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  1. From the album: Halo Wallpapers

    Created using various stock images and custom brushes

    © COL0NEL SANDERS 2012

  2. Hey guys. I need some help making an BTB city map. Anyone interested?
  3. Here Is Entry 13, hope you enjoy it! 1. The Pit This map is very MLG Specified. From the Opening strategy to the ending strategy. Okay, so, to begin with, you want to send everyone here Why? Well, the name is in the picture, its where the rockets are, and the rockets are essential for any form of gameplay. Since the Pit is so open, you can run around freely and kill everyone you want to, with rockets, the pit is your playground, so, i would send at least 3 of your team to rockets, and 1 guy through the other hall (Right of rocket hall) so they can come round the back of their side of rocket hall and kill them from the back. In the mid game, you need to control their side, so, all of this: Needs to be controlled, specifically, the sniper tower on the far right? Why? cause then you control spawns and can dominate the game just by picking them off spawn. Also, You may want to control their side of green so you can kill them off the spawn of the top left side of them which is not in the picture, but, this is an easy to get quick flag caps if done properly, In My Opinion, Id have the following: ONE Person at their side of Rocket Hall ONE Person at their side of the hall right of Rocket Hall (Long Hall) ONE Person moving the flag through Rocket Hall ONE Person at their sniper tower to cover everyone off their spawn. This is the ideal setup, we all know 9/10 we won't get this perfect, but if you get around that are you have a strong chance of winning games, just make sure you are all covering each other cause if 1 / 2 people die, the whole setup breaks and you guys may have to be defending instead of attacking. For Defending i'd do the same setup, it is a sort of reversible setup as it works both ways, again, its all about teamwork though, NEVER use sword though unless necessary, because, its of no worth and you will be seen as just looking for kills in a flag game, which we don't. 2. Preparing For Halo 4. Now, with halo 4 coming out in a little while i feel people could be doing some preparation for halo 4. to begin with, why you should play halo 3. Halo 3: BR, Movement, Maps due to colour and stuff, and possibly the ranking system, since we have no idea of what the ranking system is going to be like, we can presume its going to be somewhat like the halo 3 one. (Not the XP one, the trueskill one.), Carbine. Halo Reach: DMR, AA's, Jumping, HitScan, 5 Shot Kill, Some Maps, Some Covanent/Promethean Weapons, Sniper. 3.Specializations For Halo 4. As a player from halo 1, this kind of scares me but excites me at the same time. Specializations. This new feature which gives you slight adjustments to your armour causes you to get little effects, here is a video of it all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMu_goBmBwU So, with this, i was wondering what specializations you guys would pick, put in the comments below what you would pick, but personally, i'd pick Wetworks Or Tracker, as it seems that these 2 are the most game beneficial, but, i want to know what you want. So, say below! 4. Dual Combo in MLG Now, i don't mean dual combo as in double spikers, SMG, etc, i mean like, favourite combo, IE: DMR/Sniper, DMR/Magnum, etc. Personally, my favourite is DMR/Plasma Pistol, why? I can overcharge the Plasma pistol and pick up the easy kill with the DMR, or DMR and Sniper for the same reasons. But, combos change depending on the player, so i'd be interested to know what your favourite combo is and why 5. Other News Just Gonna leave you guys with a gameplay from my good friend, Gazzy, enjoy and watch to get some tips on how to get a better player. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rp4-8IdRLQ&feature=plcp
  4. Hello. I am SeanM666 i have decided to form a new clan dedicated to Swat on halo reach. I am interested in meeting players who just want to play swat for fun. If you decide that The O is right for you msg me on xboxlive gamer tag is same as on here. this clan how ever is not like most which want you to add their clan name to your gamertag or service tag you are unique so why should you be branded with something as pointless as that. as long as you list that you are part of The O on your profile that will be fine. this is a new clan idea that i have decided to put together. first off im looking only for 3 other players at this time. 2nd down the road i plan on having those three recruit so that each member has their own squad. an that will continue on and on so that more players have their own squad an others who will be available to play with. Remember communication is key in good team work if that is not established that team will falter.3rd if you are a custom game fanatic we also will have a group dedicated to ensuring maps that will be well suited for swat. i will also lead that part of the organization for i enjoy making swat maps of my own.(laughs inside i enjoy makin any kind of map really) try outs will be held on 9/21/12 why on a friday? because this gives me time to do a small tournament to pits the most formidable foes against each other over the weekend thus narrowing it down to the top 3 skilled players who will be apart of the foundation of The O. this way i will have my 3 members an afterwards they can go out and recruit their members when i am not available. The O's motto? hmm good question i am going to hold a contest for that after i get 3 more founding members for now The O's motto is simply "never dwell on the past nor look toward the future live in the now or you will surely miss whats in front of you." SeanM666 also note if you are not picked because you got eliminated from the tournament do not be discouraged for you will still be a valuable key to The O's foundation. If of course you feel like you still wish to be apart of The Organization. So as of this moment i am officially the founding member of The O. And from this point on I will be waiting to hear from anyone and everyone who wish to join. I thank you for your time. i look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield.
