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    Impersonating Caboose

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    Otaku Oats

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Hunter (4/19)



  1. You should have done this on Erosion, the map looks very bad with the Forge Island Palette.
  2. The picture attached does not show the gametype or map in anyway.
  3. Gamertag: HeroAnarchy Map: Amphitheater Gametype: Maggot Meat Brief Description: 4-6 players Small circular map Urban Themed Humans have four different choices in weapons ​Assault rifle with three grenades Sniper rifle SAW Shotgun Flood have higher damage resistance, no shields, low damage (two hits) No armor abilities, vehicles are for aesthetics, no radars Six Locations ​Bakery Food Stand On top of Bakery Streets Alley Way Gas Station Small aesthetics Other Details: The map is outside of Erosion It has already been tested with four people NOTICE: THE LINKS ARE INSIDE THE NAMES OF THE GAMETYPE and MAP. SO JUST CLICK ON THEM TO GET LINKED TO THEM IN MY FILESHARE.
  4. I love the look of it the pictures also look very spectacular good job!
  5. Another slender map, I really would like to see something different
  6. Shouldn't it be called Ivory Tower remake since Reflection is a Remake of Ivory Tower?
  7. Is it alright to make a map based on this gametype?
  8. I think the map looks nice. The only problem is the teleporter is less obvious otherwise good job.
  9. The idea for the first breakable wall looks really cool. Might use that for a future map of mine.
  10. "Kill an Emeny in midair" Seems like the legibility of this news is bad
  11. This doesn't belong in the Infection thread it belongs in the Minigames thread.
  12. I remade duck hunt and speed halo go check HeroAnarchy's Fileshare.
  13. Okay I have the Wake-Up John Achievement and I beat the Halo 4 campaign with my Mates. Is there any reason why I didn't get the avatar award or is 343i too d*mn lazy to fix bugs instead of there playlists?
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