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  1. Link removed, topic locked. Please review our rules on Off-Site Links and advertising. ~Red
  2. This long-awaited instalment in the Halo series finally sees 343 come into their own with a host of gameplay additions, but does it all come together to convince us this is Master Chief's finest outing?
  3. Hey folks! It's your friendly neighborhood Haloplayer back at you again with some new content! The gents and gals at IKP have teamed up with Action Sack to bring you a new Machinima experience, which you hope you really enjoy! As a heads up, yes, we will be finishing Lost Cause. We are still in the process of using the oil can on our rusty joints. So for now, have a gander at The Walking Ted!
  4. I beat the Halo 4 campaign on Legendary, Solo. Only used the skulls Grunt Birthday Party and IWHBYD. No matter what I try to do, it does not give me the achievement for beating the Halo 4 campaign at all. I've tried playing each mission over again, mainly Midnight. No matter what I try, it absolutely refuses to give me the achievements. I'm missing the achievements for beating Midnight, beating the par score on Midnight, beating the campaign on Easy, beating the campaign on Normal, beating the campaign on Heroic, beating the campaign on Legendary, and beating the campaign on Legendary alone. I'm tired of retrying each and every mission. I've asked and asked and asked people why it won't work. I'm trying to be as cooperative as possible. I'd really prefer if I just got the achievements instead of someone giving me a "trick" on what mission to play, but any assistance at all is much appreciated.
  5. Simple Question Going back, what was the main reason you guys delved so far into the Halo franchise? Why is Halo appealing to you?
  6. Hello!! My name is Angel Arising and Dissension Gaming is now recruiting! We're not like other clans, we encourage a fun, organized friendly community, forum based, game nights, tourneys, friendly atmosphere, always someone to team up with but we break our community into Brigades (by game: Destiny, Halo, Call of Duty, BF4) so that you're not 'lost in the crowd' but you can party up with any DGC members! You'll need a mic and daily access to the forums in order to join. We offer the following for members: Graphics Team, Podcast Team, Event Team, Competition Teams, , and others! How to join Dissension Gaming? 1) Visit website: Dissension Gaming http://dgcgaming.net/ 2) Create account for Forums (Put Angel Arising, as referrer) 3) Read this thread: Apply to Join Here 4) Follow format requested above, and apply to join the console and game brigade of your choice. 5) Wait for it to accept your application, and give you further instructions on how to get in the group, and onto the Brigade list. 6) Start posting around the forums, getting to know people (add them on xbox), and start gaming!
  7. my friend just informed me that halo 5 will not have coop splitscreen only online now! please tell me he is pulling my leg cause if this is true, i do not want halo 5! my greatest memorys of halo are playing coop with my uncle who i rarely see and now they gonna cut out my personal favourite part WTF!
  8. It seems 343 is moving on again. Small groups of people at 343 have already started the creative process, and even a few lines. "We do kind of know what’s going to happen in the next game pretty well at this point," explains franchise development director Frank O’Connor. "We’re doing serious real planning and even some writing on the next game already, and that’s a luxury – we’ve never been in that position before. So we both know at a very high level what’s going to happen in, say, ten years from now. But at that very granular level knowing what’s going to happen in the next game and that’s just been a great feeling for me." As it appears, Bonnie is mobilizing Frank O'Connor and a few teams to "really lay the fictional foundation for the next 20 years." Bonnie also points out that several ideas playing a part in Halo 6 are already layed out. Stating they had to know where they were going by the end of Halo 4. Frank O'Connor has displayed caution, however in this, saying that starting too soon and too fast could change Halo's world and change plans. Frankie says: " ... [if] you start making those stepping stones too rigid, then you’re not being realistic about the game development process. That process could change the story but we know what’s going to happen in the next game, and we kind of know what’s going to happen to the Master Chief ultimately. " Halo 5 is finished. Halo 6 is (probably has been) in development! source: http://343i.org/36m
  9. In future updates of Reach, or the upcoming Halo 4, I would actually like to see more custom game options. For example, I would like to make a custom game where a player who aquires the custom power up keeps it till the end of the round, but there's no "infinite" for the time on custom power up options. Other people may want to make the colors of players more manipulatable, if that's a word... What would you like to see done to the Custom Game options list?