  5. The point to this thread is that hopefully I will catch peoples (343's) attention so they dont make the same mistakes Bungie made with the Halo Reaches Forge World. One of the biggest mistakes (in my opinion) that Bungie made in the Halo Reach Forge World is, that they had specific plans for each forgeable area, like the Rock was used for Pinnacle, the Cliff Side was used for Asylum, the Canyon was used for Hemmorhage, etc and the rest of the areas are extremely unusefull such as the Island, the Island is pretty mucha map by itself, and the places over the Canyon have no boundaries. This was a mistake, you need to make forging areas that can be redesigned (by the forger) hundreds of times. Most forgers such as myself want to make fun and visually stunning maps made for competetive reasons. I do love the new shadow maps that the objects get or give to the map in the Halo 4 Forge and all the niffty little tools like Magnets, Duplicate and Lock, but we need something that will make a big impact (but "reasonable" ideas) to major forgers. Also I woudl hope that there would be objects that would have similar designs as to what enviroment you are working in, for example, say you have a railing that looks like the Forrunner rails in the Reach Forge World, but in a different enviroment such as a UNSC ship you have the same object but it looks like the UNSC railing, these kind of objects would go along why to helping us forgers make that stunning maps we dream of. Here are some questions that I would like to have asnwered. 1: If you have and entire map built with magnets activated (on every single object), when you select an object will it move the entire network? 2: Can you multi select, for example, select a folder on your computer and the hold shift and select another one, can you do that? 3: Will we see a larger Natural objects pallet?
  6. COMPANY FREELANCER Company Freelancer or CFL is a Competitive Clan. We have very skilled members that will more than likely be on everyday. We don't judge people by K/D but how they perform. How well you do in a 1v1, or Team Slayer with the clan determines if you can join. We don't necessarily have a ranking system all we really require is that you wear the emblem. Our clan record is I would say around 26-1. We have two leaders one being myself and the other being the U.K. Leader WK Fighter. We have a U.S. and U.K. Division. I lead the U.S. We have around 35 members. We have a youtube link here http://www.youtube.com/user/CompanyFreelancer/featured and if you would like to sign up using a form you can go to our website here http://companyfreelancer.webs.com/ there we will post clips, gameplay, clan battles, game nights, machinimas, etc. You can expect us to be around for a while and expect us in Halo 4. If you would like to join message me JimmyEagle13 or sign up using the form on the webite.
  7. Halo 4 WRAPAROUND in Halo Reach! (DOWNLOAD LINK) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUj9O5Hrruc Map Link Gametype Link
  8. This is the forum where you may post your Slayer and Objective maps for the community to down load, play and enjoy. When posting maps always give a complete description of what your map is intended to be played as, links for the maps, links for and special game types required, a minimum of at least two screen shots and a video if available. Here is and example of a properly posted map with links. Map : Immunity Icon Challenge 1 (Note the link embedded in the map name and highlighted for easy viewing) Game Type : Classic Slayer Map Description : This map was used for the first Immunity Icon Challenge for SURVIVOR Halo Style and, along with a series of clues, the first contestant to find and message me via PM (Private Message) the exact location of the icon and what is is will win the Immunity Icon. This map is intended to be played in customs games and there is no time limit. Because of the nature of this map and contest I only offered one screen shot. Clues From your first spawn your only navigational need.....will be right in front of you, so be sure to take heed, Before you take your first step Reach out and take hold.....of this weapon of death that will give life to the bold. Using your compass and the scope of this powerful beast.....look ahead for a stand in the distant Northeast. Plotting a course from your spawn across this vast land.....will be the first test of your abilities to reach the objective at hand. From this point you will carry on in a way......that will mark your ability to comprehend the word play. While standing upon this most lofty spot.....look down and due North, where green grass meets rock. Look hard and you'll see the next navigational point.....it's colored for easy recognition, so not to disappoint. Standing on this new mark look back, due Southeast,......walk to where stone ends the land at the least. It is from here looking due Northeast at the top of this rock.....where, when you stand, you'll see a most holy spot. Yes its the cave that lays from where you stand on this crest.......so follow your compass true and Continue on with your immunity quest. As you pass through this cave whose stone middle shines bright.....be sure to move in a way that keeps your path to the right. Standing here, at the end of the cave you will view.....two trees together in the distance towards them now move. While standing between these two giants, you rest,......but looking East, up high on the rocks, you'll rest best. For as they say "X" marks the spot, know this is true.....because from here you will get a magnificent view. Now look down and due West, and your start across water will be seen.....cross this bridge and don't fall into this liquid ravine. As you exit this bridge of height a worn path, you see, will fall between.....two rock faced sides that you must pass through being brown, not green. As you exit this passage ahead of you lies.....a rock in the water, by itself it resides. Stand atop this lone rock in, it's tranquil place, and look to the East......walking along course you will stumble upon a bridge that is traveled the least.