connections in 343
  16. Okay so, this might have been mentioned before, but basically, if Halo 4 has these things than we (the Halo Community) can call it a true successor to Halo 3. Plus it would allow Halo to reclaim its pedestal as the most popular and best game of the times. And I truly believe I am talking on behalf of the majority of the Halo fans here. So, to bring Halo back into its glory days when it was THE game everyone played (2005-2009 ish), including these things are a must: 1. Great Maps (The Pit, Lockout, Blood Gulch, Guardian, Sanctuary, Midship, etc look to these for inspiration 343) 2. Ranked playlists vs. Social playlists (from 1 to 50, and make it so that you don't get "rank stuck", plus this is what seperates Halo from other online multiplayer games such as COD in which you have to earn exp to rank up) 3. Great Storymode (make it as epic as Halo 1, 2, 3 which were all worth replaying even now) 4. Classic weapons (BR, No bloom, hitscan such as Halo 2's where you don't have to lead your shots, also include carbine, bring back the Beam Rifle, and dual wielding). Go ahead and including new weapons but please don't make something really tragic such as Focus Rifle. A good example of a great new weapon was the Grenade Launcher, which takes a good deal of skill. 5. Vehicles- in Halo Reach if you didn't notice the vehicles themselves have a certain health, whereas in Halo 2 and 3 YOUR shields represented how much you could take (although after a while if your vehicle is worn it will deplete faster) Also bring back the unlimited shooting for the hog, unlimited gliding for the ghost and banshee, might not seem like a big deal but to some it is. 6. Sword- alright so many people I have heard over the years have mixed opinions on how the sword should work. There are generally 2 sides: Some people think the Halo 2 sword was OP with the unlimited ammo and lunge and think the Halo 3 version was better, and SOME people (including myself) think that the Halo 2 sword was fun to use and made it a worthwhile power weapon. However mostly everyone agrees the Reach version sucks (mainly because you can deflect it). So 343, choose either the Halo 3 version or Halo 2, either one might be favorable. 7. Armor Abilites- PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY AAs in HALO 4 including SPRINT!!! I have talked to many people over the last 1.5 years of Reach and 99% of people say this was the SINGLE BIGGEST FLAW EVER CREATED IN A HALO GAME!! Jetpack-Halo is not meant to be airborne, you want to be airborne get a banshee or something!! Armor Lock- Breeds intolerable behavior such as in Elite Slayer when people go up to you, stick you, than armor lock, plus the AA itself is sooo annoying. Camo- should always remain as a powerup as it was in all the Halos, not a loadout, plus its annoying as hell when your radar is constantly scrambled!! Hologram- a simply retarded and annoying AA that breeds noobish behavior. Evade/Sprint: Okay so some people say that these are the good editions of AAs, however MOST people agree that Sprint makes Halo too much like COD and deviates away from tradition. 8. Jumping/Fall Damage/Movement- please make Halo 4's Master Chief as epic as Halo 2 and 3s where he can jump about 7 feet high and take no fall damage (unless you fall off a cliff, where of course you will die). The movement speed of the Spartan in Reach was way too slow, and Halo 2 and 3's MC could walk fast, this allowed for faster strafing in intense matches and faster gameplay. 9. Classic playlists- (don't forget TS, Doubles, Snipers, Objective, SWAT, MLG, BTB-include these seperate from social playlists) 10. Classic Gameplay- Now I have been hearing that in Halo 4, 343 is talking about possibly having weapons dropped to players in drop pods (such as in Firefight). Now, mostly everyone I know playing Halo would agree that this simply takes away from all the core that is Halo. Halo is meant for players to go after different weapons and control areas of the map with them for as long as possible. This is one of the biggest things that separates Halo from other shooters such as COD, in which you start out with your sniper, shotty, etc. In Halo, weapons were ALWAYS placed strategically on the map, and players would go after them. If I have left out anything significant, please do let me know, but I think I covered pretty much everything. Think about all those great LAN parties you used to have with your friends, and the great moments they created. Think about those great moments on XBL with your friends. If 343 shapes up, than those glorious years can continue. PLEASE HALO FANS, WE AS THE LONG RUNNING COMMUNITY OF THIS GREAT GAME CANNOT LET IT WITHER AWAY AT THE HANDS OF SOME BAD DECISIONS, IT IS OUR DUTY TO INFLUENCE THE DEVELOPERS. HELP SPREAD THE WORD AND INFLUENCE THEM. AND DON'T THINK FOR ONE SECOND THAT YOUR OPINION DOESN'T COUNT. HALO WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE BUILT ON THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY!!!
