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  1. On HaloWaypoint, Josh Holmes posted a list of changes to Halo 5 based on the feedback they received during it's run. The changes, and tweaks listed below aren't all of them, and he states that a more "extensive list" will be posted later. Changes: Statistics In addition to the changes list Josh Holmes also posted some information relating to the statistics from the Beta: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: Gamespot, HaloWaypoint https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/how-fans-helped-shape-the-multiplayer-of-halo-5-guardians http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-5-undergoing-major-changes-after-beta-feedbac/1100-6425109/
  2. On HaloWaypoint, Josh Holmes posted a list of changes to Halo 5 based on the feedback they received during it's run. The changes, and tweaks listed below aren't all of them, and he states that a more "extensive list" will be posted later. Changes: Sprint, Spartan Abilities, and Mobility & Movement: Sprint, and other Spartan Abilities can be toggled off in Custom Games. Increase base speed (faster base movement) Increase strafe acceleration (faster, more responsive strafing) Reduce top sprint speed (narrow the delta between base movement and sprint) Modify Ground Pound controls to prevent conflicts w/ crouch jumping General tuning & bug fixes for all Spartan Abilities (Thrusters, Clamber, Ground Pound, etc.) Weapons: Sniper Rifle: improve scope experience to making it less “clunky” and faster to scope DMR: adjust position of the scope to improve visibility Bring back the SPNKr Rocket Launcher as a legendary version of the weapon Reduce bonuses for automatic weapons in Smart-Link & w/ headshots Remove grenade detonation in mid-air based on weapon fire Ability to turn on/off vibration feedback for weapons General tuning and bug fixing for all weapons Presentation: "Duebro" Spartan animations at the start, and end of matches will be turned down Post-death replay: this will become an opt-in feature. After death, players will see a traditional follow-cam and have the option to view a replay of their death from the killer’s perspective (as long as the feature is enabled within the playlist) Medals: decrease frequency and number of medals displayed in the medal feed Spartan chatter: players will have the option to turn this on or off in the settings menu Adding highlights to placed/dropped weapons to make them easier to see General tuning for announcer and Spartan chatter to reduce the frequency of events and focus on the information that matters most to players Ranking, and CSR: Improved skill detection during placement phase Improved skill matching Improved team balancing Prevent skill boosting General bug fixing & tuning Matchmaking: Much faster matches Better skill matching Better feedback to players in the lobby and matchmaking experiences Allow players to set desired datacenter for matchmaking (may impact matchmaking speed and skill balance) Improved party vs party matchmaking Hide CSR ranks until in match to de-incentivize quitting Punish quitters with CSR penalties and matchmaking bans Other changes: "Better Weapon placements on maps, to lighting improvements, to rule tweaks in game modes and modifications to the motion tracker to encourage more movement at higher levels of play. Our team constantly looks for ways to improve the game and we’ll continue to do so until launch later this year and beyond." Statistics In addition to the changes list Josh Holmes also posted some information relating to the statistics from the Beta: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: Gamespot, HaloWaypoint https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/how-fans-helped-shape-the-multiplayer-of-halo-5-guardians http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-5-undergoing-major-changes-after-beta-feedbac/1100-6425109/ This post has been promoted to an article This post has been promoted to an article
  3. 343 I would like you to understand your base of players is off of a competitive community! We do not like sprint at all... It makes the game play different we do not need it this is not COD the game does not have 10 second kill times. We are looking at about a 1 minute to 1 and a half kill time.. We don't want a super fast paced game cause halo is not meant to be that way. You need to listen to the pro player cause I guarantee if you put sprint your gonna end up with a bad outcome selling your game! Even enhancing the base speed to compensate for the sprint would be better.
  4. Hey everyone I'd like to spread some ideas of vehicles for Halo 5. Let me start out by saying that the one thing I want to see the most is a falcon. The falcon was great in Halo Reach, so why not bring it back in Halo 5. But you need to be able to ride inside of it, or add a falcon with grenade launchers. Another vehicle that would be amazing for the upcoming game would be the brute chopper. The chopper had devastating effects on any vehicle that got in its way. Some may think that's too overpowered but you have to remember that it can't strafe. The spectre and the prowler were basically the covenants warthogs and I would to see at least one of them in halo 5. Some kind of transport ship like the spirit, phantom or pelican would be nice. That is all I have for ideas for now let me know if you guys think of any other ideas.
