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  1. It's come to my attention that there are a couple of playlists that used to have far more players than they do now. Those playlists are Team Swat and Team Snipers. The main reason for this is because playing on the same maps over and over again gets old pretty quickly. The lack of maps in both playlists is annoying to say the least. Another reason is that the credit jackpots and challenges are geared toward the larger playlists (which is pretty ironic given that Swat is a pretty large playlist). The following is all in my own opinion. Updates that should happen for Swat: 1. New maps. There are quite a few maps in Team Slayer and BTB (ikr) that would be great for Swat. While adding new maps to Swat, it should be remembered that in Swat symmetry is a good thing. You can learn a lot from maps that players have forged as to what would be good in Swat and what wouldn't be (most maps designed with Swat in mind are perfectly symmetrical). It wouldn't even be hard to add Team Slayer or BTB maps to Swat. There is no need to edit them because if Slayer works, then so does Swat. Adding maps is the critical update that is needed. 2. A possible ZB option. Most Swat veterans are of the opinion that Swat would be even more amazing with Zero Bloom. It shouldn't be permanently switched to ZB, mind you, but the option to play Swat on ZB should be there. It would make Swat a little more difficult, but Swat isn't exactly considered an "easy" playlist like Slayer, BTB, or Objective. Another argument that supports this is that Swat is supposed to be based off of a players aim rather than how fast they can spam a trigger. 3. A Super Jackpot. As far as I know, Swat has never had a Super Jackpot before. Which seems rather unfair considering that nearly every other playlist has. Even Infection. A SJ would bring more players into the playlist, which would give veteran players new people to play with. It will also encourage other players to at least try it out a bit to see if they like it. Updates that should happen for Snipers: 1. New maps. DEFINITELY new maps. There are nearly a dozen maps that should be in Snipers that aren't due to either oversight or laziness. ALL BTB maps work with Team Snipers, ALL slayer maps work with Snipers, and all MLG maps work with Snipers. The only excuse for the lack of maps in Snipers is "We haven't gotten around to it yet." If more maps came into Snipers, the size of the playlist would probably double by the end of the week. 2. More Daily and Weekly Challenges. There are no daily or weekly challenges that I know of that are especially attuned to Snipers. There are some for Swat (magnum kills can happen in other playlists of course, but it's obvious that Swat Magnums is the quickest way to get the challenge) so why not for Snipers? 3. Raised Game Time. There are a lot of Snipers games that aren't completed due to lack of time in game, especially on larger maps like Hemorrhage. Another couple of minutes should see these games through to completion. 4. Super Jackpot. It will do the same thing for Swat as it will for Snipers. More people playing = more fun. 5. Either update or remove Hemorrhage. The spawns are Red heavy (means it gives red a little advantage over blue. Yeah, you know it does don't lie.) Spawns at half-map or in the bases (rather than around the base in plain view) will go a long way in making it more entertaining to play on Hemorrhage. That's all I can think of for now. If you have any more, feel free to post them.
  2. I mashed up images of the main weapons used in all Halo games from Halo: CE to Halo 4. It's a big image so I'll just put a link. http://i760.photobuc...olutioncopy.png
  3. I was banned from earning credits on halo reach. I have looked up reasons for being banned and i have not done any of the things that are listed. I do not mod, I don't AFK, and when I "quit" games it's only because I got kicked. Are there other reasons that i'm missing for getting banned from earning credits on Halo Reach??
  4. I'm not sure how much of Halo 4 is done yet but what I do know is this. Everyone I have talked to agrees that Halo 4 needs to be like an upgraded version of Halo 3 which Halo Reach was not at all. I'm going to list things that Halo 3 has that I want to see in Halo 4 and things in Halo Reach that I do NOT want to see in Halo 4. First off I think we all enjoyed all of the Easter eggs in Halo 3, for me it was a big part of the Campaign. I enjoyed not only the purposely made Easter eggs like the infamous "Boxer Man" on the mission Halo but I would also like to NOT be confined to the campaign area itself. You could get out of the level on so many campaign missions in Halo 3 which was amazingly fun. Remember how in forge you could get outside of a lot of the maps by using turrets or a teleporter? That is one big thing I miss about Halo 3. Also in Halo 3 you had quality maps, not recycled campaign maps. Even if the recycled campaign maps on Halo Reach were fun to play you couldn't make anything on them. I think they added forge world to make up for all the other bad maps and forge world isn't even that great. I want quality maps in Halo 4 and I want freedom, no stupid kill zones and a plethora of items to use on EVERY map. I would also like to see more environments like snow maps, sand maps, water maps, forest maps, and mountain maps like in Halo 3. If you're confused about what I said because of my crap writing skills then i'll sum up what I said. I WANT freedom in Halo 4 and I WANT variety. NO more boundary bull crap and NO more Recycled bull crap. This is a forum so you're obviously free to share your opinion and if you agree with me please start your own post so we can spread the word.
