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  1. Hello, I'm Vasquez USA, Grand Elder of Fallen of Ragnarok Evolutions also known as FoRE for short. We were founded in 2009 after fragmenting from another clan and have been with the Halo series since Halo 3. We implement Viking mythology and themes into creative ranks, weekly events, and maps. However, we have much more to offer than that. Let me give you a small tour. Weekly Events We have a total of 2 training sessions every week called Battle Ready Nights (BRN). These take place on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7pm until 8:30pm, and an optional BRN is held Saturday night at 7pm. These nights are our more serious nights and it is where the majority of our training will take place. It's these nights when our members gather to train for clan battles and other future activities. We do map tours for callouts, vehicle and weapon placements, and more. This has been proven that if you attend a good number of these, you'll improve. Friday nights is our Custom Games Night (CGN). These nights are just a fun time to relax and get your mind off things if you aren't busy on a friday night. Consider it an opportunity to get to know your fellow clan brethren, bring popular games, or show off your own creations. Activity FoRE has a simple activity protocol: 1. New members (Greenhorns) must attend at least 1 FoRE weekly event and maintain at least 1 post per day rule on our forums. Once these requirements have been filled, you'll be on your way. New members are encouraged to add FoRE Warhound: a silver account dedictated to storing all active FoRE members' gamertags. 2. All other members must attend 1 weekly event and post at least once a day. 3. For those members that might be inactive for a while, we have a Inactivity Thread. Just post how long you'll be inactive for and estimated return time and you're good to go. Forums, Members, & Miscellanous 1. Our forums have interesting topics and helpful admin. 2. Members of FoRE are cool, fun, and mature. We're here for a good time, so why not join us? 3. We have various pinned topics to get familiar with the doings of FoRE. 4. Every month, a member gets an interview for dedicating time to FoRE and what they like about it. Also allows for a better insight of others and to respect one another. Consider it kind of a "Member of the Month". So there it is: a little sample of FoRE. But now you might be thinking: "What do I need to join?" The only thing necessary is have a mic, be active, and have a good time. We'll work with you no matter what skill level or rank you are. We don't even care what country you're from. We accept everyone. Wanna join us? The links right here: FoR Home
  2. hello this is the recruitment form for the stealth ********. this is the clan twitter @@StealthBastards follow if you want i suggest it as events will be posted there its also going to be my YouTube channels twitter. We are competitive and will do MLG but you don't need to be pro to join we will even train you on our maps designed to hone your skills, we are very good at stealth and ambushing so objective based games are our speciality. we do custom games when we have free time and we will use player made maps and gamemodes. upon joining you will be assigned a clan tag which will be SB and the number member you are, however you may earn a specialization tag themed to your skills in games with us your armor is to be steel and gold we have some rules as-well: - NO Racism - NO Hacking - NO Preaching Religion - NO Disrespect - NO Arguing - Must use clan tag and colors while in clan games - must earn specialization clan tag e.g SBLW we currently have 4 fireteams each holds 8 members; a captain, a driver, a sniper, a objective man and 4 soldiers we will choose if you are a sniper driver etc according to your skill I Umarail am the leader of Gold Team AI Stickyim IA is the leader of red team XI swishboy IX is the leader of the blue team Sebthemonkey47 is the leader of the green team add or message my gamertag: UmaraiL tweet me or post on this thread to ask to join so we can assign a tag and team - UmaraiL
  3. any british members add UmaraiL and we'll talk on xbox and anyone who wants a clan but cant start it up or only has a couple of members we can make you a team leader and your recruits can stay in your squad remember add UmaraiL and we'll talk on xbox mate
  4. Looking for a semi serious clan that knows how to have fun. I'm a decent all around Halo player. I'll be the driver, the gunner, the sniper support, the front line, or anything lol plus I don't mind hurting my K/D a bit to get the win while playing objective games. Ive been playing ever since Halo 1 ( god i just realized how long ago that was lol ) Since I'm a college student I have a lot of free time between classes and such I would prefer a more mature crowd of people to be honest, I dont want to feel like I'm gaming with a bunch of cry babies lol If anyone has an opening you can post here or message my GT: Arctiic Inferno Looking forward to gaming with you guys!
