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Everything posted by SomeCreepinaVan

  1. There was way too many dumb things in Halo 4 like the grenade that freezes vehicals. The bubble sheild is yet another annoying gimmick that shouldn't be in Halo.
  2. It'll probably be stupid Midship for the MLG ****ers and Beaver Creek. I'd love to see some underrated maps like Waterworks.
  3. Yeah, I would put a lot of money on some re-imagined H2 DLC maps. Gemini, Backwash, Headlong, Waterworks, would all look great with new graphics.
  4. I really want more H2 re-imagined maps in the DLC. 6 maps is not enough.
  5. Why add that. I've never liked quads in Halo, and it ruins CTF. It's too small and makes it too easy to take off with the flag. It should be a 1 seat vehical.
  6. We're just giving our opinions, good or bad. We love Halo, and we don't have to like everything 343 shoves down our throuts. You're the only one trying to tell people to basically shut up.
  7. Listening to a great podcast of "bigfoot hotspot radio" on youtube. Pretty creepy.

  8. For me, it was all the great dedicated Rush maps, the accuracy of the guns. I think in the Bad Company games, you didn't have to lead your bullets like in the newer BF games, but it made the guns really fun to use. Some of the guns had the best iron sights I've seen in a game, while others looked really bad. Sniping looked and felt better. The scope would recoil back instead of up. Things I didn't like the was how the guns would bounce around when you walked. I like the other newer BF controls more, but they're fine for a Bad Company game. It's not better than BF3 or BF4, it just has a unique feel to the gameplay and guns that people like and miss. I want another Bad Company game with great graphics, Rush and Conquest dedicated maps.
  9. The H2A comes in the Master Chief Collection with every map ever included on Halo's 1 2 3 4, even DLC. Halo 2 is the same game as before, but in 1080p and 60 fps. It will also include 6 new reimagined maps using a moddified H2 engine, running on the power of the xb1. So far it's Ascenion, Zanzibar and Lockout. Halo CE is using the original Halo engine and multiplayer with Halo CEA graphics. All of the games use their original engines. All playlists from each game will be included. You can play the games seperataly or in mixed game playlist based on the gametype you chose. Game drop ins arent in any of the games.
  10. Unless you've read Robert Monroe's Far Journeys and The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda, or any other of their books, you know nothing. Life is truly a mind **** wrapped in a trillion mind *****. Your *** aint no Carl Jung.
  11. How is having the original custom games options a goal? It was because of Halo 2's custom game options being so detailed that it led to so many great games like, tower of power, tremors, cat and mouse, hide and seek and juggernaut. That was a huge part of Halo 2's multiplayer.
  12. Keep lovin Halo 4 until your cheetos infested joysticks withor down to plastic knobs. Halo 4 still sucks. While you may not like my ideas, I'm actually trying to pump this pathetic franchise with some fresh new ideas.
  13. That's because anything is better than that poor excuse for a game called Halo 4. To claify, I would still have all the Halo 2 and Halo 3 maps, but I would create at least 5 different cinematic gametypes with maps that are specificly build for them. My fly to another map and match at the end of a game, would have it's own playlist. So nothing would ruin Halo. If you don't respond, it's clear that you agree.
  14. Because it should be personalized and some variation in the reloading would look nice. Ok, at least 100 full armour sets that can be mixed
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