  5. What happened to the Living Dead game mode? Back in the good old days, (AKA when you could actually play a good map and game mode, circa January 2012) I would hop on, and play a fun round of Alpha Zombies on Sword Base, then continue with the game. Living Dead was my passion. I loved it. It was fun, and everyone I talked to thought so as well. You'll understand then, why I am so bedazzled (No, this is not the correct use of the word) at why it all changed! The announcement came "We'll be including some Player-Made maps to the Living Dead game mode." I thought 'Oh, that'll be fun. Finally a chance to try a little something different.' It was alright at first. I was optimistic about it all, thinking that we were going to play Undead Village, or maybe a spinoff of Hot Pursuit. No. Instead, Living Dead took a terrible, spiralling turn, much like chivalry, of horrible forging. "Uncongealed? Spooky Base? What is this, a concentration camp?!?" Not quite, not yet. But like 1938, the tide was turning, and the scapegoat of 343's Hitlerish wrath was Living Dead. I know what you're thinking. "Did he just make a Holocaust reference?" Yes, I did. For if we don't do something, then the Reach that we know and love could well turn into the site of a Halo-caust. The fun games dissapeared. Alpha Zombies became less common, and then almost inexistant. And soon, the beloved maps that we enjoyed playing dissapeared. I figured that if I kept playing, they were bound to turn up. They haven't. Not even now. I have played Living Dead about 10 times for 2 weeks straight, and the only decent map that ever turned up was Boardwalk (which isn't that bad, except when I say only map, I mean ONLY map). I am not biased about 343, not at all. I really am looking forward to Halo 4, and respect 343 for taking on the monumental task of keeping the fire burning. I don't agree with all their desisions, but I am an optomistic person. I have posted this Topic to make my anger and dislike of what 343 has been doing to Living Dead public. I don't like the game mode anymore now. And the whole "Choose which maps we'll put up by playing them!" thing isn't working. How can we vote on a map we like, if it isn't an option? 343, if you want to do a good thing, bring back Living Dead. The REAL living dead. Because the dish that you've been trying to shove down our throats (no homo) is moldy and tastes like crap. Do the right thing, let the people decide, like on Slayer, or give us a forum to make our opinions heard. Please, listen to us. Comment below if you agree or disagree. Really, I want to know if I'm the only one out here.
  6. Hey Guys! I have noticed a lack of planned events on the Community Calender. Although I'm sure the heads up touraments are great (I have never really liked one v.one or other few people games), I find that the community would benefit from a large custom games group, with both planned, (ie every friday at 6) and spontanious games, so that our community will not just have serious touraments, but some fun game nights every week. Forgers will be able to show off their maps and we can have a relaxed setting where people of all levels can play and have a good time. Any thoughts would be greatly appriciated.
