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Everything posted by Vendetta

  1. I'm gonna go for the first thing for it, so the closest thing to my left is my friends 7 year olds sister.
  2. I swallow it. You find a basket of puppies at your doorstep, and they turn into half brutes-half jackals, what do you do?
  3. I would throw a banana the other way i was going and run for it. You are in your room and a jackal (From halo 4) is about to tackal you to the ground. What do you do?
  4. It's handy when someones in a tank/turret. Plus the explosion is handy.
  5. I'm a melee kinda guy. Annoying when it drops the gun when you melee.
  6. The plasma pistol fires super heated plasma... and it sounds like a bullet coming out of it. Not cool. And the beam rifle from halo reach sounded like star wars.
  7. I can just imagine a mini promethean knight, so cute.
  8. I use my incineration cannon against them. You are on skype/facebook when the internet stops working, what will you do?
  9. I haven't played halo 2 for a long time, so i'll go with ODST, mainly because i kept getting lost in the fricken city.
  10. YES! BRING BACK THE FLOOD! I bet they would look awesome with the new graphics. Imagine: 4 way in campaign, Prometheans vs covenant vs Master Chief vs flood. Hell yeah.
  11. It doesn't take as much effort, if they didn't have those it wouldn't mean they would make an extra mission.
  12. A spear my parents got from Africa, hell yeah.
  13. Hug him. You are in your home town, and there is a zombie apocalypse. There is a smart zombie that says it wants to help you, what do you do?
  14. I would get the puppy i killed from the woods skin, and use it as a mini-parachute, along with the shark skin. You are faced with a covenant elite, you are a normal human with nothing. What do you do?
  15. That's why you only use the AR in close range. Use your pistol for long-medium range.
  16. Um... they used a flash clone of Dr Halsey's brain, giving her a nervous system. Then they put it into data.
  17. Dude, could you at least spell properly? And I think that is a terrible idea, sounds like a rip-off of the promethean crawler. And taming it? No. Just no.
  18. Even though you can't zoom in, so it's like going for a lucky shot.
  19. A human skull. Made of stone. MHA HA HA.
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