[/font] At end of this elevated path, not yet passed, a view doth give......the entrance to another path that carries to yet another bridge. A large stone that sits at the end of this raised path over water.....has to be climbed and topped if you want to see the next marker. It is from here, looking back to the cave.......above which you'll see a familiar color and wave. Turn to your left and you will see with your scope.....a matching color that tell you your next the starting slope. Cross from this slope over depressed land......a path whose end slopes into the sand. It is here at paths end that a crimson bush stands alone....crouch down upon it, look due West, true, for a red flashing zone. It will not be easy to see this distant clue.....you must be patient and expand your view. Once you have spied this final waypoint.....mark a true path until you reach a vanishing point. You final true path, if followed straight, will bring you to lands end.......you need only look directly down, then to me a message send. Tell me what I have hidden and where it is seen.....and I grant you your wish that this Icon does bring. That is the clue to Reach the Icon, please do not message me.
  9. [ BETA ] Also on Halo Waypoint <-- Lore (Basic) (In works) Their was once a alliance between the two groups 'Name 1' and 'Name 2' they lived in a beautiful world called Gorgon (subject to change) the world was beautiful and peaceful everyone was happy.. well at least that's what we thought. It turns out that their was a powerful weapon in a secret location it was rumored for years until someone saw a glimpse of it but was unable to obtain it. Once they heard about it they went after it but once they got there they saw who was their.. the groups split apart and battled to the death.. it was a tragic day that time.. but now twenty years later the war is still going on scouts going across the land trying to sabotage the others in plan on being the superior and obtaining the powerful weapon. The Factions Faction #1: (Good) They have made an oath to not steal or scam other people, but this does not stop people who end up betraying them. They are very well protected usually keeping scouts on the watch, will do what they can to stop (Faction #2) Faction #2: (Evil) They are not very kind people, these people are usually hidden or caught stealing from the other faction, you better watch your back when your trying to trust one of these guys who knows what will happen. Rules - No swearing / foul language - No going in forge mode without permission from Admin - No giving out real life personal information Features - Factions - Faction Wars - Faction Home - Friends & Foes - Class System - Jobs - Bounty Hunters - Town System (Mayor / Second in command) - More to come Class System - Marksman (Magnum, DMR, Sprint) - Sharpshooter (Magnum, Sniper, Sprint) - Grenadier (Magnum, Grenade Luancher, Sprint) - Infiltrator (Magnum, Assault Rifle, Sprint) - Guard (Magnum, Shotgun, Sprint) How do we play 'Halo Roleplay'? Well that's the simple and easier part, you pick your faction based on what your pay style is, learning strategies, obtaining a job, joining in on the front lines in search of what the other is doing. What is required is you use a mic. your name will go as your Gamertag to keep real or fake names more confidential. Now you may ask how do we set up a job or fort? Well that's the easy part you will receive 1 free build then the next you will have to pay for with the in-game currency, the build will be limited due to the forge currency but you will be able to have a basic shop which can sell weapons, tools, equipment, all of these sorts but once you run out you will have to re-stock with a small price. Now you may ask how do these buildings get built? well the admin in the game will have the schematic to build the basic structure or you will be given a certain amount of materials to build it. Each event for when Halo Roleplay will be live will be posted under this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to reply below! How do Faction Wars work? Well each faction will have a leader, the leader will be a admin until a 'active' player decides to overthrow that leader. The leader's of the faction can meet up or send scouts to talk to the other faction and declare war, their will be multiple war zones to play on, such as battlegrounds. How do I get to play Halo Roleplay? You can fill out the early BETA phase application! Each person who applies will receive a private message if they have been approved or denied. If you have been approved you will be updated with all content. Extra Information Sense their is no official names for the factions I will let the community name the Faction reply below with the names of the Factions and the most liked will be the official names for the factions. What I need to make this happen If you would like to be any of these please reply below and I will contact you. On how you can help. Requirements (skype) Skype is free Download <-- - Forgers (Help create the world) (unlimited) - Story Writers (Lore) (0/5) - Beta Testers (players) (Doesn't require Skype) (unlimited) - Admin (Supervise gameplay, Interact with players, Host Events) (1/10) Important In order for this to happen I must at least get 10-15 votes on the public poll to this thread so I know this will become a success. One the poll hits its target the build of the world will be in progress and you will all be updated. BETA Tester Application Format (Private Message me your app) Map Staff Admin - TyGuy1050 - TyGuy1050