  7. A Possible Solution to the "unfair", Halo: Reach Booting System. (Before I go into depth explaining the possible solution that I have thought about I would like to say that it is only my personal opinion, that is backed up by what I have heard other players commentate about. Feel free to post any additions or any constructive criticism). For example: The system in Halo: Reach is a tad bit random. Many people have said they have gotten betrayed twice, then they go to betray the guy who killed them out of sheer frustration and get booted. This is just a mere example as to why people think that the booting system in Halo: Reach is at times unfair. I don't think that 343i will be introducing a new update to Halo: Reach to fix this problem, as they are already using Bungie's booting system for Reach, and are in the process of producing Halo 4. So far, this problem seems a little out of hand to some players desperately looking to 343i to answer their cry for help for a better booting system. I find this to be the case because there is no artificial intelligence to monitor the game and see if a betrayal was accidental or not. Now, I think that we are definitely far from having artificial intelligence monitor all of our games ... Never the less, I find the system to be at times, indeed, unfair. I think a possible solution here is present. Having a system like Battlefield 3 (but tweaked just a little bit), where players have the option to "forgive", or "punish". Please forgive the idea of Halo following another game, but I think that this is a very plausible solution at hand. I think that in order for players to be booted from a game, they should have the whole team vote either forgive, or punish. This allows some more leeway for an accidental betrayal so if the team mate that you killed by accident decides to be irrational and boot you for an accidental kill, he/she no longer has the power to do so, now the whole team has a say in whether or not your betrayal seems fit for a kick, or a forgive. I can see some problems occurring with this, like people abusing the system to their advantage so they can betray somebody over and over again without getting kicked but I think maybe a limit of say 10 kills should be implemented, (let's be realistic, who has ever gotten 10 accidental betrayals in a game?). Other problems like that might arise, but I still have great faith in the Halo community and I see problems like that to be very minuscule, because of all the rational and sensible Halo players out there. Anyways, thanks for listening to me blabber on about this whole topic. Please feel free to share your opinions and ideas with me. Thanks, -MaGIIXz Edit: Okay, Definitely three betrayals would be enough for the game to boot you. Thanks for the feedback guys!
  8. Hello, I was on matchmaking on Firefight with a buddy of mine. The game suddenly experienced high lag, and everyone lagged out. I finished off my game of Firefight to be confronted by a banning for no reason. I have not quit any games at all in the past few months. Help me?
  9. I logged in recently and once I started halo reach, I received two messages. The first saying my account was banned from earning credits and the second saying my entire console was banned as well. I can still play matchmaking games, I just don't earn credits. I really want to earn credits, i'm finally on vacation and I can finally reach a higher rank. Please Help. :S
  10. How do i make my clan legit??? im also working on making a facebook for it
  11. we are an all around clan plays any thing we are currently 1-0 looking for new members if you want to join message and Add Alecgatorrr on xboxlive
  12. i am bored today and lookibg for someone to play with, or people who wanna play in custom games, anyone interested?
  13. Hey this is A hil13 (GAMERTAG), and i am looking for a small, new, big team battle clan to have a clan war with on custom made maps. If u wish to do this with us please reply, friend me on xbox, and message me on xbox Also, if we can get enough clans, id like to have a small tournement. For any info on what to do for the maps, what kinds of things can be on them, and what to do for the game type, reply to this thread.
  14. Does anyone have any ideas for new medals for Halo 4? If you have an idea, post it! Don't forget to describe how one could achieve the medal.
  15. This is basically something I found last night before the Populate Halo 3, Something called "Sneakernet Avatars" ((Others may know, but this to those that doesn't)) http://www.bungie.ne...postID=71225779 As everyone knows, Bungie has stopped all updates for Halo Reach. But this is basically their final Huzzah. How this works is that you need a Bungie.net account and follow what is said on the link provided above What this thing does is basically updates your Spartan layout picture on the Reach profile so people can copy it and place it on their PC. *PLUS an added bonus* This also unlock and small video clip (AVI) of your Reach Spartan being view from all angles Example (using my Halo Reach Spartan) Normal Still: http://goo.gl/LtFYn 360 Still: http://www.bungie.ne...PzyPQDg==&vid=1 Something that could be worth looking at and getting ((Even better if you would like to use the 360 for other applications)) ---- Also, when everyone got their AVI of their Reach Spartan, possible to post it on here. Let everyone bask in your Reach Spratan 360 glory.
  17. Projet Alpha is a series of videos covering Halo glitches and easter eggs, organized by map. Directed by Cox (Team CRéA). Produced by Halo Création (http://halocreation.org). Projet Alpha - Winter Contingency http://youtu.be/aUGQIPN1np0 (For those who can't see the video on YouTube due to copyright, here is an other link : Projet Alpha - Winter Contingency on Dailymotion) Glitches and easter eggs tutorials available on Halo Création (http://halocreation.org). Projet Alpha was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo Reach, © Microsoft Corporation.
  18. I think that Halo Reach wasn't really all that good because of things like armor abilities , the health bar, stuff like the warthog machine gun heating up, and etc. But good thing they are bringing back the BR because the replacement weapon from Halo Reach was just horrible. I also can't believe they aren't bringing back the bubble shield but they are bringing back the DMR.