  17. So, I, like many others, aren't that big a fan of the armor abilities in Halo Reach. But I'm also pretty sure that no amount of whining will get them removed from Halo 4, or even if that would be for the better. What I am saying, is that I could accept armor abilities, and maybe even grow to like them, if they take more of a back seat in Halo 4, sort of like the equipment in Halo 3, only a little better integrated. Evade, and most of all, sprint, were welcome additions, and I'm pleased to hear that sprint is now a standard ability. It was one of the few things CoD had, that Halo needed. Gameplay-wise, armor lock, and especially jetpack, are pains. The invisibility one is a little annoying, but it don't bother me much. But those are not the biggest problems, as far as I'm concerned. What annoys me the most in Halo Reach multiplayer, are the maps, and how they are designed. They aren't bad, most are pretty decent, but they are all very much designed to make the armor abilities central, most noticeably the jetpack. Pretty much every small-to-mid-sized map in Halo Reach is full of levels and lines-of-sight were you can shoot, but not travel directly between. That is, unless you have one of those cursed jetpacks. (Uncaged, I'm looking at you!) I see many possibilities for integrating armor abilities in awesome custom games and special gametypes, I just can't possibly imagine it to be for the best to have all of them available in standard playlists like Team Slayer, Arena and Team Doubles. At least not in the state that they are today. So, these are my two cents on armor abilities, hope I don't appear as yet another whiner, but I really believe we can have our cake and eat it too! Please don not the armor abilities as central as they are in Reach now, especially the jetpack.
  18. I know, I know, we might sound like one of those small tiny clans filled with little kids screaming and yelling. We aren't. Don't judge a book by it's cover, silly, Chaos Gaming is one of the biggest and most respected gaming communities on Xbox. We span across CoD and Halo Reach and will expand into H4 when it comes out. We contain over 1700 members registered on out website, with well over hundreds more unregistered on the website. Our Halo Reach division contains 7 Branches; Backlash, Dynasty, Impact, Intensity, Shockwave, Revolver and Supremacy, and our CoD side has well over 15 branches. But I'm here to recruit for Halo, not CoD, so let's go ahead and talk about us. Chaos Gaming has been around for about 3 years and is built around one rule: Treat others the way you wanna be treated. We value respect and integrity above all else and just want to make others have fun, make friends and enjoy themselves. We hold tourneys that yield prizes that range from Microsoft Points to Xboxs, but our main attraction is our Game Nights: One hour, give or take, dedicated to just playing games and having fun. Each Game night is different and is hosted by a different person. You can expect anywhere from 10-40 people attending a single game night. Here in Chaos, we treat other like family, because we kind of are like one. Into competitive and MLG play? No worries, we also have Elite Squads, for not just MLG but I'll get into those later, where the best of the best in a branch get together to practice, play and improve on their skills in Halo and MLG. One of my good friends, Dalton (Gamertag lBoba F e t tI), went to MLG Colombus and made it to losers bracket round 3 and placed top 100. And he was a Chaos Gaming Major. We even have Elite Squads for Snipers, Grifball and other types of games as well. Seem interested? Well like all other gaming communities, we have rules. You should be willing to change your colors, motto and emblem, and keep it like how we ask, at all times to represent us. You also should be at least 16 years of age to join, but if you are as young as 13 you can be accepted under the grounds that you are mature and willing to contribute. (You will have to wait a couple more days to earn your first promotion if you are not of age, sorry) If you are interested and are willing to comply with the rules stated above, please contact me on XBL, my gamertag is "Im Frosty Chaos" (No you do NOT have to change your gamertag to join.) Wanna see out site? Check it out at "360chaos.net!!" Thanks for reading and/or replying!! ~~ Frosty
  19. Hello everyone. As an avid forger since forge was introduced, I would like to see a lot of interesting changes to the forge system. Here are some of my block ideas: -Round blocks -Small Blocks -Extremely Small Blocks -Pole-Type Blocks -Designable Blocks -This is a far fetched, but it would be interesting to see a kind of block that can be altered like the radius of a hill marker or a respawn zone -More Interesting Rocks -More... Appealing Rocks -Pre-Destroyed Vehicles -More Windows -More Gigantic Blocks -Variety of different shaped blocks -Bring weapon holders back! -Bring Containers (Foundry) back! -Civilian vehicles should be allowed to be placed and driven, such as a truck or forklift -More miscellaneous items -Openable crates -Drop pods -Buttons -Tunnel items, such as the tunnels from Sandbox in Halo 3 -Dead bodies -Dead Covenant -Blood splatters -Cracked/broken items -Breakable items (Pallets!) -Wooden Items -Weapon mounts -Weapon lockers (This was an idea used by many on Foundry in Halo 3) -More options