  10. Picture Overview: http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30456500 Gamertag: "Not Ajtiger2" Map: Suspense Gametype: Team Slayer (Red/Blue), Assault, CTF This is a Team-based, symmetrical map focused on a bridge over a gorge. Made mostly for fun, unique gameplay, a notable feature is an exploding/collapsing center section of the bridge, activated by players. Teleports on top of each base's tower teleport you to a lower section below the bridge, while teleports on the lower section teleport you to either side of the bridge. The lower section hosts two banshees, however a sniper rifle in the lower-center and a spartan laser in the very middle if the bridge can easily destroy them with a bit of skill. Long spawn times for weapons and risk/reward balances tend to balance the map well, while making gameplay still exciting. Despite the powerful weapons placed, a good ol' DMR or Assault Rifle can still do much damage, especially with long sight lines AND close combat involved. Each side of the gorge hosts a team's base, with the tower being the main target in assault and CTF gametypes. Due to the amount of action on this map, it is made for 8-16 players, however it is still playable with less. On my Fileshare: http://halo.xbox.com...s=&startIndex=0 I would REALLY appreciate feedback, I am well aware that i'm not a pro forger by any stretch of the imagination, but i've changed/edited it a few times, and in the custom games I host with 10+ people, its a big hit! Any suggestions/feedback are welcome, especially from people from THFE! Overview of map https://companion.ha...547&size=Medium Red Base, near the bridge https://companion.ha...550&size=Medium Red Side of the bridge https://companion.ha...535&size=Medium Exploding center of the bridge https://companion.ha...510&size=Medium Lower Section https://companion.ha...545&size=Medium Blue Tower https://companion.ha...534&size=Medium Action Shots: https://companion.ha...065&size=Medium https://companion.ha...059&size=Medium https://companion.ha...058&size=Medium https://companion.ha...060&size=Medium https://companion.ha...063&size=Medium (^near one of the two rocket spawns) https://companion.ha...061&size=Medium
  11. Circle Gaming Community Are you planning to buy halo 4 or even still play halo reach well Circle gaming is a gaming community that is all about reach. We all love the halo series and so should you. if you don't believe us check out: https://www.circlegaming.weebly.com If you see what you like join! all you got to do is go to the join us page.
  12. We are a normal halo reach/4 clan that would like to have as many members as possible! The clan is divided in different divisions and ranks, read more about them on guardiansofonyx.enjin.com. We have some payment problems on our website at the moment but our info is still available. The divisions are Tactical, Vehicle Specialist, Engineering, Close Quarters and Fallen Demon. We also have standard divisions for those who don't know what to join! And those divisions are Hurricane, Magma and Tsunami. Fallen Demon: Really good at the game, pure slayers and highly skilled. Tactical: Good with precision and far range weapons such as the sniper, pistol and DMR. Engineering: The best and most skilled forgers out there. Close Quarters: Stealthful and highly dangerous up close. Vehicle Specialist: Our finest drivers, capable to drive anything that is driveable. You have to be Lt. Colonel and have a mic, also have some maturity so you won't annoy other members. We would gladly take your request but only on the xbox. The people to contact are Onyx FrostCloud, ZeonZz and Detcon! If none of them can recruit you so ask if someone else in the clan can do that, everyone in the clan can recruit if they recruit with they follow the standards of the clan.
  13. 343industries have updated Halo Waypoint to offer filebrowsing functionality previously offered by Bungie.net. We've been without screenshot and gametype sharing for a couple of months now whilst 343i worked on a replacement for Bungie's service. Well, here it is: http://halo.xbox.com...ach/filebrowser A quick check suggests it has similar functionality to what we had come to expect from Bungie, though I think the way it offers up content on the front page like this is actually better than B.net - Awesome! http://www.littleeng...er-is-back.html View full article
  14. Another Entry of BABHP Coming your way! The Secret To Zealot. when i think of Zealot, the first map that comes to me is Heretic (Halo 3) Or Midship (Halo 2). Not just because of the obvious Covanent/Purple design put on it, but because of the way it was played. Like most maps, Heretic/Midship was won by top control of the P's and Carbine's and Top mid, if you had that, you'd win since you can shoot down on your enemies and take control of the map. Zealot is slightly different, but the same concept never remains. There's no real way to control Zealot, as its so open, however, there are ways to get spawn traps and keep them in the base for a while. Lets start with, the Pillars/Landings. As you can see, the Pillars are a lead up from the lifts, so obviously, if you control the pillars, you control the lifts, but also you can watch people coming down from the bases and flags and put fire on them before they ever see you, Pillars are easily the most important part of the map as they are basically your way to see everything going in the map and they are essentially control points for if you want to control the map itself, however, there are other control points which are needed. The Top mid is also important, as obviously you can see