  19. Youtube Description: Please comment and like the video, and subscribe if you haven't done so yet. I feel that I am getting better with every project. This is a MLG choketage/whatever random matchmaking clips I could find in my sea of clips. I put this montage together today starting this morning. Most of the clips are random recent clips from within the last month and include a variety of differently playlist, but mostly MLG, since that is what I have been playing most recently. I will be at MLG Anaheim 2012 if MLG picks up Reach for the event. I have a ****ty computer and edit with iMovie. I just tried to have a decent intro with as accurate syncing as I could with the limited program. Enjoy!
  20. (Halo Reach) (Alpha Phase) Information Halo Roleplay is for the General Halo Community. In order to follow up on whats going on you must read the lore that will explain why you are at this strange mysterious land. While playing, you will encounter many new friends and possible foes such as bounty hunters. Halo Roleplay isn't just a run and shoot'em such as 'Matchmaking' Halo Roleplay you make the decision's you decide if you want to be a bounty hunter and a guild master and so on. You create your own custom character to play as meaning you must stay in character. The choices are yours. You may also find many unique hidden items as you venture forth the land, as well as someone who will put you on a quest and in return a unique reward. Their is so many unlimited possibilities when playing Halo Roleplay. The events will usually be held every week. Fri-Sunday (one of those days) Event Schedule Once people sign up events will be scheduled Rules 1) Stay in Character 2) Don't kill without purpose (Bounty is okay) 3) No Racism, Sexism, Harassment, Foul Language (Swearing) 4) No Meta Gaming & Powergaming (Link if you don't know) (more coming soon) Features - Custom Character (You Create) - Trade System - Guild Wars - Bounty Hunters - Towns - Homes - Friends & Foes - Story Line (Map Changes along with story) - Battles against the evil - class system And so much more! Class System - Marksman (Magnum, DMR, Sprint) - Sharpshooter (Magnum, Sniper, Sprint) - Grenadier (Magnum, Grenade Luancher, Sprint) - Infiltrator (Magnum, Assault Rifle, Sprint) - Guard (Magnum, Shotgun, Sprint) Some Questions you may have (Have any questions? Reply below or PM me) Q: Can we make clans/guilds? A: Yes, of course you can Q: Can I make my own home? A: This will be discussed later on Q: How will I know the story line? A: Their will be a official thread later on with all the information you need. Q: Will their be a punishment system for players who don't follow the rules? A: Yes, depending on the rule their may be a warning a a temp ban which means not attending 1 or more events. Application Form (Private message me your form)
  21. What really happened to Jun after he left with Dr.Halsey? There really is no finish to his story. Does anyone know the answer or what is going to Jun?
  22. This is an Enemies Guide to Halo Reach, Mostly used for general gameplay and the "Monument to All your sins" Achievement (Complete Legendary, Solo Campaign) The aim of this guide is to go through the enemy classes and the best weapons to use against them. Note that some classes use different tactics and weapons, and its more so better to use other weapons for effective performance. Be advised all weapons of choice are mostly ones you can commonly find on the field some weapons like the Sniper Rifle, Spartan Laser, Plasma Caster etc. don’t appear very often. Plus the following weapon usage makes use for quick and less costly work Skull have some mention, but are not really talked about fully in this, another guide would be added about them if I get time UPDATED: 10 Decemeber 2011: Given a revised version and added more detail to the guide RACES - Grunts - Jackals/Skirmishers - Elites - Brutes - Engineers - Hunters - Drones Grunts: - Weapon of Choice: DMR/Magnum/Needle Rifle. Threat Warnings: In groups with a Commander and leaderless suicide grunts General Disposal: Always aim for the head and take them out with one shot. Though 2 for the Ultra Grunts (1st headshot knocks its helmet off, 2nd kills them) Extra Information: Extra caution must be exercised when killing the squad leader (Elite or Brute) for some Grunts will go suicidal and run towards you with Active Plasma grenades that exploded on contact, when one is seen and heard, maintain distance and aim for the head, killing the suicide grunt would possibly take out any others hostiles within the explosion radius when the grenades go off Jackals and Skirmishers: - Weapon of Choice: DMR/Magnum/Needle Rifle. Threat Warnings: Snipers and Shields that form a wall General Disposal: Same as the Grunts, aim for the head Extra Information: Apart from the Snipers, most Jackal Classes have energy shields that absorb damage until it gives, They have part of their weapon wielding hand exposed to