to decorate Here are some of my forge system improvement ideas: -My main offender is the forge glitches involving not having host in a forge game, and entering "Edit Coordinates" and having the block reset. -If you have never forged with another person before, having or not having the host connection can make a big difference. If you have the host connection, everything will look normal. If you don't have the host connection, the blocks will look out of place and whenever you grab a block, it will move. -Another "glitch" (at least I hope it's a glitch) is that after angling a block and entering the "Edit Coordinate" mode, it will angle the block to a different angle. For example, if your rotation snap is on 90 degrees and you angle it to 180 degrees horizontal, Edit Coordinates will reset the block to 90 degrees, and each time you try to rotate the block back to 180 degrees, it will skip that angle. In simpler terms, when rotating the block, to will go from 90 to 270 degrees. The only known way to fix this is to either switch your rotation snap for a moment or delete the block. This can be frustrating when placing a block for a long time to get it precise. -Getting back to actual ideas, I've always enjoyed the idea of changing the terrain or weather. Making one area have snow on the ground, but the other side of the cave be bright an sunny. -Multiple built in maps with forge features -(I am just using these blocks as examples) The number of 1x1 blocks will not effect the number of 2x2 blocks. I understand the currency issue, but the number of each block shouldn't be equal to each other block. -Adjustable landscape -Adjustable grav-lift height/distance -Change the color of warthogs -Change the amount of daylight (ie- make it nighttime) -Everything should be able to be set to "Fixed" -Adjust the amount of bullets in the clip in a weapon on the ground. (This could be especially handy when making infection maps. You could create an overrun area with a BR on the ground with 2 bursts left) -Objects can have the option to have shadows -Preview mode for initial spawn cameras -Movable water (ie- place a lake anywhere) -When changing the color of a block, the basic color should change, instead of nearly unnoticable details -When there is no respawn points on the map and the forger dies, he should respawn at the built in respawn point CLOSEST to the largest forged structure. On forge world, it was the biggest annoyance to die and respawn at blood gulch when forging in the hangar. -Decorative items don't cost as much (wtf) -Change killball barriers. If you haven't noticed, you can walk through the edge of the killball, and the only lethal area is basically the center -Edit player options (speed/gravity) while in game. This idea can be great to test infection maps. Can the survivors make this jump that is intended for infected only? Can the infected even make this jump? -Weapons set to fixed should not float after the player using the weapon is killed. -Forge firefight maps! Here are a few changes I suggest for Custom Games: -In infection, a zombie that picks up a custom powerup that is suppose to give a shield SHOULD give you a full shield. Currently, it will give you an empty shield. -Race and rally should work on the same map. -Bring the "Instant Kill" option back to the "Player Damage" area of "Base Player Traits" -Initial armor abilities can be set to random. This could make games of Fiesta/Grab Bag very intense -Bring back VIP! That game mode was really interesting, and could have inspired a lot of incredible maps and gametypes. -Adjust the damage done by vehicles, and also adjust the vehicles integrity -Add a funny "Golf Club" type weapon to fill the place of the Energy Sword. A baseball bat would be interesting to see. -Please please PLEASE make it so ONLY the party leader can delay the countdown to start the game. -This made me angry a few times. Sometimes, your map that you spent two weeks perfecting will randomly vanish. The name will still be listed in your map list, but when selected, it will bring you to a different map. PLEASE work hard to fix this problem. I hope some of these ideas interested a few people. I know some of these ideas are far fetched, but they could improve forge. I dunno, what does the community think? -
  20. Alright check it out guys. I watch a show called "fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" and what they do is look for videos online and try to prove if they are fact or faked by trying to replicate the video through experiments. One was of a flying humanoid in (if I remember correctly) El Paso, Texas, and it's supposed to be a UFO hotspot. People say it's an 'Alien' or 'Witch' or flying humanoid figure. But to me, this looks like Halo Prophet on his floating chair more than a Witch. Take a look for yourselves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hoGaEsIHr0 Okay so chances are, this is definitely NOT a real life Prophet (I mean c'mon). But you got to admit, it looks like one! The Fact or Faked crew said that it was fake, being just a bundle of balloons in a black trash bag. I don't know about you guys, but I don't exactly think this was balloons (or a Phophet lol). Balloons should tip side to side and twist/rotate by the un-even wind currents. Either way, I thought I'd share this interesting video of what looks like a Prophet ;D What do you guys think?