  5. Pretty much every time I join a match if we ever start losing especially in breakout people just leave which makes the rest of the match pointless, 4 v 1 is just depressing and frankly peoples attitude in the beta suck and is ruining it
  6. What else is there to say I dont think sprinting ever fitted into the Halo series, neither does armor/spartan abilities and being able to zoom in with all weapons ruins the range limit on certain weapons
  7. Well all I can say as of right now is that I can rapidly spam the trigger (its like another double shot br) and get a 4 shot so in my opinion the speed on when the BR fires should be reduced and this makes gameplay really fast.
  8. Today, it was confirmed that Crossfire, and Trench from the Halo 5 Beta are INDEED Forge created maps on the same palette (Forge World like maps like Awash, or Impact). Crossfire is pictured above... YEAH THAT'S A FORGE MAP!!! Though I already had my suspicions. Which brings me to my next points on Forge, and Maps in general. Josh Holmes, in an interview with IGN's Ryan McCaffrey, states: Improvements to usability in Forge have been made as well as providing multiple palettes, terrain sheets, and lighting set-ups for Forgers to utilize. He indicates that there are no more plans to make more "classic" map remakes like Truth, which could mean they already have, but just stopped. Map Remixes, like Regret, and Eden, are variants of the original map that have changed geometry, flow, weapon layout, and time of day. On the topic of feedback Josh responded with, “We’re excited to be releasing this beta almost a year before the release of the game. While this is the earliest that we've done a beta and things are in a less polished state than they would be if we were releasing closer to launch, it’s important to us to get the game into the hands of fans while we still have the time to react to feedback. The input that we receive from the community will feed into our remaining development and help us to achieve our goal of making Halo 5: Guardians the best multiplayer shooter on consoles when we launch in 2015.” He continued, "We’ll be carefully considering all sorts of feedback including weapon tuning, balance for the new Spartan abilities, weapon placement on maps, audio mix, and much more. We encourage all participants in the beta to go to halowaypoint.com and sign up for our community feedback program. In addition we’ll also be paying close attention to the various community forums and social media and we appreciate people taking the time to share their impressions.” Lastly, Holmes confirmed that there will not be another Multiplayer Beta, and stated that 343i will discuss the remainder of the multiplayer suite later this year, including larger, more vehicle-focused experiences. On a side note, the Halo 5 Beta will soon be receiving a vote between being able to play on one of the two new Forge created maps (both are in the same palette): Pegasus, or Orion. The respective videos for each map are below: There will be a poll for which map you want to play on this week's Halo Bulletin on the Halo Channel. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Sources: Halo4Nation, IGN http://me.ign.com/en/halo-5-xbox-one/99870/feature/halo-5-pegasus-and-orion-maps-revealed http://halo4nation.com/halo-5-2/halo-5-guardians-pegasus-orion-forged-map-gameplays/
  9. Make it to where you have no grenade starts but place more grenade spawns on the map i like the no shields or radar though
  10. Halo 5: Guardians pre-orders and editions As of today you can pre-order your copy of Halo 5: Guardians via the Microsoft store. And as always the pre-orders come with some neato bonusses. If you're one of those guys who wants to play a game on launch or you like to spend money on stuff you can't even get your hands on yet... well have I got some good news for you! Starting today you can pre-order your copy of Halo 5: Guardians so you can play on launch day guaranteed. As usual there are your Standard, Limited and Collector Editions. Each, ofcourse, with their own tier of goodies! Here are the descriptions as of now: The Standard Edition will cost around $60 and pre-ordering it will yield you a new poster to hang over your bed. Cozy nights with the MC and Locke on your side. The Limited Edition will be yours for around $100. This package will contain the Standard Edition, the poster if you pre-order, digital content to enhance Spartan combat and exclusive items within a Steel Book case. The Collectors Edition is going to hit the shelves at the price of a whopping $250! This edition will include everything that comes with the Limited Edition as well as "additional content such as a commemorative numbered statue designed by 343 Industries." More details will be shared by Microsoft on a later date. ​What's a bit odd to most people is that the list is really vague. The lack of proper description and images might not convince most people to pre-order right away. As soon as more images and details are released I'll be sure to add them to this post. At least we get our bit of Halo 5: Guardians today with the Beta! Are you going to pre-order any of these versions already? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading! Source: Polygon View full article