everywhere, you can see down the spiral, basement, everywhere, everywhere that needs to be taken care of, you can take care of from there, it is essential you control these main points as this will win you the game. If i had to play Zealot right now, i'd play it like this TWO on pillars/Landings ONE on Top Mid ONE on Bottom Mid These means all of the points which they can stop you are covered, as they will not be able to get close to you. 2. Your Teammates and Teamwork. Most MLG pro players consider their teammates their best friends. This is because they do a lot of social activities together. Soccer, Night Clubs, even MLG games in the same room, all of this leads to socializing and as such leading to better teamwork as you will be so used to each other that, while it will take a bit of time, your teamwork will just flow like that. So, if you want to make a team, try and get a team of people who are close to you so then you can hang out more and get used to each other, and this will improve your team game play, which is essential for a game like Halo Reach since Teamwork is now so much more important and individual skill isn't so much. 3. Your Dream Setup A Setup is essential to any up and coming player in order to get good. It is essential you have a good setup in order to raise your game to the next level. A Setup is arguably the most important thing in a MLG player as if you don't have the right setup, it won't work out. DON'T BUY A HUGE TV. Buy a 22 Inch Asus. Why? Because BIG TV's have screen lag and as such this will make the game play rubbish and not worthwhile, getting a small TV with no screen lag is brilliant as then you will hit shots you are meant to hit and there will be no lag coming with it because of your Big TV. BUY GOOD HEADPHONES. Good headphones are essential as you will be able to hear things many players can't, such as a grenade change or weapon change, which as a result will help you to guess where the player is and kill him, and he will be like "How the F did he know i was there?" Well, with good headphones like Steelseries or Astros, your game play and communication will improve greatly. Chair and stuff isn't essential as it doesn't really matter. However, i recommend getting a controller you will get used to quickly as that controller will be your life gaming wise. You can't keep switching controllers as every controller is different and it will feel weird. 4. Sports and how they help. Sports keep you active, they keep you healthy, and they keep you in top shape. However, many sports help to speed up reactions, sports like Baseball and Football/Soccer help speed up reactions as you have to think quick and on your feet, and this will transfer into games like halo, as it is the same concept, you have to be quick and think fast if you want to live, Many Pros like Tsquared and FearItSelf Play Basketball and some do Yoga to relax and stuff, because competitive gaming can get very stressful, and basketball is also a good way of speeding up reactions as you have to decide when to pass or shoot very quickly and if you make a mistake, you can lose some points for your team, so sports are a major help in reactions and similar things required to improve gaming. 5. Overview of Halo 4 for Competitive Needs. If you haven't heard about Halo 4, you have been living under a rock, on a bridge, or somewhere where no people live, and there's no form of communication or technology in the world, however, if you are one of the many people who have heard about halo 4, you will have seen many features like AA's, permanent Sprint, Weapons, etc. But, how will these fit into competitive/MLG likeings? First off, we need a ranking system, competitive gaming thrived off the ranking system and halo 4 should be no different, it shouldn't be 1-50 however it shouldn't be XP based either, it needs to be bang in the middle where it is fair but also competitive, this will lead to more people playing the game and the game lasting much longer. Also, Im glad 343i have realised that many people want classic gameplay, and with that they have taken out everything and just left us with the core gameplay, this will make many halo 2 / halo 3 /MLG fans happy as they wanted to play the game in its barebones and without any Halo 4 added settings, this was a good move by 343 for its competitive crew. IMO i think many of halo 4 features, if tweaked properly, can be used in MLG / Competitive settings, but i want to play the game with settings and without, and then i will make a future thread about it. Thanks For Reading. In Entry 13. - The Pit - Strategy - How To Get Ready for Halo 4 - Specializations for Halo 4 - Favourite Dual Combo to have in MLG - Other news.
  15. For forge world I always thought that after a while the monochrome buildings and repetetive terrain theme got boring, even with FX globes. I have found that the grey metalic colour scheme makes it hard to make themed buildings. I think that what they really need to do is to put in a changable theme if they have a forgeworld like map. I always got bored with the basic grey buildings, white cliffs, blue ocean and green grassland. I spent months designing 6 alternitive themes where the structure of blocks and terrain stays the same but ambience such as light, time of day, weather and background noises and the colour/patterns of items, terrain, ocean, sky and background change. There should be three possible variations for each block that you can switch between using the block settings menu. The first variation is the default block but edited slightly to reflect the theme and the second and third variations have the exact same shape and dimensions as the default block but has a theme dependent material and colour as well as unique effects such as cracking, staining and plant growth. This was designed for halo reach but could easily be re-purposed for halo 4 if it has a forge