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Mr. Welldone

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Everything posted by Mr. Welldone

  1. That useful info was presented in a nice order. Let me just add that when something like LASO is happening, using the Plasma Pistol is the best weapon of choice. When it's the elites, you have to "pepper" the gun (Keep tapping the fire button.) because it takes all four charges to take off their shields. Then go for the headshot.
  2. I haven't gotten it yet due to me being unable to use my Xbox 360 yet. I hope it'll be exciting as I hear it is.
  3. Never seen both of those trailers but both are still cool. I tried Halo 2 first at a cousin's house and found myself liking the game. I got Halo 3 and my first Xbox 360 on my birthday.
  4. 1. Actually, I don't mind bloom. 2. Well, if no Armour Abilities, there should be something new to replace it. 3. Yes, beat down system to be like the old Halos. 4. Hopefully, the new maps will be exciting.
  5. Actually, I was thinking they should have brand new armour and Master Chief's armour and a little bit of returning armours of both games.
  6. That sounds cool. If I ever get the time, I might use this to play Halo 2 online again.
  7. I like the survival mode and campaign better than the multi-player for once. The multi-player is kind of getting boring.
  8. I think it should only go up to Halo 2. Halo 3 doesn't need to have a remake. It hasn't been taken down.
  9. Campaign DLC for Thom would be awesome. I'd like to see what happened before he blew up.
  10. The time is nearing for a new MOM. I wonder who it's going to be.
  11. I don't see the Hub on there. No MLP for me? Also, the update has been delayed for later but that's okay. I wonder why they never had Youtube earlier.
  12. Oh man, I have no idea what everyone is talking about. I don't even know where the clue is.
  13. So, what does the bottom look like? You don't have it, do you? The multi-player is exactly the same as Halo:Reach. Everything including your Halo:Reach rank, the lobbies, the same. The only it doesn't have is the normal Halo:Reach maps and the campaign.
  14. I'm hoping to win the Halo 10 000 Microsoft Points giveaway. The draw will be held on the 12th. :)

    1. Fire
    2. SuperIntendant


      That's enough to buy *pulls out calculator* the COD map packs for the next year!

  15. Eh, to me, it's a waste of money since I hardly play MW3.
  16. Those were very good suggestions. Hopefully, the Halo 4 forge will be advanced and awesome the way we want it and that 343 Industries take those into consideration.
  17. My spartan is updating just fine. Have you been playing Halo:Reach recently?
  18. I haven't thought of any new games I want, but I'll probably just get money.
  19. Thinking hard about the hint in the giveaway thread.

    1. Sarge


      pshh my answer is so right


  20. If I get the game when it comes out for Xbox 360, I'll be sure to follow this guide.
  21. Nice thread Destyran Hopefully, this will clear up some of the bans some people may have.
  22. I have only watched two episodes of the whole series.
  23. I think they should after they finish Halo 4. I thought the game was great. (Even though I'm stuck on the Flood level. )
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