  10. Hey, We have seen your interest in Halo and thought it would be cool to let you know about something, which we could invite you guys in participating. Imagine a weekly gaming league where you pit yourself against other universities, colleges and even schools going head to head to see who is top dog. It’s going to be epic! And we already have sponsors involved such as Game and Razer with numerous more to come. It goes by the name Student Gaming Championships. Major games will be used during the championships, such as FIFA, League of Legends, and Smash Bro’s etc. (See link below for full list of games). So there’s definitely going to be a game for you or your team/teams. We’re looking to make this a monster of an event. Rivalries will be made and scores will be settled. Are you in? Of course everything starts from ground zero and this is going to be season one. There will be a few ups and downs for sure but we’d love to have you on board for the ride and help develop what will hopefully become the worlds largest Student Gaming Championships. The official site will be: http://studentgamingchampionships.com/ So just get back to us and we can fill you in and get you guys involved. This will be epic and even more epic if you guys join us! There will only be space for 100 teams so get back to u quickly to secure your place. Student Gaming Championships
  11. Hello, I am a recruiter for the multi-platform gaming organization known as Xiled Gaming Network or (XGN). Our community has been gaming together for over 4 years now and are currently accepting new members. Now let me start off by saying this, XGN is not for everyone, Yes you heard me right. Our play-style is not for all players. We are a community built around family. Although we do have several professional teams that attend events worldwide our primary goal has been and will continue to be bring gamers together, create friendships and enjoy the game as a group. We currently have 11,000+ members apart of our organization which we separate into divisions and then into squads of 100. This introduces the member to 100 fellow gamers that may share the same interest and beliefs. Creating friendship and unity. XGN strives to help our members in every way. Building teams and assisting players to learn team work, problem solving and strategies in game and out. Thus in turn enhancing the members online gaming experience. We also encourage members of our community to gather with fellow members and compete in our frequent in-clan tournaments where players can win prizes and bragging rights. XGN is made up of skilled and casual players on over 10 different games and 3 different consoles. There is no skill requirement to take part in the fun. Although we are criticized for this we believe XGN helps the gamer become a better player by teaching them our key techniques listed above. This is a family, a group that builds off of unity. Members of Xiled Gaming Network can expect to be treated with respect and welcomed to a new environment of gaming. Our members can also take advantage of our discounts from our many sponsors such as Scuf Gaming, Gfuel, Kontrol Freek and more! To sum things up, If you think XGN offers what you need in a gaming community then apply at XGNClan.com/Join and someone will recruit you asap, Or you can message me on Xbox Live Gamertag: Ish XGN. If you don't think we're the right group for you I appreciate you reading this and I hope the best for your gaming endeavors!
  12. Join our clan today! We are in a time of need, needing people such a yourself. Join and get your name in a place of honor. Don't hesitate for greatness, we need troops as we are preparing for war with P.O.N (Phoenix of Nations). Jump in our BCT's get your colors join the SII's or Our Security Squad and cannot forget our Sangheli division. Message me on Xbox, my GT: Evil Lemon 33
  13. Gamer Tag: l0 000 people (that’s a lower case L at the front) Map: Station 07 aesthetic So.... This map is actually a competitive map, but it has so many good aesthetic features that I've decided to post it here as well. I also think its a good example of implementing various features successfully into a competitive map. I really wanted to make a role-play style map, so I really hope you enjoy this and here goes... The Lore: Station 07 is the 7th of 10 experimental Cruiser Class Anti-Air weapons stations deployed on Requiem It consists of one massive thermo-nuclear pivotal gun battery, crewed by a team of five men. The ammunition is too unstable and volatile for conventional reloading systems; therefore an external, manually-operated system was designed for each station. Although there are 10 stations, Station 07 is the most famous due to its hazardous location and impressive kill count, currently boasting the destruction of 3 Cruiser class, and 8 Corvette class covenant ships. Fame however, comes at a price. With Station 07's casualty rate being the highest of all stations; averaging the loss of one crew member every 3 weeks.
