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Spartan T-127

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Everything posted by Spartan T-127

  1. Marilyn Monroe. An amazing woman who I admire greatly. She was an incredible actress and someone who could smile when they're sad.
  2. Hooray!! The Flood are back!! I never thought I would be so happy to see them....strange.


  4. I was just watching some Fails of the Weak, and someone named Bashful Brute submitted a clip. Hmm. Wonder who THAT could be.

  5. Really wish they would stop delaying the new Bioshock

  6. Am I the only one who wishes Sheva was in Resident Evil 6?

  7. SUPER HAPPY :DDDD I FINALLY got my Vinyl Scratch figurine after waiting a month and a half :DDD

  8. that is something you DO NOT want to get wrong. professional.
  9. I was watching a bit of Yogscast and for some reason I thought of this topic. What if your doctor told you that you had 2 MONTHS AND 2 MONTHS ONLY to live? How would you spend it? Live life on the edge or play as Master Chief one last time? Spend all your money on trips around the world or throw it at bystanders? Do something recreational or skip around your neighborhood shouting the M.L.P song at the top of your lungs, JUST BECAUSE YOU COULD. So tell me, how would you spend your final hours? Me? Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is better than playing as a badass, 7-foot tall, super soldier.
  10. ( well actually I'm a girl and you said "he" [ does that still count? ] ) The person above me is a shamazing taco. the person below me has just taken notice to the fact that I have posted something and will therefore obey the challenge and in response post something else. HOORAY! LOGIC!!
  11. personally, i like bugs. i wouldnt dare squash the poor thing especially since its done nothing to me.
  12. Thinking of getting Mass Effect 3....

    1. One


      Mass Effect 1 is only good Mass Effect

    2. Spartan T-127

      Spartan T-127

      unless I get the leviathan DLC

  13. " If you're gonna be two-faced at least make one of 'em pretty."- Marilyn Monroe
  14. I talk to myself because nobody wants to talk to me about what I like so I have discussions with myself from time to time so that I never have to disagree. So, I'm talking to myself about myself...quite a mind rattling terminology. Quite.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Minuette


      I always talk to myself

    3. A_L00s3_Scr3w


      Forever alone. lol

    4. Azaxx


      I talked to myself for 3 hours in the shoutbox one time. I was lonely :'c

  15. Yes. Anyone part of our little Halo universe is practically family Do you have a bad habit?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Minuette
    3. ςHϵΑƨϵMΩηεTΞr


      Not look behind you what ever you do......xD

    4. Baby Boo

      Baby Boo

      Slender isn't even that scary...

  17. before a really difficult or intense part in a game, i get my lucky bracelet, kiss the X on my controller, and say, "Here we go, baby."
  18. Arbiter/Cortana ( I would say Johnson, but I don't know if that counts since he was a Spartan I)
  19. Halo 3 was the first Halo game I saw my brother play and Reach is amazing as well. But I kinda favor Halo 3. Even if Johnson dies.... sad face
  20. Sublime, Coldplay, Martin O' Donnell, Eminem, P!nk, Cage the Elephant, Three Doors Down, and Red Hot Chili Peppers
  21. RIP DrStickyz "Don't poke a dead thing with a stick unless you KNOW it's dead"
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