  5. I am looking for anyone interested in starting up a clan with me. I of course will be a leader, but in my clan there will be a ranking system. I currently have yet to select a name for this clan, but I do have 3 ideas. 1.)F.W.S. (Forever We Stand) 2.)Crimson 3,)Immortal/Immortals. I would like to have those who want to join to vote on which name they like the most and when I feel like I've decided on a name based on your opinions then I'll announce it. So please join, vote, and hit me up online so we can play some Halo!
  6. Looking for some people to start a clan wth, or looking to join a clan. as of now my K/D is 0.98 and Im an SR-55 Wetwork Lv 5. Hit me up and lets play some Halo
  7. Hello! My Gamertag is Th3Conman17 and I am making a clan. As of right now no one is apart of it so please join if you interested. To make you want to join a little more let me give you the Clan Poem and Back story. Legion Poem - "We hear no evil, see no fear, listen as we whisper in your ear, Midnights fright we bring terror as soon as you see us in your sights, mothers dawn she’s almost here we must be on the brink of daylight, all you see is fire and burning and all we see is the glorious defeat of our treacherous enemy, beyond the bump we stand grand and tall screaming over all and all the brink of devastation is near, we are The Legion of Followed Brothers." The Saviors We Are, Back Story It was late, it was cold, the air was filled with smoke and ashes, bodies upon bodies were piled, the blood gushed and flowed onto the thick, moist ground. The only survivors of the war were crawling, you could hear them grunting helplessly as they struggled to crawl, as they struggled to survive... The sky was black; you couldn’t see a thing, not a tree, not even a glimpse of one. The victors were even helplessly crawling, except for a few, and they were probably praying, praying that they were alive. Hours passed 2, Maybe 3? Ahh, nobody cared anyways! They were all as good as dead! But then a light shined, ‘HOPE’ is what the boys now call it, but then it just seemed like another light coming from a helicopter doing patrols to see if anybody was still alive, just so they could kill them. But no this helicopter was here to be a savior. It landed and started to deploy land units, search and rescue squads mostly. These saviors, these men, these heroes, they saved all the men on the battle field that day, and they took back the land the men they saved were fighting for. Till’ this day nobody knows who these men are or where they went. But the rumor is the saviors got back on the helicopter with the men they saved right behind them, following. We got this information after interrogation from an enemy spy who claims he seen everything. The nick name we gave these men is ‘The Legion of Followed Brothers’ – Stolen Files from a classified Military. If this stuff seems cool please join, but if this stuff makes you think I'm a ****** well then just leave! Lol If you want to join send me a friend request on Xbox live and/or join here http://tlfb.forumotion.com/
  8. Hello there! My clan i would like to have others recruited is called Mythic, a little information is going to be provided for you below. I am the only current Member unfortantly Hoping for new members of course And thats all the information i can previde As you can see its going to be a slow process to bring the clan up to a respectable level but thats why this post is here! Just message me if you want to join the clan And friend my Gamertag (Snyde Hyde) I'd appreciate it if you are mature and over-react about things, Thank you for your time and i anticipate that your going to join me
  9. This is for the Joker Clan in regards to clan battles and recruiting. We have 122 clanmates and are always looking for more. Most of us are on during the weekends and we are always looking to battle. We usually get together and play custom games or play some BTB.
