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Stealth Pilot

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Everything posted by Stealth Pilot

  1. Sounds absolutely awesome. I am in. I am getting LE though...so no video response. But yeah I am subbing anyways. Your videos are very informational. Keep it up!
  2. Halo 3...jumping into the Forward unto Dawn with a Warthog.
  3. Why not just show off Vortex. It makes me mad how they hold back. TELLLL MEEE!!!
  4. I personally just like to search Halo 4 on youtube with the date set to today only. Anything new by H4F, IGN, or waypoint will show up there.
  5. You start with recruit, regardless of having LE or not. Mark VI Classic is unlocked by completing the Campaign on Legendary.
  6. Does this mean reload speed is changable in customs?
  7. Awesome interview dude. Nice to hear some history.
  8. Nice vid! EVE sounds cool. oh hey sierra...
  9. Right. Like they said they are a rogue faction. Probably because they believed too much in the great journey preached by the prophets. Why the prometheans want their help idk...but they seem to be in charge.
  10. Caution the following link will take you to a video that contains Campaign Spoilers. I will ask you nicely. DO NOT TALK ABOUT THEM HERE. THIS IS PURELY INFORMATIONAL. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/61062/halo-4-x-play-preview-exclusive/
  11. Caution the following link will take you to a video that contains Campaign Spoilers. I will ask you nicely. DO NOT TALK ABOUT THEM HERE. THIS IS PURELY INFORMATIONAL. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/61062/halo-4-x-play-preview-exclusive/ View full article
  12. Caution the following link will take you to a video that contains Campaign Spoilers. I will ask you nicely. DO NOT TALK ABOUT THEM HERE. THIS IS PURELY INFORMATIONAL. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/61062/halo-4-x-play-preview-exclusive/ This post has been promoted to an article
  13. The crawlers shown here are Alpha Crawlers I believe. They lead the pack, and fire suppressors and not boltshots.
  14. He was so close to the flagssassination
  15. I do not know anyone on here that is not excited for Halo 4.
  16. Looks awesome for custom games, but I do not really want it in Matchmaking.
  17. Game is GOLD. Let us hope it is fixed.
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