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Why People are Hating on 343


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Ok, The graphics in this game look killer. Yes. SO yeah I will give 343 credit for this game. In my choice i would like to see 343 like bungie. A really good thing to check up on like bungie. Yes bungie was awesome but now they left us. So give 343 some credit.

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"May the bridges I burn light the way"


At first when I heard Bungie was retiring from Halo and this other company was taking over, I thought... Oh that's the speed of sound(m/s) and then I was deeply concerned for Halo's future. I thought Halo would never be the same and this unknown company will ruin its title. After forgetting about this topic, E3 came along as well as new gameplay footage. I now have full faith in 343i and the change it'll bring. I even pre-ordered the limited edition of Halo 4. I think 343i could be up there with Bungie, maybe even a little higher. I just love the lighting in Haven. I personally hate how Call Of Duty keeps releasing almost the same game with different titles again and again. I will not have copies! I'm even more excited now that 343i has taken Halo over in that it will not be a tweaked Halo 3 or Reach. I cannot see any logical reason why someone would claim to hate 343i. It's like saying no before the question.

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I agree with most of what has been said here;


But, there is something that has shifted within Bungie;



I actually know a guy who works for Bungie, don't get me wrong he's a great guy, BUT we were talking on the phone a while back, last week to be precise when completely out of the blue, he makes the comment "I believe our new game, Destiny, is going to destroy Halo and 343i." which is the one thing I hate because near towards the end of the contract HE helped with the Halo Series, now im not certain if this is what most everyone in Bungie think now, or if it's just his opinion, but He's bashing the game HE helped bring up! Is it not ridiculous?


Now, im almost done but;


I believe that a description of a True Halo Fan is:

Doesn't care wether it's Elite or Spartan

Doesn't care if 343 or Bungie is making the game

Doesn't care that obviously it will be different, but will accept the change. Yes were a little bummed that Elites won't make an appearance in MM, but when you delve into the core of WHY, you start to understand 343's intentions with it.




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343 has proven time and time again that they are very capable of ruining this franchise. Just look at the latest choices of map packs. If you actually play reach you'll notice people choose the same 3 maps over and over consistently. Asylum, hemorrhage, and reflection. All halo 2 maps. And there is a reason for it. The new maps show that 343 doesn't understand halo as it should. Management needs to be fired and restocked with someone who understands the brand that bungee built.


This company has made nothing but poor choices on the direction of halo. And sad to say I don't see it changing. Really? Why would any company in their right mind add maps with hockey sticks, a ball that is completely unresponsive, and invincible shields to a first person shooter? At the same time remove territories and hemorrhage from objective playlists. And you guys think 343 will be capable to create halo 4? Lol.


I just wish Microsoft would bring halo 2 back online! The pc version lags like hell.

Your argument is very, very flawed, now let me explain why.


1. The "newest choice of map packs" and the ONLY map pack for Halo Reach designed by 343i is the Anniversary Map Pack, and in fact maps from Halo CE and Halo 2. Also, Hemorrage is a remake of Blood Gulch from Halo CE, not Coagulation from Halo 2.


2. Bungie built Halo Reach, and 343i has done what they can to soothe the massive amount of anger over the numerous bugs that Bungie couldn't be arsed to fix. For instance, melee being only as strong as the shield that remains, Armor Lock being massively OP, Maps having spawns in front of high fire zones that result in a massive amount of spawn camping, etc.


3. Bungie is the inventor of Halo Ball, and is the one who put the Golf Club into Halo Reach to begin with. That had nothing to do with 343i.


4. The only thing 343i did to Reach was make it more similar to the way Halo 3 was played. So to say that you aren't happy with the direction they are going is rather odd, considering they have done their utmost to do what you yourself just said they should do.


Your post aids to prove the theory that hatred to 343i is based solely on ignorance. It seems like you didn't know that Bungie was the one who created Halo Reach, took Halo 2 offline, and is solely responsible for every gametype (except for TU and ZB) in Halo Reach.

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Your argument is very, very flawed, now let me explain why.


1. The "newest choice of map packs" and the ONLY map pack for Halo Reach designed by 343i is the Anniversary Map Pack, and in fact maps from Halo CE and Halo 2. Also, Hemorrage is a remake of Blood Gulch from Halo CE, not Coagulation from Halo 2.


