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Status Updates posted by Fire

  1. Hey, if anybody drinks Mtn Dew or eats Doritos, if you get one with a code in it, and you aren't going to use it. I'd really appreciate it if you could throw it my way in a PM, thanks and Happy Halloween!

    1. Zelda


      I have a bag of Doritos, but I dont have the slightest idea where to find the code or anything. If you can tell me, I will give you the code. I have no intentions of getting an Xbox One.

  2. How everyone?

    1. Minuette


      Good, you? Nice to see you again

  3. i'm thinking of continuing my fan-fiction. Would people who haven't read it, like to read it- http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/4523-redemption-new-chapter/

    1. DoctorB77


      You should. I am thinking of doing one myself. :)

  4. *sigh* this playdate is nothing but biggles and a couple others talking about anal and weed >.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      already done. I need to speak with Jester.

    3. Jay_Magnus


      Oh man I so wish I had Reach, I would contribute so much.


    4. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      Glad I missed that...

  5. Things are going to be very interesting the next few days, going to be tons of trolls coming here and angry fans. And the mod's probably won't be here, they should hire more in my opinion

    1. ZB-85


      That would probably be good.

    2. Quantum


      Fire, we all know this is a bit for you to get back to Moderator ;)

  6. Things are going to be very interesting the next few days, going to be tons of trolls coming here and angry fans. And the mod's probably won't be here, they should hire more in my opinion

  7. I'm looking to buy a car, and have no idea where to start. It needs to work, have 4 doors and be in the $4000 area, and model ideas?

  8. WOW, I really wish I had joined the survivor games when I could have, it looks amazing. I would love to try and play in season 2.

  9. Anyone know where to buy xbox live gold? I've got a 1 month card I'm saving, but I'd like to try and buy more.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      amazon has a 3 month for $22.50 and a 12 month for $50 which is the best price i could find for either

    3. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Walmart, EB games, Game Stop, Target, Toys'r'us, wallgreens, and quite a few other places.

    4. Zelda


      I have also seen them sold in Grocery Stores like our Safeway. You can get them pretty much anywhere. :)

  10. Just went to the store and took a picture of 30+ halo doritos codes :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Minuette


      I got kicked out of the store.....

    3. Mr. Bashful Brute

      Mr. Bashful Brute

      Darn you, I've been to every Wal-Mart in the area (1) and haven't seen Halo 4 Doritos, or a Halo 4 24-pack of Mtn Dew.

    4. Jord


      LOL xD Going to troll a lot of people you are :P

  11. Got the last of the furniture tonight, just to move it in from the garage. On a positive note we are getting DSL tommorow, so I will be with you all shortly :3

    1. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      Be good to see you back

    2. Loser


      we miss u Fire

  12. Gah, been moving stuff into the new house all day, back in a knot. Sitting at mcdonalds with laptop until we can get wifi, it's nice just to sit.

  13. The site is blossoming out in so many ways, we're sending people to tournaments and such now, events are happening left and right. I'm so proud of us.

  14. Did you know the creator of Pokemon, was autistic?

    1. GermanShepherdD
    2. Jord


      I've seen that before. As someone who has been diagnosed with Autism as well, I don't see why they say that. It's like they're trying to say "If he wasn't Autistic, Pokemon may of never happened." :/

    3. Cooliest


      Or if he wasn't autistic it could have sucked. :/

  15. The kindness of near strangers always amazes me, tonight AD essentially gave me a copy of Halo 4 out of the kindness of his heart, I love you all.

    1. Spyro


      We love you too Fire.

  16. Warning to everyone, if one of your friends is playing a leaked Halo 4, do not contact them. Microsoft is going ban happy and banning people who contact said person. Be very careful.

    1. DerpWithAGun


      Do you have a friend playing it?

    2. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Omg, N008s gotta have all the fun before us.

  17. Anyone seen the Cartman VS Honey boo boo episode of southpark? Watch it here (legally) for free! http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s16e09-raising-the-bar

  18. Guys, watch out there is a skype chain virus going around, don't trust any links if your friends are acting weird.

  19. I'm still alive by the way, mortgage is due tommorow, , few hundred dollars short, going to get a title loan. Sorry about the spectral playdate, I really am, I'll try and fix something, god I am disappointing everyone. I love you all

    1. ΠΘVΛ


      Fire, it's all okay I'm sure everyone is fine, we miss you but your for yourself! I hope you can pay it back. Don't want to get into a downward spiral! Good to see you -Nova

    2. Zelda


      Relax Fire. Your mortgage is more important than a Halo play-date. Give yourself a break. No one is mad that you missed it. Just relax. Everything will be fine. :)

    3. Spyro


      we love you too buddy!!!


  20. WIthin 6 hours of being within my house full of black mold, I've developed a headache, neasuea dizziness, fuzzy thoughts and i am coughing terrribly and mucus and my throat is clogged up. Yay

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Complete Loser

      Complete Loser

      I wonder why you shouldn't *goes to mix the 2*

    3. The Director

      The Director

      Because the smell is horrible, and will make you high. Scrubbing while you are high blows bro.

    4. Sikslik7


      Black mold is extremely poisionous, go to a near by hardware store and get some painting masks (for spray painting) Wear them when you are in the house, get out of there as soon as possible. Try to find a nearby place to stay for now.

  21. I am officially back from my vacation, glad to be back. Also found out my house has black mold! YAY

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      I am familiar with that issue Fire, it is very serious.

    2. Zaguroth


      Welcome back Fire :D

      Black mold? Sounds.. bad.

    3. Sikslik7


      Get out the masks, it might spread to the site!

  22. I will be gone from tommorow to the 26th

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      Have fun and stay safe

    3. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Have fun! We'll miss you!

    4. Donut


      See ya Fire. Have fun! :)

  23. How is everyone doing today?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SatanicBagels


      Great. I got my name font to work.


      And you


    3. Fire


      I'm making it though ha.

    4. Archangel Tyrael
  24. Wow I've had a long day, I just want to put my head down and sleep, but I can't do that.

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