  14. What's your favorite Halo Reach Firefight Map and why? Mine is Waterfront I think is what it's called, because it has a wide variety of structures and it's a pretty big map. Also, the sniper is good to use on the map, which I am a fan of and it challenges you. That jackal on the mountain with the focus rifle though, he annoys me SOOOOOO much. I remember one time in the bonus round I was on the roof of a building with a fuel rod gun and a DMR. Elite Ultras came in the drop pod, and you know that a bunch of skulls are enabled. When they came up, I shot, threw a grenade, shot, jumping around to not get stuck or killed. I took down the elites, and the grunts were rushing through. I was evading, popping heads, throwing a grenade, my shields go down, I hide, shoot, fight, it was really intense. I eventually pulled through the whole round, and I still stood.
  15. WELCOME Hello, my name is Cyanide On XBL, and I am here representing a clan on Halo: The Master Chief Collection called SSI. To shorten your time, I will not write a long paragraph for you to read, but instead make a list of information so that you can see what we are about. Information Started: 5/12/2015 Members: 10-20 Games: Halo: The Master Chief Collection (H2A and H4), will be moving to Halo 5. Type: Military and Competitive (2 Divisions to suit different players) Goals: To become a fun and active clan in the community that stands above others and kicks butt. Timezone: EST - PST Country: Mostly America (International) Requirements: Working mic, a copy of Halo: MCC, and the ability to cooperate. Organization: The clan is starting to become more and more organized by the day, so we are working on it. Concern: The new Xbox One environment causes some trouble for our recruitment and gameplay. Pros: The clan is together as a whole. Competitive Leaders: Cyanide on XBL (Drone PGL) has been in dozens of top-notch competitive clans/teams and has battled with many people. He has 13 years of experience, playing ever since he could hold a controller. AK is Toxic (WTLW aka Sparky) was one of the leaders of the Legions of Dawn, one of the main clans in the Legions of Sin Empire (Halo 4's largest clan community). He has been playing Halo for 10+ years.
  16. Check out my Halo 5 Guardians Beta Montage from a while ago! Sorry i haven't been active on this Community i been busy.
  17. Hello my name is Jeremy and I am starting up a halo clan devoted to playing custom games and all things Halo. If you would like to join or just join a lobby just message me on Xbox live. My gamertag is kicbutix Also be sure to follow me on twitch at twitch.TV/halo_customs Thanks
  18. Hello. For the last 10 months we have all experienced the frustration that MCC has put upon us. For many games you may have seen teammates quit early, go afc, or even just murder you for a power weapon. If this is your problem, here is your solution. KOO is a halo clan on MCC that has been running since early July. We have about 30 members as of our last routine check. Our clan has a set uniform and traditional set of rules. Our clan has a ranking structure as well, allowing players to prove their worth on a second plane outside of the games basic functions. If you decide to join you will have access to a coordinated team, experienced leadership, and most importantly, success on the field. Details are as follows: UNIFORM POLICY AND DETAILS: Our uniform is only for H2A, If you're to join you must play as an elite with a set of colors.Our emblem is the only thing we ask you to wear consistently. However whenever you're with the clan, all aspects of your uniform must be in order. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Within the clan we have a high sense of respect for anyone we encounter. This means we have zero tolerance for anything that degrades the other person. This means no T-Bagging, Melees, or shootings towards dead bodies. It is not only disrespectful, but a waste of time within the games.As far as respecting others go, others won't always respect you. If anyone commits one of the actions above it does not mean you have permission to stoop down to their level for vengeance.We don't allow our members to trash talk other players. It makes you look like a jerk, and your actions will define us as a clan. However, if