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Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge (Round 6)

Axilus Prime

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Forgive me for stating the obvious, but should we really be inuding riddles on items that are NOT fact based or true documented history/lore? Didnt he say the answer is based on what most people believe may be true due to nothing more than clues hinting towards what the answer may be?


If thats the case, then any answer is correct based on the perspective and view of the player who was exposed to said hint.

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Forgive me for stating the obvious, but should we really be inuding riddles on items that are NOT fact based or true documented history/lore? Didnt he say the answer is based on what most people believe may be true due to nothing more than clues hinting towards what the answer may be?

If thats the case, then any answer is correct based on the perspective and view of the player who was exposed to said hint.


It is a true aspect of the Halo Universe. I was only implying that maybe it had made an appearance in Halo 4: when 343i did not officially confirm it. Though it's apparent it's most likely there due to inference, and It's something EVERYONE who has played the Campaign has seen. Literally.


Now onto the next clue. This. Will. Give. It. Away. Guaranteed.


- Rampancy is only the beginning.


And Bnus/WonderWombat you're wrong.

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Correct me if I wrong, but Cortana gaining a physical form was due to manipulation of Hardlight, not some final rampancy evolutionary step for an AI. Similar to how she encased Chief, and strapped onto the Didact.

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It's got to be metastability as in Cortana becoming a physical thing and the theoretical final stage of rampancy.


And Bingo was his Name-O.


Metastability does not cause an AI to become a physical being. It only causes the AI to become independent and have a mind exactly like a human.


Whereas normal AIs are restricted from doing things that cause them to become Rampant: which causes extremely dangerous behavior. Eventually the AI returns to it's senses, and becomes a fully sentient being, but only after going through deep thoughts of hatred, anger, and jealousy towards their creaters.


Mendicant Bias nearly Destroyed the Forerunners while in Rampancy, but was unsuccessful. After becoming Metastable He sought Atonement and tried to use The Master Chief as a fixture to redeem himself. Right now Mendicant Bias could still be helping John.


Cortana questionably reached Metastability in Halo 4: but it could be possible that she was only diving in and out of Rampancy, and by the end of Halo 4 was still Rampant. That's why I said it's possible it's there.

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I'm guessing it is up to me to make the next riddle?  Okie dokie then.  I shall have it posted by 4pm today EST.

Not very good at riddles, but here goes...




Internal Affairs

a son with no heir


Violent in spirit and declaration

with fiery ruthless dedication


follow me until death

we shall forge with no regret


Quick and easy it shall not be

mere toys and trinkets at my feet


Preserving what must always be

ever collective of the three


I'll harvest your soul in silence

no more shall you cause such defilance


Do you know, can you see?

My faith and my loyalty?

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