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36-2071 Pragmatic Avarice

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Everything posted by 36-2071 Pragmatic Avarice

  1. Whatever, that mannerism isn't going to ruin anything. Please. The point is, the Chief is probably finding it unsettling that Cortana cuts in with a lack of finesse. That is all.
  2. I think he has some heated confrontation with the Infinity's captain? That and he's trying to figure out whats wrong with Cortana despite the obvious rampancy.
  3. The ONI want to dispose of the Chief, because of his beacon leading them to a near tragedy and back to war, so Captain of the Infinity will make sure John can undo damage "he caused". This, and Cortana leading everybody off course unknowingly.
  4. I am thinking Cortana disappears all of the sudden and Chief goes into a comatose state. I dunno, he is affected by her so bizarrely.
  5. People would have doubted it without giving it a fair chance anyway. It's very impressive for what we hadn't done yet in Halo- a cinematic series.
  6. Perhaps the Infinity holds more than just Forerunner technology- a full map of the entire life-sustaining portion of the cosmos. This is important to Halo 6's plot.
  7. We could have something near the release of Halo 4, just look forward to then.
  8. I really didn't like Oracle for the sole purpose of that elevator. It was atrociously long the first time for me. Or that was just an attention span thing.
  9. That human in the pic- Chakas possibly? I don't doubt he was at Requiem for maybe a short while.
  10. But we already have so much information being repetitively posted as news. Especially after E3 2012's Halo 4 gameplay.
  11. The in-atmosphere jump at Metropolis (New Mombasa), that white bubble made me ask so many questions about what everything looked like after. Thank god for ODST.
  12. Why don't we have threads with a decent balance of debatable opinions? Half the "amazing thread count" comes from sheer complaining and overweight negativity.
  13. In an interview, it was confirmed that Halo 4 along with Spartan Ops had made 343 too busy for a Halo 2 HD Makeover right now. This doesn't, at all, confirm that one is or isn't being made.
  14. A lot of things are questionable because no valuable or total point of view can be established yet, Halo 4 isn't out yet. Derp. Simply put: We don't know everything as it really seems yet. EDIT: Cortana is a core reason for Halo 4's story having potential of being extraordinary.
  15. It'll "probably" be similar to how Durandal manipulated Vic Nohtarem (Security Officer) from the Marathon trilogy. Cortana will force the Chief away from standard protocol, for apparently selfish reasons.
  16. Halo CE/A: Silent Cartographer, never felt so relaxed in the heat of peril on a tiny island. Halo 2: Gravemind. Definitely Gravemind. Bordering it with The Great Journey Halo 3: Halo, it looked so beautiful in its own twisted way. Halo ODST: Bite me Halo Reach: New Alexandria, complete love message from both 343 and somewhat Bungie Halo 4?- Hopefully everything
  17. Technically there were hints that Master Chiefs physical composure is affected by Cortana's lifespan somehow. His rapid instinct appears dotted and not exactly smooth like before. No, Cryostasis doesn't do this or it'd be too risky to even sleep in one all day. If he makes it through a "replacement", it'd be because Cortana is existent and resides somewhere either hiding or going crazy.
  18. I always thought Black Box had the personality to fit as a replacement. Felt like I would look like a troll if I shared that idea. He's like Durandal. Snide, Sarcastic, bitter and passive aggressive towards humans. I like it!
  19. Obviously the Cryptum had an effect with the normal broadcasting. Hints dropped, when the UNSC Infinity arrived, it was enough to "wake up" the Cryptum and interrupt its communications.
  20. My idea? Master Chief is a reverse-engineered Promethean in a matter of speaking that other SPARTAN II's are not. True, he could just have the perfect DNA for the Spartan II program which made him a jack of all trades individual. However; if he's a class of Spartan II not yet seen, than things can go easily worse because of this secret. Also, Chakas. Or the other ancient humans which were a violent influence with the Human-Forerunner war.
  21. Haha heck no man, this trilogy brings out mature design and biology. They won't make grunts sexy or make them do things for you between mainstream sequels, sorry.
  22. Do we really even need all those threads? So much space in such little time....
  23. Would it make sense that she doesn't go head-on brutality, but just lead the chief on a false path? This would include going silent from the UNSC I bet.
  24. Cortana at some point will, if the writing on the wall pans out entirely, lead you off track preemptively screwing over the human faction. If not downright torturing any non-forerunner force. This will shed light on the Master Chief's dependency issues with AI's.
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