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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. how EA are thinking right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1k2SNtq79c
  2. Scattershot, like Caboose. Just a great weapon
  3. Nice video. as much as i like the idea and how you've justified it, I believe they're shipping every game the EXACT same way, therefore, no forging
  4. Aren't Hopes and Wishes the same thing really? Anyway. Dedicated Servers - Check (Stops DDOSing and lag overall really) Ranking System - Check Good Halo - getting 4, check. Community reunited? - Check. All you can ask for really.
  5. Since i believe they are bringing Halo EXACTLY how it was from when it was first released, it seems very unlikely.
  6. This sounds really good, i have a lot of friends who play Payday and nearly got me to buy it. something else to buy when i get an XB1. Good Article. (Is Payday 1 any good?)
  7. They want to move away from 360, and so therefore they won't add anymore halo content onto 360, aside from Halo 4 updates. So no.
  8. I want this too. It's fun to hear them rage and complain and say we're hacking from 12 year olds.
  9. I liked AA. They should be put in, but nerfed heavily so they are not as userful and powerful, since it seems 343i want to move away from AA. This may be what the other abilities are, weakened versions.
  10. It'll definitely grow a lot more compared to halo 4, no question. As big as it used to be? I doubt it, like RSR said, there is a lot more competition these days in terms of FPS.
  11. They were weakened in reach/4. IMO they were balanced in Halo 3.
  12. Well done coldfreeze! Here's to another 2000!
  13. Uhhhhhhh. First statement was wrong already, not going to read anymore.
  14. They are being read, just some people don't reply. Halo.xbox.com < go there.
  15. Most people are probably going to play Halo 1 & 2 in matchmaking anyway, it's not really a huge issue.
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