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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Let's flesh out your profile page sista!

  2. The next scene will be up later today when I get home :3
  3. Far Cru Primal is fun

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
    3. Delpen9


      Some people should be Cruo Frozen until Dark Souls III comes out.


    4. JoeStone42


      is it made with cruware

  4. Round One Lynch Self Destruct walked along path towards the hangman and his rope, the crowds of spartans roared with laughter and foul language. One threw a rock at him. He walked up the steps to the rope and the the rope was tightened around his neck. Only he was a Hunter and weighed more than an SUV. The entire platform fell and was destroyed, but Self Destruct was dead at the bottom of the rubble pile. Self Destruct: Hunter Lynched Round 1 Mafia, you have 24 hours
  5. Did everyone get awards for old vs new and also I'm still missing my cute and cuddly award for being hot
  6. I will bump this for the sake of the new people who haven't seen this and want to get Achilles.
  7. Night Round 1 Ruby Rose was running to spire straight off the bat to to kill the two bosses that laid up top. That was his first mistake... go for the armory's and elites first always. As he he ran up the ramp towards the two hunters that stood at the top her heard a weapon fire. He had just managed to turn when his entire leg had been blown off by the blast. He screamed in pain for help but was drowned out by some guy running around him yelling "Guess you don't have a leg to stand on!" Ruby Rose faded away as his body was taken away but caught a glance at the hunters name tag. "we can still destroy the enemy core..." ... Not to far away the sound of a marine laughing so hard was heard, turns out the marine laughed so hard he accidentally dropped a grenade that an unfortunate soldier wearing legionnaire was unlucky enough to be in front of. Ruby Rose: Sarah Palmer- killed by mafia Round One ​Fishy: Legionnaire guy- loses a life from marines grenade Suspect List: Ni Nihon Ardent Prayer Axilus Self Destruct Y'all got 24 hours
  8. Played this a million times, one of the best custom games I've seen on Halo 5!
  9. March update for Xbox will allow listen in on twitch streams! Now you can hear us scream when we play! Can't wait to get started!

    1. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Yesss, now people can people scream for mercy as we kick them off God's Thumb.

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      This will make streams so much more enjoyable

    3. Fishy


      "God's thumb."

  10. Gotta say that those pictures are pretty awesome, I'll have to give this a try. Those colors just make me so excited to play love the filter you chose
  11. Hey, already said hi in the shoutbox, but welcome!
  12. Mafia PM's are out! if you didnt get one you are a spartan if you did reply to the PM so we can start

  14. I'm updating tonight when I have access to a computer, we will be starting shortly
  15. You know what, I just had an event yesterday and a map like this would've been great, maybe you can take me around show me everything?
  16. Fiesta will most likely come for a week or two in a social playlist, besides that, unless we get action sack I don't think it'll have a dedicated playlist.
  17. Yeah I know, that's why I left, my entire company besides a few left and all that stayed were the crappy guys. I did enjoy my early days there but after I got stuck with the people that don't participate it got a little stale
  18. Got on Xbox at 9:00am and got off at 11:00PM it's been a long day. Event was sweet and

    1. Yoshi1176


      * I'm happy everyone else enjoyed themselves as well

    2. Drizzy_Dan
  19. If you'd like to participate in Mafia just signup I will make more spots to accommodate

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