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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Glad to see this is finally happening, I hope everyone participates. Win or lose its still fun, especially the the testing lobbies I'd also. Like to add that everyone here, should venture over to Halo Customs, and the other Yourube channels and help support them as well.
  2. I can honestly tell you right now that the AI in Halo 5 will not be getting any changes for their gameplay. There is really no point. I am assuming that you are talking about in campaign and the AI spartan do not pay attention. There are many things wrong with the Halo 5 campaign, which will never be fixed, mainly because multiplayer is more important to keep updated and working correctly. I am sure however though, that the AI in Halo 6 will be a bit better since 343 now has experience building the campaign the way that they have.
  3. I think SikSlik is right, well or Cortana has invaded your Xbox
  4. Hey guys, I've been around for quite a while, since 2012 and have racked up over 300 days of activity on site, in fact my four year anniversary is coming up in July. I'm not even the oldest though, with members having joined in 2011. I know how much this site can mean to people, and I know the impact it can have on people when it is at its best, it's amazing what this site has done for people, and it is shown through the people that have stuck it out for the long run. The site has had its ups, times where life just seems to great to be real, too much activity to handle at one time is a common occurrence at these times. Those are my favorite memories of the forum, and for many of the older members on site that is their story as well. That being said, the site also has its quiet and relatively boring time periods. We should not be complacent though. The newer members on site deserve the fun, lessons, and memories that we have experienced in our time on site. So if you see a new member that is saying hello, or asking a question, answer, but don't answer and leave, be the quality members that we all are and be social! Invite them to play game, ask them about their time on site make them feel like you were when you joined, or even how you wished you were treated when you joined. Newer members, don't be afraid to jump in a conversation, Xbox lobby or game. We've made all our friends doing just that. One of my earliest memories on site was joining Absolute Dog’s Saturday morning play dates, something I've striven to be able to mimic, because of its ability to make sixteen individuals into one solid power. The feeling of community is great, and it's one of the things that makes Halo such a fun franchise, it has good people behind it, and we should be building on that. Get involved, post something interesting you heard about Halo, don't be afraid to make a topic, or start a discussion. Make friends in the shoutbox and do your part to make this the place you remember and want it to be. Love you guys.
  5. I'd like to point out that the aesthetic on that table in the second to last picture looks remarkable. Love seeing what people do now with all the different textures. Great work, can't wait to see more out of you!
  6. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/43358-important-things-to-note-before-you-submit-your-map/
  7. Just a heads up, if you want to get featured please follow the posting guidelines. Cool pics by the way!
  8. Yoshi1176


    From the album: Azaxx is my BFFL

  9. My friend and I were planning on making this sort of game but never got around to it. I'm super glad someone did get to it eventually. Thanks for submitting!
  10. Remember to go and follow @HaloTeam343CF for updates and news involving the Halo community, the forums and Halo Team Assemble!

  11. Id also like to add that o play Xbox nearly every weekend, and I'm always looking for people to play with alongside those already on the forum. GT: Yoshi1176 If you have any questions, or issues concerning anything feel free to ask
  12. Welcome to the forums! As you can probably tell we play a lot of Halo, if you ever want to play don't hesitate to message me! Hope to see you around!
  13. @@Fishy @@Drizzy_Dan This is going in the Linda Olympics
  14. I am ridiculously excited, I mean we got Halo Wars 2 coming out, Battlfield 1, No Mans Sky, and so much more. I can't wait to be in the trenches charging across no mans land.
  15. I see a Spartan getting pineapple expresses, and kicking butt in the most skill demanding way. Y'all are lucky to have me.
  16. @Drizzy_Dan is really mean. He hung up on me when I was seriously injured.

    1. Delpen9


      He did you a favor. Seriously injured people shouldn't be on the phone.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      He was concerned for the phone's well being.

  17. Congrats on five years! Can't say that I always agree with you, but at least you say what you think is right. Thanks for sticking with it for the long haul
  18. I think that's a problem on your side if your phone is buggy as well. I always suggest a hard reset for your console, do the same for your phone.
  19. This looks phenomenal. Now I'm not much of a critic, because well I don't know how to forge but damn this looks good.
  20. Believe it or not I do get first strikes a decent amount. Also yes let's keep track here with numbers.
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