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Everything posted by Rue

  1. Don't you ever wonder why the game has so many updates? It's because they're fixing things. It's going to take time, so calm down! Why don't you try making a a video game-- exactly like the original-- and pleasing to everyone? And I've heard so many people complaining about how 343 has changed everything and this isn't even Halo anymore, when to me that's a bunch of crap. It's not exactly like the original Halo games because that's what happens. Technology improves things. It's still essentially Halo, and it's still fun. Butthurt people like you annoy fans who are sticking with the game and being patient.
  2. Oh my gosh this is awesome!!! Maybe I'll be able to play Halo: Reach again! Thanks a lot Director~
  3. What do they put on a bald guy's driver's license…?
  4. Shouldn't Spyro be for Trusted Members? He has two votes
  5. Hello, IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?

    1. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Yes...8 times already! How many times do I have to say IT DOES NOT WANT TO TURN ON!

  6. Spyro!!!! That is the most amazing game to have ever been invented <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  7. Who wants to be entered for a chance to do my homework? Entry is free!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      I think Church wants to be entered

    3. Church
    4. Rue


      Yay! Since there is only one entry, Church wins by default! You've just scored some lovely chemistry homework :D

  9. Shockers!!!! I knew you would come back!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Derpen, what a wonderful shade of pink you are this month!!! Congratulations!
  11. Oh. My. Gosh. That new game on the app store called Crossy Roads. It is so pointless and boring, I don't see what all the hype is about. Flappy Birds was cool, but a fad, and this new game is not cool at all but still a fad. I downloaded it and then deleted it an hour later.
  12. 7 x 7 x 7 = One of the best community forums I've been apart of(:

    1. Delpen9


      and the number of firefighters who died on 9/11 and the most common length of Youtube videos.

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Coincidence? I think so.

  13. Being sick on game day really sucks -_-

    1. TDM


      Game day sickness is the most evil source ever to live. Ever. Of all time.

  14. Is it weird that I sit on an exercise ball to play video games?

    1. GryffinGuy007


      I love doing that so much.

    2. depressant


      I think most people do that. :D

  15. The Iron Giant gets me every time :,(

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Vin Diesel why you do this to me

    2. Delpen9


      I have it on VHS.

  16. Yeah you really made the beta sound pretty BA… I am so glad they got rid of ordinance, that was the stupidest thing ever. I always got such bad ordinance choices. Really excited that they are keeping some of the most classic weapons around, I wonder what changes have been made to them in the gameplay. Also love how they added Spartans actually talking on the battlefield. Halo <3 Can't wait for this!
  17. Your profile is nice!

  18. I got…. - New TV (HD, since I was so mad that I needed one to play XB1 ) - Halo: MCC (Heck yaaaaas) - Dragon Age: Inquisition - Minecraft Xbox One Edition - Guitar Music - The Maze Runner movie (Read the book, it was AMAZING) - XBL Gold and points card - New chuckies (White!) - Candy that I don't need So yeah(: Now I can play MCC with you guys and what not
  19. Is being right or left handed genetic? Both my parents are lefties but I'm right handed. Is it just that being left handed is a recessive gene?
  20. From Halo: Combat Evolved "I'll bite your kneecaps off!" It's also kind of amusing when the grunts call Chief a big bully haha
  21. Why didn't you guys just equal out all of your votes to kill Connor and Grif at the same time…? If you're feeling really nice maybe it could be Delpen9?
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