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  1. Just wanted to play custom games with someone my gt is ToWhite4You msg me for invite. Most likely playing - demo derby - infection - races Or any map u have
  2. As you all know Flood has replaced the former Infection game type. Now don't get me wrong Flood is cool, however it is so strict when it comes to changing its rules via Custom Games. We lack the ability to change the weapons the Flood uses, what abilities they use, and how they look. All vital to the survival of our favorite Custom Games such as Teacher, Jenga, and Duck Hunt. Please vote YES if you wish to play these awesome Custom Games again.
  3. Gamer Tag: Howard5657 Map: Infested Sewage Game Type: Standard flood game type. Description: Got bored one day and through together a map that didn't look like it would serve any purpose until I added an effect on it that made it harder to see and kinda creepy. I started putting spawns down and after I realized where I was putting them I started thinking "Flood." I moved a couple spawns around and made this eery, creepy, Flood map that gets your blood pumping and keeps you on your tose. Haha. Enjoy. Download and Comment. Thank you. Lack of links due to file share down.
  4. Sacrifice (may change name if a better one comes up) Concept idea for a new mode Based on the campaign Librarian Memory sequence Concept- A survival mode that doesn’t end till you and your team die from the Flood (The Halo Arrays fire) Description- The Spartan fire team(you decide) enters a Forerunner construct and accidently re activate an ancient ancilla that links all the Spartans to the last moments of the Forerunners memories .The Forerunners have lost and the remaining survivors huddle in their defensive place as the flood pours in. The Halo Arrays are charging and readying to fire. This is not about survival the Forerunner race this is the last fight the end of the forerunners. The Classes The Builder Security- The builder Security an architect of the Forerunner Empire’s defense is also the architect of its people’s demise. The builder Nightborn lost his people, his home, and his way of life… but he hasn’t lost his family and fights for them. (When the Halo Array finally fires he has a holo link with his family showing them disappear like composing then he himself and he flood invading disappear in a flash) Abilities- Construction- Construction allows for the creation of specialized constructs ranging from Turrets to Synthetic Constructs. Construction type Turrets- Nightborn can create a turret a specified local that can be upgraded and repaired/reconstituted by watchers. How upgrading would work- When using the D-pad selection for turret you look at the turret you want to upgrade and press the D-pad selection. Construction type Sentinels-Nightborn can teleport in sentinel class constructs to assist in the defense. How Sentinels would work- Using the D-pad look at any location and a group of sentinels will appear to assist by either repairing defenses or attacking enemy forces same upgrading method works. Construction type Promethean-Nightborn has access to the Didacts elite warrior constructs and can teleport them into assist in the defense. How Prometheans would work/Upgrade- Same as the Sentinels Construction type Weapon pack teleport pad-The builder can teleport in a weapon teleport pad for allies to use to teleport in new weapons. How the teleport pad would work- Players would use the pad to use points they’ve accumulated to get new weaponry or ammo for their current weaponry. How upgrading the teleport pad would work- As the teleport pad is upgraded heavier weaponry will be teleported in. (Weapons would be randomly selected with heavier weaponry being harder to get) Recycling- Anytime there is excess weaponry on the field you can chose to recycle these weaponry for resources needed for construction. The Promethean Hunter-The Promethean named The Hunter was deemed by the Didact too important to join the other Prometheans in composition and instead sent him to fight and coordinate the Forerunner forces in threat of the Floods advance. His title was earned by his ability to ruthlessly kill Flood key targets and escape unseen. He has nothing left in this world but his people and will do anything to protect them. (His death scene involves watching the last of the Forerunner people being vaporized) Abilities- Advanced Camouflage-The Hunter can remain completely cloaked while moving and running and firing (this deception doesn’t mean you can walk into the enemy wave and snipe everything.) The Lifeworker- The Lifeworkers were the saviors of all life protecting and evolving it now with the Halo Array the Lifeworkers final project was to save life. The Lifeworker Life given to the Mantle had finished his goal and saved the last of the index now with nowhere left to flee he heals the mortally wounded and injured soldiers helping ease the last of their pain. With nothing left to save he helps the others in the defense helping his fellow