  10. Revolution of Gaming is a large gaming community that was started in 2008. A community built by gamers, for gamers who have a passion for playing video games as a fun social activity. All built around a structure that is fit for never ending growth and to create social experiences that inspire action. A new member has the option to participate in the 'military like' rank structure. Not required, you can still join and just game as a gamer. The ranks give our community a simple, but enjoyable community experience. Members can socialize and participate in our community forums, weekly events, competitive teams on Gamebattles and our thriving online community on Xbox LIVE. RoG's community is divided into several brigades, and the one I am recruiting for plays Halo 4 - RoG Requiem! Requiem is one of the brigades in RoG that is based around Halo 4. Within our brigade you'll find separate companies, and upon joining you'll be placed into one. Once you're in a company, you're set. With dozens of mebers in Requiem, and hundreds more in RoG, you'll always have someone to play Halo - or any other game - with! In order to join Impulse, you'll first need to get signed up on Revolution of Gaming. Next, please post an application in this forum, and read the sticky thread before posting. While you're waiting for that to be accepted, you should read the about thread which explains Revolution of Gaming in much more detail. If you are interested in joining and you have a question, please message me on Xbox Live or on the revolutionofgaming.com website! (I am Zeero88 on both)
  11. Starting a new clan called Souls Of Shadows. We will be playing anything requested inside the clan including clan battles. Requirements: Your K/D must be above .85, You should be at least SR 25 Above the age of 14 Good attitude, sportsmanship and skills For more information email [email protected] If you're interested reply or send a message to SycoGamer99
  12. I need a clan, I am tired of playing with the random Halo 4 people who don't know how to play as a team, and have no mic. I am looking for organized clan with ranks, I like the idea of ranking up. I am looking for an established clan on Halo 4, so at least 30-40 people or more. I am looking for a clan that can make me a better player, and in turn I will do my best to make it a better clan. If anyone knows of a clan like this or is part of one let me know. Thanks
  13. Hello everyone, I didn't see a spot that was seperate from this to post a "looking" ad, I hope that putting one here is okay. I was a rifleman in a previous group some years ago during Halo 3. I took a break from the genre after Halo 3 and have come back with Halo 4. That said my skills are not as honed as they once were. I am looking for a group of people who enjoy playing Halo. I kept a positive K/D ratio for most of my career, went mostly undefeated in Halo 2 1v1. I tend to favor, as one might expect, mid-range weapons. I enjoy objective and slayer games. Logistics: Eastern Time Zone U.S. GT: ElyonPravus I go by X or Elyon. Feel free to send a message on live or reply here.
  14. Dgnified Gaming What's up guys, are you looking for a clan who is competitive and has fun at the same time. If you are this is the best clan for you. We are a group of people who are very good at the game in different ways. Only being 11 days old this clan has many things to offer. We have a ranking system, 8 divisions, and we are working on a machinima. Our ranking system is very easy to follow. To rank up you need to show that you have skill. To show us that you have skill you need to participate in our soon to be weekly tournament. Our tounament will be on clan maps that we have forged with our forging divison. Our 8 divisions are for fun. When you join the clan you pick a division. A division shows what your type of gamestyle you play. Whether it is close quarters or long range. As I said before we have 8 divisions, so check them all out before you choose what division you want to be under. Even if you are not a positive k/d player we will still accept you with open arms. Better then accepting you we will help you become better at the game with the help of our boot camp division.To learn more about this clan check us out at our website. www.dignified-gaming.webs.com( Sorry guys I do not know how to put in a link) Also do not for get the .webs part of the addres. Our website has the list of the rules, ranks, and divisions. Before saying that we are not a good clan check us out. Another way to contact me is on x-box live. GT: Nubey Tooby( No I do not Noob Toob)
  15. So I'm looking for a mature group of people to play halo 4 and reach with I'm fairly competitive but play for fun the only things that annoy me are screaming kids that's all ill list my stats below... Halo Reach: Colonel Grade 3 BPR: 73 K/D: 1.65 Wins: 56% Medals: 9,968 Challenges: 100 Campaign: Legendary Halo 4: SR 35 K/D: 2.09 Wins: 42 Loss: 34 Challenges: 19 Campaign: Legendary Gamertag: TdR I SH0RTSHOT
  16. We are getting more and more members everyday, and you can be one of them! This clan is for fun and to play matchmaking and alot of custome games, toournaments and more:D Visit our website at '' www.smo1.enjin.com '' or message my on xboxlive '' prcision ace142 ''. See you there!