attack, aiming for it will cause them to be exposed as they shield is moved out of the way, aim for the head before he recovers. Skirmisher work like the Jackal Snipers, but they have much more speed and agility, plus can take more shoots, quick and effective aiming is needed Elites: - Weapon of Choice: Plasma Pistol, or any Plasma weapon and DMR/Magnum/Needle Rifle. Threat Warnings: Higher Classes have more powerful shields and sometimes Energy swords and the Special Operations class will make appearance on a few stages General Disposal: Usage of Plasma weapons (Pistol, Rifle, Repeater) to quickly chew through their shielding, after reducing their shields to zero, aim for the head Extra Information: Every Elite has a personal shield system that must be reduced, but some in higher class needed ongoing attack to reduced them. The Charge shot from Plasma Pistol will EMP them, but it doesn’t always work for the higher classes like the generals, Zealots and the Field Marshall, they require two charge shots and most have heavy weapons and swords, and Special Operations Class will pick off anyone that don’t keep a sharp eye. For all Elites, after depleting the shields, they tend to roar, leaving them open to attack, use it. If one goes after you with the energy sword, ALWAYS maintain distance and keep draining the shields, then shot the head. Always use your motion tracker, and/or look around for a shimmer to location and pick off Spec Op Elites, though hard to see, their shields are fairly poor Brutes: - Weapon of Choice: Needler or Needle Rifle(*), Plasma Pistol/Weapons for Chieftains first. Plasma Grenade for Armour Lockers Threat Warnings: Thick skinned, Armoured and quite powerful in combat and in packs General Disposal: Employ the use of the Needler weaponry to take down the Brutes. 8 from the Needler/ 3 Needle Rifle creates a supercombine explosion will kill them, Plasma Weaponry for the Chieftain to take out their shields before using the Needlers Extra Information: Because of the Brutes thick skin and heavy armour (specially the head) Most weaponry and headshots in not really advised because they can take a lot of blows and 3-5 headshots to kill them, the helmet and headdress must be knock off first. Brutes armed with Gravity Hammers strafe left to right while charging which doesn’t make it any easier, plus some will activate Armour Lock when the heat gets too bad. The needler weapons are the best choice on this race because the supercombine will kill them (regards of rank and some activate skulls), for the shielded Chieftains, the shield depletion tactic for them works like the Elites, Plasma their shields before killing them. Armour lock may save them from some fire, but it leaves them stationary, especially when they break it, the second they break out of Armour Lock throw a grenade (Plasma preferred) at them to make short work Engineers: - Weapon of Choice: Any weapon Threat Warnings: No hostile fire, quite rare to see General Disposal: Just shoot at them Extra Information: Firearm wise, engineers are harmless and are very slow in movement speed, but they do pose as a threat because they continuously provide the enemy within their vicinity with temporarily overshields, Quickly disposing them first will stop the overshielding being replenished Hunters: - Weapon of Choice: Any Explosives/Heavy Weapons and/or Shotgun Threat Warnings: Very high Threat in pairs and Close range General Disposal: The large weak point is usually the back. Full usage of Explosions, heavy weapons and close range shotgun. Extra Information: Hunters always work in pairs and they are lethal as all in Legendary, long range shots and melee is very devastating, but their strength hinders movement speed, the best plan of attack is to focus killing one before the other. Throw as many grenades at them for some damage and also usage of heavy weapons is extra help as one may fall, always aim for their backs, If all options are sent, there are weapons caches with shotguns their Hunter areas, grab one and go for CQC, **BUT** When using this method, do not, I repeat, DO NOT STAND STILL! One chop or smack from the hunter KILLS! Keep moving and strafing to dodge the melee strikes, and pump some shotgun rounds into its back until it drops, if it gives you too much trouble or need to pull back, Do so, but watch your surroundings Drones: - Weapon of Choice: DMR/Needle Rifle and big pair of balls.. Threat Warnings: Always in large groups and very quick General Disposal: Careful aiming of the head Extra Information: This race are the worst of all races in Legendary because of their speed and the fact that you’ll be up against a number of 10, 20 or 30!!!!! Removing them requires concentration and time, rushing is suicidal, but thankful they only appear in three stages (Final stage is the big concern) Carefully aim and fire their heads, and they do have a headshot indicator as they explode after getting shot in the head. Using