Forerunners. (His death scene would be watching his fellow comrades be vaporized in front of him knowing he could do nothing to avoid this fate.) Abilities- Advanced Regeneration Field- The deployable field grants temporary Overshields as the users are in the field once they leave the field the Overshield is gone. The Promethean Warrior- When the Didact was originally attempting to make himself immune to the Flood he experimented on his fellow Prometheans. Fallen born of light, one of the elite Prometheans was among the first to assist the Didact in the experiment. While Fallen was considered a failure his brevet mutation allowed him to have an increased combat efficiency against the Flood. Due to the nature of the Flood the Didact informed Fallen that should the Flood ever attempt to infect him his suits ancilla would begin an immediate self-termination to prevent the flood from using his brevet mutation against the Forerunner people. (His death scene is that a flood forcibly attempts to infect him and he then hears his ancilla telling him goodbye.) Abilities- Telekinetic Push/Pull- Fallen can use his brevet mutation to either pull an enemy towards him or forcibly send an enemy flying away. Using the D-pad you can change the polarity from push to pull. Enemy Types- Flood- Infection Form- Simple infection form easily destroyed Combat Form-These are infected Human and Forerunner people who have been turned against their own people to further spread the infection. Combat forms come in two varieties ranged and melee forms. -Combat Form Ranged- These combat forms use ranged weaponry to attack you. -Combat Form Melee- These human combat forms have lost the ability to use ranged weaponry and has grown blades out of their arms to slice enemies to pieces. Carrier Forms- These combat forms bodies have lost their utility and have become mobile suicide infection spreading Flood bombs. When they detonate they release multiple infection forms. Pure Forms- These Flood are not made from host infection but the very Flood mass itself and have the ability to transform their forms. These types of flood are very deadly and require heavy weaponry to destroy. -Tank Form-This juggernaut is a heaving mass of destruction that will rip anything near it to bloody shreds. -Stalker Form-These annoying pure forms harass and sneak upon you defenses. While less armored and easier to destroy, this type will become bothersome to destroy. -Ranged Form-This form of pure form relies on firing spines at enemies as their only means of offense. -Mortar form- The tripod like Mortar form releases explosive spores at the players position and must be destroyed if defenses are to be made safe. These forms transform directly from ranged forms. Juggernaut Form- This beast of the flood forms is rarely encountered and is incredibly deadly. This form uses whip arms to smash defenses to rubble and splatter defenses to paste. Renegade Forerunner Sentinels- Sentinel-Average sentinel that has fallen under the control of Medicant bias consider it a threat. Sentinel Major- An enhanced version of the average sentinel that takes much more punishment and can dish it out even more. Enforcer Sentinels- These colossal Sentinel constructs are forward shielded and require heavy ordnance to destroy you have been warned. Waypoint Link https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst143574_Idea-for-a-game-mode-for-Halo-4--Sacrifice.aspx
  5. Okay, so these two maps are two attempts at building the same thing (i.e. a space station), the first attempt having fallen short of my initial vision. Both maps are symmetrical. I named the failed attempt Derelict and decided to finish it enough to be played in slayer (no objectives), compensating for the map's inadequacies by giving the whole thing a trait zone enabling double jump and half gravity (and quarter fall damage), removing the glass from all over to allow for the outside of the station to become part of the playable area of the map, and threw down a whole bunch of heavy weapons (none of which was intended at first). My second attempt is named Observatory and definitely lived up to my vision (albeit barely, 9,970 spent and I already hit the unwritten limit on total objects, and I had to go back repeatedly swapping decorative pieces for less expensive substitutes, not to mention delete a whole bunch of spawn points). The map is enabled for 4-16 players (Red, Blue, Gold and Green teams) on Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Free for All, Flood, and Oddball. It has multiple levels in the middle with a pair of heavy weapons (Railguns, Scattershots and Concussion Rifles, in that order from top to bottom) on each of the lower 3 levels (4 total). The docking ring of the station connects to the 2nd level of the mid-section (2 levels above, 1 below). Sections are colored by quadrant to assist in navigation (internal walls are colored specifically to indicate which path leads to which quadrant, outer walls are colored accordingly with the color of the quadrant in which they reside).