another person starts a fight with you, you may defend yourself.Finally, like many other clans we don't allow team betrayals or rage quitting. We understand you may accidentally shoot your teammate and we understand MCC frequently kicks people out of games. We will be lenient, but if a pattern arises we will handle it RANKING AND STRUCTURE: Oracles Polyphony and it's roots can be traced back to its predecessor clan up to four years ago. During that time we have refined our ranking structure and seasoned our leaders with experience.The ranks in the clan run based on divisions and member skill sets.All members start in the infantry division. This is where we see if you're the kind of person we want, and if you can live up to our expectations. Once you pass infantry you have the opportunity to specialize in a skill. Certain divisions specialize in different things. For example, our Ranger division is a BTB oriented vehicle specialist division. Our Spec-Ops are the highly skilled stand alone players that specialize in long range weapons. These are just two of our divisions, for more information you can see our website. WEBSITE: A direct link to the website is as follows: www.KnightsoftheOldOrder.weebly.com The only problem you will have from here on out is your enemies quitting out before the game can get a chance to end. Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope to see a message from you soon. To contact us you can use our website or you can message me on xbox live with the gamertag Apex Arbiter. I hope you find the clan that's right for you, if that clan is us, let me know. -Apex Arbiter
  19. There is one vehicle that fans love and care about. Pelicans. Ive been waiting for a pelican in halo multiplayer since Halo 3. It can be at least a passenger Pelican for all i care. Halo might be mostly about killing but what about the machinima directors around the globe. Halo Reach had a falcon helicopter a human flying vehicle with turrets and passenger seats. Halo 3 had Hornets great for machinima but they weren't big enough. If you want to please your fans take our advice.
  20. I just think it' sounds like a perfect game if they make it happen halo 3 odst was a really good game and the odsts came out in halo reach so why not make another odst game? Like why were they there ? What happened? Let me know what you think
  21. Type -23 Hollow Armor Made during an uneasy alliance between the UNSC and Soul Society, the goal was to make something able to fight off Covenant and supernatural enemies. The suit is compatible with most MJOLNIR armor systems. You can change the color of the stripes as you customize the armor. I thought since we have Hayabusa, which is from Ninja Gaiden, it be cool to have armor inspired by other franchises.
  22. So many if not all of us have seen the new teaser trailer, #Hunt The Truth. On the bullet it says "Traitor",probably referring to Chief as the bullet shatters his helmet. I think whoever is "shooting" the sniper is either Locke or representing ONI, as their trying to hunt him down. I don't think Chief will die in H5G, I think they're just referring that Locke is trying to "Hunt The Truth".
  23. Hey People if you wanna play Customs Msg KyRaze or E8B
  24. Greetings! High Chancellor Ark UraniumWolf of the FWR clan here to look for people who are wishing to join an active military base clan. We are a fast growing clan with 90+ members at the time of this post. We have multiple branches, such as the PAW (Army), OSW (Spec ops), WOA (Airforce), and MP (Military Police). Subdivisions include 1st Flight Wing and 1st Calvary Regiment. Ever since our kick off on Halo Reach on March 3rd, 2015, we have won a total of 4 wars won and only one loss. Contact if you want information at Ark UraniumWolf or FellowGiant8933. I'll see you on the battlefield! ~Ark
  25. Hello This is Game 4 Krew we are a clan that doesn't take games to seriously and that just likes to have fun and have friendly competition do custom games play co op campaigns and online multiplayer we play a wide variety of games we play on xbox one & 360 we are looking for chill people that want to kick back and enjoy gaming if interested add me on xbox my gamer tag is JLAFlash add G4K On instagram @games4krew
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