cover and distance is very important to keep them at a small number so you don’t get swarmed VEHICLES - Ghost and/or Revenant - Shades - Wraith Ghost and/or Revenant: - Weapon of Choice: Rocket Launcher, Plasma Launcher, Fuel Rod Cannon or any friendly manned vehicle (DMR for Grunt controlled) Threat Warnings: Their firepower and Speed General Disposal: Kill the driver with a headshot (Grunt only), Mostly use the heavy weapons or the vehicle gun/cannon Extra Information: Don't bother Hijack them, unless you got good skill and big pair, because failing the hijacking is just completely suicidal from either hostile fire or splatter. If you have a vehicle (with good odds that you do) Just drive, don’t stop for anything and let the gunner (Player *co-op* or AI *solo*) do all the shooting, DO NOT LET THE AI DRIVE, that’s an open death wish. With heavy weapons, use the high ground to avoid be splattered and offload the rockets, plasma and FRG when it gets close Shades: - Weapon of Choice: Rocket Launcher, Plasma Launcher or Fuel Rod Cannon (DMR if no explosive weapons) (Sniper Rifle comes in handy on Nightfall) Threat Warnings: Can’t move but has high rate of fire General Disposal: Kill the driver with a headshot (depends on operator), Destroy the battery with heavy weapons Extra Information: USE EXTREME CAUTION, though stationary targets their rate of fire is extreme high making them extremely lethal head on. Most Shade encountered on the field are Grunt manned some picking them off with headshots will temporarily shut it down, if it gets manned again by grunt, headshot, BUT if its an Elite… you may have to use full clip of DMR to kill him, If possible, all use an explosion weapon to take it down, Gunner and Shade together, or grenade an unmanned one so it doesn’t get used behind your back. Don’t bother manning yourself, you’ll be a sitting duck Wraith: - Weapon of Choice: DMR/Needle Rifle and one of the following: Grenade, Melee or Hijack Threat Warnings: Powerful in speed and power head on, but slow on maneuvering General Disposal: Kill the driver with a headshot (depends on operator) and use of one of three methods: Grenade planting, Melee bashing or Hijack method Extra Information: Not most of a problem than the small vehicle counterparts because of its slow turning speed, but still a threat. Besides the plasma mortar and its charging forward speed, the Plasma Turret’s rate of fire while manned is what makes the Wraith an equal to dangerous threat. Best method of attack is to kill the turret operator first, with headshot, at a distance (T. After the operator is killed, carefully proceed towards the Wraith, though something it won’t mortar fire you while close, but it will try to run you over, when he does, get out of the way or if you Armour Lock eqiuped, use it to stop the Wraith in its tracks and breaking out will EMP it, use either opportunity to board the Wraith and use the following methods - Plant a grenade at either end (depends on what end you board), the explosion will destroy it - Board the ass end of the Wraith and use melee to rip it about, this must be done quickly due to some foot soldiers may give you a little surprise - Hijack the machine, board the front and melee kill the driver (Don’t over melee and destroy it if you need it), after removing the corpse, take control. (This method is highly recommended for the final part of Exodus to clear the area of Brutes Chieftians and Ghosts, but use caution, the hijacked machine is more prone to destruction because of the melee damage) OTHER INFORMATION - ENVIRONMENT When in doubt with some situations, you can always use the environment around you to your advantage, - Useless vehicles like forklifts, half destroyed warthogs, etcs. - Fusion coils, Plasma Batteries, Fuel Tanks. - Grenades on the grounds When shoot at enough to make them explode, they can take a good number of enemies with them, See an opportunity, don’t hesitate to use them. OTHER INFORMATION - EQUIPMENT Also the use of some Equipment is really important - The Bubble Shield is a lifesaver when injuried and no health packs anywhere - The Hologram is important as it can take the attention away from you so can either finish the covies or move to a different spot with minimum risk. - Armour Lock has little use but can save you from sticks and Wraith mortars and charging - Mobility ones (Sprint, Jet Pack) have a minor role, but it does help with getting to vantage points faster - Active Camo seems to have some hinder to most because of the Motion Tracker Jamming and outside noise deafening, but would sure good use in Nightfall ((Will update when more information has been collected)) Use this guide well and have much patience in your quest to get the "Monument to All your sins" Achievement, it'll save you alot of heartache
  23. Does any one know any easy ways to get the campaign commendations Super Soldier and Spec Ops
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