  21. Interested in joining a clan? Bored of playing by yourself? If not then find something to do. But if so then I have got a clan that is available for you to join. : DJ clan : Dear Players The DJ clan is a simple clan and requires your gamer tag to be changed to DJ Example ?? and two numbers replacing the question marks. A bit about the clan is that it requires NO age limit. Of course if your like 5 or younger then no, but we at least need a mature player who understands the concepts of life. -__- . Anyways, the clan is fun to be in because we can go from playing matchmaking together, mostly infection, to show the clan's teamwork in surviving 3 waves of zombie hordes. Another thing we do is play on Custom Games (what is Fun without that?) . On Custom Games, we pretty much play what ever the people agree on playing. Their are about 15 people in the clan, and yes it is a little because little means more order to keep the clan together and to contact each other easily. If you're interested in joining please contact me at my gamer tag (DJ MiKE 16) and I will introduce you to the clan. Send me a message, or add me, or something please. Well there you have it, the DJ clan, if you don't like it then move on and stop wasting your time. By the way, I am the only one in the clan who is doing anything for the clan, so help would be great. <THANK YOU> ^DJ MiKE 16^ And Don't Forget About MC...sorry if the PIC. didn't show
  22. Alright guys, this is a little forum game I'd thought I'd post. Basically you just say ANY word of a subject form the Halo universe. It can be anything from Halo, weapons, names, objectives, etc. And the person below you has to say what comes to their mind first then they say a subject from Halo! That simple. EXAMPLE: ME: What does the word "Halo" bring to your mind first? NEXT POSTER: A giant ring. What does the word "Elite" bring to your mind first? NEXT POSTER: *answers then says their word* I'll start us off. "Spartan"
  23. Hey! Whatsup everyone? I'm x KELLZz and i'm here to tell you all about TSF or The Spartan Force. TSF isn't like most clans, we are a community clan that's all Halo, all the time. We have very close to 100 members so far and were gaining members everyday. My job here is to tell you about this amazing clan. I'll tell you all about my personal experience with TSF. I'm not a clan guy, I usually lone-wolf it and iv'e been doing that for a while up until March. When Gunn3r (TSF Leader) invited in I was a bit skeptical about what they said about the clan. That skepticism turned into hard, hot, super sexy facts lol. Everything Gunn3r told me 100% true, i'm going to tell you about the events and groups that he told me. Maybe you will want to sign up, believe me its worth it. Every Friday night we have Game Night, i'm one of the two Game Night Leaders. In Game Night, we have about a couple lobbies full of people and we just play fun and epic custom games all night. Game Night starts at 10pm EST and ends, hell till the sun comes up . On Saturdays we have Halo 3 Day where we all hop on Halo 3 and relive those awesome memories that we all had during Halo 3. Every week we have a short or long video called "Multi-Kill Monday". Its where our Film Leader gets clips from players and gives them great effects to make one awesome video of multikills. On Thursdays we have the ***** ( yeah i know, laugh it up ha ). The ***** is a tournament that every player in TSF can attend at 7pm EST. The winner gets their own video commentary of their victory on the forums so everyone can see. They also get a nice shiny medal on the forums. Let me talk more about the groups now. TSF has 3 Divisions, 9 Squad Leaders and 27 Teams. Some Squad Leader spots are still open. I'm 3rd Long Division, 3rd Squad Leader. I look after my 3 teams: Zulu (main), Whiskey and Bion. Every SL has 3 teams to look after. If you become a SL, let me tell you by experience, its sweet. You have power and feel really important. Whats not to love about that? To sum it all up, TSF is a great, i don't just mean great, i mean GREAT Community Clan. The members are funny and unlike other clans, are actually good at Halo. Yes, i went there. If you gamers want to check it out, the link is below. There are no requirements to join, only thing you have to do is sign up, type who recruited you (me ) and fill out a simple survey. Here's the link. When you click it, your making a great decision. http://thespartanforce.enjin.com/ -If you have any question about TSF, don't hesitate to message me on here, Xbox or the TSF Forums. All my names are they same, x KELLZz
  24. I'd love to hear what ideas you might have for new armor abilities so please share.
  25. I can't wait to see all the new Halo 4 armor. One thing I want to see return though is the Hayabusa armor in Halo 3. What ideas do you have?
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