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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. hhhhhh some war games map pass and le owners are having troble with it but 343 promises there working on yes in less than half a hour the problem will be fixed
  2. ** ** merry chrismas maybe santa can get a locust 4 u ** ** ** how is h o bad cobiend it togher walla its a swear here wtf
  3. when u wake up in the morning there be ready to dowload
  4. hhhhhhhhhhhhhh still wornding maybe i will ask shelia she is a nice lady
  5. mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. dam paeple halo 4 is the revil of the series its not the end its a new beging
  7. hhhhhhhh plamer anit that bad she sais one of the bet lines in the game they belive this is the home of one of there gods the way i see it if those freaks whanna meet god then its are duty to help them along infinty destroyers covie ship i rember when the unsc had to be very stratical and everry victory come at a very heavy cost now they use big ships to ram through
  8. may be in smam or not sure should have brought le
  9. dont worry 343 has made all dowloadble items on all profiles latest patch
  10. heh heh your friends not to sharp no offence its not cheating fast track sparten ops doble xp montin dew 4 players matching fastest way 2 get xp
  11. 1 thing as a halo fan cod is my mortal edemy
  12. nothing its a know bug on twitter it was confirmed for map pass and le owners cannot doload it yet just wait 343 are fixing it
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