  11. Halo 5: Guardians pre-orders and editions As of today you can pre-order your copy of Halo 5: Guardians via the Microsoft store. And as always the pre-orders come with some neato bonusses. If you're one of those guys who wants to play a game on launch or you like to spend money on stuff you can't even get your hands on yet... well have I got some good news for you! Starting today you can pre-order your copy of Halo 5: Guardians so you can play on launch day guaranteed. As usual there are your Standard, Limited and Collector Editions. Each, ofcourse, with their own tier of goodies! Here are the descriptions as of now: The Standard Edition will cost around $60 and pre-ordering it will yield you a new poster to hang over your bed. Cozy nights with the MC and Locke on your side. The Limited Edition will be yours for around $100. This package will contain the Standard Edition, the poster if you pre-order, digital content to enhance Spartan combat and exclusive items within a Steel Book case. The Collectors Edition is going to hit the shelves at the price of a whopping $250! This edition will include everything that comes with the Limited Edition as well as "additional content such as a commemorative numbered statue designed by 343 Industries." More details will be shared by Microsoft on a later date. ​What's a bit odd to most people is that the list is really vague. The lack of proper description and images might not convince most people to pre-order right away. As soon as more images and details are released I'll be sure to add them to this post. At least we get our bit of Halo 5: Guardians today with the Beta! Are you going to pre-order any of these versions already? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading! Source: Polygon
  12. I can't wait! 2 more days then no life.
  13. Throughout my halo career I have delved into nearly every aspect of the games. I have vanquished covenant, silenced the flood, and conquered matchmaking. Now a new point has come, the weight of halo and it's responsibility lay on 343s shoulders. With this moment coming, I can only voice my opinion to the new parents of halo. My concerns are first laid upon the master chief collection. All bugs put aside, it shines bright in the collection of halo, however there are larger concerns. For example, custom games. I find it very difficult to connect with the community due to the games difficult setup. One feature in particular bothers me the most. This feature is the one that does not allow other players to join in a game in progress. Not only does this frustrate me, but it also grinds the gameplay to a halt whenever someone else wishes to join in the fun. This is a basic component to the game, and certainly lowers the value without it. Next is the upcoming title 'Halo 5: Guardians'. I am interested in the story of this game. 343 has done well in their campaigns so far, but yet again I am concerned for the multiplayer. Watching the gameplay I noticed many aspects that were questionable to the seasoned halo player. For instance, the automatic callouts during gameplay made me think the game was being dumbed down. Part of the competitive edge I enjoyed about having a team was being able to communicate exclusively. The tedious timing on weapon spawns gave a player the upper hand. However looking at this gameplay makes it look like there is little room to overcome your enemy in method. Halo 5 also concerns me in its customization. I myself have always found that halo has given the most expansive customization to its players, but looking into halo 5 it seems there will be less. I talk about the elite player models. I fear 343 will yet again forsake the elite choice as they did in halo 4. Having elites available open up many different opportunities. Machinamas, matchmaking games (invasion), or even a story connection, and if none of these, just basic preference. If you have successfully made it through my lengthy complaints, I thank you for listening. I only hope 343 will take my opinion into account, for there are many others like myself, one just needs to look. -Apex
  14. Been on this site as a guest the past couple days and really like the site to keep updated with Halo news. I decided to join up and become a member
  15. As we may know that Halo 5's release date is coming soon next year and everybody is probably going to be stoaked for it. So I was wondering what are you major weapons that you wish you could have in Halo 5? What would it be and why? Mine would be the SMG from Halo 3 What would be yours? Post comments below.
