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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. welcome 2 the forums pm if u have qustions i have cookis
  2. we have ro wait and see 4 halo 5 6 78 9
  3. exacly cea was the most ublanced of them all a pistol is the best wepon that is a joke
  4. same engine as multiplayer not campain thats why wepons dissaper and stuff like that
  5. hmmm i do care about the progresive system im a sr57 at the moment and i feel i do want to rsnk up in reach it was meh so good job 343
  6. welcome to the forums also how can u be bored of halo 4
  7. sparten ops is firefight with a objetive
  8. hi the same as adam akbar never did it when i first joined so here it is hi im new to the forums and i like halo mass effect aand skyrim plus warz im also a cool guy and fairly nice also 343i chat doesnt come up 4 me think im banned so yheh also i know my way around the forums i know the drill ive been here for a decent amount of time post your thoughts of me down below
  9. i think every halo campain has its srong points halo ce so much mystermy and oringal story halo 2 see the war from the other side long halo 3 no cortana u feel alone feels epic anwers everything halo odst new take on halo series feel weaker oringal story murder mystery halo reach from the beging u know the end see docter halzy the fall of reach space battle good pace and good vafrity of missions halo 4 sad amazing charcters brilant voice actors long campain new viilan new edmies and its flawless
  10. humanity is reverse enginering tech from covies also new edmey type it seem ****************
  11. guys and gals trading on this forums now it is illegal u could get a permaban
  12. hmm ok intresting play all the old levels again cooool also the didact is ugly ase **********************************
  13. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo aparten ops is taking a mid seaon break nooooooooooooooooooooo

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i know im sad about it :( we have to wait til the january 21st til we get new ones

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