world-esque forge map (I personaly think there will judging on forge worlds popularity but I may be wrong) The 6 themes I worked on are: Desert Arctic Forest Cavern Volcanic Haunted More details on each theme- Desert: Blocks: pretty much the same theme as sandbox, Egyption style carved stone with engravings and sandy/dusty default Terrain: desert-ish coloured sandstone (if that makes any sense) and sand instead of grass. Ocean: either a deep blue oasis or quicksand (clear water in the lagoon) Weather: dusty orange sky with the occasional small sandstorm Ambience: faint scurryingfrom small creatures and distant vulture/buzzard calls Hemmorhage water cave: a small underground spring The colleseum: A chamber similar to the crypt from sandbox Background: Barren desert mountains Trees: Palm trees Arctic: Blocks: ice walls, alaskan/log cabin and snowy/ice encrusted default Terrain: blueish grey stone with snow instead of grass and ice patches over the small streams and pools of water Ocean: Light blue with ice over shallow areas and small non-solid chunks of ice floating around Weather: Bright white sky with light snowfall Ambience: Bright white light with the occasional faint wind Hemmorhage water cave: Frozen over The colleseum: Large Ice cave Background: Snowy mountains Trees: Snow covered pine trees Forest: Blocks: Wooden plank walls/treehouse, Aztec ruins and overgrown/mossy default Terrain:Mossy stone with undergrowth and long grass instead of normal grassland, Alaska and montana are one large fallen tree cracked in half with the roots at alaska and top at montana. pinnacle is one huge dead tree trunk, same with the rock above the hemmorhage water cave and the area below the quarry Ocean: Deep swamp with branches and dead trees sticking up out of (clearer water in lagoon) Weather: Foliage covering the sky and light leaf fall Ambience: Green gloom with shafts of light shining through holes in the canopy and loud bird calls Hemmorhage water cave: hollow tree stump with water dripping through The colleseum: An aztec chamber filled with carvings Background: Massive trees with canopies spreading overhead to block the sky from view Trees: None Cavern: Blocks: Subterrainian ruins, old mineshaft/wooden supports and moss covered default Terrain: A giant underground cavern where the cliffs spread up to the height limit to form a ceiling that extends into the distance as far as you can see. The island is a large shattered column with a large spike hanging from the ceiling where it used to meet and the pinnicle is a massive flat topped stalagmite. Bare dark grey stone with a few mushrooms in the cracks in rocks Ocean: Shallow water is replaced with crumbling ledges and the ocean is replaced by endless drop into darkness. the waterfall drops into the void as well. Weather: a couple of small stones and dust every now and then Ambience: Mist rising from the bottomless hole and fog in the distance to prevent you from seeing too far. Slight rumbling occasionaly and VERY faint wispers/growling coming from the bottomless hole (dont ask, it felt appropriate) Hemmorhage water cave: An underground spring The colleseum: Abandoned mine with supports around the edges Background: Continuous misty cavern on the ocean side of the island and cliff leading up to the ceiling on the lagoon side of the island Trees: Stalagmites Volcanic: Blocks: Dark granite like stone, A pale coloured ruins (stands out and fits the theme well for some reason) and Scorched/charred default Terrain: Blackened stone with lots of small cracks in the stone. No vegetation to speak of but small steam vents scattered around Ocean: Shallow water is now heated cracked stone with tiny lava veins in the cracks and the ocean is now lava, yep a sea of lava, I had to fit an old gaming cliche in here somewhere. the waterfall is now made of lava as well. Weather: The sky is a constant red but is usualy obscured by dark swirling clouds of smoke and ash with small fireballs raining down every now and then Ambience: Frequent rumbling with the occasional distant explosion of an eruption Hemmorhage water cave: A large steam vent The colleseum: A large are of ruins with odd symbols around the walls Background: Distant volcanoes and rivers of lava Trees: Steam vent Haunted: Blocks: Gothic mausoleum/crypt style ruins, abandoned/haunted mansion and neglected/overgrown default Terrain: Grey dull stone with dark/dead grass with bones scatered around (rarely) and perhaps the odd gravestone here and there Ocean: Shallow water is murky marsh with long marsh grass and the ocean is now grey and stormy Weather: Always misty with thick fog at about waist height and a constant thunderstorm with short periods of rain every 10-20 minutes. Dark shifting clouds and the occasional lightning bolt with a sharp loud crack of thunder that briefly illuminates the area Ambience: It is always night with a huge full moon and a grey ambient light, frequent howling wind and rare distant screams and howls. very rarely a shape will rise out of the water in random locations briefly before disappearing with a splash Hemmorhage water cave: A small patch of slowly bubbling marsh The colleseum: An ossuary lined with crypt doors some of which are damaged or cracked but not enought to fit even a monitor through Background: Dark mountains with swirling clouds and covered with dead trees and broken pillars/ruins Trees: Twisted and dead
  16. 343i can you please bring back squad dlc, it was my favorite gametype because all the maps were beautiful and unique. With this update I am afraid that I will never play those maps again because only a fraction of people have the dlc. I know you probably wont care but many people on the cat forums are sad, and angry. Such as I am at the moment. Please consider unretiring it. As they were some of the best maps reach has to offer, thank you if you read this. -alex smith
  17. L4B

