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Cpt Picardo

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Everything posted by Cpt Picardo

  1. Assasinations are stupid and you deserve to get robbed of the kill for trying one. I never assasinate its to slow.
  2. Just glue a horn on a bike helmet and, TA DA! Instant Fotus for all your dirty pleasures.
  3. 16 people! The more players the more fun.
  4. I love BTB and thats all i play unless a challenge forces me into another playlist. 8 v 8 is the way i like to play because of big maps and varied gameplay with vehicles. The only Halo stuff i can imagine being more fun then normal BT would be extra big teams! Imagine how much fun and action packed a 16 v 16 game would be! The maps don't necessary need to be any bigger then todays big team maps. Just throw in a few more vehicles and power weapons and its perfect. Is there any reason why we don't have this in Halo 4? Any technical reason i mean? Maybe the old 360 couldn't handle 32 players at once? If thats the only reason i hope 343 adds a playlist like this for Halo 5 on the next gen xbox.
  5. Big team objective is my favorite game type to. I like big team slayer to and out of 700+ games played more than 600 of them are big team. But just slaying is starting to get a little repetitive so a flag or two would certainly be fun. Do you guys think it would be possible to get more players then big teams 8 v 8? 16 v 16 would be fantastic action packed fun im sure but is that possible? I cant see why not since its in bf3. I hope for massive battles in Halo 5.
  6. I usually enoj finding myself a cammo guy since they are usually not the best players and easilly killed. But i still hate them for being covards.
  7. Played a few games yesterday and did not have fun at all. The other team had beam rifles and were snap shoting us far easier than we could with our unsc snipers.
  8. I have something like 9150. Had the account for three years. I never try for achievements except in games i really like. I do love Halo but to many of the achievements are Champaign and its not worth grinding threw legendary alone just for the achievements.
  9. If this is true its fine with me. Its not like i play games from the previous xbox anyway.
  10. Everyone seems confident the next xbox will arrive fall 13/ spring 14. Why is this? Have you heard something i havent? Microsoft havent said a word to support that as far as i know.
  11. I want the graphics to look like the spartans ops cut scenes. Noting more nothing less.
  12. I wear the oceanic one i got from pre order its slightly cooler than standard oceanic. I sometimes use the wetwork helmet its looks bad. As for body, arms legs its a mix of stuff i cant remember. Always yellow visor since it looks GOLD.
  13. I got my best perfection ever today on exile with the tank, 36-0. Was playing blue team and got the tank kept it all game.
  14. As i understand the down speed of your internet is not what counts when gaming its the up speed? Anyway i have 25/5 internet and i get lag to. I have noticed when i playing late night/ early morning where i live the lag gets worse. During the day it almost never lags.
  15. Cpt Picardo


    The map is way to big that the problem. Only 50% of the space is used. But still its my favorite Swat map but only because its the one i do best on.
  16. I never use a mic in games did once but got ridiculed for my accent (swedish). If someone do something awesome in game i send them a message. Have complimented many great gauss drivers and gunners when im driving. Drove a guy to a inconcivable once that was fun. Also gave big thanks to a guy riding on the back of a mongoose to take the tank when we were blue team. I got the tank and he fought of the reds long enough for me to get it back to the wall. Ended up being my best btb game ever had the same tank the entire game and went 36-0.
  17. I almost never get betrayed but i mostly play BTB and SWAT so thats probably why. But i have a question ive been wondering about. In previous halos when you get betrayed didnt the anouncer say "betrayed" in a sad voice. Now he says "betrayal" even if you are the one who gets betrayed.
  18. Agree! Invasion was very fun and addictive. The only downside to it was being forced to play as a dino at times. But now we have the awesome prometheans instead and it could be very fun playing as one of them.
  19. What do you think? I think it probably will be for the next gen Xbox if it is released this year or 2014. But I'm not sure that is going to happen. I think we wont see another Xbox until the end of 2015 so Halo 5 will probably be for the 360. I really hope I'm wrong about this tho! The 360 felt old five years ago and will be ancient by 2015/2016.
  20. For machinima sure you can do more if you have playable Elites. But the game is not made primarily with some obscure fat guy in his moms basement playing theatre with the game in mind. As for your second point, less hate? I predict an absolute hate storm if the Elites return as playable. They are the ENEMY of the humans and should remain being just that. Enemies to slaughter in champaign and ops/fire fight.
  21. Cpt Picardo


    A Halo movie would be a dream come true! Im supprised no one did one yet Halo has an amazing story to tell and it would fit perfectly into a movie. As for the plot, well here it is i have already thought it out: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25367-the-origin-of-the-elites/#entry239100 Ignore post by drunk irish idiot he is just trolling me.
  22. Whats so stupid about it? And i don't appreciate that you keep calling me stupid and so on. If you think that just don't read my threads.
  23. I think Elites are dinosaurs from another dimension. Sounds stupid? Well here are my thoughts: In a alternate universe the event that killed of all dinosaurs never happened. The dinos kept on evolving just like we did along time ago. By the time Halo takes place they have become Elites and have laser swords and space ships. They find some sort of hole in the universe that allows them to travel to the dimension where us humans exist. Sad and outraged that they are extinct in this reality they start a war with the humans. Doesn't sound so stupid now right? Im a genius for thinking this out and it would not surprise me if 343 "reveals" that this is the way it is in a future Halo. If they do you might wonder if thats what they planned all along or if they read this post and liked it? Just remember Cpt Picardo already knew
  24. 1v1 sounds boring and slow to me atleast if its supposed to be played on the maps we have today. If you have some sort of octagon map tho it could be fun! Or a circle map with just sonething in the middle. An SWAT rules without shields.
  25. Its going to be fun watching this tryhard playlist go from a few thousand players the first week to maybe 2-5 hundred after that. Im only going to play this so i can betray some "mlg pros"
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