  17. Looking for a good clan in halo 4. Any will be fine, just have good honest members and enjoy life in general.
  18. I am looking for a military like clan that is not very competitive and has fun when playing. I am 14 years old just in case you where wondering.
  19. Hello, My name is Ben, my GT is Dark ArchangeI (The last letter is an Capital i). I am recruiting people for a new series of machinima's evolved with Halo 4. Im very serious about my work and im very excited to get this thing started. If you would like to contact me about this Clan, Please email me @ [email protected] or message me on Xbox Live. Thank you
  20. Hello 343 community. I am posting here today recruiting and challenging other clans for my newly created clan, the Prophets. We are a mature community of gamers and we are very competitive. Most of us are new to clans, but very experienced with Halo 4. I am mostly looking for new members, as we don't have many yet to challenge other clans. However we will take on any challenge. We have a base built with an area for attackers, and we will play any game type that's fair to both sides. If your interested in joining we will have practice almost everyday, if not everyday, so you must be able to be online often. We accept Halo 4 Ranked players, but you will be tested and it will be difficult to join if your not experienced. We are looking for players good at all different styles of combat. Please note that you will be asked to change to our matching emblem, and in the future one piece of armor will match with all members. Here are a list of ranks in the Prophets system. You will start off in the rank I believe best fits you, however I will move you at any time. Also, each rank is either defense, offence, or neutral. This is only for base battles. Recruits: The least experienced players we will accept. Defense. Soldiers: Average members. Neutral. Marksmen: Players good with rifles and medium range weapons. Neutral Rangers: Players good with a combination of long range and short range weapons. Offence. Shadows: Players all about stealth and assassinations. Neutral. Brutes: Players all about heavy weapons and destruction. Offence. Pilots: Players good with DRIVING vehicle. (Note all players use vehicles) Offence. Border men: Players good with close up defense. Defense. Operators: Commanding players. Players with lots of experience. Neutral. Commanders: Very experienced players. Neutral Prophets: The clans best 3 players. Please message me on the forums or send me a message on Xbox. Gamertag: sherlockpj FINAL NOTE: All players MUST have a mic. No exceptions.
  21. Hey I'm sckull152 im looking for a team the title says it all.
  22. We are a clan called SMO, short for Salinban Military Organization, we are a Halo 4 clan and are looking for new members to fight in Halo 4, If you would like to join my E-mail is '' [email protected] '' or my xboxlive gamertag is '' prcision ace142 ''. I am looking forward to you're replies!
  23. Hello everyone, I'm new to the site. Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying Halo 4. I wasn't going to give this game a try, until about a month before launch because it wasn't Bungie. I decide to see what 343i had to offer and I think they have done a wonderful job. I can say I'm enjoying myself more than I did reach. I also was looking for a clan/guild to join. I really want to be part of a gaming community. I have been looking around but nothing seems to fit. I'm a star wars fan and I play on everything (pc/xbox 360/ps3). I'm a casual player but I love to get more involved. So I'm just looking for a great community to join. Been playing Halo 4, SW:TOR, Planet Side 2, and BF3 (pc or ps3). If that helps any. I'll see you all through the scope of my BR
  24. Greetings! *deep bow* The name is Archon SNiPER, and the game is Halo 4. I've surprised myself with this game, coming out on either top or in second place every game so far; usually with a Sniper Rifle or a Directed Marksman Rifle. I'm currently 17 years old, and I've played Halo for 4 years now. I'm looking for a clan to play with, so I don't keep on getting stuck with people who, quite frankly, are very bad. (inb4 egotistical) NOT JUST ANY CLAN, HOWEVER!!! I'm looking for a clan that fits at least two of the following criteria: 1. COMPETITIVE ~ This means that its members play to WIN, not just **** around. 2. TIGHT-KNIT ~ This means that its members look out for each other, and cover each other's asses in combat. 3. WILLING TO GET BETTER ~ Exactly as it says. I want to play with people to want to get better, as I want to as well. Please reply or message me if you are in a clan that fits at least two of the above criteria. Thanks!! Bump.
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