    MLG Open Lobby

    Thought it'll be a good thing to have a thread to post when you looking for people to play with so why not.... So you wanna... play MLG? Scrim? Don' have that 4th player? or you don't have anyone to play with when you in lobby? then drop a line and let's party up
  18. So I was on vacation for the past week or so, and got logged back into Halo Reach to play me some Team Swat. For the past three days, the selections have been nothing but either "Asylum" or "Reflection", with a small scattering of "Sword Base" and "Countdown." I've probably played 50+ games in Team Swat and Pinnacle or Uncaged have never even been an option, which is disappointing because they are my two favorite maps. So I did a little digging and found out for some reason that the April update removed these maps? Why? Why remove choices from the consumer? I am HIGHLY disappointed in this decision. I know about all the arguments against these maps (spawn killing, etc) but if you don't like the maps, then don't vote for them, but at least give us the option to play them!! So now we are basically stuck with so few maps as to make the game almost unplayable. I can only take so much Reflection and Asylum over and over again it gets very repetitive quickly. I’m thinking of switching over to another game and not wasting my time on the 15th consecutive game of Reflection. How can we get these maps restored ASAP? Anyone with me? Or does everyone hate these maps too? Is there someone here we can discuss this with?
  20. DanteXO1

    REACH Cover

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    Found on google.

    © Bungie

  21. syre13


    From the album: ELITES

  22. syre13


    From the album: ELITES

  23. So I was playing Grifball and some kid was on my team, while looking at the score, I saw his service tag was yellow and this bothered me because it's usually white and hacking is something I don't want in Halo so I'm hoping someone can do something about him His Gamertag: Icyblueslush (first letter is a lowercase "l")
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