2. Bungie built Halo Reach, and 343i has done what they can to soothe the massive amount of anger over the numerous bugs that Bungie couldn't be arsed to fix. For instance, melee being only as strong as the shield that remains, Armor Lock being massively OP, Maps having spawns in front of high fire zones that result in a massive amount of spawn camping, etc.


3. Bungie is the inventor of Halo Ball, and is the one who put the Golf Club into Halo Reach to begin with. That had nothing to do with 343i.


4. The only thing 343i did to Reach was make it more similar to the way Halo 3 was played. So to say that you aren't happy with the direction they are going is rather odd, considering they have done their utmost to do what you yourself just said they should do.


Your post aids to prove the theory that hatred to 343i is based solely on ignorance. It seems like you didn't know that Bungie was the one who created Halo Reach, took Halo 2 offline, and is solely responsible for every gametype (except for TU and ZB) in Halo Reach.


Not true, Director, the Defiant Map pack was 343 and Certain affinity. Not that I side with the guy your arguing with. Maybe people love those maps, but anyone who disses countdown is completely irrational. And the Defiant Map pack was at least as good as Noble, even if I didn't get a chance to play it much. The only Noble map I really cared for is Anchor 9.


Of course, one of the horrible things about Reach's maps is that many of them are built solely for invasion and suck in any other mode, even BTB. Take Boneyard, the snowy noble map (I forget its name), or Spire. They can all be fun, on occasion, but outside of Invasion they are horrible compared to the big maps in Halo 3.


Personally, even though I enjoyed Invasion, I hope 343 can's that and keeps the focus on slayer and objective.

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Again, everything is flawed. 343i worked with Bungie on the development of Reach. This was stated by numerous VidOC's and from 343i team members themselves. 343i alone did not soley do the map packs either. If you hate the map packs, blame Certain Affinity as well.

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Personally, even though I enjoyed Invasion, I hope 343 can's that and keeps the focus on slayer and objective.

Well, the main reason I don't enjoy Invasion as much as I could is because of people quitting out. Since Halo 4 is going to have JiP, this should help to keep the games fairly even. Invasion was a good idea, just with some fundamental flaws, such as spawn pairing, uneven teams due to how long the games can be (quitters), and such.


I hope that they come out with a better variant of Invasion, but from the way multiplayer is looking I doubt they will lol

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The reason there is all this hate is because the game is not made by Bungie. They think that Halo will be "ruined" and not be great. They say they are true Halo fans, but they really aren't. I am accepting that 343 Industries is making the game and I think the game will be awesome. True Halo fans would accept change. I think change is good. Yes, everyone wants it to be like Halo 3, but if it was, why even make a new game?

Your really right maybe it won't have the feel of Bungie's halos, but its still halo, no matter who makes it. Also where did you get that sig? is there a website?

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In general its because those are the people who are never happy anyways.


Also, because they have some weird notion of what exactly makes a game, and what exactly a Halo game is.


You don't have to like the changes of course, the problem is, they sound like whining five year olds a lot of the time.



As for the other people who "don't like 343" they are just concerned is all, they don't hate 343, they just haven't seen the proof in their own hands that 343 is capable of making Halo 4 the game that they want.

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I would be happy if they made an exact copy of Halo 3 with better graphics honestly. 343 is doing it's job and it looks surprisingly good. I just hate these forums being posted everywhere. Somebody should make a warning at the top of the forum saying "Research the Site before you make a topic about what has already been talked about!"

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I don't really think people are hating 343i for not being bungie.They are hating them because 343iMicro have ruined Halo Reach and they will ruin Halo 4 and beyond.Oops,I did it again! I got banned from

Waypoint forums for stating this truth..Seriously!

1. Stop bringing up dead threads unless you have something really relevant to say.

2. How did they ruin Reach? Give examples, don't just make a statement and then not back it up.

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Many people do not like it because they see changes and haven't played it or fully understood the gameplay. With a new race and new weapons and vehicles, the game will play differently, but many have come back and said it feels like Halo.


My cousin happened to be at RTX and played a couple games, including Regicide on Haven, Team Slayer on Longbow, and one of the Spartan OPs missions. He loved regicide, loved how Longbow played (he said the perfect mix of vehilce and on foot gameplay), and said that Spartan OPs was indeed a great step up from Firefight (he favorite mode in Halo Reach and ODST)


He said it played as a faster Halo 3.

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