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Everything posted by Jezzertle26

  1. i hope you know, its the season pass your pre-ordering not the DLC it self, so it caan't come with the game, because the game doesn't have enough space
  2. two tank shots, not and you can dodge banshee bombs in reach, so thats that, ohh yeah 20 sniper shots that would be nice, consitering i pilot that stupid thing thinking of only snipers its a small transport vehicle for teams, bigger than a hornets seats, but smaller than pelicans, hence it don't matta cause you cant fit 4 people on a hornet, but you can on a falcon or just use the....... FALCON.......PUNCHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. i thought you got the, recruit armor only by getting LE if not thats BULL if i buy the LE version i want an in game armor, i dont care about the stupid skin, i mean truly im not getting LE for the armor but i still think they should give you it! i just looked and yes with LE you get the recruit armor, and the prime skin for it and your assalt rifle
  4. well so far, we know of 38 helmets, 36 chests, 36 shoulders, and lots of arms and legs, and that is just from pax alone!! they could add more or that could be it, personally i think that there will be more, because pax didn't answer everything gameplay wise, so why would they do it armor wise, they could have just left 5 helmets for pax instead of 38, so there must be more, and if theres not, then owe well thats the number of reaches helmet, and halo 3's combined! so to answer your question, yes and no!
  5. if master cheif took off his helmet, he would be shot in the face, like the carmines in gears, thats why he can't take it off, ether that or he's ugly as ****, you know which ever works Naw but i think he should be like a so halo:hero we thought died a while ago, like sgt.Forge from halo wars, plot twist!!!!
  6. it's a good idea but, it will just make the vehicles over powered, how, well the whole point in even shooting at the driver, or the gunner is to cripple the warthog, if they had this abiltiy then people would load up the warthog, and use it to there advantage, examples, you kill the driver, it the vehicle stops, yet the passanger is able to switch and get the gunner out of the fire, same thing for the turret guy, he dies then passenger (badd spelling) loads up mid drive, and that warthog is back and up again, trust me it seems good now but will get fricking annoying later
  7. one thing you must look at is not realism but gameplay, if this was realistic then, i personally would be killing every living thing with a plasma repeater, plasma, in case you dont know, is super hot, like the magma hot, if not hotter, i think a lava gun beats everything, but you must focus on gameplay
  8. everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe not spartan ops, i have to see for that one, but yeah everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. i just went to the store yesterday to make sure i get LE
  10. its to bad, he was a badass! And some covies are bad, and some are good, and some are neutral, so some still believe in the profets some, dont and are good, and some just dont like humans or anything else for that matter
  11. yeah and the shipmaster's elite forces, what happened to the shipmaster i forgot, all i know is that if he is still alive he better make his way into the halo 4 universe oh yeah i also forgot shipmasters real name, all i know its the white elite with the broken jaw
  12. bananas

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      Err, you know fruit sucks right?

    3. Minuette


      MMMMMM Bananas


      Do you like bananas?

    4. Minuette


      MMMMMM Bananas


      Do you like bananas?