  16. So with a year until Halo 5: Guardians' launch and a month until the beta begins, why not start hyping the game now? What could go wrong? On Saturday the 29th, at 3pm, you will get to play Halo: The Master Chief Collection with me as we hype the launch of Halo 5: Guardians a year from now! We will play a variety of Halo 5 themed maps that I will create myself, and have a blast doing it. Here are some requirements below: 1. Harsh language and/or slurs are completely fine so long as they aren't aimed at a particular member, ethnic group, sexuality, or any other group of people, I promise you, you will be booted instantly. 2. Please don't be extremely late, especially if we are in a nearly full or full lobby. We won't wait for you, and it leads to sadness and I don't want that. RSVP below as soon as possible if you want to join. 3. Do not sign up with the knowledge that you will not be attending, because if you sign up for a spot and don't show up, I will give your spot to someone else. 4. Have a ton of fun hyping a game that is a year away! TL;DR Time: 3pm-6pm (Likely) Game: Halo 2: Anniversary Date: Saturday the 29th Attendees: 1. Edward Kenway 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
  17. Recently 343 released a picture with a Mysterious Spartan and Master Chief. Many Halo fans had no idea how to take the picture, since he has only shown up once before in halo before this photo. In Halo 2: Anniversary Edition this mysterious spartan shows up in the "very first cutscene". He is known as Locke an ex-spartan who goal is to track down (in his words) "the spartan" he then shows one of the Elite commando's a Hologram of Master Chief. Here the link to a Picture of the Master Chief and Locke's Photo http://teambeyond.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Halo-5-Double-Spartan.jpg Here is the picture of Locke in Halo 2: Anniversary Edititon http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/10748411_741316482572153_22150367_n.jpg I would imagine we play as this Locke Bounty Hunter and try to track down our loved Master Chief. No one will know until Halo 5 is Out. Cant wait. Also reply to this and tell me what you think.
  18. After seeing Halo 5 beta gameplay Ive been sooooo upset to see my beloved Franchise turn in a different direction. I've played Halo since Halo ce and after Halo 3, Halo has gone down hill. I really thought after watching all the goodness of the Halo Master Chief Collection, that 343 would notice it and make Halo, what made Halo. Now I know it was a beta and it can change but to think that 343 really thinks that all those features they put in, Makes a Halo game? Now Im no way against Halo evolving but c'mon seriously? Dashing, Ground Pound, Smart Scope, Spartan dialogue in battle. There from other games, I was hoping for something different like maybe I dunno interactive AI?. Now we also have corny things like spartans running into battle and end game Victory/Defeat poses. I always thought they would fix or improve on what they had like the awful animations (from Reach and 4), or the spartan armor (it was tweaked but still is bad). Its basically just Common Sense. So here is the thing I have notice people defend all this and Ive been thinking maybe its just the people who started playing Halo on Halo Reach but im wrong. I see people saying they've been here since also halo ce and like all these things. For the people who are okay with this Please tell me what halo game you started playing halo and give me your reasons. Btw I couldnt think of a better title
  19. A colossal amount of information was just revealed for the Halo 5 Beta at HaloFest this year (I'm talking ALLOT of info). The whole video is at the bottom of this article. Oh, and I'm sure I got some of the information wrong, so feel free to correct me if you see any errors. Here's the gist: Everyone starts the same. Every Spartan Ability (I'll detail those later on in this article), and Weapon (starter primary, secondary, and grenades) is given to the player at the beginning. No Loadouts. Like how Halos 1-3 were played. All weapons contain a zoom feature, with some akin to ADS (Aim Down Sights). Not all weapons have this, like the DMR (the DMR is nearly the same as it's H4 counterpart Scope wise, and aesthetically). There seems to be a before, and after game animation for each Player Team that shows their aesthetics. The winning team taunts the other team in bravado. Everything listed in this article is based off of work-in-progress material in the Beta. So it's not final. The time the Beta releases makes it the earliest public Halo Beta ever released. There are a total of 7 maps that will be able to be played on in the Beta. There are now Weapons on map as in previous Halo games. NO MORE ORDINANCE. There will be three game modes in the Beta. What they exactly are is not clear, but it's certain Multiplayer is one of them. Power Weapons run on static timers. So a weapon like the Prophet's Bane comes around every 4 minutes. There's a Shield Bar, and Health Bar, but I'm not quite sure how they work. Random information from HaloFest: 343i has an internal Pro team they use to test the game. What's pretty funny is that they have Pros vs. Devs... and the Devs get completely destroyed in Halo 5 MP lol. One match was 50-4. Most of the play-testers (like Josh Holmes, some Pro players, and a few other devs) will be online playing with the community when the Beta launches. A couple celebrities came to HaloFest... like: Wayne Brady from "Let's Make A Deal" (that dude is hilarious), Joel Mchale from "Community", and Ben Schwartz from "House of Lies". Spartan Abilities / Movement & Scoping mechanics: Weapons: Maps: Allot of new armor was shown at HaloFest, but unfortunately I won't be able to detail them right now due to me already spending more than an hour on this article. The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta begins on December 29th, and runs for 3 weeks until January 18th, 2015. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: YouTube View full article
