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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. voted out i think becase team recide was more poupler
  2. my thoughts are its a ***************************** phone
  3. damm no crimson for me now gonna have to wait to play it

  4. becase evry ones palying halo 4 and black ops 2 but some peaple must be playing it
  5. yes i know it that as well im not to smarrt either also i know spelling error
  6. we are pretty much in the first month they add it back in later
  7. heh maybe smaller maps in majstic map pack
  8. this has been dond befor also this game is better than 3 and reach combined
  9. not much 1 thing thought ******************************************************************* team mates
  10. yes if it popler like swat they will be perment so far only swat
  11. 1 minite alos spelling error i know
  12. i love the game u hate it who cares stop ranting about it on the forums
  13. post your thoughts mine are cool i love thse big team inspired and objetive maps also extraction in war games cool also vote
  14. hi king of the hilll at the moment has been taken out of halo 4 war games dont know if its coming back in and why they did it so post your thoughts and vote
  15. dude what are u talking about i love going in to a ctf oddd balll match whenever i wnat
  16. hhh if u cannot find your email u may have 2 buy the limtead detion dont see why u didnt any way
  17. hh armor lock is a noob abilty if u like your a noob
  18. heh u could play war games 4 fun ha ha ha peaple dont know what 2 do when there is no rank byt he side lol lol also i got le suckers ha ha
  19. to be fair all i needis a assult rifle to take out hunters but it takes serval assult rifles to kill onew wow a rearly long time
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