  6. Fileshare Holder = HeroAnarchy Gametype = Maggot Meat Map = Karaoke Night The map takes place on an isolated karaoke club you (and other survivors) are trapped to fight the zombies. All entrances and exits are sealed with barricades but they will not hold for long. The old zombie rules double tap and aim for the head apply in this battle for survival. But remember select your weapon carefully or it could be the death of you. Bullet point There are multiple entrances for zombies to enter each filled with barricades It takes two shots with a shotgun to kill a zombie Headshots usually instant kill the zombie Select a weapon based upon your skill not damage since some weapons can cause you to get cornered The map and gametype have been tested with 8 people which showed a great appeal so I do not know how it will play out with more people Zombies are 10% slower than humans and it takes zombies two hits to kill a human The map itself has 3 main locations: outside, club, and basement. Vehicles are present on the map but are not drivable they are there for the aesthetic appeal You are not scored on Points you are scored on Time you have survived as a survivor Recommendation Play with 8-12 players Magnums and shotguns are usually the most successful survivor weapons Notice The roof of the club isn't visible in-game so ignore what comes out of the top, thank you and enjoy the map A few aesthetics were added since the pictures ​The rock wall in the first photo now is a real wall The basement ramp has more cover The basement has more aesthetics(crates, dominion light) The pictures do not completely represent 100% of the maps shadows
  7. I need help with the respawn settings. I want to make it so that the humans have 1 life, and the flood has many, but when a human dies, there will still only be one human. because when the flood dies and it is set to 1 life, there are at least 2 humans left and no more flood, so to end the round there is only one person left standing. I need help with having only 1 flood with many lives, and humans with only 1 life and can not respawn. I'm trying to improve the Jenga game type
  8. I find the fact that we cannot change the Alpha Zombie starting weapon (any Zombie for that matter) most....disturbing. This is a huge mistake on 343's part in my opinion because it almost completely disallows many of the wonderful mini-games that we have come to enjoy since the launch of Halo 3. I would ask that 343 release a patch allowing us to change the Zombie starting weapons, even if that means we can no longer use the Flood player model. That is all I ask of 343.
  9. I believe that there should be a type of survival mode available in the game. The game lost a big part of it when Firefight was removed, but its still an amazing game don't get me wrong. But what I'm saying is add a new game mode called "Survival" or "The Flood" where you survive hordes and hordes of flood or Covenant (Your choice) and see how long you last. Basically just like the Black Ops Zombie mode, but Halo style. You will attract so many more customers if you add this game mode, it would really add to the depth of the game. Get back to me!
  10. Heya. So I have a serious problem. In my group of friends, a majority of our custom games involved infection. Specifically a certain game. Im sure there are a lot of people familiar with the gametype "Halo" on the map "Halo". the original was on sandbox I think, and many other maps were made for it. It involved one zombie up on a platform with a rocket launcher and a sniper, and they would shoot at the players as they rode mongooses on a track to prevent them from reaching the end, where there was a sniper or vehicle to kill the zombie. Well, I made a map for halo 4, but then i almost lost it when I was making the gametype and realized that there were no options to let the infected, or "flood" now, use weapons. PLEASE let us give the zombies weapons, infection was always the best game type to tinker with in order to make really fun custom games, please let us have our zombies back 343! And of course, duckhunt and fatkid too, which used a sniper and hammer respectively. I know people know about those
  11. Gamertag: john xSNIPERx Map name: Breaking Point (can be found in my file share) Gametype name: Infection (also found in my file share) You and your team investigate a resent distress beacon located at Research Base Zulu, only to discover that the asteroid the facility is situated on has split. Most of the base is on the very unstable side of the asteroid so make your way across the debris field to find out why this phenomenon has occurred. Maybe something was lurking within this destruction. You will need every hand and gun you can afford. (Recommended 16 Players) Sorry for the transmission quality, someone or something was Tampering with the security cameras:
  12. Map = Tattered Perplexes Gametype = Mutation Fileshare Holder = HeroAnarchy ======= You play the role as a survivor of a forgotten militia , mutants from the above world have burrowed into the stronghold you call home. With no help from the outside world you have to allow the shields of the stronghold to generate which will take 7 minutes exactly. Which it will kill of the mutant intruders. The mutants have became smart and began using the air vents as well as the crater they left upon the wall. ======= Gametype should be played with 6-10 players To kill a survivor it takes two hits There are no armor abilities on the map however the humans have infinite sprint. Flood can go through one way shield door or through ventilation shaft. The map was originally built for Aesthetics but can however support infection very well VERY IMPORTANT: The pictures were taken by an Iphone due to the fileshare's for Halo 4 aren't working yet. So the pictures do not reflect the maps complete appearance.
