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Everything posted by Rue

  1. You should definitely get it, as they come out with more games in the future I'm sure there will be a few more you are genuinely interested in and wanting to purchase. So ultimately, who knows? Maybe it won't be just for MCC?
  2. What is an "active post count" in comparison with just the regular post count? I've noticed that when I view my profile, my active post count is lower than the post count on my profile around forum topics?
  3. That was a gaaareat speech! I can't argue with this month's MoM, so I will just congratulate you instead. Keep up your forum ways, because at the last green bean forum meeting we were just talking about how much we admire you!
  4. This is good question. For me, since I haven't really put any money into armor or maps and such, I wouldn't mind a completely fresh start. I haven't even been motivated to really complete the tougher achievements, so maybe a fresh start would motivate me to do that. Leveling up is the easy part, so that doesn't bother me. I don't think I would be particularly bothered either way, honestly. The only thing that would annoy me would be listening to Halo fans complain, but you can't please everyone so that can't really be avoided.
  5. Good to hear that you're back! I think the SB missed you as well(:
  6. You sound intimidatingly (yes I just made up that epic word) smart. Welcome to the forums!
  7. I don't recall speaking to you often, and it's kind of sad for me knowing that I didn't even get to meet someone who is leaving. Still, best of luck to you in your future endeavors!
  8. Rue


    Well I think it's safe to say that we're a friendly and welcoming community. You should fit right in! Welcome and hope to see you around (:
  9. "What do you mean by 'find my daughter?' I left her in New Mexico on purpose!"
  10. I just really wanna go to that Newsboys concert tho... Work, why you do this to me?!

    1. Delpen9


      You should buy work a ticket too.

    2. Rue


      Are you kidding me? No way work deserves it.

  11. That's understandable, and you gotta do what you gotta do. You were great to hang around, and hopefully you come back soon. Stay awesome!!
  12. Hey there! Make yourself at home, hopefully you decide to stick around! We don't bite.... Hard.
  13. Who better for the honor? Well deserved, have fun being pink!!! Looking forward to your speech, they are usually very interesting reads(:
  14. Sorry for inactivity, I will resume active duty on the forum as soon as I get a new computer! P.S. I love you all(:

    1. Delpen9


      Twin doesn't get on anymore. D:

    2. Buns


      It is fine! At least you're letting us know!

  15. Well if you're sure that it's in the pre-game lobby that you can't hear, it sounds like a very interesting case indeed. Have you tried playing Halo 4 at all and seeing if the results are the same to your Reach experience? For me in Halo 4 I've never been able to hear the other team at all during the match. As soon as the teams are divided, I'm unable to hear them. Maybe that's the same with you?
  16. Huh, New Joisy? Cool beans, you have been accepted by me(: Btw the name is totally rad welcome to the forum, I hope you plan on sticking around for awhile!
  17. This doesn't take any thought at all for me... The energy sword! I think it's way more effective, plus you can start a lunge and get a kill farther away from an enemy, where with the gravity hammer to have to be kind of close. Plus the sword assassination looks pretty epic dude.
  18. ODSTs Firefight was pretty rad, but I still preferred Reach. I'm sorry for all of you who love Spartan Ops, I just could never get into it. The story was boring to me and I'd rather go on a massive elite killing spree in Firefight...
  19. There are a few other colors to choose from, it would be nice if the two different groups had their own colors :3 Just my opinion though Nice job HuskyY, very well organized and newer members will find this very helpful!
  20. Maybe your connection isn't stable enough? Sometimes your Xbox could let you on, but when you get into the game it cuts off? Maybe you need a new router?
  21. I don't have an Xbox One yet, so that's why I haven't pre-ordered the game. I'm planning on getting one soon, and then hopefully the MCC comes soon after(:
  22. Wow, that's really cool that you got to go to Florida Supercon! I'm not really interested in voice acting myself, but this was still an interesting read and anyone who asks me about how to get started voice acting (I don't know why they would ask me, but you never know ) I can point them in the right direction. Nicely done for a pair of Bnus!
  23. I have actually played this gametype before, and it is lots of fun!!! I recommend it to anyone who has a good sized lobby. The game is more fun with more people to slaughter and make fun of for getting slaughtered nicely done Zandril!
  24. Hope you come back soon, you're leaving so many friends behind!
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