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Everything posted by BeckoningZebra1

  1. The terrain to choose from right now is horrible. I'd like it if Ragnarok could be replaced with ForgeWorld.
  2. I'm thinking about getting Halo: Combat Evolved from the Xbox Live Arcade and was wondering can I play online multiplayer or just local multiplayer or none at all? Also if you have this game would you suggest that I get it?
  3. Awesome Game Type + Map is a definite keeper btw Awesome Tantive IV map
  4. Good Job with all the reviews (I personally think EOD is better than some others but...)
  5. Needler Shotguns would be EPIC!!
  6. Armor Lock is the best thing that ever happened to Halo, Of course it should've had less activation time to keep ppl that used it wrong away from it but if you used it right, it would work MIRACLES
  7. Love, she's awesome and is gonna do a good job replacing Cortana as Chief's SideKick
  8. Back in 2002? My first video game console was an original PlayStation, then I got a Nintendo Gamecube and haven't stopped gaming since
  9. I'd like to see 4 seated vehicle in the next Halo it'd be awesome
  10. 4? Why would we need four types of enemies? Isn't 3 enough?
  11. UNSC: The Negotiator Covenant: The Destroyer Of Worlds
  12. What's wrong with regicide as the FFA playlist?
  13. Well, you just gotta remember Halo 5...in 3 years
  14. Where I'm at its pretty common to touch each other in conversation (unless you're a stranger) its not anything to be worried about
  15. Welcome to the site, Enjoy the forums be sure to stick around a while. See ya in the forums
  16. Which version do you enjoy better? XBOX 360 Do you enjoy playing MInecraft? YES! Best moment? Minecarts as a rollercoaster Do you even have it? Yeah, Xbox + iOS Your favorite block? Diamond ingot Your favorite mob? Zombies
  17. lol AD was talking to me in when this was recorded nice gathering all the shouts though
  18. When you lay down to go to sleep and you're just laying there, empty your brain, think of nothing at all. Follow the steps above and this and you should be fine
  19. I'm just saying "most" people are best with a precision weapon + Fully Auto as back up
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