  13. in a way i like those helmet's because they dont look the same, for example the halo reach helmet's all look similar, in halo 3 the helmets were more masks, (recon,hybudssadads, yeah you no hy something, rogue, EOD, Scout) all of them didnt have huge visors, but they were the most popular ones of the bunch, so yeah, also i dont like the reach one cause they had like 3 masks in total, (scout, MP, and gungnir kinda) but thats it out of reachs 13/14 helmets, im just glad that each helmet has it own personality, un like reaches
  14. not when those grunts come at you on legendary then the pp is the scariest gun on the planet
  15. thank you, and now i know... and KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE...... G.I.JOE!!!!
  16. i like the crazy new helmets they look pretty cool, i didnt like the halo reach ones because they where all the same looking, they dont variy very well, thats why i pick the craziest one which was the gungnir, i hope that they keep these helments and add some more cool looking ones
  17. i didnt mean to offend you, in anyway, what you said is just that people dont need to be told everything, i think most of the stuff you said is cool but you dont have to tell us everything, oh yeah and P.S. i think i can make a conveyor belts with the new gravity logs they made, so yeah just sayin, by the way if you want to explain how the gravity log works i would love to hear it,thanks, Ertle26
  18. ok take away all the real world/ game sniper asspects, and just think balance, a vehicle can be murdered from across the map with a sniper and what can that vehicle do, nothing but hide, i think it's bad when i dont hide from a laser, or rockets with a vehicle, but do hide from a sniper, the worst part is the guy with the rockets has to be closer, to me so he is taking a risk to kill me, with a sniper he is not, remember just think gameplay not realism, the sniper that kills vehicles, encourages camping in that rock in Hemerage, and theres not a single thing someone can do about it, because when your driving across a wide open map like hemerage, then you should be more concerned with the vehicle in front of you not the guy in the corner sniping, just think what sounds far, sure a sniper is a powerful weapon, but people cant be trusted they abuse the power, like armor lock and the grenades, just stop thinking realism, and start thinking gameplay, cause i rater have a fair and fun unrealist game over a game where everything is over power, might as well be playing battlefield 3 ( which is a great game) but i want to play halo. one reason you guys arent supporting me is proably cause you arent the drivers like me, anyone who takes the wheel instead of the gun because they know they can get at least 3 wheelmens before there car blows up, will support this trust me, its very annoying when you are just trying to get a wheelman, and help your teammate when a sniper who is getting a double kill every five seconds cause they keep kill those guys trying to work to gether, i get it, you like kills and you can only get them with the sniper rifle, because in this debate there are two sides, the people who dislike this stuff and there are people who abuse it for there own game, personly i would rater get a buddy on the back of my hog, with the gun then sit in the very back of the map killing things that arent even a treat to you, just because you can, it truly pisses me off, people should not be rewarded by doing this, they are camping and getting killing sprees and not even realy getting touched by a single bullet, not because they are good at the game, but they have a very long range gun and a lot of big and weak targets to shoot at, we need halo to require skill again because im kinda sick and tired of getting my butt whooped, not cause im bad, not cause i suck at driving or gunning but because the damage plus range on that stupid gun, if you try to bum rush a sniper with a hog, you can kiss you life good bye, sure i can grab the sniper at our base, but wait the kid is waiting for you to do that too, so i cant use a sniper to shoot the kid, if i take a vehicle im dead, and of course if i walk im going to die, eather by the sniper or something else, see you wont have a safe haven that you can resort to because the sniper covers all the bases, they need to nerf that things damage on vehicles or do something, i've been playing halo all my life and been driving halo vehicles with that, and these last two years of losing my vehicle to some little kid who has zero skill out side of that dumb sniper rifle, i dont want that for halo 4 and if its like that i wont play big team battle, which was my favorite back in halo 3 days, i dont know i just really can stand that stuff, and if you have a problem with my opinion on this then i know where you are in big team battle, cause its not driving, (proably the one siting on that stupid rock aiming down the sight) now to close this off im going to give a few examples i want you to think about, number one: if your driving a warthog should you have to worry about the other teams sniper when your fighting a wraith, a ghost, a reveranet, and two more warthog, well i do all the time cause all it takes is about 5 shots, example number two, this is for your realism guys go, play halo wars, and use the jackels, (which are the snipers), vs a warthog, and lastly this is more of a go see it your self, go play big team battle on halo reach, with the map being hemerage, or one with the sniper, and just drive and try to get kills, now that sniper kid is in about 75% of the games, so you should see what im talking about that is all i have to say, i wrote this with all the intentions not to affend anyone, i am just stating my felling about the sniper vs vehicles issue, and if you enjoy using the sniper and you think im scum, calm down cause im just the guy your blowing up as he attempts to run away with my vehicle, that is all thanks for reading this, please make sure you post your opinion on this issue good or bad, thanks, Ertle26 P.S. sorry for some of the misspelling i just kinda typed this up real fast