  13. gamertag: onecarmel It can be found on my file share gamemode: flood There are a few ways to get around the map, but most only work for the flood. Top View Bottom View Survivors Spawn Flood Spawn
  14. Gamertag: mcmillan119 Map: Power Relay Alpha Gametype: HK-Flood Players: 10- 16 This map takes place on Ravine, it consits of five buildings for the humans to defend in or on, there are always multiple ways for the Flood to get to them, the main feature of the map is the skyscraper building, which offers some very cool close quaters combat. Also to add more to the theme (map name) of the map, from the power building (to the right of the skyscraper if looking at it), I have added in power lines & power poles, to show how the different buildings gets its power. On the map there are three Initial weapon drops and one random drop, also there are two vehicles, the mongoose and (normal) warthog. Pls feature this map in a video, it would be really cool for publisity, in Reach i made some very awesome maps but they never had very many downloads because nobody 'followed me', if you get what i mean.
  15. Gamer tag: kiwigrunt1074 Map title: Toilet Bowl (on file share) Game type: In the toilet (also on file share) Remember all those times dying. As flood. On halo 3. It sucked. It still sucks. Never mind that because with the new remake of toilet bowl, you can have some fun. Shoot up the hole(if u know what I mean) as a little turd and kill the humans waiting for u at the top. Soooooo fun!!!
  16. gamertag: onecarmel gamemode: flood It is on my file share, so please check it out! It is a pretty close quarters map. If you are a survivor you need to be continually moving because the flood will drop from vents in the ceiling. Sorry for the bad picture quality, I had to use my phone because their is no file share for Halo 4 on Waypoint yet. Main Area Vent on Ground Floor Survivors Spawn Some of the Flood Spawns
  17. Map creator- VHR JAXZ Map name- Hidden File share holder- VHR JAXZ Game type- Infection Game type is also in the same fileshare. This is my first good Halo 4 flood map. It took me about 30min-1 hour to make, but it's really fun. On the map, you are on a large complex that is designed for research, but when it become abandoned after a flood infestation, you are the only survivors left. This map is designed for up to 16 players, but can be used for as little as 6 people.
  18. MONTIS MANGOOSE GameTag: Gitty1 Map Name: MANGOOSE Link: N/A GameType: MONTIS Link: N/A Description: An original map and gametype created on Impact. The players are either Flood or Spartans, the flood must get into Mantis' and chase the Spartans who are on Mongooses (Mongeese? Mongi?) while the Spartans try to survive. Honour rules are, Spartans stay on Mongooses and no shooting with the Mantis(Stamping only). The initial Flood count must be edited to half of the player count (rounding up is uneven) to a maximum of 4 for this map. This is the first dedicated map for the gametype so some issues may have been missed and feedbck would be apreciated. I am also looking to make many more maps for this gametype. Thanks in advance for any and all constructive feedback. I'll get better pictures and fill in the links when the fileshres are put on Waypoint.
  19. As much as I like to play flood, some things need to be changed and, or, maybe added. 1) Flood need to be able to use weapons other than their sword arm thing for games like duck hunt (sniper) and fat kid (hammer). 2) Flood load outs need to be able to be edited like the base player load outs so people can edit the equipment they use. 3) Proximity chat needs to be put back into the game. How else will I scare the crap out of my friends? 4) Allow survivors to have their own colors not the ugly green color (unless that's their favorite color in the world). Something I just remembered, there is a problem in flood matchmaking. When host migration takes place and then finishes, if you're human, you can kill other human players and it will turn them into the flood. IT'S A PILE OF DOODY WITH SUPER LAME SAUCE ON THE SIDE! This is what I feel should be put into this here game type. If anyone feels like adding something go for it.