  20. A colossal amount of information was just revealed for the Halo 5 Beta at HaloFest this year (I'm talking ALLOT of info). The whole video is at the bottom of this article. Oh, and I'm sure I got some of the information wrong, so feel free to correct me if you see any errors. Here's the gist: Everyone starts the same. Every Spartan Ability (I'll detail those later on in this article), and Weapon (starter primary, secondary, and grenades) is given to the player at the beginning. No Loadouts. Like how Halos 1-3 were played. All weapons contain a zoom feature, with some akin to ADS (Aim Down Sights). Not all weapons have this, like the DMR (the DMR is nearly the same as it's H4 counterpart Scope wise, and aesthetically). There seems to be a before, and after game animation for each Player Team that shows their aesthetics. The winning team taunts the other team in bravado. Everything listed in this article is based off of work-in-progress material in the Beta. So it's not final. The time the Beta releases makes it the earliest public Halo Beta ever released. There are a total of 7 maps that will be able to be played on in the Beta. There are now Weapons on map as in previous Halo games. NO MORE ORDINANCE. There will be three game modes in the Beta. What they exactly are is not clear, but it's certain Multiplayer is one of them. Power Weapons run on static timers. So a weapon like the Prophet's Bane comes around every 4 minutes. There's a Shield Bar, and Health Bar, but I'm not quite sure how they work. Random information from HaloFest: 343i has an internal Pro team they use to test the game. What's pretty funny is that they have Pros vs. Devs... and the Devs get completely destroyed in Halo 5 MP lol. One match was 50-4. Most of the play-testers (like Josh Holmes, some Pro players, and a few other devs) will be online playing with the community when the Beta launches. A couple celebrities came to HaloFest... like: Wayne Brady from "Let's Make A Deal" (that dude is hilarious), Joel Mchale from "Community", and Ben Schwartz from "House of Lies". Spartan Abilities / Movement & Scoping mechanics: Weapons: Maps: Allot of new armor was shown at HaloFest, but unfortunately I won't be able to detail them right now due to me already spending more than an hour on this article. The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta begins on December 29th, and runs for 3 weeks until January 18th, 2015. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: YouTube
  21. This is pretty much a page of everything we'll see in the Halo 5 Beta. Everything listed in this article is based off of work-in-progress material in the Beta. So it's not final. Halo 5 Beta General Information: Spartan Abilities / Scoping & Shield mechanics: Weapons: Maps: Brief Ranking System Information Menu, and Service Record screenshots: Controller Schemes: The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta begins on December 29th 10am PST, and runs for 3 weeks until January 18th 11:59pm PST, 2015. The Beta is available to those who have purchased the physical disc, or digital copy of Halo: The Master Chief Collection. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: YouTube, Gamespot, TeamBeyond, Ready Up Live, Halo4Nation http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-5-multiplayer-beta-is-720p/1100-6423506/ http://teambeyond.net/halo-5-ranking-system-details/ http://halo4nation.com/halo-5-2/halo-5-beta-menu-screenshots/ This post has been promoted to an article
  22. Now then sense HALO MASTER CHIEF COLLECTION is done lets start talking about HALO 5 and what master chief is headed for . I can't wait! I think multiplayer matchmaking in HALO 5 is going to better than HALO CE, 2, ,3 ,and 4.
  23. Here's a great video that has a list of what halo 5's forge needs to include.
  24. Hi I'm P1N3C0N35, I've been playing Halo since 2. My service tag in Halo: Reach and in Halo 4 has been P1C0 (the short version of P1n3c0n35) has been with me since the beginning. Now all of a sudden my service tag is changed in both games it says "the service tag requested is not allowed on XBOX LIVE". How can something that has been the same for 4 years be "not allowed"? Please can I have my Tag back
  25. 343 released a new video on their YouTube Channel regarding the episodic mini series Halo: Nightfall. So without further ado let's watch: Summary of info: Locke is the Commander of a special forces unit of ONI operatives. We hear that he already has (some) Spartan qualities, and his character will go through a decent amount of change from the beginning of the series to it's end, forming his character for Halo 5. We also see that the Covenant will play some sort of role as a Spirit drop ship and a few Elites are seen. The thing that really catches my eye is at 1:18 in the video, you see a mass of smaller life forms forming a silhouette of a human being, before breaking off each from each other and scuttling down the hill. At first glance I believed them to be flood infection forms, but whatever this is is much smaller then that. It is a high unknown. So what do you believe this life form to be? How does the series look so far to you? Let me know!
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