  19. calm down, i dont care how hard it is to make this physics, go play halo 3 and find a good custom game, like janga, thats a good one to show my point, im not saying halo reach had no objects that where moveable, and im just talking about the bigger moveable objects, like those barrels, and the wire spoils which i forgot to put in the poll, those simple things that are like building blocks make the game better, because it adds a type of destruction elliamate, ( bad spelling ) that makes the game fun, like i said go play janga on halo 3 and you'll see what im going on about, also while your at it look up janga on halo reach and see how much those maps suck. trust me, oh one more thing you dont got to be right all the time or no what 343i engines need to do you just need to put in the imput, people dont want a fact lesson they want a opinion.
  20. ok ok here's my problem vehicles, why would you not use a plasma pistal on a map with lots of vehicles, imagine your driving a ghost about to splater someone and they emp you, you get angry, now imagine the same thing but everyone has a plasma, game over if you get one splater the whole game your one lucky person, thats my concern, same thing with the wraith when you emp it the cannon retracts, so you cant shoot, the wraith would be useless, in a game with vehicles if everyone has a plasma pistol then you can forget about driving cause you got a better chance on foot, which is kinda homo, its a driving map for god's sake. thats my thoughts about that, cqc i think it will be ok as long as it a one on one fight, two on one, your done for, which is stupid two, trust me the plasma pistol will get rediculous, unless 343i alters it or something else, one plasma pistol, not a problem, a whole team with those things thats a problem.
  21. your right but i dont like cod as much, still doesnt matter the reason why cod is better is because it doesnt have a fan base, like halo's most people who are in love with halo (like me) still play other games, and because halo is so much more diffucult to get kills and play, blah blah, those halo fans playing cod are just as good if not better then them, im a perfect example, but halo is harder to get into than other games thats why the fan base is small, so 343i is making halo 4 to grow that fan base and make the game similar to the others so more players can get involved, which is genous cause now halo fan will have their game, because the game is still very much halo, but non-halo fan can come join the party due to the new non-halo features, same game different atmosphere, I think that Cod will still win, because of the fact that halo fans will buy both halo and cod, but cod fan will just buy cod, see what im saying
  22. i should have been more specific with the small arms, go play halo reach right now, the vehicle takes damage which makes sence but so do you, you can kill someone by shooting the vehicle, and the vehicle will not blow up, go try it
  23. So im talking about this because i've looked at the forge forums and saw nobody is talking about this, Moveable objects, these are what made halo 3's custom games so awesome. if you think about what made them awesome it wasnt the abilty to make things float in the air, it wasnt the ablity to make them phase because i play halo reach custom games and forge which everyone seems to love, i dont to a sence, the custom games have very little map interaction, and all the things capitilize on the new features but they failed to take from the old. Now moveable objects would make halo 4 forge as long as they put enough, like halo reach had what 12 moveable objects total, (im talking things that are harm less untill they are launched at deadly speeds) you have two types of boxes, those stupid coventent crates and like golf balls, and thats about it. now if you think that the reach forge/custom games is fine and that im full of crap, just think back to halo 3 custom games i can name about five right off the bat; janga, garbage compactor, alligator, jaws, drag race. thats just of the top of my head i'll add things in as i go. i mean if im coming on (fat kid) to late to confront this problem (rube goldberg machines) then oh well i guess more sucky forge/custom games ( the train) but i sure hope that they can read this in time and add more of these moveable objects from halo 3; such as those huge crates, those trucks in foundry, and of course the peice to resitois THE PALLETS, I was so mad when PALLETS weren't in Forge world, because everyone loved pallets, they where doors, they where bridges, they where boats for christ sake, and you could move and break them all, so if you ingored everyother word i've just said just please 343i put pallets in halo 4 that would make my world, and im talking in the big make for forge not stupid swordbase ( not stupid its my favorite map but just hate it for forge) please anwser the poll i will be posting thanks for your time Ertle26
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