  20. 343i, Microsoft, Hell even Bill Gates, Listen up. If you had involved a Flood game mode, where my friends and I can slay endless hordes of NPC flood, similar to Black Ops 2 Zombie mode, I would have had no reason to even buy BO:2. I love Halo 4. It is the game I've been waiting to play since Halo 2. Please add a game mode like this, I would love to play it.
  21. Over the course of the campaign, we learn that long ago, Humanity and the Forerunners went to war. Ultimately, it was learned that the Humans weren't making war with the Forerunners, but, in fact, running from the Flood. Okay, wait... If Humanity was already engaged in a galactic battle with the Flood, WHY would they EVER start a war with the Forerunners? Aren't they threatened enough? Well, I've heard it put, "If you're running from a serial killer and have to cut through someone else's property, you're not going to care about the person that owns the property, you're running from a freaking serial killer." Okay, that makes sense. But wait...how did the Forerunners not learn that Humanity was fighting the Flood? I mean, it should have been very, very obvious. Well, maybe it all happened so fast that by the time the Forerunners realized humanity was fighting the Flood, it was too late for either side. Okay, that makes sense...only no, it doesn't. At all. Because the Forerunners and Humanity were at war for ONE THOUSAND YEARS. Yes, the Librarian herself states this fact, that they were at war for a millennium before they realized that the Flood was a thing. This doesn't even APPROACH making sense. We've all seen how fast the Flood spreads. How fast they work. Even if somehow, someway, the Forerunner battled Humanity on a galactic scale for a thousand years and SOMEHOW never ran into the Flood...don't you think Humanity would try to communicate the fact that they were facing a race of parasitic, unstoppable killers that would gleefully not only wipe out Humanity, but the Forerunners, too, if given the opportunity? Wouldn't it make FAR more sense for Humanity to try, desperately, to form a pact with the Forerunners? And I can't believe it's a breakdown of communications. The Forerunners built the Halos, they built the Ark, they are apparently able to enact a plan that takes literally one hundred thousand years to come to fruition. There's no way something like a lanague barrier would stop them. So, am I missing something here? How could 343i drop the ball so thoroughly on this little fact?
  22. ALright, so back in Halo Reach I was an excellent forger and custom game master. Now, we all know that some of the best custom games in halo were made in infection. I tried going back to make sure I could still remake my most popular games, Knockout, speed Halo, all the good stuff, you know. However, while they were busy focusing on making multiplayer better and forge with more options, it appears they seem to have forgotten lots of options to use for custom games. I was just curious if the lack of custom game settings, specifically for flood, has pissed anyone else off, and if 343 was planning on releasing a patch that allows us to do more, such as, I dunno, giving the infected weapons instead of the default hand stick? It'd be great if we could make custom games like we did on Halo reach. Please consider fixing that. Anyone else have that problem?
  23. Welcome Spartan think you have what it takes. Join Palidon and test your skills. This team will do campaign, custom games, war games (from Infinity slayer to swat), spartan ops. So if you Think you have what it takes send a message to gamer tag FullerScroll or put your gamer tag below. Palidon runs on a ranking system. To view said system got to the Palidon website. http://www.i-m.co/siminoux/PalidonHq/ So join Palidon today and see where your carrier takes you! If you don't have a headset you can still join! Headsets are not a must and will not make us say no! All we need is YOU!
  24. we need a free world to create in. im talking massive free world in the open. second we need to be able to change the flood weapon! please make these changes.
  25. Hello there from Halo4Customs. I am new here and I have a great opportunity for all of you to join a community on Facebook dedicated to Custom Games and Custom Forge maps. If you guys want a good and new community that is all about custom games, stop by and check out the new Halo 4 Customs page on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/H4Customs This page will be a hub for organizing custom games so that you can get your fix of Infection, Dead Space, Warthogs, and all other Custom games. Please like and hang out to get some great custom games going. Are you tired of making an awesome map in Forge, only for no one to see it? Then like this Facebook page! There will be Bi-Weekly featured maps once things get rolling. That's right. Your map can potentially be featured on our facebook page for all to see.
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