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Everything posted by Ins4nek1ll4

  1. ok to start off with i have always been a big halo fan ... since halo started .. and when halo 4 came out i really was hoping 343 didnt screw up the story with mastercheif ... well they did a good job on the campaign ... but machmaking i dont think so much, not that its bad ... but all the game types that have been in past halos are gone ... then they started to "add" games .. but they would only be here for a week. now i really liked team snipers and did very well ( averaged 25 kills a game and 12 deaths ) then they took it down, so i would really enjoy if in the next game update if they brought back team snipers, also if they could put grifball into mach making as well
  2. i like that you can change the legs and wrists .. the shoulders are all real small ... dont look that great the chests all almost look weird
  3. I dont know if anyone else feels this way .. To me all the helmets and armour seems to complicated .. It soesnt have that nice sleak halo style, if you feel the same way please reply .. And if you feel different reply with why you like te armour
  4. id like to only see it in a game type like big team battle ... To me seams to overpowering for any other game type
  5. Forging has always been a great addition to halo since halo 3 ... Its always been fun to make a map then play with friends ... But the frustration with other halos were building the maps .. Noticing a little bump in between objects .. Or that a grav lift or cannon man didnt work the way you wanted it to. Also creating maps took to long, going in trying to make things perfect, what is your favorite forge feature coming out in forge, what is your least favorite, and what feature would you like to see 343 add and why ?
  6. I like the weather idea .. Also the adding trees ... I think another cool idea would be change the look of the forge items .. Instead of them being this nice clean look .. It would cool to change it into this damaged looking building .. Or if u had it in the grass make vines and other plant life on it and make it look like it has been there for a long time ... Also a forging map that has a jungle in part of it i also like the joing objects together idea .. Ive always hated making my own building then if i wanted to move it hving to move every single piece .. Because sometimes its hard to remember how they where pit together Put* i like both ideas it would be great .. And like with the trees ideas you could make just stumps or if u wanted a trench map you could dig trenches in the map
  7. A real cool feature would be to change the way thhe object looks ... Like the nice smooth look it already has then mayb elike a more blended into the enviornment like b covered in vines ... Change the color of the whole object ... Make it look broken and what ever else seems reasonable
  8. I think a cool feature for like ravine should b a weather feature ... When ever i forged in forge world i thought it would be cool tO make a map raining or snowing or just snow on the ground ... The built in features would be cooler if the maps where bigger so you have an option iff the people could see them or not ... The maps are great to me maybe for one of the map packs come out with a huge forge map kinda like forge world but more jungle like ... Have a jungle area flat area ( terrain ) and then a place with the built in structures
  9. at first i didnt get what you meant ... but yeah good idea, because when im in a hurry i just name my maps a .. and i have like 3 named a ... and if they had different pictures it would be easier to tell the difference
  10. yes or you could just jump from a real high height and not die and it would be dumb without it
  11. i had a peek at the halo 4 script and the covenant believe that the Promethean leader is a god and they are looking for Promethean artifacts
  12. you dont have to preorder them to get this .. you get them with the purchase of the game , no matter when you get it
  13. yeah the 1-10 will most likely take longer than the 1-50
  14. you still fight the covenant they are just very scarce .. remember MC has been adrift for 4 years and 7 months .. he is in a different part of the galaxy where covenant is very small but you still see them
  15. yes most likely you will start with these either that or the AR and PP who knows... very interesting topic
  16. im voting yes, it will make halo 4 more popular with all gamers if they get to choose, yes halo likes to move on but its better to keep your options open
  17. you have to take the fact that master chief has been drifting in space for about 4 years, hes not anywhere near the elites
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