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The Director

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Status Updates posted by The Director

  1. Oh, forgot to let you know what the The Doctor says. Walking Pneumonia.

    1. Delpen9


      Are you well enough to do your daily routine or are you stuck in bed?

    2. The Director

      The Director

      Well, it's walking pneumonia. As the name suggests, I'm able to continue a good chunk of my daily routine. There are limitations though. :/

    3. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Wow that sucks...I just got over Pneumonia 2 weeks ago, hope you get better.

  2. Well, if the world ends then goodbye everyone. If not, see you when I wake up. :D Night.

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      i am gonna die the way i live playing halo

    2. Persian


      If it was true, would have happened before you went sleep, NZ woulda been obliterated a day before c:

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      we were trolled by manerns

  3. People think I'm funny, but the truth is I'm just really, really mean...

  4. Hey, check this out :D http://343i.org/8w

    1. Lᴜᴋᴇ


      What? It's a URL?

    2. The Director
    3. Azaxx



  5. Really enjoying Diablo III.

    1. Pbrabbit


      Do you recommend the Diablo series to anyone?

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Is this really the Director or did Mayh3m change his name too now?

    3. The Director

      The Director

      I recommend it to those who aren't very devout to their religions, mainly. And to those who enjoy RGP games.

  6. RedStarRocket91 is the most Scottish Scot you'll ever meet. He also says that as long as I keep saying that I'm banned from the shoutbox. Which means I can't moderate it. #win

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      What did I just read? o___O

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Regulation Nation is in desolation.


      The dogs are out today, so the cats come out to play.

  7. Ok, so I have set my new record at 92 posts in one day. Going to be hard for me to beat THAT. xD

  8. That awkward moment when you post an "I'm back" status and lose your internet for a couple days...

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      lol awkward indeed, but WB again director

    2. ZB-85


      Welcome back Director.

  9. Happy Birthday! :D As your present I'm enabling your push notifications for wall posts. ;D

    1. Cooliest


      Thanks Director. I thought I already had that set to on? xD

    2. The Director

      The Director

      Not PUSH notifications. >:D

  10. We should all just take a moment and be thankful that spiders cannot fly.

    1. DaveAtStateFarm


      Spider-man can fly..almost...

    2. One


      Time to breed the next gen pest.

  11. *waits for PM from Edward Kenway*

    1. Buns


      I sense a relationship of friends

    2. Drizzy_Dan
  12. When you do things wrong, people will be sure that you did something.

  13. Got a question? Ask it at http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/8421-ask-the-director/ :D I've answered everything that's been asked so far. :D

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      it's true, i've thrown the randomest questions at him and he answered them all!

    2. The Director

      The Director

      ^true story bro lol

  14. Then he waddled away.

    1. Connor Kenway
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      I don't know why I did but I debated with myself over whether ducks really waddle or not because I know penguins do but ducks don't walk like penguins at all. -Post you made in response to SS is LOL-

  15. My laptop died so it's going to be hard to get on.

    1. PHIL0S0PHY



      Give me Recon or you'll suffer the consequences.

    2. The Director

      The Director

      No, YOU give ME recon or suffer the consequences.

  16. Well I've done it again. I've finally beaten my record of 92 posts in one day. The new record is 106. Oh, and check this out :D http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/7616-perfect-reason-to-smile/

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      106 posts in one day! that is a ton of posts, and congrats again on 1000 posts

    2. FIREN4
  17. ಠ_ರೃ

    1. Yoshi1176
    2. Delpen9


      Stop Dumpen that jank stuff in here.

  18. Been here for over a year. :D

    1. Spyro


      Congrats Director! *starts to do a slow clap*

    2. skummgummigubbe


      me to we did join the same day

  19. Some news on ESO! http://343i.org/362

    1. HIWBC


      Great news as well :D!

    2. HIWBC


      The hype is here and very real for me :D.

  20. Well, the site is 3 years old and my account almost is too! :D

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      I expect a long thread about your 3 years...

    2. Dog


      Almost 2 years old

  21. Minecraft ftw! :D

    1. Azaxx


      Minecraft demo ftw! :D

    2. Zelda


      Director should get back on the shout box. Lol. :(

  22. Okay, got the NEI tutorial up, it's in a playlist too! :D Yayz!

    1. Azaxx


      I'll watch it when I get home :D

    2. DoctorB77


      Looks nice. :)


      Good Job!!!!

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