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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. never said you did, i just didn't want other people to question him.
  2. I will PM him about it, he definitely knows what he's doing. Its not him, its the people who play it.
  3. The simple fact is, this isn't Mafia anymore. This has become ridiculous, and it has been ruined by certain people. hence why, I'm out. You can believe whatever role you think i am, and can vote on me if you want, i don't care anymore. As said previously, this isn't how Mafia is played. This is kind of why it doesn't work in a forum situation, it needs to be instant and quicker. Sorry if i've come off as a buzzkill, it was a nice idea.
  4. So annoyed with some people right now.

  5. This is me and Peanut in a nutshell:
  6. If you're that mad about bad teammates, stay on this site and find some to play with. You may enjoy the gametypes and the game a lot more then.
  7. ^ This. Halo 5 should be more important than any revamps.
  8. Already got it and 100% agree, its great. Good review.
  9. What's wrong with that? people like variety. EDIT: My bad, misread.
  10. You have no evidence over me. I vote from null to caboose, for random.
  11. They have you Yang = Biggles + Peanut + GSD
  12. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/34236-halo-combat-evolve-muliplayer-servers-shutting-down/ Should answer it for you.
  13. Null. No real proof of anything right now.
  14. Clans are good, but to me, teams offer more and are better structured. The problems with a clan is that everyone has to be on at different times and its not really structured, with teams, you can be on and you will get things done.
  15. Can you PM us a time when you will be on and avaliable? That way then we can find you a teammate easily.
  16. Doing 2v2's most of the night with P34nut, hit us up if you're interested.

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