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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Looking for some people to play matchmaking CTF with. Preferably from EU due to connection issues but i don't mind playing with people from the U.S <3 I'm usually online most weekdays between 8-10PM. my gamertag = kLAMIITY tired of playing on my own and coming up against full teams off people, communication is the key to CTF ! So please have a mic if you add me. Or you can post your gamertag as a reply to this thread and i will send you a friend request. Thanks <3
  2. just said this on another post but mightaswell update my own topic with it.. Why not offer 5 votes at the start with an option for each gametype in the vote? for example... FFA Slayer: Haven, FFA Oddball: Solace, FFA KOTH: Abandon , FFA Regicide: Complex, >> OTHER << with 1 option to vote other, which gives you a new set of maps...only available once per game though. Would bee sooooo much better in a playlist that offers variet, but the players still choose.
  3. Try to play a few warmup games before you go online, or find some friends who are usually on when you are and practice together as team work outplays individual skill no matter how bad your playing. I always find that a custom game or a couple of spartan ops games before going into matchmaking helps alot. & whenever i do go straight to matchmaking, if i play bad in the first game, i usually play bad for the rest of the day :/
  4. can't understand why anyone is against the 1-50 ranking system like halo3 , as quite simply if they did introduce it, it would go in a ranked playlist which no one is forced to play... someone said that the ranks should not be visible? Why not? how do you know if you're ranked good or bad? lol if you've played well enough to achieve a high rank, why shouldn't you be able to show it off?
  5. I don't understand why they don't just have a FFA playlist which has a choice of gametypes to play. like in the lobby for each game you will have a vote for one of each gametype... FFA Slayer, FFA Oddball, FFA KOTH, FFA Regicide, & idk, FFA Headhunter!!! (i imagine FFA headhunter would be amazing haha) this way, the players choose what they want to play, rather than us playing what they want us to play, and 343 would also be able to see if anyone actually likes regicide. Personally, i don't mind regicide although i don't understand it, as i was playing yesterday and i had 9 Regicides and 14 kills as the king, and came 2nd to someone who had 6 Regicides and only 10 kills as the king? I know you get more points for killing the king if they're on damage boost or w/e, but... :/ shouldn't you get more points for killing as the king? I've played games where i'm king all the way through racking up kills and then people get like 2 kills on you @ max bonus and win the game, it's ridiculous
  6. Aye FFA Throwback was a breath of fresh air, but where was Slayer? Edit: cool sig ^^
  7. Lone Wolf Lobbies: FFA Slayer FFA Regicide FFA King of the Hill Team Lobbies: Capture the Flag King of the Hill Dominion Regicide Oddball Classic Lobbies: Team Snipers Headhunter Griffball TEAM RACE (you know it's a classic at 4am) Community Lobbies: MLG Halo Forum (Any other popular halo fan sites? - each make a ruleset for a playlist) Possibly even slap a random playlist on the classic lobbies, which gives you a mixture of all games, free for all & team based... i'm sure it wouldnt be too hard for 343 industries to add a few more playlists for people to play on, would give people more variety of games to play and stop people getting bored of playing Heaven, heaven, heaven, adrift, heaven on infinity slayer all day. lol. I play halo 1 PC, have done since the day it was released.. the thing that keeps me (and many others) coming back to the game is the variety... (admittedly down to halo Custom Edition too).. but with the servers on Halo 1, people can create their own variety playlists which stop the game from becoming tedius! Such as.... Snipers FFA Shotguns No shields FFA Capture the Flag Oddball Team Slayer FFA King of the Hill Team Regicide Just a mixture of all possible gametypes, and even a few custom ones in the same playlist.... where's the harm in that? Im sure im not the only one who doesnt want to have to find a new playlist every time i want a different gamemode (and be limited to 4 gamemodes at that).
  8. Or maybe even make it 10 players? (wouldnt work on some of the smaller maps though)
  9. Quite suprised that there isn't a FFA playlist other than Regicide ? Even though that seems to have gone (bar the infinity challenge). I think this game is in desperate need of a playlist re-vamp, especially a slayer free for all!
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