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Everything posted by BeckoningZebra1

  1. I feel like it will be implemented into the service record soon (at least I hope) but maybe if we complain enough it'll show up
  2. I would like to have at least one more really big Halo map that would define Halo 4's Big Team Infinity Slayer instead of thinking about Exile or Ragnarok as Halo 4's Big Team Infinity Slayer playlist.
  3. I agree to the Halo 4 being COD like but Reach, Reach (I thought) was a prime example of what Halo is. But it may not be I just have a soft spot in my heart for Reach, guess its cause it was my first Halo game.
  4. The only horror movie in the Star Wars franchise was Episode I when we met Jar Jar Binks
  5. Say you were arm wrestling Chuck Norris on top of a roof when Batman asked for your help. So you jumped off the roof with batman and landed in the batmobile. Then as you arrived to fight the Joker, Master Chief handed you a spartan laser and pointed at a nearby covenant war ship. You took aim and FIRED! The covenant convoy was falling right at you but just when you thought you were about to become a pancake -splsssh- Spider-Man webbed you to safety. Suddenly the ground under you broke and a HUGE worm like creature with its mouth wide open lunged up out of the ground. As you fell through the throat of the worm you spotted none other than the Millenium falcon (the only ship to jump the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs) and you grabbed onto the side. As you were holding on for dear life, you felt a furry paw grab your back, and almost instantly you were in the ship's cabin with Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and Leia. You immediately begin conversing with the heroes of galaxies and come to find out they need you to help them shut off the shields and destroy the Death Star. Hours later, you're sitting in the cockpit of an x-wing starfighter coming out of hyperspace and in front of you lies the largest space battle you have ever seen (probably the only one too). You grab your controls and fly around the Star Destroyers blasting every last TIE fighter you can see. Bleep, Bleep. You're receiving a message on your comlink-its Admiral Ackbar-"The shields are down go in and destroy the main reactor!" You don't waste anytime you tell your astromech droid to forward all remaining power to your thrusters to get to the reactor before anymore lives are lost. As you get to the clearing you see the main reactor- PEW PEW - The reactors been destroyed QUICKLY you must escape the carnage that's about to ensue. The Death Star is exploding around you and you're nowhere an exit! You decide the fastest way out is a straight line, and you begin blasting everything that stands in front of you. As you fly away from the center you see a small opening that looks to lead to the outside of the large space station. You speed up but just before you can fly past the remaining debris, something hits the back of your x-wing and activates your hyperdrive. WOOSH! You're flying through space at speeds unknown to humans on earth! Slowly you come out of hyperspace only to realize you're about to hit the pavement! quickly you slam the eject button and launch out of the x-wing. As you fall through the air you begin to remember you have no parachute. WAM! You hit the concrete very hard and hurt your spine and leg very badly. But after 4 weeks of rehab you're able to walk with just a small limp. -That's what happened, Sincerely, Beckoningzebra1 Hope this helps you
  6. Gamertag: Beckoningzebra1 Map Name with link to Halo Waypoint: Mos Delia http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/beckoningzebra1/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=dd9fc65a-f502-4284-b6af-cb7097abd7e8 Gametype name with link to Halo Waypoint: Slayer Description: A Balanced map, with one banshee in the middle Recommended player count: 12-16 Team size: 6-8
  7. Reading all this really gets me pumped for Destiney too. By the way I read a few articles (can't remember where) and was wondering if anyone could confirm if Destiny is supposed to be like some kind of MMO?
  8. The spell check doesn't work properly alright isn't a word (look it up) the correct spelling is all right

    1. fzdw11


      I want to +1 this comment. Spelling it "alright" is a pet peeve of mine...

    2. Fishy


      all right is a destination, alright is an emotion.

  9. I've got an idea for a game too. Star Wars: Battlefront 3. Alright listen Activision buys the rights for star wars battlefront makes a COD style battlefront game, and adds a map maker to create your own planet to battle on. Space battles would start the way they did in SWBFII but they would continue through to the atmosphere as an LA-AT drops off squads of clones. Then your clone forces would battle their way through battalion, after battalion, after battalion, until they reach the command post. When they break through to the command post, their objective would be to take Grievous hostage. But they would soon realize that its impossible and Obi-Wan would break down the doors and battle General Grievous. Obi-Wan would gain the upperhand and Grievous would escape (unless that planet was Utapau) thus ending the chaotic battle. The best part is they would have to do at least 11 more levels (just because 12 is a good number for the final mission).
  10. Yeah, I thought so. It was a really good movie, but it was really sad when the dog died
  11. I'm at like 17% so far I think you've got the highest commendation %
  12. If you buy the game just to unlock everything and reach the max level then there's no point in playing. But if you bought the game to enjoy it and have fun with spartan ops, campaign, forge, and matchmaking then you'll be fine until Halo 5 comes out
  13. lol you're pretty good, that sniper rifle no-scope at the end was nice
  14. Those thing are WAY too small lol The games I'd like to see are: Halo Destiny Star Wars: Battlefront 3 A COD game that plays like Black Ops 1
  15. Hope they find out who did it soon, its pretty pathetic and heartless if you ask me
  16. I didn't like MW3, I guess black ops spoiled me with the awesome multiplayer
  17. Aww, I was gonna say going to the bathroom but I guess it'd probably be the suit weighing 2,000 lbs.
  18. I'm not sure if it's considered Horror or not but I liked "I am Legend" the one with Will Smith
  19. The Mario franchise more specifically the Mario Kart franchise and trust me, the Wii U will fail without a good Mario Kart game.
  20. I only played regular slayer one time after I found the BTB playlist on REACH lol
  21. Some of you forgot to add me to your lists
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